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8031: Gangs
... kinship develops between the gang members and the child. It is then that the bond between the kid and the gang is completed because the gang has effectively taken the place of the family. The new anti social structure of cities also effects the ease in which a boy/girl can join a gang. " The formation of gangs in cities, and most recently in suburbs, is facilitated by the same lack ... more people to form organizations like the "Guardian Angels" a gang-like group that makes life very tough for street gangs that are breaking laws. Bibliography Margot Webb, Coping with Street Gangs. Rosen Publishing Group, New York, 1990. William Foote Whyte, Street Corner Society. University of Chicago, Chicago, 1955. Peter Carroll, South-Central. Hoyte and Williams, L. A., 1987. 1 Marshall B. Clinard, Sociology of Deviant Behavior. University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, 1963, Page 179. 2 Merton Nisbet, Contempory Social Problems. Harcourt, Brace & World, New York, 1971, Page 588
8032: El Inconformismo Femenino En L
... Grinor and Cynthia Steele. Ritos de Encarnación. Boston, Mass: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1986 Chevigny, Bell Gale and Gari Laguardia, eds. Reinventing the Americas: Comparative Studies of Literature of the Unites States and Spanish America . Cambridge, New York. Cambridge University Press, 1986. Perry, Donna. Backtalk Women Writers Speak Out : Interviews by Donna Perry. New Brunswick, New Jersey. Rutgers University Press, 1993 Gallardo Colón Julia, Kanellas Nicolás ed. Biografical Dictionary of Hispanic Literature in the United States. New York, New York. Greenwood Press, 1989. Rivera, Carmen. Dictionary of Literary Biography. Volume ...
8033: Nuclear Power: Cons
... to forget that there is only a limited supply of energy in every energy system, and to "overdo" any resource may provide for an unacceptable impact upon global and regional ecology. Thus, if the business world pushes the environment as far as it can go, Ceribus Paribus, please refer to figure 1. Thus, to use petroleum as a substitute for uranium, which is needed to power the nuclear system, would not ... sharp jump in consumer costs when the plants are turned on to pay for the construction costs, plant manufacturers or other loan sources, plus interest. Thus, the cost of electricity may go up three-fold. New plants usually supply substantially more energy than the area requires; meaning that the consumer will be paying for this waste of energy, which is cost per kilowatt hour. It should also be noted that some ... 1976. 2. Economic Thinking and Pollution Problems. Edited by D.A.L. AULD, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Ontario. 1972. 3. Nuclear Energy: Solution or Suicide. Edited by Carol C. Collins, Facts on File Publications. New York, New York. 1984. Thesis: A look at nuclear energy and the environment and why it is one of the most criticized forms of energy - when it has great possibilities in economic growth.
8034: Love And Suffering - Dantes In
... upon and is intrigued by two lovers, Paolo and Francesca, who were tragically killed by Francesca s husband, Gianciotti. In The Aeneid, Aeneas is on a journey to lead his people, the Trojans to a new homeland. Aeneas was chosen by fate to lead the Trojans to establish a new homeland in Italy and Rome. This fate also represents the national destiny of Rome. Aeneas looks towards the future, towards Rome s power over the known world. In the same way that the Promised Land was guaranteed to the Hebrews in the Old Testament, the Trojans Promised Land was guaranteed by fate. History is the guarantor. The theme of this work ...
8035: Gangs
... kinship develops between the gang members and the child. It is then that the bond between the kid and the gang is completed because the gang has effectively taken the place of the family. The new anti social structure of cities also effects the ease in which a boy/girl can join a gang. " The formation of gangs in cities, and most recently in suburbs, is facilitated by the same lack ... more people to form organizations like the "Guardian Angels" a gang-like group that makes life very tough for street gangs that are breaking laws. Bibliography Margot Webb, Coping with Street Gangs. Rosen Publishing Group, New York, 1990. William Foote Whyte, Street Corner Society. University of Chicago, Chicago, 1955. Peter Carroll, South-Central. Hoyte and Williams, L. A., 1987. 1 Marshall B. Clinard, Sociology of Deviant Behavior. University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, 1963, Page 179. 2 Merton Nisbet, Contempory Social Problems. Harcourt, Brace & World, New York, 1971, Page 588.
