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8621: Atomic Bombs
... on the release of energy in a nuclear reaction known as fission. The bomb releases energy of a million times greater than the equal weight of a chemical high-explosive such as TNT . During the World War 2 in 1945, the first Atomic Bomb blast on Hiroshima, Japan, obliterated three-fifth of the city within seconds and killed a total of 115,000 people in only a few minutes according to ... fires an atomic bomb on another country, both of the countries will become affected with radiation and other nuclear gases. There is no need to produce these bombs because they are harming everybody in the world. Thirdly, Atomic Bombs have diverse effects on the soil and land. First, once an atomic bomb strikes, the radioactive substances and gases released during fission will be absorbed by the soil. Consequently, the soil will become contaminated with nuclear waste and it would be inefficient to grow neither plants nor trees. The soil will eventually become bare and nothing would grow again. Imagine the entire world with no trees! If no trees or plants would grow, we would probably not survive. Fourthly, Atomic Bombs cause many problems to human beings. It has a negative effect on health factors. For example, ...
8622: Theory Of Holden Essay
... go or what to do. So he asks various people where the ducks in Manhattan go when the lake freezes over, in search of a response that might subconsciously answer his question in life. 2. World War II shook up people s beliefs in their country and the way that they lived. So after WWII people are scrambling around trying to find their own identity or even make it up. This ... go or what to do. So he asks various people where the ducks in Manhattan go when the lake freezes over, in search of a response that might subconsciously answer his question in life. 2. World War II shook up people s beliefs in their country and the way that they lived. So after WWII people are scrambling around trying to find their own identity or even make it up. This ... go or what to do. So he asks various people where the ducks in Manhattan go when the lake freezes over, in search of a response that might subconsciously answer his question in life. 2. World War II shook up people s beliefs in their country and the way that they lived. So after WWII people are scrambling around trying to find their own identity or even make it up. ...
8623: Frankenstein: The Creator's Faults in the Creation
... that ambition may have had a role in the size of the creation. He says that the creation is "born of Frankenstein's megalomania" (81). This may indeed be true as the inventor states "A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me" (52). Frankenstein seems obsessed with being the father of this new race, so he makes the creature large in order to assure its dominance. The more important defect within Frankenstein is not so much shown in the appearance that he gave his creation, but the manner ... flaws take on a physical aspect, destroying those around him, until he finally dies seeking revenge on something that he himself has brought about. Works Cited Lowe-Evans, Mary. Frankenstein: Mary Shelly's Wedding Guest. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1993. Oates, Joyce Carol. "Frankenstein: Creation as Catastrophe." Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Shelly, Mary. Frankenstein: Or the Modern Prometheus. New York: Penguin ...
8624: Taoism
... this concept to its beliefs. Ignorance of these beliefs is a sign of weakness in the mind. To truly understand ones own religion, one must also understand those concepts of the other religions of the world. Hopefully this will be an enlightenment on the reincarnation concepts as they apply to Taoism and Buddhism. The goal in Taoism is to achieve tao, to find the way. Tao is the ultimate reality, a presence that existed before the universe was formed and which continues to guide the world and everything in it. Tao is sometimes identified as the Mother, or the source of all things. That source is not a god or a supreme being as with Christians, for Taoism is not monotheistic ... the belief that the soul never dies, a person's soul is eternal. It is possible to see death in contrast to life; both are unreal and changing. One's soul does not leave the world into the unknown, for it can never go away. Therefore there is no fear to come with death. In the writings of The Tao Te Ching, tao is described as having existed before heaven ...
8625: I And Ii Thessalonians
The books of I and II Thessalonians, which are in the New Testament, are both letters to a church that Paul the apostle helped establish in the biblical city of Thessalonica. First Thessalonians is agreed by biblical scholars to be written by Paul. The author of II ... to believe that Paul did not write the second letter to the church in Thessalonica but that it is more likely that someone wrote it in a Pauline manner. Works Consulted Freed, Edwin D., The New Testament: A Critical Introduction. 2nd ed. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1991. Meeks, Wayne A. et al., eds., The Harper Collins Study Bible with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books. New Revised Standard Version. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1993. Williams, David J. New International Biblical Commentary: 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc, 1992.
