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Search results 8781 - 8790 of 22819 matching essays
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8781: Fiber Optics
Fiber Optics Fiber Optic Cable Facts "A relatively new technology with vast potential importance, fiber optics is the channeled transmission of light through hair-thin glass fibers." [ Less expensive than copper cables [ Raw material is silica sand [ Less expensive to maintain If damaged, restoration ... the fiber core and the surrounding area. Individual fiber production is quite practical, and today most high-capacity systems use single fibers. The present pace of technological advance remains impressive, with the fiber capacity of new systems doubling every 18 to 24 months. The newest systems operate at more than two billion bits per second per fiber pair. During the 1990s optical fiber technology is expected to extend to include both ... 1. 1995 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc. 2. 1994 Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia, Compton's NewMedia. 3. Fiber Optics abd Lightwave Communications Standard Dictionary, Martin H. Weik, D.Sc., Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, New York, 1981. 4. Fiber Optics and Laser Handbook, 2nd Edition, Edward L. Stafford, Jr. and John A. McCann, Tab Books, Inc., Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania, 1988. 5. Fiber Optics and Optoelectronics, Second ...
8782: Fiddler On The Roof
... fourth of their musicals to be produced by Harold Prince. Although the musical had no pretty scenery, no exotic costumes, average looking girls and no happy ending, the musical sends a clear message to the world. The story reveals the life of the Jewish people living in the Czarist Russia. In Russia and many parts of the world before World War II the Jews try effortlessly to keep alive the traditions that they have held on to for so long. But the Jews of this time are living in an alien and hostile land ...
8783: Changes In The NHL
... the past there were more goals, less penalties, and never any talk about an Olympic size rink, all that has changed in the last few years. The NHL has changed since the introduction of, the new crease rule, the enforcement of obstruction, and the request for an Olympic size rink. The new crease rule is the most controversial rule change that the NHL has ever introduced. There has been less goals since the players have not been allowed to have even a toe in the goal crease ... but that hasn’t changed the fact that players are still in the crease when a player scores a goal. On average there has been at least two goals a night called back since the new crease rule. The obstruction rule has been one of the best rule changes ever in the NHL. Players are not allowed to interfere with other players if they are going into the play were ...
8784: British Army In Wwii
The British Army in World War 2 During the First World War, the British Army was transformed from a voluntary, professional force backed up by a voluntary reserve into a 'national' army recruited by conscription. It was able to make this transition without a material decline ... more than 2,631,000 men volunteered, from then to the armistice another 2,339,000 were conscripted. A major consequence of this saw women employed in previously male occupations. The End of the First World War, saw the RAF replace the Army as police of the empire, as the RAF was both further ranging and cheaper to maintain than an army in the field. The Interwar years, saw the ...
8785: The Three Angles From Which The Adventures Huckleberry Finn Can Be Viewed
... Finn, is more than just an adventure novel. In fact, Huckleberry Finn can be viewed from three different angles: as an adventure story, as a drama of moral conflict, and as a picture of the world. Perhaps the most obvious angle from which Huckleberry Finn can be viewed is as an adventure story. As I already stated, Huck spends a majority of the novel on adventure after adventure. The novel even ... go to hell if that is what it took to help Jim acquire his freedom. The third and final angle from which Huckleberry Finn can be viewed is an angle of a picture of the world. The main view of the world pictured in Huckleberry Finn is the view of the South in the 1830s. The 1830s in the United States were a time of great unrest. The North and the South were torn over the ...
8786: Literary Themes In All Quiet O
... war really is. Because the war was so depersonalized for the soldiers of Germany, they start to feel this isn t their war to fight. Their loyalties are lost. What could have been solved between world leaders in a peace meeting had been made into an all out war, making millions of people lose their lives. Paul s comrades wonder what exactly are they fighting for. Their elders are telling them ... Kaiser of Germany. That was how most of Germany s soldiers felt about the war. The last theme is sound imagery. Remarque uses sound imagery show how soldiers can lose their emotional connection to the world and how they can be emotionally and physically stressed just by the sounds of warfare. Remarque also uses sound to tell when the use of warfare weapons has subsided. Those sounds emotionally scarred many of the living lost generation for when everything was finally quiet, many lives were lost. Most likely after the war, whenever a surviving World War I soldier hear a sound that was something similar to the sounds he heard from the war, he might be afraid of it. Sometimes during the war, some soldiers didn t want the ...
8787: Creative Story: Lonely
... thought about a girl he once fell in love with. He should probably get married before he turned thirty. Who knows maybe he'll never get married. As Keith sat there, now thinking about his new, red truck, he noticed his shoe was untied. He stretched down to retie it and saw a small card beside his foot. Funny, he hadn't noticed it there before. Maybe it blew up in ... your mail box". Keith gave out a small chuckle and thought about his mailbox. Was someone joking around with him? It was probably that pesky neighbor boy, James. He was always coming up with something new and unusual to try out on his neighbors. "What the hell", Keith said aloud. He then stood up and walked over to his mailbox and opened it up. "Yep, another card", he said. The same ... his sanity if things like this kept happening to him. He went outside and smelled the air. It smelled good. Someone was barbecuing nearby. His mouth watered. He loved barbecued anything. Keith got in his new truck and turned the key. The truck didn't start. Keith frowned and thought that usually new trucks start when they are less than a week old. That dealer was going to here about ...
8788: Napolean Bonopart
... When he was on military duty he often worked from four o’clock in the morning until ten at night. Forwarding his meager salary to his mother, he saved only a little to pay for new books for himself. He was so poor he ate only one meal a day. On June 11,1793, Napoleon settled his family near the southern city of Marseilles and then returned to his artillery unit ... The Directory gave him full command over all the soldiers garrisoned in France. After the long years of bloodshed caused by the Revolution, the people of Paris could finally relax. Gratefully they began celebrating this new era of peace. Throughout the fall of 1795, there were hundreds of public balls given in Paris. One night Napoleon attended a reception given by a prominent woman of the city, Madame Tallien. Among the ... suffer anymore from the cold, disease, and to malnutrition and were left to die. It was the greatest disaster in military history. Because his army was shattered, Napoleon’s enemies quickly banded together in a new alliance to take advantage of France’s military weakness. The six members of the league - Spain, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Austria, Great Britain, and Prussia - threatened invasion on all sides. In addition the British Duke ...
8789: The Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations
... League of Nations The Treaty of Versailles was thought of to be good and bad. I feel that the treaty was a good affair for many different reasons. It had many positive affects on the world. The League of Nations was also an event that helped many troubled countries. I feel that the Treaty of Versailles was good because it helped the world recover from and end World War I. A country that was hurt by this treaty was Germany. They had no choice but to sign the treaty. It was very harsh on them, they had to give up alot of ...
8790: Greenpeace
... obviously keeps track and handles all the income and outcome of the organization. Executive Director’s Office The Greenpeace Canada Executive Director’s Office is the Canadian communication central to other Greenpeace offices around the world. This office also includes human resources staff and office management. Funding Greenpeace receives funding by signing members by mail, phone and door votes. Greenpeace also receives funding from life insurance when some members of the organization die. Canada’s Involvement Canada has offices all over Canada supporting Greenpeace and raising money for it. It is a governmental involvement. Impact of the Organization on the World Community Greenpeace has affected the world by saving hundreds of animals, stopping many oil drillings in the sea, making drinking water cleaner, stopping numerous nuclear testing, and many other things to help the earth. Assessment of the Effectiveness of the ...

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