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8641: When Will We Learn
... s own failures and mistakes for so long that we can t seem to break through this bad habit. Sitting here in out artificial pride and patriotism as we go out on the limb of World War Three. We tap dance on the landmines of world dominance. We are not in control anymore. And yet, we think he have this power over all. And it s this grand feeling of strength that fills our weakening hearts every time we look at ... owns up to the responsibility. Which explains this whole conflict in Kosovo. God willing this will be the end of times, the final straw. On the brink of nuclear war. Just wipe the whole fucking world, and cut God a break from having to do it himself. Of course, that is what the book of Revelation is really saying. I don t honestly find the apocalyptic nature of that book ...
8642: Candide By Voltaire
... dishonest face. In Candide, Voltaire makes use of several characters to voice his opinion mocking philosophical optimism. On page 1594, Candide is asking a gentleman about whether everything is for the best in the physical world as well as the moral universe. The man replies: ...I believe nothing of the sort. I find that everything goes wrong in our world; that nobody knows his place in society or his duty, what he's doing or what he ought to be doing, and that outside of mealtimes...the rest of the day is spent in useless ... or more companions have set out on a great journey filled with adventures. It is in this journey that Candide's outlook on life is challenged; he is forced to become less optimistic about this world being the best of all possible worlds. Similarly, in The Divine Comedy, Dante goes on a journey as well; through Hell, Purgatory and Heaven with his guide Virgil. Through his travels he is shown ...
8643: Billy Budd By Herman Melville
... believe that through this book, Melville is telling us that we need to strike some kind of balance between these two ideas; we need to have morality and virtue; we need to be in the world, but not of the world. To illustrate his theme, Melville uses a few characters who are all very different, the most important of which is Billy Budd. Billy is the focal point of the book and the single person whom ... who are truly ready and without regret, as Billy was. The question, then, is presented. Innocence or wisdom? Which philosophy, which way of life is more correct? Claggart, who represents the natural evil in the world, serves as the opposition and corruption which we face everyday. He is the obstacle that Billy must deal with, and the way in which he confronts that obstacle determines which of these answers is ...
8644: Beloved 3
Beloved, like many of the other books we have read, has to deal with the theme of isolation. There was the separation of Sethe and Denver from the rest of the world. There was also, the loneliness of each main character throughout the book. There were also other areas of the book where the idea of detachment from something was obvious. People s opinions about the house ... was not what Sethe wanted. When a woman is raped, I feel that she loses part of herself possibly a piece of dignity. Sethe became detached from herself for she felt that nothing in the world could do right if something like this could happen. Not only did she have to deal with that fact, which created some inner isolation, she also had to make the decision whether or not to ... informing me what to do. Sethe however goes through many instances where this probably happened. Another example of how Sethe could have felt apart from herself as well as segregated from the rest of the world, could be of how other people thought of her and her family and what they did to show it. People are cruel, some just show it more than others. I felt bad for Denver ...
8645: Smile...Come on...It's Free !!!
... around; smiles are everywhere. From the most depressing depths of poverty to the fenced in lives of the wealthy, we all find something to smile about. A smile helps us display our feelings to the world. Feelings of love, joy, or just pure uncensored laughter; all put on display with a smile. The darkest of days; brightened by a simple "flexing" of seventeen muscle in the mouth. Smiles are crooked teeth ... as simple as a sunrise. A flood of unbelievable emotion can come crashing down on you just from a simple curl of the lip. Smiles can be one of the most romantic things in the world. A communication without words. An understanding of emotions and character. Even a smile of understanding gives you some of the greatest pleasures that can be imaginable. A smile reflects a feeling that is so universally ... lovers can be as calming as a lake or as exciting as a shooting star. The thought of it can make you complete or leave you desperately wanting. There is no greater feeling in this world than seeing a smile after a longing kiss and knowing that you can spread joy to so many people with such a simple gesture. You lose nothing, save maybe half a calorie but you ...