8626: Rock And Roll
... to recognize a theory of character grown of feudal aristocracies, or form’d by merely literary standards, or from any ultramarine, full-dress formulas of culture. polish, caste, &c., enough, and must sternly promulgate her new standard, yet old enough, and accepting the old, the perennial elements, and combining them into groups, unities, appropriate to the modern, the democratic, the west, and to the practical occasions and needs of our own ... partly because people were carefree and willing to have fun. Jazz became the dominant form of music. Finally along comes the 1950’s. America has gotten out of WW2 and is now ready for a new evolution. People are feeling how they did back in the 20’s; carefree and willing to do anything for fun. On March 5, 1951, a rhythm-and-blues band, Jackie Brenston and His Delta Cats ... national audience.6 Elvis was an unstoppable force who served to reshape the pop mainstream, and who almost single-handedly redefined what it ment to be an American Visionary, and American artist, in a fierce new time. No other modern legend was to be so widely damned at first as a threat or joke, only to later be understood as one of our purest, most commonly acclaimed heroes.7 “While ...
8627: The Year 2000 Bug
Do you have a home computer or a small business with a computer? You have undoubtedly read or heard information about the upcoming new century and are wondering if you need to do something to help your PC make the transition into the year 2000. This site is constructed to help you answer that question, and to help you ... of the year, precious memory and storage of a computer was saved. This was an economical shortcut for programmers that made good sense twenty-five years ago, but stopped making sense as we approached a new century. Though programming practices have changed in recent years, some computer hardware and software may still have difficulty interpreting the year after the turn of the century. And if the computer system stores or works ... be affected by this type of year 2000 issue. The year 2000 issue, then, is really a collection of different types of date handling issues that can affect computer systems, including personal computers, when the new century arrives. Personal computer systems are not immune to year 2000 errors, and the risk is not necessarily eliminated by owning a brand new computer. But "being ready" for the year 2000 will look ...
8628: Ford
... overshadowed by the increase to $5.00 a day just three months later. This pay raise was coupled with a reduction in work hours. Henry Ford replaced the two existing nine-hour shifts with a new nonstop rotation of eight-hour shifts around the clock. The new pay raise was part of a complicated system. The basic pay rate was to remain at $2.34. Workers could then reach a “wage” of $5.00 by earning a “profit-sharing” bonus. Workers could ... announced this bonus plan. This pay raise was so monstrous that it emblazoned headlines across the country. “A blinding rocket through the dark clouds of the present industrial depression,” proclaimed the Cleveland Plain Dealer. The New York Evening Post announced “A magnificent act of generosity.” The Algonac Courier described Henry Ford as “one of God’s noblemen” under the headline of GOD BLESS HENRY FORD. This bonus improved the lifestyles ...
8629: Witches
... the accuser in some cases could be brought up on slander charges. When both views had support, the accused person was likely to be declared a witch. Then they were considered an enemy of the New England society and the Puritan Faith. Additionally, when both of these views were very intense, the accusations would multiply and would effect the lives of not just one or two, but many. Many of the societies problems were often blamed on witchcraft. The witches in New England were said to be able to harm others in supernatural ways, so major illnesses were often blamed on them. Also, people believed witches had powers over animals and crops. They were often accused for ... P.209) Because of these beliefs, women who committed adultery were likely to be accused of witchcraft. The end of the serious outbreaks, of witchcraft accusations, can be attributed to the "Enlightment" thinking and some new views of womanhood. The development of scientific and reasonable thinking was spreading throughout the educated community and some of New Englands more prominent figures started to become more reasonable. Along with the "Enlightment" thinking, ...
8630: Canada's Foreign Trade
... to generate employment and increase the wealth of its economy. Many other countries rely upon the products with which Canada supplies to them through trade. China, a communist country, with the largest population in the world, relies heavily on Canadian food products to feed its enormous population. If Canada were to suddenly sever trade with China, not only would Canada lose a large portion of revenue generated from that trade, but ... given to set up a democracy which is sensitive to human rights issues. By eliminating trade with all countries that give their citizens little or no human rights it is hoped to eventually develop a world where all humans have the freedom to enjoy human rights while living under democratic rule. Every country in the world has been in violation of human rights at one time or another in its history. If Canada felt that it has a moral obligation to put sanctions against oppressive countries then it would, in ...

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