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8271: The Civil War
... first mustered into the Union Army were a De Kalb regiment of German American clerks, the Garibakdi Guards made up of Italian Americans, a "Polish Legion," and hundreds of Irish American youths form Boston and New York. But in Ohio and Washington, D.C., African American volunteers were turned away from recruiting stations and told, "This is a white man's war." Some citizens questioned the loyalty of immigrants who lived in crowded city tenements until an Italian American from Brooklyn turned that around. In the New York Senate, Democrat Francis Spinola had been a vigorous foe of Republican policies and Lincoln. But now he swore his loyalty with stirring words, "This is my flag, which I will follow and defend." This ... the Medal of Honor and was appointed a general. He charged unarmed at the foe, read his citation, "rallied his men ...until desperately wounded and taken prisoner in action." In 1879 Cesnola became director of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. The museum then became, wrote a critic, "a monument to his energy, enterprise, and rare executive skill." Italian American privates also won the Medal of Honor. Joseph Sova ...
8272: The Transition of Religion and Superstition to Science and Technology in the Middle Ages
... sense The Enlightenment began as far back as the Renaissance, with men's renewed interest in Greek and Latin texts, their critical approach to medieval Christian philosophy and their general sense of curiosity about this world as opposed to the next.” Even the Protestant Reformation helped to prepare the way for the Enlightenment by disrupting the unity of Western Christendom and weakening the authority of the Church. The Age of Enlightenment ... of Enlightenment. It basically started with something known as the Scientific Revolution, which took place sometime around the 16th century. “In the 1500s it was not only ordinary people who thought hidden forces controlled the world; the early scientists also hoped to discover what they called the secrets of nature.” At this period of time, more and more people were being excommunicated for their disbelief in the Church's ideas. Those ... excommunicated set out on their own ventures to prove the Church wrong in their faiths. Some famous scientists from the era include Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, and Isaac Newton. Their contributions to the world were not appreciated by many at first, because of the high level of benightedness and ignorance circulating throughout the countryside. These men, amongst many others, exemplified the first true studies of mathematics, anatomy, and ...
8273: The Allegory of the Cave
... of reasoning and understanding. "The Allegory of the Cave" symbolizes this journey and how it would look to those still in a lower place. Plato is saying that humans are all prisoners and that the world is our cave. The things which we perceive as real are actually just shadows on a wall. Just as the escaped prisoner ascends into the light of the sun, we accumulate knowledge and ascend into ... and other lights would be unfamiliar to them, and they would not be able to grow accustomed to it. They would be confused and wouldn’t understand anything that was going on in the upper world, and therefore, they would want to return to their old ways of life in the caves. They would rather look at shadows all their life, because it is what they believe is reality. Not only ... education. The “Allegory of the Cave” says that education is very important for people to have, and that education is essential for all people. It says that people who aren’t educated about the real world won’t survive in the real world. Plato also explains that people can only be educated if they want to be. Education is necessary before one can leave the cave because the people who ...
... the government help blacks when they do not help themselves and apply themselves like they should? “Life is a competition” (Curry 171). Minorities will be at a disadvantage if standards are lowered, in the real world one either has the skill to accomplish the job or Aguilar 6. doesn’t. When programs like affirmative allow minorities to slide through the cracks that affirmative action has made and places minorities at a ... difference in the black and the Hispanic society. Affirmative action has a huge negative impact on our economy, affirmative action is costly, futile, and worst of all destroys the legitimacy of minorities. In the business world the main concern of an employer should be to hire personnel that will increase productivity, the concern should not de to hire to have a racially diverse faculty. How can the most effective person for ... from this extended leave in many cases proves to be impossible to recover from. In the majority of cases, beginning a family is choice that both males and females make. Falling behind in the business world is an eventual consequence, and a sacrifice to beginning a family. There have been numerous cases and incidents where affirmative action and similar programs have made people victims. Janice Camarena, a widowed mother of ...
8275: Industry Research Comparing Th
... from 162 to 160. The number of reviews for radio decreased dramatically over the period, dropping from 8 in 1949 to only 2 in 1954. The total amount of space devoted to radio in the New York Times for Sunday, May 15, 1949, was 210 column inches. For the same time in 1954, Sunday May 16th, the total space was 194 column inches. During this period the number of television stations ... did not change noticeably - 18 in 1949 and 17 in 1954, which would indicate that the number of theater advertisements decreased dramatically during this period. I was hoping that by looking at the market in New York City there would be a great explosion of new television and radio stations. As I went through the available listings I realized that the market in the New York City metropolitan area was fully saturated in 1949 and the relative changes in media ...
