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Search results 7951 - 7960 of 22819 matching essays
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7951: Silent Spring: Pesticides
... water supplies, and killing organic matter in the soil. Now people began to turn away from the idea of using pesticides such as DDT and start looking for alternative pest prevention measures. Today there are new ideas and strategies are being used to battle against pests to protect humans and other living animals in our environment. To understand the new technology, ideas and measures that are being taken today, it is important to understand how pesticides were being used in the past. Furthermore, one must go a step further to conclude why the past measurements ... or absorbed by microorganisms and other living animals. In the case of DDT, or Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane which was first synthesized in 1874 was thought to be the miracle due to the impact that it served in World War II fighting off diseases as well as it’s many uses from stability in soil and acuatic environments to killing pests in our own backyard. Some called it the “Savior of Mankind” because ...
7952: Acid Rain: Cause and Effects and Issues
... that the risks are too high and that we cannot afford any more risks. He said pollution problems could be fought under a three-stage plan over the next decade: 1) A "toxic freeze" banning new polluters from putting up pipes or smokestacks in the region 2) An attack on "non-point sources" of pollution, such as run-off from streets and farms where groundwater is loaded with pesticides. 3) A ... other issues concerning the Great Lakes, At present, they are making a ten-year headline for the Great Lakes to be cleaned up. Bibliography Encyclopedias Collier Encyclopedia, volume 3, U.S.A.: MacMillan Educational Company, New York, 1984. Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis, volume 18, U.S.A.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1973. Science & Technology Illustrated: The World Around U.S., Volume 3, U.S.A: Encyclopedia Britannica Inc, 1984. Articles Cleaning Up By Cleaning Up Newsweek: Feb. 27, 1989. "Deadline Urged for Cleanup of Great Lakes", Toronto Star, Oct. 14, 1989. " ...
7953: International Business - Coca~
... centre in agriculture; ? joint-venture would set up fruit and vegetable plants Having a look at the the above provision given by Indian government it seem rather unsupportable not to consider further extensions/changes by new governments, where I will come to further on. Considering the economical factors facing the country, PepsiCo may well be suported by its decision to make all those concessions. The Indian market for soft-drink had ... standpoint, evaluate the government s restrictions on FDI First of all I will briefly explain the reasons for FDI in the overall macroeconomic terms as to further answer the above question more appropriate; ? Increasing the world trade and opening up new markets ? Development of new technologies that can be transplanted between countries ? Liberalisation of the economy of the nations throughout the globe ? Establishment of common markets and other regional trading blocks with common external tariffs. ...
7954: A Critical Analysis Of Oz
... of the creator's vision. There are a vast majority of underlying themes contained within the plot of "Oz." Much of our society and its problems are thrown into this small cell block for the world to view at its pleasure. One sub-theme that is present in most of the issues faced within the prison is the question, and presumable answer, of whether or not man is truly evil. This ... it is agreed that man does what he has to in order to survive, no matter what it takes. In "Oz," the inmates are thrown into prison with nothing. Everything they had in the outside world as far as possessions, friends, family, pride and peace of mind is taken away once they enter Em City. In this sense, the inmates can be compared to primitive man. They are thrown into a world where all they have are themselves with their main goal being to survive at any cost. This is when the evil shows through. No one really cares about anyone. By taking a close look ...
7955: Ozone
... of CFCs in aerosol spray cans. But on February of the following year, the government decided to postpone the regulations on CFCs used in refrigeration, air conditioning, solvents, and other industrial processes. With all the new regulations taking affect and being postponed, nothing was getting accomplished, but finally, on October 1978, aerosols where banned in the United States. August of 1981, satellite pictures showed that over one percent of the ozone ... causes death to forty percent of all recorded cases of cancer. Many people predict that the ozone layer would cause thirty thousand skin cancers just in the United States alone, and over five hundred-thousand world wide. Cancer, though, is only one of the few problems that the ozone layer causes. For example small organisms such as plankton in the sea which is the aquatic food which serves as the basic ... 1. Auliciems, Andris and Ian Burton. Perception and Awareness Of Air Pollution In Toronto. Working Paper No. 3. Univer- sity of Toronto, 1970. 2. Fishman, Jack and Robert Kalish. Global Alert: The Ozone Pollution Crisis. New York: Plenum Press, 1990. 3. Mainwaring, S. J. and W. Strauss. Air Pollution. Balti- more: Edward Arnold, 1984. 4. Oxtoby, David W., Norman H. Nachtribe and Wade A. Freeman. Chemistry: Science of Change. Toronto: ...
