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Search results 7801 - 7810 of 22819 matching essays
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7801: Izzy saves the Olympics
... the Olympics Hi! I'm Izzy! I want to tell you about a real cool adventure I just went through. I had to keep that mean Professor Weirdo from taking the Olympics away from the world with his new invention the "Super Sucker". Oh, let me get on with the story. Here it goes! One day, while I was watching the Olympics swimming events on the television, something weird happened. On the screen, a ... the back of his head. It was some plans! Professor Weirdo was planning to suck all of the Olympic spirit out of the people of Torch and the people of the whole rest of the world! I couldn't let that happen. When he wasn't looking, I ran inside his ship. There was a big shinny metel thing in the back. It was the Super Sucker! I had to ...
7802: "The Religion that Fears Science Dishonors God and Commits Suicide"
"The Religion that Fears Science Dishonors God and Commits Suicide" In a modern and constantly changing world like ours, we are always moving forward, progressing, and learning. Our growth and development is made of scientific progress that expands our knowledge and abilities. This science is what makes us what we are today ... presently. Some children, to this day in America, die painful deaths for the sole reason that their own parents refuse to give them the medicine that they need to live. Some areas all over the world remain poor because they refuse to buy any technology to keep up with the rest of the world. Entire countries will refuse to progress with the rest of the world because they shun certain types of technology, making trade and communications difficult. It would also seem, at the same time, that many ...
7803: Nelson Mandela
... Council. He was suspended from college for joining in a protest boycott. He went to Johannesburg where he entered politics by joining the African National Congress in 1942 (Woods). At the height of the Second World War, members of the African National Congress set themselves the task of transforming ANC into a mass movement. In September of 1944 they came together to form the African National Congress Youth League. Mandela soon ... to have a leader of that character. Without Mandela, blacks would still be opposed and would not have equal opportunities. They would not have a proper education or have any basic human rights.   Bibliography   "Apartheid." World Book Encyclopedia. 1988 ed., vol. 1, pp. 563.   Ngubane, Jordan. "Mandela." McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Biography. 1987 ed., vol. 7, pp. 132-133.   Woods, Donald. Biko. New York: Paddington Press LTD, 1978.
7804: The Influences Parents Have On
... can be a negative influence on their children's lives. Both fathers are very influential on the mental growth of their children. Parents can influence how their children behave, feel, and act towards the outside world. If a child is brought up with hatred, anger and even violence, they can learn to view the world in a highly negative way, by being dangerous and prejudice towards others. However if a child is brought up with caring and nourishment, they can learn to see the world from all different points of views and angles. Atticus raises his children with love and care, and teaches them to consider all angles of a situation before they judge someone; "You never really understand ...
7805: Character Change, Illustrated
... how different men can react to the same situation. The character with the most significant and profound change is Ed Gentry. Ed agrees to venture out on the river with the hopes of gain a new perspective on the life that has been draining him mentally. Ed's wants are shadowed by his duties to both his family and his job. Although he will not directly tell Lewis, this is the first trip that Ed actually wants to gain something from, not another weekend warrior journey, trying to conquer the natural world. Ed leaves his house in hope for friends, music, sport, a little drinking and a detachment from his day to day life. Right from the start, Ed begins his transformation, however it is only the ... back to a man in need of civilization. Although the main focus of his trip was to get way from everything that had been suffocating him, Ed welcomes back everything he left behind in a new light. In a play on word, Dickey illustrates the whole purpose of the voyage in the following passage, "I tell you," he said. "It's unbelievable. That arrow-head is meant to open you ...
