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8011: Marie Curie and Her Discovery of Radium and Polonium
... worker named Gustave Bemont was hired by Pierre to assist them in working with the uranium. "The Curies, while studying uranium, discovered two highly radioactive chemical elements, radium and polonium," (Romualdas Sviedrys, p. 1194). The new radioactive element polonium was named after Maries native country, Poland. This discovery could have made them millionaires, but they decided not to patent the elements and left them to the government to freely benefit ... her line of work. Marie took over Pierres teaching position at the university, becoming the first woman to teach there. In 1911, Marie won the Nobel prize in chemistry for her discovery of the new elements radium and polonium, and for her work in isolating radium and studying its chemical properties. She was the first woman to receive the Nobel prize. In the year 1914, Marie helped found the Radium Institute (now known as the Curie Institute) in Paris and served as the first director. Her now grown daughter, Irene, assisted her at the institute teaching medical orderlies and doctors how to use the new technique of X-ray equipment. After the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Marie realized that X-rays could be used to locate broken bones, bullets, and pieces of shrapnel. Marie organized mobile ...
8012: Othello 3 --
... to desert. In battle, if the company's banner were threatened, all the soldiers had to fight to defend it and also its bearer. So by tradition and definition, he had to be well liked, brave, and trustful. Iago already has the appearance of being a good and honest man so he has an advantage when it comes to keeping that honest look about him throughout the story. Othello, it would ... we have seen, metaphorically and by example, Iago has proven to be the epitome of evil in that he uses the same tactics that Satan does to get what he wants. Works Cited Holy Bible. New American Bible. Oral Roberts Association. Philadelphia, The National Publishing Company, 1970 The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Rel. 6. CD-ROM. Online Computer Systems Incorperated. 1993. Scott, Mark. Critical Interpretation of Othello. Shakespeare for Students. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research Incorporated, 1992. 411-457. Shakespeare, William. Othello, The Moor ...
8013: Karl Marx
... a few more address' the League was restored. In 1951, Marx had no regular income. It was difficult for him to support his family. In the summer or that year, he became a correspondent for New York Times. Even then, income was irregular. Because of such hardships, the Marx family lived in very poor conditions. The Marx were so poor that only 3 of the 7 children survived. Once on better ... is a definite social relation. The social relation coincides with the historical stage of commodity production. In 1857, Marx formed his revolution in political economy. Between 1850 and 1860, the volume of transaction in the world market doubled, railway was tripled, and banks boomed. Marx, with his extensive background, predicted the over production crisis. There were sharp cut backs, massive close downs, numerous bankruptcies, closing markets, plummeting prices and the like. Marx wrote many articles revealing why the world wide capitalist crisis occurred. Marx's view shows that capitalism is a cycle where over production is inevitable. Marx then wrote his manuscripts of economy. Marx also became the leader of the International Working ...
8014: Julias Caesar
... of the late King Ptolemy XII, as queen. In 47BC he pacified Asia Minor and returned to Rome to become dictator again. By the following year all Optimate forces had been defeated and the Mediterranean world pacified. The basic prop for Caesar's continuation in power was the dictatorship for life. According to the traditional Republican constitution, this office was only to be held for six months during a dire emergency ... lust for power, and blame him for the demise of the Roman Republic. Others, admitting that he could be ruthless, insist that the Republic had already been destroyed. They maintain that to save the Roman world from chaos a new type of government had to be created. In fact, Caesar's reforms did stabilize the Mediterranean world. Among ancient military commanders, he may be second only to Alexander the Great.
