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Search results 8701 - 8710 of 22819 matching essays
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8701: Media Manipulation
... sell a product or service or to promote a political figure by any and all means necessary including brainwashing the general public. Companies try to make the consumer aware of its product and convince the world that its product is better than that of the competitor as seen with the war between McDonalds and Burger King restaurants. This misuse of triggering the subconscious minds induces the public to buy things without ... propaganda, yet that person does not exist or is a dying breed at best, for every human being has formed at least one opinion/belief based on something the mass media has dictated to the world. The mass media prevents us as human beings to be fully human. Propaganda unconsciously causes the public to act in ways they may not have, had they not been exposed. Values and attitudes no longer come from one’s upbringing, but are influenced by what is shown on the media to be popular and common to the world. Appeal to the general public is the only way for advertisers to trick their subconscious minds into purchase their product or use their services. The media and advertising subliminally tell the world what clothes ...
8702: The Devil Has His Christs
... 105). There are many other religions, cults and superstitions after Jesus walked among chosen sinners. If so why has Christianity become such a big issue over the years in moral and political aspects in the world? Is God a "woman" or an "African American?" Should prayers and crucifixes be allowed in public elementary schools? Do Aliens follow God? There are hundreds of questions that could be asked from everyday life to ... in seek of a false comfort from some sort of grief, sorrow, and pain. Whatever the reason for the reliance of God, God cannot give us comfort or be the ultimate answers to this imperfect world. By definition, God's love is the essence of perfect love. It is pretty easy to prove something false on the basis of being "perfect," for humans created the concept. So trying to be perfect ... almost everything in every aspect of life. Limitation of science encouraged people to find other alternatives to answer unexplainable phenomena or philosophical questions. Once when people thought of sky to be the limit of our world, they believed the heaven to be up in the clouds. We now have video footage of what Mars looks like. There were times when surgery could not be performed on the sick, for incisions ...
8703: Knowledge is Power: How To Buy A Computer
... That means that even if the consumer pays a large premium for the fastest possible system, he may not see a corresponding increase in performance. Buying the latest computer system is like buying a fancy new car. One pays a high premium just to get the newest model. When the consumer drives the car out of the showroom, it becomes a used car, and its value goes down several thousand dollars. Similarly, when a new computer model comes out in a few weeks, his "latest and greatest" becomes a has-been, and its value plummets. Some people think that if they only buy the most powerful computer available, they will ... about $200, including installation. The resulting computer is fast enough to run any of today's software, and the price was a lot less than Intel charges for its "Overdrive" chips, which add a fast new processor to a current (slow) motherboard. The reason I was able to perform the upgrade so inexpensively is that the original computer had an industry-standard sized motherboard in a roomy mini-tower case. ...
8704: Genetic Cloning ----
... that are about the right size and are similiar to humans, also the availability of these organs is great due to the reproductive cycle of pigs. The biggest obstacle is the issue of rejection. The new organ is typically killed, even before the surgeon closes the incision, due to hyperacute rejection. This process clots the blood, by forming antibodies that attach to the endothelium of the blood vessels in the organ ... be the transferense of unknown virus's like the HIV virus, that was somehow transmitted from monkeys. Scientists are hoping that most virus's will not be viable in humans. Tissue engineering is a promising new field and livers are being grown in sponges, in hopes of providing livers to those whose livers have failed. Transgeneic production is providing large quantities of drugs at lower costs through the milk of female ... injects it's DNA into the host, after the disease carrying genes had been removed, and then the newly spliced genes were introduced into the plant. This gene splicing divides the time needed for a new variety in half. What is interesting is that scientists have experimented with introducing genes from trees, bacteria, chickens and even flounder into corn, cotton, soybeans, tomatoes, potaotes and other plants. Many products on the ...
8705: Candide-Purposeful Satire
... dishonest face. In Candide, Voltaire makes use of several characters to voice his opinion mocking philosophical optimism. On page 1594, Candide is asking a gentleman about whether everything is for the best in the physical world as well as the moral universe. The man replies: ...I believe nothing of the sort. I find that everything goes wrong in our world; that nobody knows his place in society or his duty, what he's doing or what he ought to be doing, and that outside of mealtimes...the rest of the day is spent in useless ... or more companions have set out on a great journey filled with adventures. It is in this journey that Candide's outlook on life is challenged; he is forced to become less optimistic about this world being the best of all possible worlds. Similarly, in The Divine Comedy, Dante goes on a journey as well; through Hell, Purgatory and Heaven with his guide Virgil. Through his travels he is shown ...
