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8541: Great Depression
The Great Depression was the worst economic slump ever in U.S. history, and one which spread to virtually all of the industrialized world. The depression began in late 1929 and lasted for about a decade. Many factors played a role in bringing about the depression; however, the main cause for the Great Depression was the combination of the ... market speculation. Lack of distribution of wealth within our nation was not limited to only socioeconomic classes, but to entire industries. In 1929 a mere 200 corporations controlled approximately half of all corporate wealth. During World War I the federal government had encouraged farmers to buy more land, to modernize their methods with the latest in farm technology, and to produce more food. This made sense during the war since Europe ... A last major instability of the American economy had to do with international wealth distribution problems. While America was prospering in the 1920's, European nations were rebuilding themselves after the damage of war. During World War I the U.S. government lent its European allies $7 billion. American foreign lending continued in the 1920's climbing to $900 million in 1924. 90% of this money was used by the ...
8542: A Dolls House
... which they supported their husbands, took care of their children, and made sure everything was perfect around the house. Nora is portrayed as a doll throughout the play until she realizes the truth about the world she lives in, and cuts herself free. Nora Helmer was a delicate character who had been pampered all of her life, by her father, and by Torvald. She really didn't have a care in the world. She didn't even have to care for the children; the maid would usually take care of that. In every sense of the word, she was your typical housewife. She never left the house, mostly ... believable. It stands for every marriage where equality never took place. Many women knew their social status and lived as they were meant to, but for the few that realized there was more to the world then the sheltered life they were living, broke free. Nora was one of the women who knew her place and acted accordingly until she saw that her name had no real value. She was ...
8543: Albert Camus
... involved in Resistance movements against the Germans. He started writing an underground newspaper. Camus wrote many novels and his writings, illustrated his view of the absurdity of human existence: Humans are not absurd, and the world is not absurd, but for humans to be in the world is absurd. In his opinion, humans cannot feel at home in the world because they yearn for order, clarity, meaning, and eternal life, while the world is chaotic, obscure, and indifferent and offers only suffering and death. Thus human beings are alienated from the world. Integrity and ...
8544: The Regulators Of North Caroli
... local disturbances until Governor Arthur Dobbs passed a proclomation forbidding the collection of illegal fees, the practice that the people complained of the most. Their protests were calmed only temporarily. However, the efects of the new law wore off soon enough and sheriffs and other county officers returned to their old dishonest practices. Citizens complained largely in part because money was so scarce; local trading was almost limited to barter. Often ... the Recorder's Court at Hillsborough, became a prime target along with Royal Governor William Tryon, who took office in 1765. Tryon was hated because he aimed to use taxes to build Tryon Palace in New Bern, a very costly residence for himself, as well as the seat for the colony's government. The Regulators, "who named themselves after a group of country reformists in South Carolina (3)" shortly after Tryon ... laws were designed to meet the demands of the Regulators, but while the assembly was vigorously passing these laws word arrived that the Regulators had assembled in Cumberland County and were preparing to march to New Bern, the current capital of North Carolina and residence of Royal Governor William Tryon. A complete change came over the assembly and thoughts turned toward punishing measures (8). The assembly adopted the "Johnston Act" ...
8545: Nuclear Weapons: Destructors or Saviors?
... first subheading, dismantling nuclear weapons; but, before stating their reasoning, we will change our viewpoint to that of the naive (no insult intended) or too optimistic. Assuming all nations dismantled their nuclear weapons tomorrow; the world would be peaceful: no more nuclear weapons, no more eminent destruction, no more bad guys. What? Exactly! How can we eliminate the evil side of humans, their inherent dark side? This leads to the reason supporting the maintenance of existing, and the development of future nuclear weapons. When a nation, terrorist group, or someone with ill intent secures sole-control of nuclear capabilities, the world will be at the mercy of this group's sanity, since the world is currently nowhere near an acceptable defensive system. So from this scenario, one can infer that in the present, the only deterrent to nuclear war is the existence of nuclear arms in opposition to ...
8546: Early Colonial Areas
... are upon, was mearly a colonial settlement for British Immigrants who were fleeing their country because of religious reasons. There were three different areas in which the immigrants settled. The first area was known as New England. It consisted of the present-day states: Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut. The people living there were called “Puritans”. They got their name from trying to purify the church of England. They were very much into religion. They always read the Bible ... of land off them. Quaker city of Philadelphia became the unofficial colonial capitol in 1750. Twenty-six years later the Declaration of Independence was signed here. The Middle colonies consisted of the present-day states: New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. The Final area was known as the Southern Colonies. The people who settled here were called the Planters. These people were farmers and were devoted to their crops ...
8547: Influence Of Television And Ra
... have, obviously, been a huge influence on our lives. But the main question is: have they been a good influence or a bad influence? People watch television to find out what is happening in the world and to entertain themselves. A great number of American's have abandoned many things for television. Newspapers are an example of that. But crime shows and sitcoms along with porno trash are rampant. As we sit in front of the set, eating potato chips, gaining weight, and filling our minds with trash, we don't stop to think of all that we could be doing to change our world. If we spent just a fraction of the time that we spend watching television each day doing something for someone else, just think of the kind of world we would live in. But television has increased our knowledge of the world and our surrounding neighbors along with our interest of the earth. We know more about products that are offered to us, ...
8548: Book Critique Of The Logic Of
... tendencies in our patterns of thought such as considering one aspect at a time, cause and effect, and linear thinking. In other words, we make decisions and conclusion that would work appropriately in a simple world but which have serious and disastrous consequences for the complex world we live in. The author gives plenty of examples in his book. He bases a lot of examples on his absorbing computer stimulation invention. According to the findings he made, he exposes us to the ... the cheap electricity to Egypt not realize that they would at the same time halt the annual floods that for a millennium had kept the Nile fruitful and fertile? Or why did planners of Third World health programs not realize that increased life expectancy requires increased food? Thereby these health programs ended up contributing starvation. With these plus with all the other examples of the experiments he mentioned in the ...
8549: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
... a better understanding of the disorder. Works Cited American Psychiatric Association. The Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Psychiatric Diagnoses. (4th ed.). Washington, 1994 Barkley, Russell. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment. New York: Guilford, 1998 Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, (3rd. Ed), 20 Nov. 1999 Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, 9 Nov. 1999 Diller, Lawrence. Running on Ritalin. New York: Bantam, 1998 Farley, Dixie. “Helping Children with Attention Disorder,” FDA Consumer, February 1989 Fontanelle, D.H. Understanding and Managing Overactive Children, 1983 Garber, Stephen W., Ph.D, Marianne Daniels Garber, Ph.D, and Robyn Freedman Spitzman. Beyond Ritalin. New York: Villard, 1996 Hahn, Dale B. and Wayne A. Payne. Focus on Health. (4th. Ed), New York: Mc Graw-Hill, 1999 Nordby, Stephen M., “Problems in Identification and Assessment of ADHD”, October, 1994. 26 ...
8550: German Immigration To The Midwest
... me go into my casket, I never saw her again." So is the story of Julia B. from Germany and many others who left their life and love for a chance of happiness in a new country. This is the story of the German immigrants in 1880-1930 who risked everything on a dream of better things. What caused the German immigration to Ameica between 1870-1930? In this paper I ... said, much money was spent on the war effort in Germany. People were taxed heavily just to buy bullets for the army. Through all this, word was spread like wild fire through Germany that a new country in the west across the water was offering freedom and a promise of happiness for anyone who would make the long journey to the new country: America. So with somewhat heavy hearts, many men and women left their families behind to journey to America in hopes of something greater. For many, the road to America was a hard one. ...

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