8036: Kurt Vonneguts Who Am I This T
... miss out on some of the most important things in life. Many things are important to us, one of these is being accepted by our society. We all hate to be the outsider or the new kid, because we feel alone and secluded . In Who Am I This Time? , Helene Shaw s job kept her moving to a different town every eight weeks. She became very cold to her surroundings in ... place almost mechanically, making it harder for people to get to know her. By joining the Mask and Wig Club, in North Crawford, she was given the opportunity to open up to others and meet new people, thus making many friends. We can see that by emerging from her protective shell, it was easier for her to get to know the people around her and for them to get to know ... she may have never experienced love. From the experiences of Helene Shaw in Who Am I This Time? , we see that it is important for us to not shut ourselves off from the people and world around us. By making ourselves open to new things and experiences we will not miss out on the important things in life.
8037: Prejudice Against Native Americans
... strong influence the Europeans to become dominate figures on the Native American land. These factors can still be attributed for the way that Native Americans are viewed in society today. After the Revolutionary War the new United States government sought to gain land through treaties. The payment offered for the land was far from fair, however, and when Native Americans resisted the surrender of their homeland the US government simply used superior military power to evict them. The Europenas knew nothing of the new civilizations they encountered. Most Native American tribes viewed the lands they occupied to be no one man's property. They believied that they were alowed to occupy it by the grace of the "Great Spirit ... consequence or implications of the sale. It was difficult for the Indians to comprehend the ownership of land because in their view the land would always be avaliable for everyone to use. Europeans feared these new people with a seemingly savage way of life. The dances and othe cultural traditions that Native Americans practiced were extremely abstract and foreign to the European settlers. These displays of savagery by the Native ...
8038: A Medieval Contest Between The
... into the Cracks of Doom in Orodruin, the Fire Mountain, in Mordor, home of the Emperor of Darkness known as Sauron. The Ring should Sauron get it would give him the power to control the world. The obvious difference in the make up of the Round Table and the Fellowship is that the Round Table is made up of humans whereas the Fellowship has humans along with fantasy creatures such as ... though I do not know the way. (Tolkien, p.324) When sitting in the chair of the Guardian Kings of Gordor at the top of Amon Hen in the Seat of Seeing, Frodo sees the world covered by Orcs, Lorien in smoke and Borenings s land on fire and finally sees and feels the Eye of Sauron. He cries out, I will do now what I must. . .the evil of the ... Queen and his fellow knights. Sauron, The Dark Lord of Mordor, represents evil in his attempt to get back the One Ring he lost. The Ring holds enough power to make him emperor of the world. He often appears to Frodo as the Eye always looking for a way to get inside of him. As Frodo looks into the Mirror of Galadriel, he sees total blackness then a single Eye ...
8039: Animal Ethics
... have no such feeling, including such animals defenders as Singer”. Westra goes on to describe how Singer is not only unsympathetic to that of animals with intrinsic value but to those people in the third world. Singer feels that since the people of the third world are so far away that it is not of his concern. Singer wants the suffering of animals to stop because it is not justified, but what makes the suffering of third world countries justified? Because they are further away? Such individualistic approaches will not save the habitat in which the animals live and without that the environment will not survive. Singer is not the only one ...
8040: Immanuel Kant
... and the Critical period. During the Pre-critical period, 1747 to 1781, he wrote many non-fictional works and criticisms. Some of them were "Thoughts on the True Estimation of Living Forces", "On Fire", "A New Explanation of the First Principles of Metaphysical Knowledge", and "On the Forms and Principles of the Sensible and Intelligible World". From 1770 to 1780, he mainly worked on preparing "The Critique of Pure Reason". The Critical period lasted from 1781 to 1794. During this period, he wrote "The Critique of Pure Reason" in 1781, and ... My dog has black spots" is a synthetic statement. The truth cannot be determined since my dog is not known. The truth is not dependant on word meanings, but on if it corresponds with the world. Causality is applied to perception, and concepts which are applicable to perception, Kant calls Categories. There are a total of twelve Categories. Synthetic a priori judgments consist in applying the Categories to sensory infomation ...

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