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8301: Black Rain
... There were different names given to the bomb throughout the book and he sums up the names in one paragraph. The name of the bomb had already undergone a number of changes, from the initial "new weapon" through "new-type bomb," "secret weapon," "special new-type bomb," to "special high-capacity bomb." That day, I learned for the first time to call it an "atomic bomb." (Black Rain 282) The importance of the name of the bomb may seem ...
8302: Status of Women In Society
... freedom and dignity had slowly gained credence, signifying an important shift in the general attitude towards authority. Even the divine right of kings was being challenged. These changes in the popular mentality called for a new explanation of patriarchal power. If men were not born with a natural right to rule over the women, why did they rule at all? This new explanation was the social contract theory of government, which was developed during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The fundamental idea behind the social contract is that all social relations are consensual. The social contract theory ... the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle, and most of all in the work of the revolutionary thinkers of the Enlightenment Era. Bibliography: Zeitlin, Irving M., 1997, Ideology and the Development of Sociological Theory. 6th ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Russell, Bertrand, 1972, A History of Western Philosophy. New York: Simon & Schuster Sanderson, Stephen K., 1995, Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Sciences. 3rd ed. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers Henslin, ...
8303: Carbon Dioxide
... released which is then breathed in by humans and animals. This procedure is repeated over and over and a natural balance is obtained. However this natural balance is disrupted by human activity. People of the world are putting more than 5.5 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. 75% of this is caused from the burning of fossil fuels. These fuels are burnt all the time to run factories, power plants and vehicles. The main sources of CO2 emissions are electric utilities, residential buildings, industry and transportation. The other 25% is induced by the destruction of the world's forests. The reason for this is that there are less trees and plants to take in the CO2 but there is just as many, if not more, humans and animals to breathe it out ... more serious in areas of Alaska, Canada and Northern Eurasia where temperatures have risen by as much as 10 degrees F over the last 35 years. Global warming causes many environmental problems. By raising the world's temperatures, sea levels rise, mountain glaciers recede and snow cover decreases. 1100 square miles of Antarctic ice shelves have broken up in the last year and the rest of the massive shelves are ...
8304: Hills Like White Elephants By Ernest Hemingwya
... two tracks. The beer represents the couple’s, "the American" and "the girl’s", usual routine activity they do together. This bothers the girl because "that’s all [they] do … look at things and try new drinks." This shows that the girl is tired of doing the same thing and wants to do something different, like having a baby and a family, instead of fooling around all the time. She wants ... the woman." The girl symbolizes youth, innocence, and naďvety. She is ignorant to her final decision of having an abortion, because she is so young and is still in the prime of her life, experiencing new things everyday. Hemingway uses her to show a young pregnant girl trying to decide if having the baby will ruin her youthfulness, ruin her relationship, or in contrast make her a woman. She is getting ... and supports the qualities of "the girl". She is called "the woman" because she is older, and the reader is to assume, wiser, and experienced. The "girl" talks about "having a fine time" and "trying new drinks" which shows that she is still young, living a life of ease, experiencing a lot of things, where as the woman brings these "new drinks" to the girl. This displays the woman as ...
8305: The History of Linen Manufacturing
... No one reason can be pinpointed. It was a combination of things that made it happen. Availability of cheap labour, encouragement of the industry from the state, availability of credit, the opening of markets, and new technology contributed to its success. With all these things coming together at the same time the manufacture of linen was allowed to expand into the most important industry of that time in Scotland. With the ... of work. This allowed for the availability of cheap labour. Another source of labour was women. Many would spin or weave part-time in addition to their farm or housework. Even with the development of new technology most of the jobs in the linen industry did not need much knowledge and skill. The jobs were highly labour-intensive. The rapid growth of the industry after 1740 was fuelled by the rising ... the total value of the Scottish linen manufacture but was only almost a tenth of the volume. Aristocrats to promote the linen industry, especially the export of British linens to America and Africa, established a new company. The main purpose of the company was to enter the mercantile side of the industry and facilitate widespread manufacture. In 1746 the company was incorporated as the British Linen Company and was given ...
