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8501: How Should The Indian Mutiny B
... not uncommon in India at this time, they were usually largely uncoordinated. The mutiny of 1857 however, was different. Here was a major convergence of various strands of resistance, and an expansion of scale and new level of intensity . It is my purpose to discover why this was. The Mutiny was initiated on the 10th May 1857 at Meerut by the XI native cavalry. The immediate issue was the greased cartridges of the new rifle which was being brought into use in India. Soldiers were expected to bite off the end of the cartridge to release the powder with which to prime the rifle. It had been suggested as early as 1853 by Colonel Tucker that the new grease might offend the religious sentiments of the Sepoys, but this warning had gone unheeded. This type of attitude was typical of the British who constantly underestimated the importance of Indian religion, and the ...
8502: The Scarlet Letter: Symbolism in the Forest
... mans book on that night. She explains that the only reason she does not sign is because Pearl is still in her life. At this time the forest itself is a open door to another world, a wicked world that would take her away from her present situation, but that is not the only door that the forest holds. The forest is an open door to love and freedom for both Hester and Dimmesdale. It is a place where the letter on their bodies can no longer have an effect on them if they choose. A world ruled by nature and governed by natural law as opposed to the artificial strict community with its man made puritan laws. Its as if the forest represents a key to the shackles the Hester ...
8503: In The Skin Of The Lion
... are part of the insect imagery in the book. These insects formed part of Patrick social network as they served as a form of communication for him. His father being a man "withdrawn from the world" raised Patrick and with no mention of a mother, any siblings or school friends, we can imagine the solitude Patrick lived in. Perhaps the moths are more of an interest to Patrick (than other insects ... the evening when chores where done and his life was quiet, the insects attracted to the light were naturally of interest to him. These strangers coming from beyond Patrick's borders. Patrick is defining his world through these experiences. As Patrick receiving very little defining knowledge from his father, he begins to set his own definitions of the world around him. It is his sense of wonder that moves him on his journey. There is an instance of parallel imagery or imagery within imagery. The moths are attracted to the light of the ...
8504: Experiment to See if Soaking A Golf Ball Affects its Distance
... Gutta percha was black, so the early balls were painted white. Easier to make, less expensive, and more durable, the gutta revolutionized golf. When golfers discovered that balls and nicks flew longer and straighter then new ones, manufactures began to give them a textured, even pattern surface. The most popular early pattern was the bramble, which featured raised round bumps in concentric circles. the first wound rubber ball was introduced in ... changed over the years. No longer are they all round. Wilson's truncated cone dimple design features a flat bottom and sidewalls, for reduced drag. Bullet and Aero which I used in my project have new dimple designs. On Bullets new ball one third of the dimples are square for increased backspin and Aero a brand new ball made by Top Flight has round and tear drop dimples. Aero's “tear drop” shaped dimple design ...
8505: Yoga And Emotions
... or spirit. Yoga's goal is to extinguish the fire of emotions within us. I believe that just by being human, we are enslaved by our emotions, which in turn chains us to the material world. By being attached to the material world, we are cut off from our true self and, therefor, are not spiritually free. The only exemption to worldly emotions is love. The only way to spiritual liberation is by learning to master all of our own emotions. Emotions, other than our human bodies are what makes us part of the animal world. Anger, joy, despair, etc., are what traps us inside our bodies. They make us slave to our senses. That's why there are yogis that can endure any pain or hunger because they have ...
8506: Edgar Allan Poe 5
... a young "aristocrat." Poe turned to his foster father with penitent letters, pleading for reconciliation. Mr. Allen yielded sufficiently to purchase his release from the army, which was possible at that time. Shortly afterward, a new volume of his poems was published in Baltimore, Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane and Minor Poems. A little more than a year after his release from the Army, the young poet turned again to the idea of a military career. He passed entrance examinations and gained admission to the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. Poe knew than an army career was suitable for a Virginia gentleman he longed to be, but the discipline was too hard for him. Two years after his final dispute with Mr. Allan, Poe ... to the same contestant. The prize money was not important, but one of the judges, novelist John P. Kennedy, took an interest in Poe and befriended him by helping him sell a story to the new Southern Literary Messenger of Richmond. Poe joined the editorial staff of the magazine and soon became its editor. A number of his stories appeared in its pages. Once established in his job, he brought ...
