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8571: The Welfare System
... Today European countries such as Germany, Norway, and Sweden have highly sophisticated Welfare systems (Bender, 13). Welfare did not reach the United States, however, until shortly after the Great Depression with Franklin D. Roosevelt's "New Deal." The New Deal brought on new economic and social welfare legislation. This is the first time that the United States Government used federal and public funds to finance the welfare needs of the people. Today, the most expensive welfare program ...
8572: How Technology Effects Modern America
... competition, technology, deregulation, the decline of unions and defense cuts – technology is probably the most critical. It has favored the educated and the skilled,” says M. B. Zuckerman, editor-in-chief of U.S. News & World Report (7/31/95). Since 1973, wages adjusted for inflation have declined by about a quarter for high school dropouts, by a sixth for high school graduates, and by about 7% for those with some ... under the age of 18. This government policy was conducive to our economic markets, and allowed our country to prosper from 1950 through 1970. Now, our own prosperity has moved us into a highly technical world, that requires highly skilled labor. The natural answer to this problem, is that the U.S. Government’s education policy must keep pace with the demands of the highly technical job market. If a middle ... a college diploma, as it was for the children of the 70’s to get a high school diploma. This brings me to the issue of our country’s political process, in a technologically advanced world. Voting & Poisoned Political Process in The U.S. The advance of mass communication is natural in a technologically advanced society. In our country’s short history, we have seen the development of the printing ...
8573: Shusterman And The Aesthetic E
... the fruits of this immeasurable labor are unclear, after so many decades of toil, if present at all? Modernity is responsible for the coining of the term aesthetic. The word served to rid the art world of beauty, so to speak, in favor of a more specific, descriptive term that explained not only the work but also the experience coupled with the viewing of the work. Richard Shusterman would probably say ... his essay the End of the Aesthetic Experience Shusterman attempts to explain how analytic aesthetics misunderstood the notion of the aesthetic experience and how this is not only relevant but important to the contemporary art world. In this essay, I will explore Shusterman's ideas concerning these concepts, and discern his validity and his theory's ability for implementation into the current art world. Shusterman makes a point of noting that the aesthetic experience from Dewey to Danto has made an obvious decline. He notes, "While Dewey celebrated aesthetic experience, making it the very center of his philosophy ...
8574: The Adventures Of Huckleberry
Huck is very responsive to the beauty of the natural world about him. He uses vivid imagery to describe nature in a peculiar way, which one can even consider out of character for him. His word choice, general attitude, use of literary devices, and the use ... dark as sin again in a second, and now you'd hear the thunder let go with an awful crash, and then go rumbling, grumbling, tumbling, down the sky towards the under side of the world, like rolling empty barrels down-stairs where it's long stairs and they bounce a good deal, you know" (44). That one sentence encompasses all of the techniques and provides an excellent description. It uses ... other three are: rumbling, grumbling, and tumbling. "...and now you'd hear the thunder let go with an awful crash, and then go rumbling, grumbling, tumbling, down the sky towards the under side of the world..." (44). Huck then uses one simile in paricular to further exemplify the sound of the thunder and to create a better scene for the reader. "...tumbling, down the sky towards the under side of ...
8575: RedScare
... label Edgar Allen Poe a horror writer, plain and simple others refer to Poe as the father of the detective story, but over all he´s one Americas greatest writers. His ability of expressing the world in gothic ways, really captures the reader´s attention. Even though he lead a tough life and was known as a sadistic drug addict and alcoholic, he still managed to produce great pieces of literature. Three of his greatest works were "The Tell Tale heart", "The Fall of the House Usher", and "The Raven." All of these are very known troughout the world and are considered three of Poe´s greatest pieces. He was born in Boston on January 19, 1809, his parents, regular members of Federal street theater, named him Edgar Poe. Shortly before his mother's ... he makes the reader paranoid about their surroundings, and makes them wonder everything around. Most all of Poe´s characters, are lonely and mentally distressed people. Most of his characters try to escape the real world and try to enter the insane world they create. By the end of the poems, the characters are considered completely insane or death comes to them. In most cases the main character or the ...
