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8471: Ursula Le Guin’s use of the Psychomyth
... choice because of a child’s innocence, and how we value it as adults. This scapegoat is being used not just to keep the town good and pure, but, more symbolically to represent the wretched world we live in. All of the evil that exists in our world is portrayed by this child and its setting while Omelas keeps away these evils by keeping the child a prisoner. The child is imprisoned in a dark room with one locked door, no window, stale ... these isolated rooms. We acknowledge that they are there, but most of the time we do nothing. Instead, we ignore them and go on with our own busy, happy lives, leaving them alone in the world. Although the society of Omelas is aware of the child’s existence, most of them believe that by keeping the child incarcerated, they will keep themselves uncorrupted. By burying the disgust of the child ...
8472: The Power And The Glory
... the eternal damnation he will face in the afterlife. The physical and cultural settings in The Power and Glory guide the reader through an odyssey of one man's struggle to find meaning in the world, as it parallels the priest's internal perspective, and symbolizes his redemptive conversion and his final unconscious achievement of martyrdom. Ater the Mexican Revolution, the Mexican government established anti-Catholic laws against the churches. The ... merciful God. There are mystics who are said to have experienced God directly. He was a mystic, too, and what he had experienced was vacancy- a complete certainty in the existence of a dying, cooling world, of human beings who had evolved from animals for no pupose at all. p. 24 As the priest becomes more humble from self-awareness, he becomes less self-centered and begins to regret his careless ... his bastard child from his old town. The priest begins to understand that, " one must love every soul as if it were one's own child. The passion to protect must extend itself over a world." (p.82) When he finally sees his daughter, he has a revelation about the interconnected essence of God in its connection with love and human nature. 'Oh God, help her. Damn me, I deserve ...
8473: Gun Control
... simple for a criminal or mentally disturbed person to purchase a gun. Only in the following states writes Dolan, are people required to have a permit or something equivalent to purchase a handgun: Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Michigan, North Carolina, Missouri, Virginia (in certain counties), and Illinois ( requires an I.D. card issued by the state) (Dolan 21). There are also Federal Laws, which came about in the 1900’s (Dolan ... selling guns in residential neighborhoods. - Require mandatory trigger locks for guns. - Require background checks at gun shows. - Limit handgun purchases by any one person to one a month (Bill Bradley for President 1) With these new gun control reforms arising, hopefully they will be accepted into congress. As Bill Bradley says, the NRA is a strong block against gun control reforms with a strong fight to protect their rights established ...
8474: Great Depression
... three football fields and was held aloft by 7 million cubic feet of hydrogen gas. It also had giant Swastika’s painted on the tail fins. The Hindenberg was coming in to land in Lakehurst, New Jersey. Onlookers spotted flames near the stern of the enormous zeppelin. In seconds the blimp was a gigantic fireball in the sky. The extremely flammable hydrogen the blimp was filled with exploded instantly sending the ... continued through April 9, 1931. On that day eight of the nine men were sentenced to death. A mistrial was declared for the ninth because of his youth. November 7, 1932 the Supreme Court ordered new trials for the Scottsboro defendants because they had not had adequate representation. On March 27, 1933, the new trials ordered by the Court began in Decanter, Alabama. Now involved were two distinguished trial participants: a famous New York City defense lawyer named Samuel S. Leibowitz, who would continue to be a major ...
8475: Lewis' "Surprise by Joy": Analysis
... his "distaste for all that is public, all that belongs to the collective." The record of his life, to the extent that it contributed to his defense of Christianity, would be temporarily opened to the world at large--but only under his conditions. It would not be submitted for approval to those pundits or self-styled critics of his career who were merely searching evidence to undermine his arguments for Christian ... less a sinner than anyone else, but it is chiefly his intellectual journey that needs charting; his is not a grand repentance from fleshly indulgence but a recovery of a child-like wonderment at the world and its mysteries. To further this specific goal, the volume contains only those people and events, ideas and contexts that help Lewis explain his conversion--first to himself, and then secondarily to his readers. Never ... fleetingly available in earthly loves and aesthetics. It is, for Lewis, only finally received in heavenly glory at the consummation of the age, a joy to be found in the Creator who himself invented both world and word, person and personality. It is He alone who redeems his fallen creation and provide them joy. From his earliest intimations of this joy, Lewis depicts himself in Surprised by Joy as precociously ...