7956: Galileo
... Great Britain. The reason for the two scientists' very different fortunes is simple: Galileo couldn't prove the Copernican hypothesis but Darwin was able to demonstrate the truth of his theory of evolution." In the world of Galileo proof was what was needed to succeed with a scientific hypothesis. In the world of Darwin proof was not needed for a scientific hypothesis to succeed. There were many differences in the worlds of these two great scientists that lead to the reaction to their respective scientific hypothesize. It ... was, he could not end his fight after his first warning by the church, he had to persist and write another book on the theory. In his book Dialogue on the Great Systems of the World, Galileo tried to work around the ban of his belief of the Copernican system by the church by presenting it as merely an opinion of his. But this as most people realized was just ...
7957: October Sky
... led Homer Hickam to move closer to his two goals of reaching for the sky and gaining his father’s respect. The title of October Sky is very significant. The Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the world's first man-made satellite, in the sky on October 5, 1997. Hence the name of the movie October Sky. In the Soviet Union's announcement about the launch of the satellite, they said "the world could now see how the new socialist society turns even the most daring of man's dreams into a reality." After the launch of Sputnik, everything changed in Homer Hickam's life: his social life, intelligence, leadership, and his future. ...
7958: Aunt Rosanas Rocker-hispanic-a
... wait patiently, as he always did, wait for her to finish. (Aunt Rosana s Rocker pg. 81) He had no slept properly since this whole affair started. After all, he had to drive out to New Jersey to earn his living and his strength and sleep were being sapped away. (pg. 81) He would even tell his family good things about his wife, but he was only doing so that he ... might seem to just anybody looking at Zoraida. It s more as if nobody s gonna make the sparrow healthy, but it ain t gonna die either...like it s got the best of both world, see? (pg. 85) Not even knowing who she was Castro was able to figure out how Zoraida was. This is what attracted Castro to Zoraida in the beginning. Her role as a woman was to ... gone. She wouldn t be able to sit there anymore and meet all her suitors and be beautiful. (pg. 95) Her rocking chair was a part of her and was a part of her imaginary world that she created after she stopped having the sexual dreams. For her to create this imaginary world, she was lacking something from her husband or from life. Although her husband is a hard worker, ...
7959: The Search for Black Holes: Both As A Concept And An Understanding
... seemed like reasonable explanations are now laughed at as egotistical ventures. Time has shown that as better instrumentation was developed, more accurate understanding was attained. Now it seems, as we advance on scientific frontiers, the new quest of the heavens is to find and explain the phenomenom known as a black hole. The goal of this paper is to explain how the concept of a black hole came about, and give ... from the two clouds. The clouds come together with a great enough force, that a nuclear reaction ensues. This type of energy is created by fusion wherein the atoms are forced together to form a new one. In turn, heat in excess of millions of degrees farenheit are produced. This activity goes on for eons until the point at which the nuclear fuel is exhausted. Here is where things get interesting ... a star is massive enough, any where in the area of or larger than 3-3.5 solar masses, the collapse would cause something of a much greater mass. In fact, the mass of this new object is speculated to be infinite. Such an entity is what we call a black hole. After a black hole is created, the gravitational force continues to pull in space debris and all other ...
7960: UFOs
... people to see things, but it still does not give bearing for what is out there and the numerous life witnesses of extraterrestrials. The UFO enigma is "the most 'well- kept and explosive secret in world history (Stacey 36). " The next issue that is going to be covered to prove the existence of UFOs is Sightings of UFOs. 'Flying Saucers' , 'fireballs' , or 'Unidentified Flying Objects '. Whatever the name, people just seem ... pilot named Kenneth Arnold "spotted nine weird, cresent-shaped disks flashing through the air as he was flying over the Cascade Mountains in Washington State, USA. Accounts of Arnold's experience were flashed around the world by the news media, and triggered a wave of 'flying saucer' reports across the United States. By 4 July 1947, there had been sightings in every state but Georgia and West Virginia; by 16 July ... or divides into two smaller lights that streak away at high speed that we find our attention attracted and realize we may, in fact, be in the middle of a UFO sighting (Huyghe 50)." "During World War II, especially after 1943, there were many reports of balls of light, varying in color and in size from several feet to a few inches across, flying in pursuit of warplanes. Because these ' ...

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