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8421: Culture from Cranium
... For the purposes of this essay I have chosen to examine one case, which, considering it's sharp deviation from the cultural context from which it came, was surprisingly successful. The Oneida Community, in Oneida, New York was a unique religious communist society in the mid-nineteenth century. The community was based on the radical religious beliefs, and biblical interpretations of John Humphrey Noyes. Noyes grew up in a well to ... of Mutaual Criticism and Male Continence. These practices lead to the persecution of the group by the surrounding communities, culminating in the arrest and indictment of Noyes. As a result the group relocated to Oneida, New York, where they continues their way of life successfully for over thirty years. Noyes' practical theology, and, subsequently, that of the Oneida group, rested on four main ideas: Mutual Criticism, Complex Marriage, Male Continence, and ... year they had bought more land, built a communal mansion, appointed administrative committees, and started a number of small craft industries. By 1876 there were roughly 300 members, some of whom were living in Wallingford, New York at a significantly large branch commune. The branch was having some internal problems, so Noyes left Oneida to take care of it, leaving his son, Dr Theodore Noyes. Theodore was an agnostic and ...
8422: Asian Mythology
... and suffering in everyday life. Just imagine... your first born child, your bundle of joy and innocense, taken from you because it didn't weigh enough or had lip. Would that be the type of world you would want to live in where defenseless infants are killed for petty flaws. If you were to focus on the Asian mythology you will see three key aspects that would dramatically change the world as we know it. They involve our view on equality,imperfection, and the value of life. In a world that already is struggling, without the presence of the other sex can amplify the work of day to day. In the Asian mythology men speak before men women. If this was present in today' ...
8423: Diseases: Sex Linked and Sex Influenced
... then flatten into spindle shaped forms- the myoblasts. Myoblasts repair muscle cells by fusing with the injured cell and they share their nuclei with the injured cell's nuclei. When these two myoblasts fuse completely, new cells are formed. In 1970 Law thought of a procedure that would fuse healthy myoblasts with the dystrophic one, hoping that the resulting hybrid would have some function. However, Law had to perfect this procedure ... week for no apparent reason. Some circumstances , however, inhibit the symptoms of gout. These circumstances include: emotional upset, diuresis, surgery, trauma, and the administration of certain drugs. Cochicine is the classic treatment for gout, but new medicines have surfaced recently. Sex linked and sex influenced diseases are a problem that hurts our society. Although many of the diseases are just an inconvenience, others are fatal. There is no fathomable way of ... Color Blindness Misconceptions." USA Today 120 (1992):16 "Foot Feat: transplant treats dystrophy." Science News 16 June 1990:380 Grady, Denise. "One foot forward." Discover September 1990:86-93 Massie, Robert., and Massie, Suzanne. Journey. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961. Norton, Peter B. "baldness." The New Encyclopedia Britannica. 1994 ed. Norton, Peter B. "gout." The New Encyclopedia Britannica. 1994 ed. Norton, Peter B. "hemophilia." The New Encyclopedia Britannica. 1994 ...
8424: Literaranalysis- All Quiet On
... I chose to read was All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque. The story told in All Quiet on the Western Front occurs during the two years just before the Armistice ended World War I in November 1918. By 1916 when the story begins, World War I had already been underway for two years. From the beginning, World War I was fought in two areas, named for their geographical relationship to Germany. The Eastern Front extended into Russia, and the Western Front extended through Belgium into Northern France. The main character is ...
8425: Dulce Est Decrum Est
INTRODUCTION In the poem, 'Dulce Et Decorum Est' by Wilfred Owen, the social climate of the World War I era is reflected through the poet's use of vivid imagery and poetic techniques. The poem itself presents an a blunt impression of the world through its linking of ideas and language in its text. The poem addresses the falsehood, that war is glorious, that it is noble, it describes the true horror and waste that is war, with the ... thinks about conflict.   THE POEMS MEANING TO ME The poem epitomises the futility and pointlessness of war. Not only is war a shocking waste of life, but it is ultimately barbarous and pointless act as World War I so horrendously demonstrated to the world powers. The graphic horror of war is presented through a series of images which are designed to demolish the notion of war being a patriotic and ...
