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8001: Report On The Costs And Benefi
... or mergers with other types of financial institutions in order to expand their breadth of operations, and retain their mutual status. Banks have this freedom and can finance mergers and acquisitions through the issue of new shares, whereas building societies can only finance acquisitions with cash. Efficiency is also an issue as a plc - profit making organisation is perceived as having greater efficiency than a mutual organisation. However competition has proved ... have made successful inroads into the mortgage and savings markets and hence competition is today very strong. There are many costs and disadvantages associated with building societies converting to banks including: 1) Different regulator The new plc will be regulated by the Bank of England, rather than the building societies commission. The plc will operate under the Banking Act 1987, compared to the Building Societies Act 1987, 1997. The plc may find it difficult and time consuming, at least initially, to deal with the new method of regulation. The Government s planned new super regulatory body may also provided further legislation that has to be adhered to. 2) Need to pay out dividends and ability and pay competitive interest ...
8002: Louis Pasteur
Louis Pasteur was an example of a truly gifted person who made many wildly diverse discoveries in many different areas of science. He was a world-renowned French chemist and biologist whose work paved the way for branches of science and medicine such as stereochemistry, microbiology, virology, immunology, and molecular biology. He also proved the germ theory of disease, invented the ... pressure before bottling. This process kills disease-causing bacteria and viruses and became known as pasteurization. After his studies on fermentation and pasteurization, Louis was convinced the microbes were useful for many tasks in the world, but also at the heart of a thousand dangerous things, too. Many scientists at the time believed humans, animals, and insects were not produced by parents of their own kind, but that they were spontaneously ... used for inoculation. In 1885, a young boy and his mother arrived at Pasteur s laboratory- the boy had been bitten badly by a rabid dog, and Pasteur was urged to treat him with his new method. At the end of the treatment, which lasted ten days, the boy was being inoculated with the most potent rabies virus known. He recovered and remained healthy. Since that time, thousands of people ...
8003: Huck Finn
... enjoy fishing and relaxing in the sun during his stay with Pap, it wasn’t the responsibility that he was escaping, but the rules that society had imposed on him. Huck didn’t mind learning new things and being knowledgeable, but he did not like to get dressed up, to have to go to school, to be well behaved and polite, and to learn good manners. “I was kind of lazy ... those he puts on himself. He is no longer as selfish, as he becomes more mature he learns to respect other peoples’ feelings and needs. Even though he doesn’t want to live in their world, Huck still has feelings for the people he meets and cares for. Traveling down the Mississippi is heaven for a free spirit like Huck. Surviving on their own terms Huck and Jim “borrowed” vegetables and ... huge river is a school for the free spirited. The river is where Huck found out he belongs; there he can be free from society’s rules. He can travel along next to the civilized world, stopping and visiting for a while, and then move on before stopping in further down, to get another glimpse of society and learn a little bit more. No one can tell Huck to stay ...
8004: The Prairie Dog: Friend Or Foe?
... enjoy watching them. Whatever their viewpoint, most people living on the prairie have a strongly-held opinion on prairie dogs. Prairie dogs are members of the rodent family, the largest group of mammals in the world. They live in colonies on the prairie that range in size from one acre to several thousand acres. The number of prairie dogs in North America in 1920 was about 5 billion, according to naturalist ... worked for three years with a committee of farmers, rural residents, environmentalists, animal rights advocates, land managers, and interested citizens to develop a set of goals for prairie dog management on open space. Santa Fe, New Mexico maintains a municipal park with a resident colony of the threatened Gunnison’s prairie dog and is considering making another colony a part of a proposed park. Although biologists believe that more than a ... ecosystem, these small efforts provide a bit of relief for the problem of diminishing prairie dog populations. Public response to proposed prairie dog park colonies is not always positive either. One newspaper, the Santa Fe New Mexican, brought up concerns about the spread of disease from such colonies. It asked, “Can the City of Santa Fe afford to expose people to wild animals associated with the spread of bubonic plague?” ...
