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Search results 7771 - 7780 of 22819 matching essays
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7771: The Communication Decency Act: The Fight For Freedom of Speech on the Internet
... to step up, and lead this country, bringing it back to what it used to be. Also, it is time to focus on the things we need to have in this country, like building a new society. After World War II and Vietnam, I believe it is the computer generation's destiny to rebuild our family and give community abilities to evolve, solve problems, generate and distribute wealth, promote peace, and personal security. Finally ... shows them articles about sex. "Ignorance is caused by stupidity!" That has become a familiar "battle" cry of Internet users. The goverment knows hardly nothing about the pride Internet users take in having their own "world." That is the stupidity part of it. The ingnorance is the politicians refusing to listen to us. They do not want to understand. Some ways you can help fight this terrible bill would be ...
7772: The Picture Of Dorian Gray -x
... affects his life forever. "If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that was to grow old! For that I would give everything! Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that" (Wilde 109). As it turns out, the devil that Dorian sells his soul to is Lord Henry Wotton, who exists not only as something ... Each of the three primary characters is an aesthete and meets some form of terrible personal doom. Basil Hallward's aestheticism is manifested in his dedication to his artistic creations. He searches in the outside world for the perfect manifestation of his own soul, when he finds this object, he can create masterpieces by painting it (Bloom 109). He refuses to display the portrait of Dorian Gray with the explanation that ... influence is immoral" (Wilde 18), he nonetheless drastically changes Dorian Gray. As Dorian acts on the beliefs of Lord Henry, the portrait's beauty becomes corrupted. "Lord Henry presents Dorian with the tenants of his New Hedonism, whose basis is self-development leading to the perfect realization of one's nature" (Eriksen 97). If Lord Henry's aesthetic ideas have validity ,Dorian Gray's portrait should not become ugly, but ...
7773: Capital Punishment: Why or Why Not?
... off the hook of such a crime? "All grandeur, all power, all subordination to authority rests on the executioner: he is the horror and the bond of human association. Remove this incomprehensible agent from the world and at that very moment order gives way to chaos, thrones topple and society disappears," says, Joseph de Maistre, an eighteenth century French Diplomat. He is right, if we give up on punishing a deadly ... hundred fifty seven executions in the United States. There were five methods of doing so, as follows. Lethal Injection: 133 Electrocution: 112 Gas Chamber: 9 Hanging: 2 Firing Squad: 1 Electric Chair First used in New York in 1890 and still in use in 13 states,"old sparky" was the horrific outcome of Thomas Edison's attempt to show the dangers of the AC power supply being promoted by his rivals ... back and watch criminals be released and then kill again. No longer must we Americans or anyone live our lives in fear. We must come together and draw the line crimes. We must take the world safe so that we and our children may once again live in a world without the fear of being senselessly killed or losing our loved ones. For a cold blooded killer, capital punishment is ...
7774: The Awakening: Edna Pontellier's Spiritual Awakening
... shedding of her “unpleasant” and “pricking” life. “For the first time in her life she stood naked in the open air.” (p.115) She was on her way to being free. “She felt like a new-born creature, opening its eyes in a familiar world that it had never known.” (p.115) Mrs. Pontellier had never known spiritual freedom. This was her release from a controlling world. As she swam towards eternity, Edna thought of a lot of things. She thought of her children and husband. She knew then that “they need not have thought that they could posses her, body ...
7775: Setting Up A Dummy Corporation...
... things legal? Hell no! But half the shit Big Brother does to us everyday isn't legal either...Want to ride around town in a big black imported car for free? How about a brand new Pentium computer for the office? The kids want Mopeds? Nooooooo problem! Pay attention. Picking a company name... What's in a name? Business wise it could mean everything...if you want to get over. It also has a lot to do with what you want to acquire for free. Let's say you want to start a new business and need all-types of office equipment. You could call yourself "Sal's Pizzeria" but that wouldn't wash too well when you're trying to establish a $100,000 line of credit. Most ... also make corporate seals. Call them up and tell them you lost your company seal and need a replacement to "do a deal" in a hurry. Most places will take the order and have the new seal with your bogus corporate name on it in a few days.The cost is usually about $20. You'll have to supply them with the corporate name, year and state of incorporation. Get ...