8306: UFOs: We Are Not Alone
... speed three times faster than any known satellite. The satellite orbited for two weeks and disappeared without a trace. Before its disappearance, the object which appeared to give off a red glow, was photographed over new york several times (Jackson 19). Lights in the sky aren't the only evidence that suggests we may have cosmic company. In the book "a history of ufo crashes," the author kevin d. randal gives detailed accounts of numerous ufo crashes in history. Perhaps the most famous of these crashes occurred on July 4th, 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico. The crash at roswell was witnessed from afar by over a hundred people. Until just recently, no one who was involved in the recovery operation was talking, but thanks to continued pressure from ufo ... dwarfs millions of years older than our sun, it increases the improbability that we are the only ones out here. I will close this paper on a quote from ecclesiastes 1:9 "there is no new thing under the sun," and that includes intelligent life. WORKS CITED ECCLESIASTES. HOLY BIBLE. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE: THOMAS NELSON, 1976. GOULD ROBERT. ODDITIES. NEW YORK BELL PC, 1965. JACKSON, ROBERT. UFO'S: SIGHTINGS OF STRANGE ...
8307: Greek Gods
... to-day life such as sex and disputes between mortals were supposedly influenced by godly workings. Unlike modern religions such as Catholicism, Buddhism, and Hinduism, where an omnipotent force supposedly controls the workings of the world, a hierarchy of Gods characterized religion in ancient Greece. Working as one big family, which they actually were, each one of the Greek gods governed a certain aspect of the world in a way that usually reflected their own humanlike personalities. These unique personalities also contained many human flaws such as envy and greed, and were where the Greek God’s importance lay. Greek religion was more concentrated on the way an individual dealt with situations that popped up in the world around him than on understanding the world itself. In other words the Greeks were more interested in the workings of the mind than in the workings of the environment around them. This was so ...
8308: Looking To The Future 1984
... the Future 1984 "WAR IS PEACE FFREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH"(Orwell 3). It is the year 1984 in London, Oceania. Winston Smith is one of many people in Orwell’s prediction of the world in the future but is today’s past. The world appears as a dark and fearful place where the only rhyme or reason is created by Big Brother, ruler of the state and the head member of the Party. All of the above phrases in ... facts to fit his or her own intentions, which is often what socialist rulers may have done and still may do. Many of the ideas in 1984 were written to show predictions of what the world might be like if people did not question and act on what was happening around them. Orwell wrote 1984 after World War II when socialist governments which had gone wrong, like Russia, were becoming ...
8309: Findley's The Wars: Analysis
... a tragic story of a boy who goes to war, suffers many hardships and never gets to go back home. The novel focuses around a boy named Robert Ross who gets involved in the First World War and realizes that war was not at all what he thought it would be. Robert experiences one tragedy after another as almost all of his friends die off and finally Robert passes away as ... war and a soldier’s life, but most of all it illustrates just how horrible war really is. The Wars is an accurate portrayal of what life was like for the combatants in the first world war. Evidence of this is that the main character, Robert Ross, could represent any soldier who went to war and met a tragic end. Furthermore, from the conflicts on the battlefield, to the conflicts of ... characters in the novel cannot avoid crises. Finally, Findley’s theme is that war is one horrible tragedy after another for all who are involved. Robert Ross could have been any soldier in the First World War by another name. He went through many of the same problems and was faced with many of the same dilemmas all soldiers went through in that time. Robert had to frequently deal with ...
8310: Salem Witch Trials
... trials and Watergate are other forms of hunts in the political spectrum (American Fanaticism). From the Spring of 1692 to the Fall of 1692, men and women were tried and convicted of being witches. The new Governor, Sir William Phips, who was sent from England, set up a special Court of Oyer and Terminer to hear and decide the remaining witchcraft cases. Appointed as judges were Lt. Governor William Stoughton, Nathaniel ... given to the families. This incident in American history has left a great impression on present day lives. Bibliography Armstrong, Karen/ Hill, Frances. A Delusion of Satan. The Full Story of the Salem Witch Trials. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishers, 1995. Ashley, Leonard R.N. The Devil’s Disciples. New York: Barricade Books Inc., 1996. Briggs, Robin. Witches & Neighbors. New York: Penguin Books Ltd.,1996. Brown, Richard D. Massachusetts, A History. New York: W.W.Norton and Company, Inc., 1978. Ferres, John H. (Ed.) ...

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