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8071: Discrimination Against Women
... and exacerbated by the existence of discrimination in the family, in the community and in the workplace. While causes and consequences may vary from country to country, not only in Hong Kong but over the world, discrimination against women is widespread. From the Discrimination Against Women: The Convention And The Committee Fact Sheet No.22, the term "discrimination against women" shall mean any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis ... survival of stereotypes and of traditional cultural and religious practices and beliefs detrimental to women. Women always don't have the same human right as men. In this society, a number of countries throughout the world, women are denied their basis legal rights, including the right to vote and the right to own property. Many countries discriminate against female nationals who marry foreigners. Foreign wives of male nationals may be permitted to acquire their husband's nationality, but foreign husbands of female nationals are not granted the same right. There are very few places in the world where women are denied a formal right to education. In many countries, parents do not expect their daughters to have careers outside the home. Consequently, girl-children are encouraged to leave school after completing ...
8072: Prison Overcrowding
Prison Overcrowding Many prisons throughout the United States have been experiencing the problem of overcrowdedness. This is not a new issue though, in April of 1978 New York State was already feeling the affect of crowded prisons. In an attempt to alleviate the problem the state tried to buy Richers Island from New York City. Since then a rise in population and in poverty have increased the problem and the government has been think of solutions ever since. The main problem was coming up with programs that ...
8073: Hamlet - The Love Of Hamlet For Ophelia
... retaining a very embittered and cynical outlook on life. "Or that the Everlasting had not fixed His cannon ‘gainst self-slaughter … how weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of this world." (1.2.131-134). Throughout the play, Hamlet teaches the audience the depths of his depression through soliloquies. Hamlet not only regards the world with pessimism, but he also has suicidal feelings. Hamlet displays thoughts of self that questions the worth of living. The foremost cause for his exasperation and aggravation is the fact that his mother and his ... seeing Ophelia do the same he can take no more and demands that she "Get thee to a nunnery." (3.1.121). Hamlet said this because he holds Ophelia in high regard, aside from the world he regards so cynically, he does not wish for her to become involved with it’s corruptness, therefore he feels she would remain fair in a nunnery. It is in Act 5, I have ...
8074: Hamlet - Soliloquies
... too solid flesh would melt,… Or that the Everlasting had not fixed His canon 'gainst self-slaughter! O God! O God! How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world (I, ii, 135-140). Through these lines it is obvious that Hamlet is in the midst of a deep depression. He has no control over the "uses of the world." Hamlet compares Denmark to an "unweeded garden" to symbolize the corruption within his country, that is seeded within Claudius and his incestuous marriage to Gertrude. Hamlet goes on to compare his father to Claudius and ... only the actor's ability to "cleave the general ear with horrid speech"(II, ii, 569). Hamlet also displays his low self-esteem in this soliloquy as he sarcastically describes his inaction. This is most brave, That I, the son of a dear father murdered, Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell, Must (like a whore) unpack my heart with words And fall a-cursing like a very drab…( ...
8075: I Hate Verbal Aggression!
... must be a nobody, if you are my friend? Why can't you act like us? Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me. Or can they? In an ideal world, words would not hurt, and we could easily ignore them, but this world is far from ideal. Verbal aggression is something we have grown up with. We all have felt the pain it causes, whether it was as a child on the playground being teased, or as a ... issue of verbal aggression is more serious than most people think. It hurts people. Oblivious to the fact that it can destroy someone's life, we carelessly tease and cut others down Think of the world as a big corporate ladder. Each step could easily put you ahead or behind the next person. Therefore everyone of course is trying to get ahead of the next person. In their attempts to ...
8076: Woman To Man
... every man. The title Woman To Man makes the poem universal, more than just a poem from Judith Wright to her husband. There are no names given to the woman and the man within the world of the poem. The experience of 'the Woman' becomes the experience of 'every woman'. The third audience for this text is the literati – the world of literature. Judith Wright is a well-known Australian poet; this poem has been published many times; this poem obviously did not stay between Wright and her husband. The poem displays the poet's highly ... conception, pregnancy and childbirth in an era when women did not speak of such things publicly. Her purpose is not only to reveal her emotions to her husband, but to reveal her emotions to the world. We need to consider the social context of the poem. Woman To Man was written in 1949. During the post-war years Australia was experiencing a period of affluence. Men were enjoying their role ...
8077: Winter Oak - Yuri Nagibin
... Anna Vasilyevna thought painfully. ‘What clearer way of admitting my impotence?’ She remembered that days class and all her other classes: on those things without which man, helpless in his feelings, is mute before the world-on their beautiful language, which was a fresh, beautiful, and rich as life was bounteous and beautiful" (Nagibin 66). We would not expect the great Anna Vasilyevna to have any faults, and to be strong ... Savushkin was messing about at the foot of the oak, treating the oak simply as his old acquaintance" (Nagibin 65). We also begin to care for Anna Vasilyevna, as she changes and grows into a new person. "And suddenly Anna Vasilyevna realized that the most wonderful thing in the forest wasn’t the winter oak, but the small person in the worn felt boots and the patched cheap clothes, the son ... we started to see how Anna Vasilyevna was gradually changing her perspective on life, through her thoughts and words. 3. We chose Different Worlds as an alternative title, because Anna Vasilyevna is coming from a world that is strictly black and white and very habitual; while Savushkin comes from a world that is full of life and color, which is not based on having control on all aspects of life. ...
8078: Eugenics
... of resources once thought to be an endless supply. With these uses come consequences, and these consequences have created problems and hinder survival of humans. To solve these problems humans have tried to develop a new species, a decendant of humans and other animals for thei mere survival during these times. Using eugenics, these scientists and the intellectual people of the world come together to create a superior species. They decided to change the DNA structure of the species to improve its ability to survive. The new species was made to what was thought was perfect. The species anatomical structure remained similar. The bones were created to develop with less calcium through good supply by developing a gene in which calcium ...
8079: Welfare Reform
... programs. But now, the federal money for public assistance is sent to the states in block grants. This causes the federal role to be limited to setting goals , financial penalties and rewards. Many of the new approaches now require a human being to decide when a individual recipient is ready for work and should be cut off from assistance. These welfare caseworker's responsibilities went from a simple task of handing ... course that combines strict work requirements - welfare mothers considered able to work will soon loose their checks, regardless of whether they have a job. At the same time community service jobs are being expanded. In New York City some welfare recipients are working off their monthly checks by sweeping streets, cleaning parks and doing other municipal chores. There are twenty-five states that have a one-time payment program meant to ... the rolls are barred from receiving welfare for a certain period of time. The old system was criticized for granting benefits to people who didn't deserve them, and should have been working instead. The new system creates the possibility that people who do deserve assistance will be denied it. Now there will be so much discretion involved that it makes a person wonder whether minorities, people with drug problems ...
8080: Francios Rabelias
... the Renaissance. Before we say that these people where wrong we should look at what they have exposed for us. A good example is Simon Freud, he was a little crazy, but he exposed the world of Psychology. I guess what I am trying to say is that we should look at freaks and study them, they to can help us avoid repeating the same mistakes throughout history Weatherhead 1. Ahlfinger, Randy. (1973) Francios Rabelias. Penguin Books, Inc 2. Davidson, Richard.(1993).Humanism. The World Book Encyclopedia(vol. H, pp430).World Book, Inc. 3. Davidson, Richard.(1993).Rabelias. The World Book Encyclopedia(vol. R, pp233-239).World Book, Inc. 4. Davidson, Richard.(1993).Renaissance. The World Book Encyclopedia(vol. R pp150).World Book, Inc. 5. ...

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