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8381: Swimming Alone
... desire for a wedding by collecting iconic photographs of herself dressed in these gowns. Dressing up for a wedding is juxtaposed with dressing up for a performance of Waterloo, which celebrates Muriel and Rhonda's new-found friendship later in the film. It is at this point in the film that music as a symbol of escape transforms to a symbol of freedom for Muriel. This change coincides with Muriel's ... socially divide the classes in an attempt to align wealth with happiness. Muriel's father is obsessive about such issues and this finally contributes to the breakdown of his own marriage. His life with his new partner, wealth and social status proves to be no guarantee of happiness when his own personal dysfunction continues to prevail. Many references to weddings and marriage occur throughout the film, none of which portray a ... complete transformation, a self discovery in which conformity as marriage is first desired then achieved, reassessed, found wanting and finally outgrown. As Rhonda and Muriel leave Porpoise Spit for the final time, Muriel begins a new life of self-existence with her new-found knowledge and experience that marriage is not everything a wedding promises it to be. WORK CITED Tasker, Yvonne. Working Girls: Gender and Sexuality in Popular Cinema. ...
8382: Ben Franklin
... read when he was only five years old. His parents wished that they could send Ben to school, but they were very poor. Once three very important men visited Josiah and told him of a new law which said that children must attend school. Josiah sent Ben to the Boston Latin School because the only expenses were books and fire wood. At the Latin School all the children were expected to ... guests were talking? 7. What accomplishment did Ben do at the age of 5? 8. Why couldn't Ben go to school regularly? 9. How many men came to Josiah to tell him about the new school law? 10. What was the new law? 11. What school did Ben go to, at first? 12. What was his best friend's name? 13. What did people think of Ben when he was supposed to recite a able? 14. ...
8383: The Price Of Objectivity (crit
... follow. It delves deeply into the lost generation that was created after the first wold war. A generation that lost any idealism that their predecessors had. A generation that lost any emotional attachment to the world around them. This is a trait that is predominant throughout Hemingway s novel as the narrator, Jake Barnes, remains clinically detached from the events that transpire around him. Jake was an ambulance driver in the first world war and as with many of his peers, his experiences left him with a severe emotional disillusionment with the world as a whole. Not to mention the lack of functioning genitalia which certainly didn t help him identify positively with the world. Essentially, if it didn t involve Jake, he couldn t care less. ...
8384: International Charter Of Human
International Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms History After the war crimes committed by the Germans in the holocaust that occurred during World War II, the United nations decided to create a document guaranteeing respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all people, regardless of race, sex, language, or religion. This document was called The Universal Declaration ... The treaties deal only with the problems of genocide, racial discrimination, civil and political rights, and economic and social rights. These four treaties have only been signed by about half of the countries of the world. Notably the United States has only signed the treaty concerning genocide. Other countries have also refused to sign the conventions because of concerns about the specific terms of the conventions and the loss of authority ... established by the UN’s Security Council in 1993. The council started the Rwanda tribunal in 1994. They are the first international war crimes trials since the Nürnberg Trials for Nazi war criminals that followed World War II. Although the tribunals were established by the Security Council, they operated independently of the UN. The trials depend on contributions from countries to keep operating and were often hampered by financial shortages. ...
8385: Foreign Students and Hardships
Foreign Students and Hardships Everyone knows that it is hard for foreign students to get used to new surroundings and atmosphere. A lot of it depends on how much of the foreign language students already know. Such students are usually shy and quiet, because they are afraid that by saying something other students ... s attitude. First of all, ESL students should work really hard on their language. This should be their first and important priority. One of the reasons is they cannot learn nothing unless they know the new language good enough. The best way to learn it is to spend as much time as possible with the people who speak it. That means do not miss school on purpose, spend some time with ... to read books, and look up the words that were not understood. Watching TV helps a lot too. Another important task in foreign student’s life is to live and act like people in the new country. Of course they should never be ashamed of who the are and where they come from, but if the life looks different in the country they came to, and usually it does, students ...
