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8461: Robert Hunter
... in his contemporary poems is his personal experience with the Grateful Dead. Undoubtedly the most famous example of this theme is the poem "Truckin'": Arrows of neon and flashing marquees out on Main Street Chicago, New York, Detroit and it's all on the same street. Your typical city involved in your typical daydream Hang it up, see what tomorrow brings... Sitting and staring out of the hotel window Got a ... highlights some of the less pleasant aspects of travelling with the Dead, but is an accurate representation of Hunter's experiences. Another poem that is written about the author's dealings with the band is "New Speedway Boogie", written about the disastrous Altamont Speedway concert in Altamont, California. This poem is also representative of Hunter's dynamic and adaptable writing style. Spent a little time on the mountain Spent a little ... chaos themes. Dark Star crashes pouring its light into ashes Lady in velvet recedes in the nights of goodbye Reason tatters the forces tear loose from the axis Mirror shatters in formless reflections of matter "New Speedway Boogie" also plays on the order/chaos theme: It's got no signs or dividin' lines And very few rules to guide. One of Hunter's classic traditional poems, "Friend of the Devil", ...
8462: Should Children Be Allowed To Testify In Court?
... by Rovee-Collier et al (1993) involving three-month-old babies. Rovee-Collier et al stated that “.....in eyewitness testimony research, postevent information impairs retention of the original event and increases the probability that interpolated [new] information will be identified as part of the original event.” The infants used in the experiments were taught to kick to cause a crib mobile to move. They were then exposed to information on a ... not impair their recognition of the event if it was delayed by one day. Rovee-Collier et al (93) proposed that “......postevent information displays conflicting information coactive with it in primary memory and creates a new, updated memory token of the event” This seems to suggest that children are more susceptible to alter their perceptions of an event only if postevent information is supplied directly after the event. However, Summ & Girston (94) suggested that “........with the brains inability to perceive every single piece of information of an event, new information will be immediately supplied through the act of ‘assumption'” Summ & Girston defined ‘assumption' as being the process by which information which has not been directly perceived (i.e. attenuated information (Triesmann, 64)), is ...
Born in Groton, Conn., Samuel Seabury was the son of the Reverend Samuel Seabury Sr. His Father was a pioneer of New England Anglicanism who followed the example of Samuel Johnson. Samuel Jr.,broke away from the Congregationalists and pursued Anglican ordination. He graduated from Yale in 1744 and received his B.A in 1748. He married ... obtain consecration as an Anglican Priest. On December 23, 1753, Samuel Seabury was ordained a deacon and two days later a priest of the Anglican Church. He was licensed by the church to preach in New Jersey. He preached in various places, but none suited his fancy. A preacher in Westchester was charged with drunkenness and sexual assault, which opened up the preaching position. Samuel filled the position and preached in ... his opinion. He tried to stop the election of the delegates by writing various pamphlets. His attempt proved futile and the delegates were elected and met together on that fateful day in Philadelphia when a new nation was envisioned. Now Samuel began to take more courageous steps in preventing the breaking away of the colonies. He wrote “Westchester Farmer” ,a compilation of five essays reasoning why the colonies should stay ...
8464: Relativism: The Tangible Theory
... we are now discovering, more then ever, how diverse cultures and people really are. For these reasons the Cultural Relativist theory best defines what morality is, and where it came from. Today all over the world people are communicating in ways never before imagined. Cultural Relativism believes that one set of morals will not adequately adapt to the individuality of all the cultures and subcultures in the world. What this means is that there is no one moral law that fits every situation at every time. There will always be exceptions to the rules. Cultural Relativism leaves the creation of moral and ethical ... education, etc. and then create their own set of morals based on their needs. There are many different situations in everyday life that call upon our moral judgment. With all of the people in the world and all of the different situations, who is to say that there is one set standard that we should follow on the societal level, as well as the individual? Cultural Relativism, challenges the ordinary ...
8465: The Human Genome Project
The Human Genome Project Walter Gilbert who is a molecular biologist became interested in undertaking the Human Genome Project (HGP) in 1987. Robert Kanigel of the New York Times Magazine wrote "This project ... would reveal the precise biochemical makeup of the entire genetic material, or genome, of a human being ... it would grant insight into human biology previously held only by god ... result, a number of the initial goals were achieved and progress towards other goals were made on or ahead of schedule. The success of these specific goals will require the development of a variety of new technology. When the initial goals were adopted in 1990, it was understood that achieving them would require a significant degree of improvement in the necessary technology. From the beginning, efforts to improve technologies were successful ... that some people believe should remain closed. Bibliography 1. Notable Twentieth-Century Scientists, Emily J. McMurry, Editor, Gail Research Inc. Detroit 1995 2. McGraw Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, Kurt Kleiner, Editor, McGraw press Inc. New York 1997 3. Picking up the pace of Sequencing. Robert F. Service, Science v.280 May 15, 1998 p995-1000, Detroit 1998 4. New Frontiers in Genetics, Sandy and Jerry Bornstien, Simon and Schuster ...
