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7971: Between The Forest and Greed
... logging industry is her explanation for clear cutting, trying to portray the logging industry as a cold money making machine. This of course neglects the fact that the reason logging generates capital is because the world needs wood. There are several economic and environmental issues that are considered when loggers enter and area. Haphazard clear cutting of forests, while it maybe what Meadows would like us to think, does not happen ... as to rampage the forests and cut down all the trees. As they cut, they plant. Replacing forests with samplings may look inadequate, but over a long period of time these samplings will become a new forest. The earth as we know it today has been in existence for millions of years. Even if newly planted tress take a century to grow back that is only a pinpoint on the time ... industries and the service they provide. All industries, whether it be recycling to logging, are trying to maximize their profits. If this means moving their plants off shore, so be it. These industries provide the world with services that we need to operate as an advanced civilization. She claims that the remaining old growth forests are on protected federal land. If this is the case she has little to complain ...
7972: A Wife For My Son
... Fatiha's parents. Although he explains in the book the reason that her parents don’t intrude in Fatiha's marriage is because they wanted to give her the chance to get used to her new life; however, the author should have mentioned them more in the story. The reason I say this is because mothers usually tend to worry about their children and their well being, and want to reassure ... have mentioned was the fact that not all women face this problem of traditional arranged marriages. Also not all families are so strict with their children. I myself have lived in that part of the world for many years and I have to say that not all females find themselves in this sort of situation. Also tradition does not always stand in the way of the people of such societies, actually some times tradition plays the role of the good guy who helps in keeping families close together. After reading the book "A Wife for My Son", I realized how even though the world has progressed in time and we have reached so many revolutionary discoveries there still exists societies that force women into situations they are not comfortable with. The other thing that I realized is no ...
7973: Amazing Grace A Book Report
... assignment this year, I read the book Amazing Grace by Jonathan Kozol. In this documentary-style book, he told about the horrible yet completely realistic conditions of the most poor, rundown neighborhoods and districts in New York City. Kozol wrote the book for the purpose of telling the stories of the children who lived in these parts of the city. He dedicated his work to those children and it was his ... not a clear cut solution presented in the book, nor is there just one way to solve these problems. It seemed like things were still working against pulling the ghetto out of its poverty. The new mayor of New York City, Rudolph Giuliani, had just cut more funding for AIDS programs, an epidemic which ran rampart in the ghetto, and for welfare, which so many people living there counted on for their mere ...
7974: Animal Farm
... are used by Orwell to represent the proletariat, or unskilled labor class in Russian society. This lower class is naturally drawn to Stalin (Napoleon) because it seems as though they will benefit most from his new system. Since Boxer and the other low animals are not accustomed to the "good life," they can't really compare Napoleon's government to the life they had before under the czars (Jones). Muriel: Muriel ... had given him a tail to keep the flies off but that he would sooner have had no tails and no flies.” Mollie: She is one of the animal who is most opposed to the new government under Napoleon. She doesn't care much about the politics of the whole situation; she just wants to tie her hair with ribbons and eat sugar, things her social status won't allow. She ... calls all animals to a secret meeting. He tells them about his dream of a revolution against the cruel Mr. Jones. Three days later Major dies, but the speech gives the more intelligent animals a new outlook on life. The pigs, who are considered the most intelligent animals, instruct the other ones. During the period of preparation two pigs can distinguish themselves, Napoleon and Snowball. Napoleon is big, and although ...
7975: Marilyn Monroe 2
... acting job came in 1950 when she had a small but crucial role in "The Asphalt Jungle" and received favorable reviews. "Clash By Night" in 1952 earned her several favorable notices...Alton Cook of the New York World-Telegram and Sun wrote..."a forceful actress, a gifted new star, worthy of all that fantastic press agentry. Her role here is not very big, but she makes it dominant." Monroe's first leading part in a serious feature was to be in "Don' ...
