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8061: Money and the Way it Alters the Mind
... of money in America’s culture. It is obvious, to those who read Lapham’s passage, that he researched thoroughly the ways we, as Americans, have been brought up differently than the rest of the world. The way Americans honor what is important is perceived as ridiculous, by many other cultures, because the only way to be respected in America is to be wealthy and therefore, powerful. Lapham chooses to compare different cultures of the world with Americans to demonstrate the westerners idiocy. The Greeks would have seen Americans as “insane,” because of the loyalty and devotion to money. The commercial world is overflowing with money. The loyalty that people have is due to the manipulation of how the businessmen choose to portray what is necessary for consumers to possess. Unlike Americans, Germans find a “University ...
8062: Female Infanticide in India
... It would make my blood boil whenever I read or listened to a news story involving the murder or abandonment of an infant. How could someone just disregard a life they just brought into the world. A life they were to love and care for. I know these feelings are from my heart and deeply rooted in my upbringing and education, but after researching this topic I realize there are many ... rely on their sons to care for them in old age and also to perform last rites on the parents after death. India’s ratio of women to men, already among the lowest in the world, is on the decline. The ratio for children under 6 has dropped from 962 girls per 1,000 boys in 1981 to 945 girls per 1,000 boys in 1991, and the trend is increasing (Marion Lloyd, 1999, p. 14). The decline has prompted the government to think about new family planning programs. Should the government be concerned about gender equality or just controlling the soaring population? It seems neither, government laws are dated back to the 60’s and have failed to prevent ...
8063: Romeo And Juliet
... goes to Juliet, touches her hand, flatters her, and they kiss twice. They are parted by the Nurse, who reveals to each the other's identity. They are both quite upset to discover that their new love is a child of their family's enemy. Commentary   Puns abound once more when Romeo and Mercutio get together in scene 4. Particularly interesting is an implicit pun, as Romeo refuses to dance and ... their first kiss, Romeo speaks of how his "sin" has been purged through contact with Juliet's lips. This "sin" perhaps is his longing for love and affection, in which case Juliet admits her own new longing for him when she says, "Then have my lips the sin that they have took." Romeo immediately asks for (and takes) his "sin" back again, thus finalizing perhaps the transference of his desire for ... by implication, reproduction) occurs again and again throughout the play. Summary   Prologue   The chorus gives an overview of what has happened so far, that Romeo's unrequited love for Rosaline has given way to a new love for Juliet, a new love which, though Juliet returns it, carries its own drastic complications. Act II, Scene i   Romeo decides he cannot leave Capulet's house after finding his true love, so ...
8064: Skaters and Stereotypes
... examples of people that do not live this stereotype; however, they have actually become pillars of the community. In addition to their community stature they also have become idols to thousands of children across the world. Surfing is an ancient sport first practiced by Hawaiian kings. Early surfers rode 14 to 18 foot wooden boards that weighed over 150 pounds (Tomalin1). Duke Kahanamoka introduced surfing to the United States in 1912 ... the Maui Masters, and third place in the Rip Curl Pro, the Chiemesee Pipe Masters, and the Gotcha Lacanau Pro (Solano1). In 1995 he, from surfing alone, made 57,750 dollars (Solano1). Kelly won four world titles by 1996, one in 1992, 1994, 1995, and again in 1996 (Solano1). In 1996 Kelly was a busy boy, he won his fourth world title as well as 50% of his WCT Tournaments; moreover Kelly collected over 300, 895 dollars in prize money alone. In 1997 he won 446,295 dollars in eleven events(Solano2). Kelly has brought ...
8065: Othello - A Tragedy Without Meaning?
... the audience to feel sympathy and pathos towards the lead character. From the very beginning of the play the audience is told that Othello is an outsider. He does not seem to belong to our world, nor do we know how he managed to arrive. He is not even a European, much less an Italian. This racial and cultural difference is explored throughout the play, mainly in the opening Act. Eventually ... are evidenced later in the play. ‘Rude am I in my speech And little blessed with the soft phrase of peace’ (Oth Act 1 Sc. 3 ll. 81-82) and, ‘And little of this great world can I speak More than pertains to feats of broil and battle;’ (Oth Act 1 Sc. 3 ll. 86-87) Othello knows how to communicate with men, through obvious and direct means, but lacks the ... What Othello plans to commit is not a murder, but instead a sacrifice . He does this through love for Desdemona, to save her from herself, and for his own honour. This act helps establish a new Othello, an Othello even nobler and braver than the Othello of Act 1, an Othello that arrests his previous decline. ‘O balmy breath, that dost almost persuade Justice to break her sword! One more, ...