8426: The Vampire Genre By V Sthe Va
... can never clearly be defined as there is never a set definition to one genre. There is what the audience expects which is quite often for filled but in addition to that there is sometimes new innovations introduced in a genre which the audience are willing to accept. Although Bram Stoker did not invent the notion of the vampire, his book Dracula is probably the model on which the vampire genre ... just buy waving his hand. These powers come with age and the oldest vampires, who have been roaming the earth for thousands of years, have almost god like powers. In The Lost Boys enters the new generic convention that once you have actually invited a vampire into your house it is impossible to harm him. Also in this film the vampires do not sleep in coffins but hang upside down by ... Dracula but can not actually enter the sunlight as it can burn them to the point of death. In Blade we are introduced to a vampire that is 'a day walker'. This is a totally new convention and even the film acknowledges that a day walking vampire is something special. The main character of the film Blade, played by Wesley Snipes, was born just after his mother was bitten by ...
8427: John Gotti
... sisters and brothers. His father rarely worked and then, only at menial jobs, risking the money that the family did have on gambling. Eventually the family moved to central Brooklyn, which was known as East New York. In East New York, for a poor boy like John Gotti with nothing in the way of prospects, the Cosa Nostra represented something to which he could realistic aspire to gain the power and respect he craved. He ... one such episode got him in trouble with the IRS. Neil ended up in jail for at least a year. With both Fatico and Dellacroce in the slammer, John Gotti was handed a lot of new responsibilities. For one thing, he gained incredible visibility by reporting directly to Carlo Gambino while Fatico was in jail. Before that opportunity, Carlo did not particularly value Gotti's crowd in Ozone Park. To ...
8428: Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment
... radiation. By 1889 Rutherford was ready to earn a living and sought a job. With Thomson's recommendation McGill University in Montreal accepted him as a professor of chemistry. Upon performing many experiments and finding new discoveries at McGill university, Rutherford was rewarded the nobel prize for chemistry. In 1907 he succeded Arthur Schuster at the University of Manchester. He began persuing alpha particles in 1908. With the help of Geiger ... Rutherford to say, "It was almost as incredible as if you fired a fifteen-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you." Soon he came up with a new atomic model based on the results of this experiment. Nevertheless his findings and the new atomic model was mainly ignored by the scientific community at the time. In spite of the views of other scientists, Rutherford's 1911 atomic model was backed by scientific proof of his Gold Foil ...
8429: Great Expectations - Chapter Summaries
... receives remarkable news Mr. Jaggers- a lawyer- has a private conference w/ Pip and Joe Jaggers offers Pip to be his guardian paid for by a unknown person Pip was also given money to buy new clothes Chapter 15 Setting: At the scenes of his childhood; Pip says goodbye pip went to Mr. Trabb, a tailor, to buy clothes Biddy made Pip breakfast and they all said good-bye Chapter 16 ... leave England When he arrives he finds out it’s the wedding day of Joe and Biddy He is happy and thinks they go good together Chapter 40 Setting: Home again: 11 years later; a new pip, a new Estella * Joe paid off Pip’s debts for him Pip visits Satis House and walks in the garden together Estella is widowed and the 2 decide the will not have another parting Bibliography Great ...
8430: The Human Brain vs. the Computer
... over the computer. It has the capacity to create, unlike the computer, and it can work without full input, making logical assumptions about problems. A person can work with a wide variety of methods, seeing new, more efficient ways of handling problems. It can come up with infinite ways of getting around problems encountered in day to day life, whilst a computer has a limited repertoire of new tricks it can come up with, limited by its programming. Should improved programming be introduced, it is the human brain that figures out the programming that will allow leeway for any improvements as vaguely conceived ... In truth, one characteristic of sentience, as we know it, is emotional maturity! Even a one-year-old baby knows infinitely more about emotions than the most sophisticated computers. Emotions open the mind to vast, new realms of possibilities. The reason why computers cannot create is because of the lack of emotions. Anger allows the imagination to roam, inventing concepts of new, ever more powerful weapons of destruction. Discontent induces ...

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