8476: The Odyssey - Gender Roles
The Odyssey is the product of a society in which the dominant role was played by men. In ancient Greece, just as in the whole of the ancient world, and in America and Western Europe until the last century, women occupied a subservient position. Society was organized and directed by men, and all of the most important enterprises were those which men arranged and implemented. Women were valued, but they participated in the affairs of the world only when they had the tacit or open approval and permission of the men who directed their lives. The literature of this sort of masculine society, of which the Iliad and Odyssey are examples, aptly ... Mel-antho, who have much smaller roles, but equally well defined personalities. Finally, there is Athene, the goddess, who more than any other of these women, has the intelligence, sophistication, and independence that the modern world expects of a woman. The influential feminine strain in the Odyssey also has important effects upon the whole flavor of the poem. Many other early epics are characterized by coldness, morbidity, and brutality, caused ...
8477: Adolf Hitler
... that day. Many Historians like to speculate what would have happened IF.... perhaps the small town boy would have had a bit more talent....or IF the Dean had been a little less critical, the world might have been spared the nightmare into which this boy was eventually to plunge it. 2. WORLD WAR I While living in Vienna Hitler he made his living by drawing small pictures of famous landmarks which he sold as post cards. But he was always poor. He was also a regular reader of a small paper which claimed that the Araban race was superior to all and was destined to rule the world. The paper blamed Communists and Jews for all their problems and hitler agreed to those views. Hitler agree with most of the points made in the publication. He continued to live a poor live ...
8478: 1984: The Party's Methods of Controlling People
... power to create and to destroy anyone he wants. The people know that every move they make is being constantly watched by the telesceens and if committing a thoughtcrime they will be punished immediately. "A new poster had suddenly appeared all over London. It had no caption, and represented simply the monstrous figure of a Eurasian soldier, three of four meters high striding forward with expressionless Mongolian face and enormous boots ... propaganda, altering the past to make people believe everything they see and hear is true. With these tools you have the power to change any person you wish. Bibliography 1. Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty Four. New York: Penguin Books, 1950 Footnotes: 2. Webcom, John Coles Notes. Toronto: Coles Publishing Company, 1995 1 Goorge Orwell, Nineteen Eighty Four (New York:Penguin Books Incorporated, 1950), p.123. 2 George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty Four (New York:Penguin Books Incorporated, 1950), p.177. 3 George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty Four (New York:Penguin Books Incorporated, 1950),p. ...
8479: Assassination At Sarajevo
... fired two shot one into the abdomen of Sofia Chotek’s heart and one near the heart of Francis Ferdinand. Both the Archduke and his wife died that day. Was this a significant event in World History? Yes, the assassination at Sarajevo was a significant event in World History. The shots fired by Princip on that Sunday triggered was across Europe and started the fire that was World War I. Had this assassination not happened maybe the world would have come to peace sooner and began work on bigger economic, scientific, and political issues in the world. Word Count: 594
8480: Plus (computer Program)
... and the ICSI Sather compiler have a very unrestrictive license aimed at encouraging contribution to the public library without precluding the use of Sather for proprietary projects. This chapter will provide a basic introduction for new users, pointing to sources of information about the language and the compiler. It also contains a summary of Sather features - for those familiar with another object-oriented language, this section provides an overview of the ... Immutable and Reference Objects Sather distinguishes between reference objects and immutable objects. Imutable objects never change once they are created. When one wishes to modify an immutable object, one is compelled to create a whole new object that reflects the modification. Experienced C programmers immediately understand the difference when told about the internal representation the ICSI compiler uses: immutable types are implemented with stack or register allocated C 'struct's while ... but behaves with immutable semantics. Explicitly declaring immutable classes allows the compiler to enforce immutable semantics and provides a hint for good code generation. Common immutable classes are defined in the standard libraries; defining a new immutable class is unusual. 1.5.8 IEEE Floating-Point Sather attempts to conform to the IEEE 754-1985 specification for its floating point types. Unfortunately, many platforms make it difficult to do so. ...

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