8015: Odysseus,the Hero, Homer
... The Odyssey was created all heroes had same characteristics. Heroes were the people who saved people, they were courageous wise and had fighting spirit. Odysseus, the main character in Homer*s epic poem was clever brave and a great strategist. Although he has these strengths, he has some negative qualities, but most of his heroic qualities still hold true today. Odysseus possesses heroic qualities, such as bravery, wisdom, a strategic ... is told by Odysseus, so we can say from his narration that he is eloquent. Book 9 shows Odysseus* positive and@negative qualities. When he escapes from Cyclops* cave he showed that he was brave and a great strategist. When he poked Cyclops* eye with pike of olive, he decided not to kill him because if he killed Cyclops, he would not be able to get out of the cave. This also shows he was wise and able to think about the situation before doing anything. Another example that shows that he is brave that he went to the Hades, which was a feared by many. By his eloquence and cleverness Odysseus could get Nausicaa to assist him, and his devotion to his wife makes him so ...
8016: Renewables, the Energy Source for Americas Future
... Energy Source for Americas Future When many people thing of the United States, they envision a land of freedom, prosperity, and wealth. However, environmentalists see a different land, one containing six percent of the worlds population, and yet producing twenty-five percent of the worlds pollution. This is because much of our prosperity is direct result of our exploitation of fossil fuels. They provide us with about ninety-three percent of the energy we consume. For this reason, our ... natural habitats are being destroyed, and health problems resulting from pollution are increasing steadily. If our current trends continue, our nation and planet will eventually become uninhabitable. In order to prevent this, we need a new primary energy source that is environmentally benign. This source is renewable energy and is already readily available. The increased use of renewable energy, mainly wind and solar energy, and reduction of dependence on oil ...
8017: Child Labor In History
... to aid in some way. The domestic system was prominent in England, on the Continent, and in North America during the 16th 17th and 18th centuries. This system still exists in some countries throughout the world. Along with the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century came a new ststem to replace the previous domestic system. The new system was the factory system. Children were used in this system from as young as the age of five. Children were used extensively to tend the machines. Children were also used in coal mines, ...
8018: How Cultures Affect Teenagers
... factors that could affect the teen's culture, geography, goals and parents expectations. By reading this essay you can interrupt different and same teen experiences. Also you maybe able to understand other teens around the world better by learning of their experiences in life. Different teenage cultures will affect them differently. In some parts of India culture is law and you must respect that if you leave in those regions. "Tradition ... kids after they finish playing soccer. This experience and the early marriage experience are totally different because one teen lives in a closed area of tradition and the other lives a life of fame and world recognition. Also one teen will experience marriage early and the other will not experience marriage until his dreams of being a soccer player is over. All teenagers have goals in life from reaching fame, to ... kids to have a happy future and a prosperous life. The parents of the boy who lived in India might have had the expectation of having their son becoming married and living happily with his new spouse. The parents of the Brazilian teenage soccer players may have wanted their son/daughter to reach professional soccer playing. So that when the son/daughter reaches high wages in pro- soccer he can ...
8019: Leadership
Leadership There are two kinds of people in this world, followers and leaders. Followers are the people that never take a leadership role in any activity. However leaders are the ones that use their leadership skills to make a difference in this world, such as presidents, teachers, or even college graduates. Leadership is not something you can learn from a book, but you have to gain this skill through experiences such as holding an office, organizing an event ... the reasons I want to be part of College's Leadership program. I want to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make a different in my school, my community, my county, and even my world. This program will give me the information so I can become a leader, not a follower. The skills I learn will be taken back to my community and applied to a middle school program ...
8020: Relations Among the Races
... R. Feagin says the answer may lie with both options. His interpretation of the lack of adolescent racism is that reality has not fully set in for those who have not yet experienced the real world. "You have to be out looking for jobs and housing to know how much discrimination is out there" (Farley, 1997; 88+). Feagin contends that those who have a better grasp of racial reality are those ... ultimately shape the future of the country. Being on campus allows people the opportunity to intermingle more frequently with those of other races, which may give them the false impression that the rest of the world is as friendly with one another as they are at school. Unlike out in the real world, campus life encourages the fraternization of racial groups, attempting to overthrow the narrow- -mindedness often found on the streets of reality. Noel Barrion, Asian American Student Union president, observes this difference each and everyday ...

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