8066: Reducing Gun Violence
... was received or from the time a firearm was last transferred to the transferee, is all that must be investigated. Last their is a waiting period, though the idea of a waiting period is not new it is critical that it be established on a federal level. “In 1988 Congress considered the “Brady Amendment,” which required a one-week waiting period before a transferee could possess a transferred handgun” (Bender 201 ... you have to have a gun; you have to prove that you are the toughest guy around” (Gottfried 107). As these children go to sleep at night they are all thinking about how clever and brave the hero was. But as they fall asleep they see the dramatic story unfold as them as the big hero. However, in the morning when they wake up they open the newspaper to read, that ... 1991. Cozic, Charles P. Gun Control. San Diego, CA., Greenhaven Press, 1992. Gottfried, Ted. Gun Control: Public Saftey and the Right to Bear Arms. Brookfield, CT., Millbrook Press, 1993. Kruschke, Earl R. Gun Control: Contemporary World Issues. Santa Barbara, CA., ABC-CLIO Inc. 1995.
8067: Natural Raised Killers
... Raised Killers Are you ever afraid for your life? Perhaps you should be more often than you realize. Serial Killers are not a realistic threat until one murder turns up in your neighborhood. In our world, there are many different crimes and injustices committed daily. One of the most predominant and publicized is the rampage of a serial killer. Local communities panic and often several innocent victims are found dead long ... much smarter than everyone else. His arrogance was what defeated him in the end. He lost his trial and was electrocuted in Florida on January 25, 1989. Heriberto Seda is probably better known as the New York Zodiac Killer. It was his attempt to kill one person within each of the twelve zodiac signs. This killer shot three men, fatally, and wounded a fourth in Central Park. The shootings all occurred ... to them. Seda finally turned in 13 homemade weapons. While in prison, he attempted to become his own lawyer and petitioned for bail. When denied, he asked the judge to step down and demanded a new lawyer. Seda plagued the city with multiple law suits, none of which ever went through. In July of 1988, he was sentenced to 83 years in prison. The judge told him that he was “ ...
8068: Othello
... to desert. In battle, if the company's banner were threatened, all the soldiers had to fight to defend it and also its bearer. So by tradition and definition, he had to be well liked, brave, and trustful. Iago already has the appearance of being a good and honest man so he has an advantage when it comes to keeping that honest look about him throughout the story. Othello, it would ... we have seen, metaphorically and by example, Iago has proven to be the epitome of evil in that he uses the same tactics that Satan does to get what he wants. Works Cited Holy Bible. New American Bible. Oral Roberts Association. Philadelphia, The National Publishing Company, 1970 The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Rel. 6. CD-ROM. Online Computer Systems Incorperated. 1993. Scott, Mark. "Critical Interpretation of Othello." Shakespeare for Students. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research Incorporated, 1992. 411-457. Shakespeare, William. Othello, The Moor ...
8069: Won't Libertarian Socialism Destroy Individuality?
... is increased and so you are constantly developing your abilities and personality. The spontaneous activity described by Leval has important psychological impacts. As Eric Fromm notes, "[i]n all spontaneous activity, the individual embraces the world. Not only does his [sic] individual self remain intact; it becomes stronger and more solidified. For the self is as strong as it is active." [Escape from Freedom, p. 225] Therefore, individuality does not atrophy ... If I were to state... what are the outstanding features of aboriginal civilisation, I... would have no hesitation in answering that... respect for the individual, irrespective of age or sex" is the first one. [The World of Primitive Man, p. 11] Murray Bookchin comments on Radin's statement as follows, "respect for the individual, which Radin lists first as an aboriginal attribute, deserves to be emphasized, today, in an era that ... in such tribes called "the principle of non-interference" in anthropology. This is the principle within of defending someone's right to express the opposing view and it is a pervasive principle in the "primitive" world, and it is so much so as to be safely called a "universal". The principle of non-interference is a powerful principle that extends from the personal to the political, and into every facet ...
8070: Three Ways to End Racial Discrimination
... Laws prevented blacks from exercising their right to vote in the late 1800's. In 1964 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., MLK, won the Nobel Peace Prize for leading a nonviolent fight for racial equality (New Student Bible 1180). At the turn of the new millenium a growth in interracial marriages and diversity in the school district are present. "In 1991 when I was entering into education, interracial relationships shocked me because they were unacceptable when I was in high ... getting involved in a diverse community. Heroes like MLK and his followers were not afraid to stand up for what they thought biblically and morally correct. Their efforts triggered a movement towards a racial free world. Who will stand out from the X generation as heroes in the fight for the abolishment racism? Work Cited "Galatians." The New Student Bible, NIV. Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1991. MajorLeagueBaseball.com.22Feb.1999 . ...

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