8576: Character Study Of Blance Dubo
... of the play’s dialogue, supplemented by an understanding of the “language” of symbols in which Williams often speaks. Before one can understand Blanche's character one must understand the reason why she moves to New Orleans and joins her sister, Stella, and brother-in-law, Stanley. By analyzing the symbolism in the first scene, one can understand what prompted Blanche to move. Her appearance in the first scene "suggests a ... living dead. Blanche came to Elysian Fields to forget her horrible past, and to have a fresh start (Quirino 63). In fact Blanche admits in the fourth scene that she wants to "make (herself) a new life" (Williams 135). By understanding the circumstances that brought Blanche to Elysian Fields it is easy to understand the motives behind many of her actions. One such action is Blanche’s obsessive bathing. This represents ... need to purify herself from her past (Corrigan 53). However, it is important to note that Blanche's description of her traveling came before she actually settles into Elysian Fields. The description therefore represents the new life Blanche hoped to find, not what she actually did find. From the beginning we see that Blanche fits in neither with her new neighbors, nor with her physical surroundings. We can see that ...
8577: Protecting The Innocent
... death penalty was abolished in the United States from 1972 to 1976 after the Supreme Court ruled it cruel and unusual punishment and therefore violated the 8'th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. When new execution methods were introduced the decision was reversed (www.brittanica.com). However even if the death penalty is no longer considered cruel and unusual, it is still unethical. Our legal system is not infallible, mistakes ... to later be exonerated. The House Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights issued a report in October of 1993 listing 48 persons who had been released from death row between 1973 and 1993 due to new evidence that proved their innocence (www.un.org). However recently President Clinton has signed a law that limits death row prisoners to one habeas corpus appeal within one year of conviction (www.whitehouse.gov). Many ... supports ethics. Vengeance and discrimination have no place in our criminal justice system. Our society does not have the right to take a life for any reason. The technology in our society is rapidly advancing. New discoveries are made in science and medicine daily. And yet we have not taken the time to advance our sense of ethics and principles. We are losing what made our county unique so many ...
8578: Langston Hughes
... the Senegal, Nigeria, the Cameroons, Belgium Congo, Angola, and Guinea in Africa, and later to Italy and France, Russia and Spain. One of his favorite pastimes whether abroad or in Washington, D.C. or Harlem, New York was sitting in the clubs listening to blues, jazz and writing poetry. Through these experiences a new rhythm emerged in his writing, and a series of poems such as "The Weary Blues" were penned. He returned to Harlem, in 1924, the period known as the Harlem Renaissance. During this period, his work ... Selected Poems (1959); The Best of Simple (1961). He edited several anthologies in an attempt to popularize black authors and their works. Some of these are: An African Treasury (1960); Poems from Black Africa (1963); New Negro Poets: USA (1964) and The Best Short Stories by Negro Writers (1967). Langston Hughes died of cancer on May 22, 1967. His residence at 20 East 127th Street in Harlem, New York has ...
8579: 1984: Duty or Desire
... from the most necessary element of human existence. Julia was fifteen years younger than him and she was filled with life and youth. For the few hours that they were in this room the external world did not matter to them they were in the their own little world which was harmonious with the world that existed in their hearts, minds and their dreams. The only exception being the presence of rats in that room as Julia was really scared of rats. In addition, Winston looks hopefully to the ...
8580: Early Christianity
Christianity is now in our modern world one of the five major religions. The other major religions include Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism from which Christianity descended. Christianity was practiced before Christ, During his life, and after his life. After Christ¹s life Christianity spread to become a main world religion. In 63 B.C. Roman power spread to Judea, the Jewish homeland. At the time King Herod was the ruler of Judea, he accepted Roman rule and angered many Jews by doing so. After ... Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Jesus became famous, because he appealed to the rich and poor alike, he had few or no possessions and he traveled all over what was then considered to be the world. Jesus attracted attention from both Jewish and Roman leaders. When Jesus visited Jerusalem around 29 AD, he found enthusiastic crowds greeting him as the messiah. However he was arrested for not worshiping pagan Roman ...

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