8276: Hammurabi's Laws
... a tangible item and inflict fear, you die; to steal a girl’s innocence and dignity, inflict pain, hatred, fear, and just an overall tainted feeling, you get to start your life over in a new city. Another of these laws that show exactly what little worth the female gender had is number 141: “If a wife, living in her husband’s house, has persisted on going out, has acted the ... Today, certain states honor a concept called Common-law Marriages. Basically they are just a union of two people without a “wedding” or judge. Prior to January 1, 1902, common law marriages were permitted in New York. From January 1, 1902 until January 1, 1908, they were abolished. They were once again honored from January 1, 1908 until April 29, 1933, when they were finally abolished. There are still states that recognize common law marriages. These include, Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Texas and Utah.7 I do not side with Hammurabi, or the state of New York on this subject. Although New York does not honor it, my father has been in a situation that fits the standards of one. Different states have different qualifications for a union being labeled ...
8277: A Violent Illumination of Salvation
A Violent Illumination of Salvation Flannery O'Connor uses violence to return characters to reality and prepare them to accept their moment of grace. The New Encyclopedia Britannica defines grace as the "spontaneous, unmerited gift of the divine or the divine influence operating in man for his regeneration and sanctification" (401). At any cost, a soul must find salvation. O'Connor ... Literature, "God's mercy is not a soothing balm[,] but a burning flame that purifies the sinner" (498). Works Cited Bain, Carl. E., Beaty, Jerome & Hunter, J.P. The Norton Introduction to Literature. 5th ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1995. "Grace." The New Encylopedia Britannica: Micropaedia. 1990. McFarland, Dorothy, Tuck. Flannery O'Connor. New York: Fredrick Ungar, 1976. O'Connor, Flannery. A Good Man is Hard to Find. San diego: Harcourt, 1976. O'Connor, Flannery. Habit of ...
8278: The Rise and Fall of McCarthyism: An Explanation Of How the Media Created and Then Destroyed Joseph McCarthy.
... the support of many Republicans, he accused the administrations of Roosevelt and Truman with "twenty years of treason."(Grolier, 1996) After his reelection in 1952, McCarthy directed similar accusations at the Eisenhower administration from a new post as head of the Senate's Government Operations Committee and it's permanent investigations subcommittee. Eventually he was discredited by the lack of substance in his claims of Communist penetration in the U.S ... had a list where on earth would he have got it? Who would have gave it to him? The FBI? The State Department? Why? Could he have worked it up himself?....William Shannon of the New York Post once asked, would he have chosen to make his shattering announcement "before a group of Republican Ladies in a Triple-I League town?" (Rovere, 1959, p.126) All good journalists could, and should ... the American public. "McCarthy's rise to national prominence coincided with the explosive growth of television in the United States."(Bayley, 1981, p.176) He knew about media, and also that he could use this new medium of television to promote his image, and his cause. Television was just as easily manipulated by McCarthy as the newspapers were, and McCarthy successfully launched himself into the living rooms of the American ...
8279: Global Warming Extended Definition Essay
... is due to an unusual interaction between cosmic rays and clouds as well as other natural occurring events. The National Weather Service announced that 1998 was the warmest year (on record on average, around the world). A recent tree-ring study indicated that this is the warmest decade in six hundred years (Allen & Herreid, 82). Undeniably, the weather is getting warmer. According to an article in The Economist, a conservative newsmagazine ... acting in a peculiar way. So, too, in Antarctica, where unlooked-for flowers are blooming as the ice shelves disintegrate In Southern Africa, it looks as though the rains will fail. Again. All over the world, there is something odd about the weather" ("Feuding over Global Warming", 6). There may be nothing out of the ordinary about these latest extremes in the weather, but they may all be part of a ... for the global warming and the outrageous weather occurrences in process. Excessive carbon dioxide from automobiles, causing the ozone layer to be depleted, is one explanation for what is causing global warming. Many scientists and world leaders believe carbon dioxide is the culprit to this alarming dilemma, while others do not support this theory at all. Taking the opposite view, some scientists and politicians believe that global warming may be ...
8280: Underage Drinking: A Big Problem
... is it? According to Reginald Smart, in 1971 the Canadian province of Ontario lowered its drinking age from 21 years to 18 years, thinking this would help alleviate its underage drinking problem. At first, the new age law seemed to be working. Soon, bar owners complained because the young drinkers scared off the above 21 crowd, just took up space, and did not drink as much as the above 21 crowd ... and then returned to class too intoxicated to take part in the learning process. Also, school functions, such as dances and sporting events became occasions to drink. It seemed the only people still supporting the new age law were the young people who gained the privilege of drinking from the new age law. Finally, in 1978 the drinking age was raised (90,93,105). Also, lowering the drinking age is not a good solution because it completely ignores minors aged 12-17 which according to ...

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