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Search results 8511 - 8520 of 22819 matching essays
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8511: Advances in AI
... inequalities are merely a reflection of the variance in intelligence? Do social inequalities reduce the oppressed ability to develop intelligence? Is intelligence merely a small factor contributing to the uneven distribution of resources within our world? Is intelligence a product of hard work or just luck? Evolution of Intelligence Before we can begin to examine the modern day conceptions of intelligence, it is necessary to look at how human intelligence has ... to design a test that would be able to alert educators of children who might benefit from remedial instruction. The test was so successful in determining school performance that it was accepted throughout the western world. In 1916 Lewis Terman from Standford University adapted it for use with American children. It thus became the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test and is the test most commonly referred to when speaking of an IQ ... itself is not a good predictor of achievement. This is in line with mountains of evidence gathered over the last two decades which debunk the myth that race is correlated with intelligence. The horrors of World War II awoke the world to the reality that associating inferiority with a particular ’race’ can have dire consequences. More recent sociological investigations have questioned the entire notion of race. Race can be seen ...
8512: Geography Examine The Reasons For Inner City Initiatives And
... pollution. There may also be air pollution from the few remaining factories. There is usually a high unemployment rate in the inner city areas as the inhabitants are often low skilled and cannot compete for new jobs in the growing hi-tech industries. They are forced to take lesser skilled, low paid jobs in the nearby factories, and in traditional industries. Even if they may be semi-skilled it is often ... status and quality of life etc. They were hoping to close the gap between the classes . The inner cities suffered from a lack of investment after 1945 when the money was instead channelled into the New towns e.g. Stevenage, while the old towns were left to decline and fall into disrepair. The inner city needs economic investments but few new industries want to locate here partly due to the environment, and partly because the former labour force often lack relevant skills needed in the new hi-tech and service industries. So by regenerating the ...
8513: Limitations on Robotic Technology
... will robots turn on their masters? In the movie Terminator a robot from the future comes back to forewarn the people that if they do not change the direction that technology is going then the world would be over taken by robots. This android, the Terminator, told the people stories of how robots would become smarter than their masters and overtake them. In an opportunity to rid the world of humans the robots try to exterminate humans from the face of the Earth. The humans have little to no chance of survival because they built the robots to be perfect and very intelligent. Where ... are the keys for words that society yearns for. The technological age is in full force and robots are in the main stream of this tidal wave. In the movie, Terminator, robots take over the world in their future. Are movies like these foretelling the future of mankind? Some Swiss scientists say that the end may be close (Kelly 1). An autonomous robot that learns from its environment sparked all ...
8514: To Kill A Mockingbird: Scout
... many activities which are mainly masculine ones. Without a mother to teach her the ways of a woman, she lives as a tomboy (much to the displeasure of her aunt). As Scout grows, she learns new things, feels new emotions, and begins to mature into bright young woman. Scout is learning that things are not always what they seem. She and Jem always believed that their father was not like any other fathers in ... nice gesture it was. That indicates that she still has a lot to learn. Scout is having to learn about some very complicated issues at a young age, because of her situation. Along with these new issues come a lot of new feelings. She is beginning to realize the prejudices felt by individuals toward Negroes and the unfairness of their treatment. When she sees how Tom Robinson is treated just ...
8515: Andrew Jackson
... was achieved at Horseshoe Bend in March of 1814. Eventually he forced All Indians from the area. His victory's impressed some people in Washington and Jackson was put in command of the defense of New Orleans. This show of American strength made Americans feel proud after a war filled with military defeats. Jackson was given the nickname "Old Hickory", and was treated as a national hero. In 1817 he was ... enforce it." It seems to me like a slap in Justice Marshall's face, that Jackson was and always will be an Indian fighter. I think he just liked pushing around the Indians because he new that whatever resistance they had was no match for the U.S. army. To emphasize his point, in 1838 (one year after Jackson left office), a unite of federal troops rounded up the 15,000 ... on December 10, 1832. He declared his intent to enforce the law and was willing to seek and agreement in a lowering of tariff's. In 1833 congress passed a compromise bill which set a new tariff, when the other southern states accepted the new tariff the threat of S. Carolina breaking away form the union was brought to a "happy" end. The Second Bank of the United States was ...