7776: The Importance of Plea Bargaining in Criminal Trials
... is that his testimony is simply verifying the testimonies of other witnesses. In a majority of cases plea bargains is utilized to ensure that the truly guilty criminal is punished. In our less than perfect world, plea bargaining is easily the lesser of the evils. I agree with the definitions submitted by the affirmative speaker. Americans have always emphasized getting a job done. We place a great deal of value on ... Why do we place such importance on efficiency? Because without it nothing would ever get done. If we all constantly obsessed over minute details and unrealistic ideals we would live in poverty. In the real world compromises are made because without them no amount of success could ever be achieved. In the words of John Stewart Mill, the father of utilitarianism, "The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals utility, or the greatest happiness principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness". This means that in a world of compromise, the most success is achieved by giving the greatest good to the greatest number of people. This belief applies directly to plea bargaining. In this case, the most justice must be given ...
7777: Is Capital Punishment Biblical?
... Capital punishment has always been an arguable issue and for good reason. The Old Testament clearly calls for the death penalty on many occasions, whereas; many of the teachings of Jesus and others in the New testament readily denounce it. Therefore, both advocates ands opponents of capital punishment have Biblical references to support their beliefs. Opponents use the creation story to show that all are created in God's image. Genesis ... murdered many, will spare the useless and countless deaths of others. God's command to preserve life seems much more important here than the preservation of criminals. Capital punishment is never used legitimately in the New Testament. Jesus' constant preaching of love and forgiveness shows his contempt for the harming of others. One example of love is found in John 15:17 “This is my command: Love each other.” An example ... price for all sins, by dying. Everyone needs to repent, but nothing as drastic as death is expected. BIBLIOGRAPHY Falls, M. Margaret, The Christian Century, “Against the Death Penalty: A Christian Stance in a Secular World, The Christian Century Foundation, Cicero, IL, 1986. Finlay, Terence J., The Ten Commandments, Charles Scribner's Sons, NY, NY, 1961. Harrison, R. K., Numbers An Exegetical Commentary, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1992. ...
7778: Riley King
... as the "King Of Blues." With his Gibson guitar named Lucille, along with his unique vocals, king has put out some of the most down-home sounds in African-American music. B.B. King, the world's greatest blues singer had- like a lot of people- had some hard times. Born in 1925 in Itta Bena, Mississippi., King lived with his mother until he was nine. When his mother died he ... T-Bone Walker. Among the many songs he eternalized, "The Thrill Is Gone" is perhaps his most enduring, he aslo won several Grammy's for that song and the albums "There Must Be a Better World Somewhere", "My Guitar Sings The Blues", "Live at San Quentin", "Live at the Apollo", and "Blues Summit". He received along with other numerous awards the Grammy Lifetime Achievments Award in 1987. Still on the road and recording for MCA, with Lucille , B.B. King is still showing the world the blues is here to stay. King started his career as a teenage professional musician on the streets of Memphis during the 1940s. He played gospel and blues on street corners for tips. Concerned ...
7779: The Scarlet Letter 2
... Chillingworth to allow her to reveal him as her husband. One day, Hester stops Dimmesdale in the woods and announces that Chillingworth is her husband. She tells him to move to Boston and start a new life. Dimmesdale says that he shall, but not alone. So Hester tells him, Thou shalt not go alone! They become excited about starting a new life together, and Hester throws her scarlet letter amidst the trees and calls for Pearl. Pearl refuses to come to her mother because she is not wearing the scarlet A, which confuses Pearl. To appease Pearl, Hester again attaches the letter to her chest. At Election Day, (when the new governor is inaugurated) Dimmesdale gives a brilliant speech but seems very weak. Returning from the church, he collapses, then regains his balance and continues forward. He makes it to the scaffold, and with the ...
7780: Richard III
... and supplant the House of York of their control of the throne. Thus enters Richard. Richard was named protector of the prince and the country in Edwards will because Edward was in his minority. The new king would then take control of the country when he came of majority. This was commonplace in English history, even to the extreme of having infants play the part. Why was the Duke of Gloucester ... such atrocities. In order to continue the House of York's dynast at the throne, Buckingham and Gloucester seize Rivers, Grey and other advisors as they are marching to England to coronate Edward as the new king. They had news that the Woodvilles were conspiring against Gloucester in order to take control of England immediately. While parliament anxiously awaited Gloucester's explanation for his actions, Richard did not meet with much ... the English equivalent. This was done to gain the support of the middle class and gain their support, as well as improve England's economy. Richard was determined to bring England to the forefront of world power, but he also realized that England needed time to heal from the situation they we in. The country was divided due to wars and his usurpation of the throne. In meeting with representatives ...

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