8005: The Merchant Of Venice - Anton
... bitter and have difficulty in expressing their emotions. On many occasions friends, such as Salerio and Bassanio have questioned his sadness, trying to find an explanation for their great unhappiness with themselves and with the world. - Salerio: "But tell not me: I know Antonio Is sad to think upon his merchandise.2 Antonio: "Believe me, no: I thank my fortune for it, My ventures are not in one bottom trusted, Nor ... you in love."4 Antonio: "Fie, fie!"5 The mystery of Antonio's sadness remains, as he dismisses the prospect that his sadness is related to his ships or a lost love. Uninterested in the 'world' of suitors and marriage, Antonio is left without his lifelong companion, Bassanio after he travelled to Belmont to woo Portia. Early in the play another side of Antonio is revealed. Antonio is displayed as a ... loneliness is affecting Bassanio greatly, who takes responsibility for what has happened. - "Antonio, I am married to a wife Which is dear to me as life itself; But life itself, my wife, and all the world, Are not with me esteem'd above thy life: I would lose all, ay, sacrifice them all, Here to this devil, to deliver you"8 A moment of comedy is brought out after this ...
8006: Clean Coal Technologies
... heat value of lignite ranges between 4,000 and 8,300 Btu's. As with Bituminous, Lignite is also used to generate electricity (Bartow 1). What are Clean Coal Technologies? Clean Coal Technologies is a new way that allows coal to be burned more efficiently, with reduced emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, while providing distinct advantages over conventional coal utilization systems. In new coal-fired plants, clean coal technologies can be used to reduce emissions to acceptable environmental limits with the newer technologies providing greater generating efficiencies while reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The conventional procedure for burning coal ... is Advance technologies can be use on top of your present power plants through modifying equipments to include improvements in design and use repowering. Advanced combustion processes are the most efficient coal technologies available for new power plant construction. The third stage is Postcombustion. Because some air-pollution-control device that uses a spray of water to trap pollutants and to cool emissions are incapable of removing Nitrogen, postcombustion technologies ...
8007: Langston Huges
... everyone else, but just to be treated equal. Able to meet their dream with the same level of success and failure as everyone else. This is most simply stated in Hughes poem I Dream a World. Hughes begins the poem by stating: I Dream a World where man No other man will scorn, Where love will bless the earth And peace its paths adorn (World Lines 1-4) Here Hughes is stating very generally and unspecific how he wishes for peace and love. Something that everyone would like but will probably never come true. This statement is an excellent ...
8008: Research Paper On Index Vs Mut
... t know. What I do know it that since the dawn of man, the concept of currency had been intimately intertwined with human society. It helps form the basis of governments, and most laws. The world stock market is where these global force that powers our atomic age society merges into a complex matrix of financial void; opportunity in it s most complex form. The raw power of the stock market ... stock in it on an ongoing basis. The mutual fund issues shares of stock to investors in exchange for cash. However, unlike most cooperations do, mutual funds don t issue a set amount of shares; new shares are issued as each new investment is made. Investors thus become part owners of the fund itself, and thereby the assets of the fund. The fund, in turn, uses investors' cash to purchase securities, such as stocks and bonds. ...
8009: Kosovo And Milosevic
... forces 600 years earlier, he launched a campaign to restore Serbian greatness that resulted in the break-up of Yugoslavia, amid the worst atrocities and violations of human rights since the end of the Second World War. While the formidable Serb-led Yugoslav army was used against Croats too, the worst excesses and ethnic cleansing took place against the Bosnians, and later the Kosovars, both of them Muslims. What effects the ... him. Therefore, I feel that in the case of the Kosovo War, it is the individual who is responsible, rather than the entire international system. NATO s war in Yugoslavia reveals many aspects of a new era of history. It has created a new geopolitical setting where national sovereignty has become conditional: other nations can intervene in the internal conflicts of a state if its ruling elite allegedly violates certain moral norms. On the political level, sovereignty is ...
8010: Earthquakes
... slides past another-as at the San Andreas Fault in California, North America's most quake-prone area-or is subducted (slides beneath the other plate). “Subduction-zone quakes account for nearly half of the world's destructive seismic events and 75 percent of the earth's seismic energy. They are concentrated along the so-called Ring of Fire, a narrow band about 38,600 km (about 24,000 mi) long ... Day 1988) Other potential clues being investigated are tilting or bulging of the land surface and changes in the earth's magnetic field, in the water levels of wells, and even in animal behavior. A new method under study in the U.S. involves measuring the buildup of stress in the crust of the earth. “On the basis of such measurements the U.S. Geological Survey, in April 1985, predicted that ... Andreas fault, near Parkfield, California, sometime before 1993.”(Day 1988) Many unofficial predictions of earthquakes have also been made. In 1990 a zoologist, Dr. Iben Browning, warned that a major quake would occur along the New Madrid fault before the end of the year. Like most predictions of this type, it proved to be wrong. “Groundwater has also played an important part in earthquake predictions. A peak in radon in ...

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