8646: Personal Response To Getting R
... repeatedly beats George with a statuette until he lay dead on the floor. Mental exploitation of cruelty is also evident when George returns from the dead and blackmails and once again tries to ruin Laura new found life. We found clear examples of an atmosphere of gloom and terror throughout this story proving that Getting Rid of George is a well written gothic story. Along with a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere ... kept hidden from anyone and everyone. We also found obvious secrecy and obscurity in the story as well. Laura’s past was kept as a deep secret as it would more than likely hurt her new career as an actress. We found proof of this when harry tells Laura: “As soon as Haila learns you’ve been able to keep your past life a secret from everyone, she’ll open a ... realize that. As well, we noted two romantic relationships. Laura and Harry were desperately in love and had gotten married and George and ‘Gloria’ were a couple at one point. However along with Laura’s new life came a new name and a new husband. Along with this romantic element comes an exotic place or setting. The only one we thought would sort of fit into this category is the ...
8647: Describe The Elements Of Death
... accomplished is negated. Many critics found the last chapter confused and muttled, Henry’s feelings range from remorse to the “sin” which is not responsible to pride as a great hero. Finally he feels “the world was a world for him” and he looks forward to a soft and eternal peace” (bowers 173). The end of the book is like that of many of Cranes conclusions completely ironic. No one lives” eternally peacefully” the world is not a world for Henry. As John Berryman says, “Cranes sole illusion was the heroic one, and not even that escaped his irony” During the course of his experiences Henry learns at first ...
8648: A Massive Project for the Benefit of Mankind: A Look at the Human Genome Project
A Massive Project for the Benefit of Mankind: A Look at the Human Genome Project Scientists are taking medical technology to new heights as they race to map all of the genes, nearly 100,000, in the 23 chromosomes of the human body. Along the way, they hope to understand the basis of, and maybe even develop ... licensed from Columbia University Press. Copyright © 1995 by Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. Duby, Jean-Jacques: "Genetic Discrimination," Science (vol. 270, Nov. 24, 1996) pg. 1282-3. Holmes, Bob: "Blueprint for Brewer’s Yeast," New Scientist (vol. 150, Apr. 27, 1996) pg. 11. Hudson, Kathy L.: "Genetic Discrimination and Health Insurance: an Urgent Need for Reform," Science (v. 270 Oct. 20, 1995) p 391-3. Hutton, Richard: "Bio-Revolution: DNA and the Ethics of Manmade Life," New York: New American Library. Lewis, John: "Automation System Quickens Gene Mapping," Design News (vol. 51, July 8, 1996) Pennisi, Elizabeth: "New Gene Forges Link Between Fragile Site and Many Cancers," Science (May 3, 1996) ...
8649: The Genetics of Violence
... the genetic code for the entire human genetic composition. Moreover, this power is preventative and participatory in that it can be, and is being, used to control the behavior of humans and other animals. This new power, in the eyes of many, is as risky and potentially hazardous as atomic energy: it must be treated carefully, used under close supervision, performed under professional consent and observation, otherwise, people will begin to see this new genetic power as a dangerous drawback, rather than an advancement of human culture. One of the most highly contested and objectionable topics of genetic power is the analysis of crime, violence, and impulsivity. Doubtless, most will agree that children are not born with a natural affinity for violence and crime; yet, new genetic studies are beginning down a long road of finding the hereditary basis for impulsivity. While these studies continue to search for the genetic source of aggression, child testing programs, drug manufacturers, civil rights ...
8650: The Cost Of Buying A Used Car
... for their children to drive. While still others get used cars for spare parts. The point is that used cars are good for many different people, for many different reasons. Some people like to own new cars and so they get rid of their old cars to make room for the new car. This proves very useful for the person that cannot afford a new car. Unfortunately, the used car is rarely in perfect condition, and can sometimes require some minor repair. Of course, one can't expect to find a great used car that does not cost more ...

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