7976: Alice Walkers Everyday Use
... if she actually cared about it, by hanging the quilts. However, Maggie has been raised to know that she can use the quilts and still preserve and continue her heritage by repairing the quilts with new scraps, which have their own meaning. Alice wanted to show the relation between African-American people who actually know and live their heritage, as opposed to just pretending for trend s sake. Dee s character ... to research African heritage. Dee is following a fashion of celebrating the distant African roots and quickly gives up her real name for one that is not even related to her heritage. After explaining her new name, she tells her mother, I could not bear it any longer, being named after the people who oppress me (Perrine 93). In reaction, Dee s mother casually explains a little of where her name came from, but it truly seems to be Alice s reaction towards the ignorant people who do not take time to research their given name before trading it for a new one. In a world where many African Americans say they are in touch with their heritage and claim to be a part of only the popular tribes in African history, majority of them do ...
7977: A Look At Poes Evil
... awaits his execution the next day. The narrator is first described as a gentle, loving man who would never hurt a fly. He has a pet cat that he loves more than anything in the world. After some years, the narrator develops a drinking problem and starts to become irritable and violent, not only to people but also to his pets. Late one night after drinking excessively at the bar, the ... misses his cat very much. One night at the bar, he spots a cat that looks exactly like his old cat even down to the missing eye. The only difference between the cats' is the new one has a white patch of fur where Pluto had none. He takes the animal home with him that night. His wife is quickly enamored of the animal and completely falls in love with the cat. Over time, the missing eye of the new cat starts to drive the man crazy and he wishes to be rid of the animal. He does not want to remember what he did to Pluto nor does he want to remember the ...
7978: Famous Mathematicians: A Book Review
... the metric system. The use of 10 as the metric systems base was LaGrange's idea. These contributions in the metric system and the work in the field of calculus are still important throughout the world. Carl Friederich Gauss was born on April 30, 1777 in Brunswick, Germany. He is often thought of as one of the three greatest mathematicians of all time. Gauss gave the first proof of the fundamental ... born on December 28, 1903 in Budapest, Hungary. He was one of the greatest mathematicians, however his findings were also important in other fields. His studies of poker and other games of chance established a new field in mathematics. This study eventually spread to the areas of economics, sociology, and military strategy. Von Neumann's work on the atomic bomb, ballistic missiles, and submarine warfare were extremely important for the United States in World War II. Von Neumann's work is also known for the development into high-speed electronics as we know them today. His work on computers has been one of the most important to the ...
... objective details of ordinary life). Benét was an author who had a profound love and vast knowledge of his homeland: Benét, Stephen Vincent, (b. July 22, 1898, Bethlehem, Pa., U.S. - d. March 13, 1943, New York, NY), American poet, novelist, and writer of short stories, best known for John Brown’s Body, a long narrative poem on the American Civil War (Fenton). Born into a military family, Stephen was raised ... William Rose, and a sister, Laura, all of whom became writers” (Fenton). Stephen was 17, a student at Yale University, when he published his first book, entitled Five Men and Pompey (Fenton). “Civilian service during World War I interrupted his education at Yale Univerisity. When the war was over he returned to Yale. In 1919, he received his master of arts degree, submitting his third volume of poems instead of a ... liberty” actually means individual rights (76). The strength of his poetry is in the warmth and vigor of human feeling. The romantic message in Benét’s poetry was highlighted when Henry Steele Commanger in the New York Herald Weekly, June 27, 1943, stated: Twenty years ago—it seems forever now—when it was the fashion to sneer at Main Street, to chronicle the American tragedy, to celebrate the Waste Land, ...
7980: Malcolm X 2
... store. While working, he also gave many speeches, and went "fishing"(fishing is when someone stands out on a sidewalk and hand out brochures and explained about their ideas of the Nation of Islam.) for new members for the Nation of Islam. He did this until he became an official spokesperson for them. After officially being excepted, Malcolm rapidly became an outstanding figure in the Nation of Islam. By the early ... next few years; Malcolm X was a major and widely publicized figure. This had its good and bad side. It was good because it spread the ideas of the Nation of Islam all across the WORLD, but also put Malcolm X in an awkward position since he received a lot of publicity. Because of all the attention he got, many of the nation of Islam's members became jealous. As a ... to the happenings behind his back due to a series of events. These events eventually led to his break away from the Nation of Islam. After breaking away, Malcolm announced that he was creating a new organization (Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU)) that didn't have the strict and harsh rules and religious sacrifices as the Nation of Islam, and which was also going to be more active. Soon ...

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