8386: Serial Killers: Not All Serial Killers Are Insane
... untrained eye it looked as though he butchered his victim with no goal in mind, but to the keen eye it is the work of a genious. When the best known detective agency in the world, Scotland Yard, fails to catch a serial killer it scares the city, nation, or even the world. The world would have a problem of its own in the 1940's: The Ill Reich. Adolf Hitler was a man of great power. This man had developed his power on his own. He was very ...
8387: Why Mitchell V Wisconsin Sucke
... focuses on the constitutional arguments against Chief Justice Rehnquist¹s decision and the statute itself, but will also consider the practical implications of the Wisconsin law, as well as a similar law passed under the new federal crime bill (Cacas, 32). The Wisconsin law and the new federal law are based on a model created by the Anti- Defemation League in response to a rising tide of hate-related violent crimes (Cacas, 33). Figures released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation show ... of these rulings are of questionable constitutionality themselves. Two cases arguably support Rehnquist¹s position, but the Supreme Court has traditionally ignored the first of rulings, and the second has been misinterpreted. In Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, Justice Murphy wrote what has become known as the ³fighting words doctrine². Chaplinsky was a Jehova¹s Witness in a predominantly Catholic town. He distributed leaflets to a hostile crowd, and was refused ...
8388: Ramses II: Magnificence On The Nile
... The remarkable entente between the two great powers brought peace to Asia for over half a century. Egypt’s most renowned Pharaoh ably carried on the legacy of his father and grandfather. He established a new capital at the family’s ancestral home in the delta, from which he launched a campaign against the Hittites, culminating the battle of Kadesh. Later the pharaoh brokered a peace treaty that benefited both of ... and determination Pharaoh Ramsey proved to be one of the greatest rulers of his time. BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGE Romer, John: Ancient Lives: Daily Life in Egypt of the Pharaohs. Holt, Rhinehart, and Winston, 1984. pp.177 New York, New York. Velikovsky, Immanuel: Ramses II and His Time: Another Volume in the Ages in Chaos series. Pp. 20 Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1978 Garden City, New Youk. White, Manchis J.E: Ancient Egypt. pp.80. ...
8389: Lizzie Borden 2
... statuses. She also had a habit of stealing from the local merchants. The Borden family of Fall River, Massachusetts, was well known-not only because of Andrew Borden's wealth, but also because of the New England name. Lizzie was the ninth-generation on her father's side to live in Fall River. Andrew held many positions throughout his life, which included president of Union Savings Bank, director of First National ... a "heavy, sharp-edged candlestick," yet no axe, hatchet, or even candlestick could be found to uphold these theories in court. The contrarieties of the case caused more than 1,900 divorces (according to a New York Times poll at the time) in which husbands and wives, argued over the innocence or guilt, decided that they were mutually incompatible. By nine thirty August 4, 1892, Abby Borden's head was nearly ... by the name of Nance O'Neil. It was a party thrown for Nance and her acting members that caused Emma to move from Maplecroft in 1905, she simply could not abide by Lizzie's new rowdy friends. After Emma moved to Newmarket in New Hampshire, Lizzie and her had little or no communication and the two sisters never saw each other again. Lizzie died on June 1, 1927, at ...
8390: The Symbolism of Color In The Great Gatsby
... to appear pure with her white possessions. Perhaps she is pure to some extent but she is, at least, undoubtedly white. Green is Gatsby’s color in the Great Gatsby. Green is a symbol of new wealth and life. In the Christian faith green shows life. Green symbolizes new birth in the spring time with little trees and budding leaves. Gatsby is trying to live life but he cannot because he is hampered by his unbearable desire to be with Daisy. His optimal life is a difficult goal to achieve because of his inexperience with money. Because his money is new he does not really understand how to act with it. His wild parties are a symptom of this. The green light that he sees at the end of Daisy’s dock is what he ...

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