8516: Depression The Sadness Disease
... doctor and used with a series of treatments (Schwartz and Schwartz, 1993, p. 146). The first antidepressants, monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, were discovered accidentally during the 1960's by researchers who were trying to develop new drugs to treat tuberculosis. Since then, many other types of antidepressants have been developed. The newer drugs are safer and for most people, have fewer side effects. MAO inhibitors didn't help TB, but they ... with depression will be able to function wholly as a person again. The will finally be able to enjoy life again. References 1. Bourne, L. E. Jr., & Russo, N. F. (1998). Psychology Behavior in Context. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2. Clarkin, J. F. Ph.D., Hurt, S. W. Ph.D., Reznikoff, M. (1991). Psychological Assessment, Psychiatric Diagnosis, Treatment Planning. New York: Brunner/Mazel, Inc. 3. Schwartz, A., Schwartz, R. M. (1993). Depression: Theories and Treatments. New York: Columbia University Press 4. Strange, P. G. (1992). Brain Biochemistry and Brain Disorders. New York: Oxford University ...
8517: Gulf War 2
... the President seemed truly sympathetic; it seemed as though he was showing great sympathy for the people of Kuwait. Bush told the people that the hatred of Saddam Hussein could possibly and would spread causing world war three. The President also warned that if the crisis went on without interruption that eventually the United States would be forced into taking action, as the madness created by Saddam Hussein would spread. President ... with the next Adolph Hitler. Both Hussein and Hitler both look at the life of others through the same perspective: The meaning of life compares nothing to that of having the greatest power in the world. Neither Hitler nor Hussein cared for the people of their prospective lands, they cared for the benefit of their personal crusade as well as attempt at being the first ever to control the world. Hitler tried to accomplish this feat by just shear force. Saddam Hussein tried to achieve his goal of supremacy by controlling one of the worlds richest and much needed resources, the Kuwaiti oil. So ...
8518: Discussions On Darwin
... put forth a logical conjecture that was based upon facts and observations. This theory, for a short time, was able to end the feud among educated men because many now put their trust in this new “theory of evolution”. Unfortunately, this revolutionary new theory threatened the religious beliefs about creation and soon a new rivalry emerged between the creationists and evolutionists. According to Charles Darwin man began as one of a few species on this new planet striving for survival. However, man was better equipped with certain traits ...
8519: A Critical Analysis of the Poem Entitled "Tract" by William Carlos Williams
... Tract" by William Carlos Williams Tract By William Carlos Williams I will teach you my townspeople how to perform a funeral for you have it over a troop of artists- unless one should scour the world- you have the ground sense necessary. See! the hearse leads. I begin with a design for a hearse. For Christ's sake not black- nor white either-and not polished! Let it be weathered-like ... for everything. Funerals are logically one of the times where grieving or weeping is appropriate. It shows love for the person who has died. It shows that there will now be a void in the world, a void that a living person once filled. And, it is healthy to grieve. It accomplishes nothing, for the dead or the living, to hide one's grief. When examining the theory that WCW is ... weathered, "like a farm wagon--" it could be a comment on using the common elements of life to create a poem. This would follow WCW's philosophy that poetry resides in the natural and physical world. It is the artist's job to find it and interpret it, not to create a false design that doesn't exist. When WCW refers to, "Knock the glass out!" and asks what purpose ...
8520: Cannery Row
... he wants and "free of the endless biologic functions for awhile," Henri shows that it is unhealthy to need constant companionship and being alone can help a person rejuvinate. Frankie is all alone in the world except for Doc who accepts him although "he couldn't learn and there was something wrong with his coordination." Noone in the world including his parents cared about him except Doc. The closeness he has with Doc drives him to rob Jacob's Jewelry Store. Wanting to do something nice for Doc drives him to drastic measures, becoming ... Doc because in Frankie's eyes, Doc took drastic measures for him by doing what noone else would and accepting him as an equal human being. Feeling lonely can be the worst feeling in the world and Steinback's characters depict the human need to be included in society. In today's ordinary world, nothing has changed. People who are lonely do drastic things out of desperation. When everyone was ...

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