7806: Anarchy
... the safety of descendants and ancestors alike. Anarchist ideals such as rebellion and revolution are often espoused by youth within the punk, rave, radical, and typical black dress of high school student cultures throughout the world. These young people attempt to escape the injustice and alienation of life in the prevailing consumer society (drugs are good, hemp necklaces, preppies, upper class, cell phones, etc.) by forming communities of resistance. Some examples ... years by a wide range of individuals and groups, many of whom do not realize or do not associate the individual's ties with anarchy. These people, however, search for the most freedom offered by world affairs and find it in anarchy. Anarchy can have relevance to all facets of one's existence, including political, pragmatic, and personal values. In emphasizing freedom, self-determination, personal responsibility, direct action, and the creation ... the voluntary, cooperative alternatives, anarchism has the vision and the flexibility to provide a viable way to transform one's own life while working for the radical and lasting social change that will transform the world. If the idea of anarchy, which is anarchism, was put into effect, poverty, war, disease, homelessness and lack of education could be abolished forever. Works Cited Pleck, Elizabeth H. "Emma Goldman, Feminist." The Reader' ...
7807: Standardization of the English Language
... use of the language by the everyday speakers. The changes that distinguish Early Modern English from Middle English are substantial. The rules for spelling were set down for the first time. The key is the new consistency used by teachers, printers and eventually by the general populace. The sign of maturity for English was the agreement on one set of rules replacing the spelling free- for-all that had existed. Out ... century as used by a number of Middle English authors, such as John Gower and Geoffrey Chaucer, had not achived the status of a regional standard but was soon to become the basis for a new national literary standard of English. It was the language of the capital. Geographically, it occupied a position midway between the extreme North and the extreme South. Already by 1430, this new standard had assumed a relatively mature form. It was spread throughout England by professional clerks in the administrative apparatus of the country and also became the model for business aand pri-vate correspondence in ...
7808: Aids In Africa
WOMEN will get the power to protect themselves against AIDS, if the World Health Organisation has its way. Encouraging men to use condoms, it has decided, is not enough. They work, but many men dislike them; and women, especially very young ones, often lack the sexual bargaining clout ... the Nigerian president of the Society for Women and AIDS in Africa, it must be possible to separate the spermicidal or contraceptive function from that of killing harmful micro-organisms such as HIV. In third-world countries, many women (and still more men) value protection against AIDS, but not against procreation. WHO could add, though it does not, that one of the men, ecclesiastically speaking, could be the pope. Why has ... most health and research programmes resist any method that would give control to women. Still the potential market is huge. The WHO, though, sees one reason why drug companies may be cautious: American lawyers. Any new drug faces the hazard of litigation. But imagine a widely used gel, easily available, whose failure could be literally deadly to the person concerned. Then add American stretcher-chasing and the risk that some ...
7809: Periods Of English Literature
... most celebrated tale of the period. “Beowulf” is a folk epic that is representative of the Old English period, in both life and character. “Beowulf” can be summarized as the tale of a brave and heroic warrior, who has superhuman strength and all the important values of a fighter. He saves King Hrothgar’s people from two evil creatures, Grendel and the Sea Hag, and is rewarded with many ... glorified wars of Anglo-Saxon times, the Romantics embraced pantheism, which involves seeing God in nature. Seen as a literary response against political and social organizations of the 18th century, romanticism sought to change the world of literature that was, with the passing of the Neo-Classical Age, rather conservative and controlled. It probed into the heart of its readers with its newly-infused passion and imagination. The poetic imagery of these Romantic works links human thoughts and emotions intimately with the external world, and tries to appeal to its readers’ feelings rather than their reason. A list of clear characteristics can be drawn when considering the Romantic works. Included in this list are hatred of hypocrisy and ...
7810: Caharacter Analysis Jay Gatsby
... salesman lost in false hopes and illusions, Willy Loman works for strict commission and cannot bring home enough money to pay his bills. Willy foolishly pursues the wrong dream and constantly lives in an unreal world blinded from reality. Despite his dream Willy constantly attempts to live in an artificial world and claims “If old Wagner was alive I’d be in charge of New York by now” (Miller 14). As a result, Willy often ignores his troubles and denies any financial trouble when he says “business is bad, it’s murderous. But not for me of course” (Miller ...

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