8706: African Americans In The Post
... Irrepressible Conflict, 447). The Northerners had not freed the slaves for moral issues; the white majority did not have anything but its own economic prosperity on its mind. The African Americans gained their emancipation and new rights through the battling Northern and Southern factions of the United States, not because a majority of the country felt that slavery possessed a moral urgency . As the years passed and the whites began to ... and ideals expressed in the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, blacks watched as their freedom disintegrated through the late 19th Century as a result of the Supreme Court decisions that limited the implications of the new amendments. After the passage of these amendments, two of the three branches of government disconnected themselves with the issue of black civil rights. Following Grant s unenthusiastic approach to protecting blacks in the South, the ... the cause. As the opportunity for economic advancement increased after the Civil War, the North felt as though it had done its part and both the President and Congress hastily turned their backs on the new, colored American Citizens. With the protection and support of Northerners lost, the blacks in the South were held hostage by white supremacists. Although the 13th Amendment stated that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude... shall ...
8707: Galileo Galilei
... Galileo with some of his financial problems. This was also the year that Galileo met Marina Gamba, whom he never married but had three children with. In 1604, Galileo's belief he had found a new star - and his conclusion that the Earth was moving- began causing him problems. The Roman Catholic Church was uneasy about this declaration that they were wrong. The Church believed that all the planetary bodies were formed at the beginning of Creation, and that new stars were impossible. In 1609, Galileo heard of a spyglass that had been developed in Holland and quickly constructed one himself - the first telescope of twenty times magnification. Galileo presented the telescope to the senate of Venice in August of 1609, who were so impressed they doubled his salary and gave him a permanent job at the University of Padua. Galileo used his new device to observe the heavens. He found that the popular belief that the moon was completely smooth was incorrect; for he could see the craters and mountains with his new device. In 1610, he ...
8708: When is Now? Euthanasia and Morality
... merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign." (629) Those opposing euthanasia have also argued that practicing euthanasia prevents the development of new cures and rules out unpracticed methods in saving a life. Gay-Williams says: "Also, there is always the possibility that an experimental procedure or a hitherto untried technique will pull us through. We should at ... would then carry over to their dealings with patients less seriously ill. The result would be an overall decline in quality of medical care." (419) Euthanasia does not have to prevent medical researchers from inventing new cures or trying new methods in saving a life. Having new cures that are successful will reduce the number of patients wanting to die. Recent news says medical researchers have now reported on new methods of treating and ...
8709: Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), P.O. Box 8923, New Fairfield, CT 06812, (203) 746-6518 Lyme Disease Lyme Arthritis General Discussion -------------------------------- ** REMINDER ** The information contained in the Rare Disease Database is provided for educational purposes only. It should not be used for diagnostic or ... remission can occur after more than a year of continuous knee involvement. When Lyme Disease is contracted during pregnancy, treatment with penicillin should begin immediately to avoid the possibility of fetal abnormalities. In 1989 a new Lyme Disease antibody test, manufactured by Cambridge Biosciences Corp., was approved by the FDA. This test is being used by local laboratories throughout the nation, making tests more available to the general population. However, it ... check with the agencies listed in the Resources section for the most current information about this disorder. Resources -------------------------------- For more information on Lyme Disease, please contact: National Organization for Rare Disorders P.O. Box 8923 New Fairfield, CT 06812 (203) 746-6518 Lyme Borreliosis Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 462 Tolland, CT 06084 (203) 871-2900 Lyme Disease Clinic Marshfield Clinic 1000 North Oak Ave. Marshfield, WI 54449 The National ...
8710: Patton
When people thing of World War II many things come to mind: Gas Chambers, Nazis, "Japs", and General George S. Patton. George S. Patton is one of the most controversial issues of World War II. People have called him a great and heroic man, while others called him a pre-madonna. No matter which view you have of Patton one thing is true, Patton played a significant part in the Second World War. George Patton was a descendent of a wealthy Virginia family. [Patton R.] Patton was born in 1885, in San Gabriel, California. In 1909, He graduated from West Point. It was afterwards that he ...

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