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Search results 8661 - 8670 of 22819 matching essays
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8661: Freedom and Reason in Kant
... we represent ourselves reference to our actions as effects which we see before our eyes" [par. 450]. The point of view of Freedom is the one from which we consider ourselves belonging to the intellectual world. Everyone understands the distinction between the sensible world and the intellectual world through this criterion: any object whose existence is given through a modification or a passiveness of mine, is given just as a phenomenon, that is, how it appears not how it is in itself. ...
8662: Kant: Goodness
... Kant, goodness in its purest form is good will. The question now would be, does the Misfit have good will? Is what he is doing good, objectively, and purely? He is purging and purifying the world. He is Christ like in many senses. He is purifying the world by purging it of its evil...relating to the Old Testament. God decided that the human race was too evil to survive, so he flooded it. God killed, as well as the Misfit. This isn't the same as Christ, though; it just adds to the religious element. Christ's mission was to try and rid the world of evil, and sacrificed for it. The Misfit sacrificed his freedom initially, was "reborn" again by escaping from jail, and become a Christ like figure again...he's now reborn, and his mission has ...
8663: Movie: Tucker - Preston Tucker
... in this movie is car. Car is similar, differentiated product and this is the characteristics of an oligopoly. There are many problems when Tucker tries to produce his dream car. Since his car is a new one, he needs to use a lot of advertising to promote it in order to attract people to buy it. Like magazine, car shower, and TV. When Tucker tried to produce his car, he faced ... bomber engine. However, he did not have enough money, so he issued 4 million shares to raise his money. Besides, retooling for a model change could cost $20 million and since his car was a new brand, Tucker was lack of support of the big firms, so he needed a lot of money to advertise his car. Second, Tucker's company had to produce 100 cars as the outputs every day ... only had 200 tons of steel and this was barely enough for 200 cars. He needed more steel. He also had to spend $16 million to buy a mill. Forth, since "Tucker Torpedo" was a new brand, many people were not familiar with it. Some of them even did not know it. Thus, it might affect the sales of "Tucker Torpedo" much. People also did not have confidence on this ...
8664: Pecola
... on society for identification, self-value and feeling of worth. The reader not only becomes aware of the racism Pecola experiences but of the racism in the past and in the future all around the world. Pecola is in the worst possible position in society; she is black, ugly and poor. In viewing society from her position the reader is able to see the true harshness of society’s racism. Her direct view of the world makes the reader feel as if they are seeing the world for the first time. This is a reality check, as it reveals the evil that is caused by a society, which believes white is beauty and beauty is goodness. Being neglected by those who ...
8665: Mythology
... the universe can be explained by modern astronomers and astrophysicists, while archaeologists and historians try to clarify the origin of human societies. In the distant past, however, before any sciences existed, the beginnings of the world and of society were explained by MYTHOLOGY. The dictionary defines mythology as the myths dealing with the gods, demigods, and legendary heroes of a particular people. The word myth is often mistakenly understood to mean ... that at some time, many centuries before Homer lived-there really was a war between the Greek city-states and the residents of northwestern Asia Minor. Myths try to answer several questions. Where did the world come from? What are the gods like, and where did they come from? How did humanity originate? Why is there evil in the world? What happens to people after they die? Myths also try to account for a society’s customs and rituals. Myths are used to justify the way a society lives. Ruling families in several ancient ...
8666: Overpopulation
... because of their massive contributions to the carbon dioxide buildup in the atmosphere, among many other reasons. Almost all the rich nations are overpopulated because they are rapidly drawing down stocks of resources around the world. They don't live solely on the land in their own nations. Like the profligate son of our earlier analogy, they are spending their capital with no thought for the future. It is especially ironic ... This is such a common error that it has been known for two decades as the "Netherlands Fallacy." *36 The Netherlands can support 1,031 people per square mile only because the rest of the world does not. In 1984-86, the Netherlands imported almost 4 million tons of cereals, 130,000 tons of oils, and 480,000 tons of pulses (peas, beans, lentils). It took some of these relatively inexpensive ... it continued to import. But when the gas fields (which represent about twenty years' worth of Dutch energy consumption at current rates) are exhausted, Holland will once again depend heavily on the rest of the world for fossil fuels or uranium. *38 In short, the people of the Netherlands didn't build their prosperity on the bounty of the Netherlands, and are not living on it now. Before World War ...
8667: Feminists
... gain more rights, also known as woman power, those who just want women to be equal as men, and those who believe in true, natural beauty. Every woman wants to be placed higher in the world than she actually is - whether it is in the work place or at home. Though times have changed since a woman's place is in the kitchen was once a motto; women are still made ... but they seem to be more understanding to the situation. However, women have not taken this into consideration. They feel that they have been below the average man, that it is time to show the world what women are made of. Women are not cruel by doing this, because they know they have the correct qualifications to be in the superior position to the man. The second characterization of a feminist ... that men need to do in today's society is to demean a woman. With many a woman involved in feminism, the belief of being the equal to a man instead of the inferior, the world is no longer a man's world. Women may be gaining their rights slowly, but the world has already seen the changes, especially with those who are in the work place. It has been ...
8668: Milton Friedman
Milton Friedman Milton Friedman is known as one of the top economists in the world. He has a Ph. D. from Columbia University, won a Noble Memorial Prize in economics and has also been awarded many honorary degrees by other Universities in the United States. As you can tell, Milton Friedman has played a significant part in helping to solve the economy problems of the world. You've probably heard all about his accomplishments and awards he has received, but what about how Milton Friedman played a very important role in helping us get into a huge national debt? This paper ... U.S. went from the greatest depression it has ever known to the greatest economic boom it has ever known. The success of Keynesian economics was so astounding that almost all capitalist governments around the world started using it. And the result was the extinction of the economic depression! Before World War II, eight U.S. recessions worsened into depressions (1807, 1837, 1873, 1882, 1893, 1920, 1933, and 1937). Since ...
8669: Economic Effects On Soveriegnt
Economic Effects on Sovereignty Some commentators claim that in the modern world, medium-sized economies do not have economic sovereignty any more. Thus it is necessary to form large economic and trading blocks such as the EU in order to recover some economic sovereignty. There is some ... important source of political authority. Economic policies that are either too closed or too open to the international market can result in economic problems that can undermine the political authority of the state. Many Third World peoples consider their states to be 'captured' by international economic interests, which reduces the domestic political authority of these states. This loss of political authority can have very negative consequences for the sovereignty of a ... they fit together. Works Cited Krasner, Stephen D. "Sovereignty: An Institutional Perspective." Comparative Political Studies April 1988: 75-86. Kratochwil, Friedrich. "Of Systems, Boundaries, and Territoriality: An Inquiry into The Creation of the State System." World Politics October 1986: 35-40. "Political Theory and Political Philosophy." The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Online. America Online. 28 March 1999. Thomson, Janice E., et al. Global Changes and the Theoretical Challenges: Approaches to ...
8670: Aging As A Mental Issue
... confidence with many other things like good posture. On the other hand maintaining a positive thinking can really slow the process down. In fact it can do miracles, regular exercises and healthy diet can bring new life. Often people feel threatened by aging and put a hold on their lives, while they should be constantly evolving as they go through life. With positive thinking, it is all possible. This paper will ... to admit they are afraid of aging. Without positive attitude, their confidence level rapidly goes down and this is only the beginning. Unless the individual has a supporting environment, they will not adjust to their new stage of life. They will give up more easily and forget about the beneficial things like exercise and proper diet. No new inspiration will come up on their horizons simply because they will stop looking for it. Depression will slowly make its way into their lives and take over whatever was left of their confidence. At ...

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