8507: American Prohibition
... false books, hollow canes, and anything else they could find. (Bowen 159). There were also illegal speakeasies which replaced saloons soon after the start of prohibition. By 1925, there were over 100,000 speakeasies in New York City alone (Bowen 160). As good as the ideal sounded, prohibition was far easier to proclaim than to enforce. With only 1,550 federal agents and over 18,700 miles of extensive coastline, it ... motive caused over four hundred gang related murders a year in Chicago alone (Bowen 175). Incidentally, large cities were the main location for organized gangs. Although there were over half a dozen powerful gangs in New York, Chicago was the capital of the racketeers, including Johnny Torrio, “Bugs” Moran, the Gennas, and the O’Banions (Altman 45). The most powerful and infamous bootlegger, by far, was Al Capone, operating out of ... prohibition of sorts: the prohibition of certain drugs. Perhaps, the past will show congress that the old adage about forbidden fruits is true (But I doubt it). Bibliography Altman, Linda Jacobs. The Decade that Roared. New York: Twenty-First Century Books, 1997 Barry, James P.. The Noble Experiment. New York: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1995 Bowen, Ezra, ed. This Fabulous Century. 6 vols. New York: Time-Life Books, 1969
8508: Against The Privacy Of AIDS
Last October, the case of Nushawn Williams hit the front pages. He is believed to have infected at least 13 girls and women in Jamestown, New York, with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. His name and face appeared all over the media, shredding the accepted norm of keeping HIV status confidential. In breaking this tradition, public health officials sought to ... and reductions in viral loads that could not only improve the individual health but, at least, theoretically, also improve the public health by reducing the infectiousness of individuals. Furthermore, there have been recent studies on new therapies that can keep HIV-positive people healthy for years. These therapies are a combination of drugs that effectively reduce the amount of HIV in the blood. People have the greatest chances of success with ... is anonymous, but now due to the increase of partner notification and other health reasons, 29 states have name reporting systems through which the state collects the names of those who test positive. In July, New York became the latest state to enact name-based reporting—a significant development because New York has the largest number of AIDS cases in the country. In addition, unlike most other state policies, New ...
8509: I And II Thessalonians
The books of I and II Thessalonians, which are in the New Testament, are both letters to a church that Paul the apostle helped establish in the biblical city of Thessalonica. First Thessalonians is agreed by biblical scholars to be written by Paul. The author of II ... to believe that Paul did not write the second letter to the church in Thessalonica but that it is more likely that someone wrote it in a Pauline manner. Works Consulted Freed, Edwin D., The New Testament: A Critical Introduction. 2nd ed. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1991. Meeks, Wayne A. et al., eds., The Harper Collins Study Bible with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books. New Revised Standard Version. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1993. Williams, David J. New International Biblical Commentary: 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc, 1992.
8510: The Brothers K
... people, whom have very different belief systems. 2. The novel, The Brothers K, enables the reader to understand a child’s idolization of a given sport, in this case, baseball. 3. The novel represents the world and its inhabitants on a miniscule level, by conveying the differences between the characters and how they act towards one another. Quotes: Quote 1: "Irwin is in his easy chair, reading last October’s Organic ... plagued by war and the sufferings caused by it. Nearly every generation of people to walk this earth have experienced a great war once in their lifetimes. For instance, Vietnam for my father’s generation, World War 2 for my grandfather’s, and World War 1 for my great-grandfather’s. War has become an unavoidable factor of life. Looking through history and toward the future, I grow concerned over the war that will plague my generation, for ...

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