8466: Utopia Vs. Dystopia
... a time in which more anti-utopias have been envisioned than ever before. A lot of authors have expressed their views on utopia in their novels. Some have done it by creating their own perfect world, while others have chosen a different path. They have selected to voice their opinions in anti-utopian novels, or dystopia. An anti-utopia is simply the reverse of a utopian novel. The aim of both ... novel, however, instead of presenting an ideal society toward which all men should strive, it basically presents a highly defined, completely hideous society. This type of novel warns that if the tendencies of the real world are not corrected before it s too late, the hideous world suggested will become a reality. George Orwell is one of those authors who has chosen to express his views in an anti-utopian way. Both his books, 1984, and Animal Farm clearly depict the ...
8467: Ku Klux Klan 3
... was the group's choice for the position and he gladly accepted. Under the command of General Forrest the Ku Klux Klan became a greater voice in society than it had ever been. Since their new leader was in place, the final objective of the convention was reached by creating an official symbol of the Ku Klux Klan. The symbol is a cross with a drop of blood(representing the blood ... changed their appearance and the membership has declined, no one can deny that the Klan is still a major influence on society. Due to some changes in the Ku Klux Klan, the organization now has new objectives. Leaders of the Klan now say they work to replace the collapsed society and push for the advancement of the White Race. Other objectives of the Klan are to start focusing on the family ... be proud also. Therefore, the Ku Klux Klan reasons that all anti-white policies should be discarded and people be hired, promoted, and given scholarships according to their ability not for any other reason. Any new members of the Ku Klux Klan have to take a pledge not to commit any crime against anyone. The Ku Klux Klan's motto printed on propaganda is "Not for self-But for others;" ...
8468: Great Expectations - Estella
... how Estella asks Pip his opinion about her, he answers she is pretty, she hits him and asks the same question and Pip says nothing. From this moment we don't like her. After a new card game we have the scene of the fight between Pip and the other boy. Pip wins and Estella allows him to kiss her as a kind of prize. This is important because, if the ... reason why she marries Drummle. The failure of this marriage will make to reconsider her thoughts, this marriage will humanize her, as we will see later. In the following chapter (chapter 12) we have a new visit of Pip. In a moment in which Estella is not present Pip agrees with Miss Havisham that Estella is prettier and prettier. After this we have a new card game, this time more related to the battle of sexes again since during the game Miss Havisham advises Estella to break men's heart and because it takes place before Estella's departure. ...
8469: Technology To Improve Education
... including state-of-the-art technology. Computers and the Internet have expanded the way in which information can be delivered to the students of today. Today's networking technologies provide a valuable opportunity to practice new learning techniques. Educators are discovering that computers are facilitating learning. Computer based communications, or Telecommunications, can offer many educational opportunities; therefore, educators will need to adapt current teaching methods to incorporate this new media into the classroom. Computers have made a fundamental impact in most industries, providing a competitive advantage that has come to be essential to many businesses. Therefore, schools must also use technology to improve the ... to the students, but the students will be able to interact with each other. This will make students more interested and fascinated with learning. Not only does the Internet and video conferencing help education, but new programs designed for educational purposes are being developed. Dictionaries, encyclopedias and atlases that a student can access from his own computer can be a definite advantage. For example, instead of looking for a particular ...
8470: South Korea
... mi., including numerous offshore islands in the south and west, the largest of which is Cheju (area, 1829 sq. km/706 sq. mi.). The state of South Korea was established in 1948 following the post-World War II partitioning of the peninsula between the occupying forces of the United States in the south and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in the north. The capital and largest city of South ... found other economical niches. The population of South Korea (1995 estimate) is about 45,182,000 people. The country's estimated population density of 1188 per sq mi is one of the highest in the world. The majority of the population lives in the southern and western coastal areas. The annual rate of increase has dropped steadily from more than 3 percent in the late 1950s to 0.8 percent in ... of it oriented toward exports. Economic aid, especially from the United States and Japan, was important to the economic growth of the country, which in the span of a generation grew from one of the world's poorest to a mid-ranking industrial power. In the early 1990s estimated annual national budget figures showed revenues and expenditures balanced at $48.4 billion. Labor In the early 1990s the total labor ...

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