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Search results 7761 - 7770 of 22819 matching essays
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7761: Capital Punishment
... has been an effective deterrent of major crime. Capital Punishment is the lawful infliction of death among criminals and has been used to punish a wide variety of offenses for many years all over the world (Bedau 16). When the death penalty is enforced, it shows society that committing a capital crime has deadly consequences. In early times, many methods of Capital Punishment were used to deter a variety of crimes ... century, the uniform method for executing persons in America was hanging, although starvation was very common also. There were exceptions which included spies, traitors, and deserters who would face a firing squad. Then in 1888, New York directed the construction of an "electric chair" (Flanders 11). It was believed that the new harnessed power of electricity would prove to be a more scientific and humane means of execution. The first electrocution took place in New York in 1890. In the past, capital crimes were much different ...
7762: The Impact Of Stalinism In 198
The Impact of Stalinism in 1984 Truly one of the greatest anti-utopian novels in history George Orwell's 1984 is a "nightmare vision" into the future of a world controlled by totalitarianism (Meyers 144). Through the character of Winston Smith, Orwell expresses his negative views on totalitarianism in Stalinist Russia and closely links the events in the novel to actual history. George Orwell, the ... are placed in "memory holes" to be destroyed. The past, Winston reflects "had not been merely altered, it had been destroyed." (Orwell 33). In similar respect the Russian government was known to update and publish new editions of old encyclopedias often wiping out biographies of politicians that once rated long articles (Asimov 316). A very similar situation occurred when Winston was given the assignment of rewriting a speech Big Brother had ... given at a previous time. In this article there was a reference to a "non-person," which implies they are now dead, that must be corrected. In place of this article Winston creates an entire new person, named Comrade Ogilvy, gives him a personality and creates a whole life for him. At which time Winston ponders that " . . . you could create dead men but not living ones . . . " (Orwell 43). Simultaneously, the ...
7763: Slobodan Milosevic
... forces 600 years earlier, he launched a campaign to restore Serbian greatness that resulted in the break-up of Yugoslavia, amid the worst atrocities and violations of human rights since the end of the Second World War. While the formidable Serb-led Yugoslav army was used against Croats too, the worst excesses and "ethnic cleansing" took place against the Bosnians, and later the Kosovars, both of them Muslims. What effects the ... him. Therefore, I feel that in the case of the Kosovo War, it is the individual who is responsible, rather than the entire international system. NATO’s war in Yugoslavia reveals many aspects of a new era of history. It has created a new geopolitical setting where national sovereignty has become conditional: other nations can intervene in the internal conflicts of a state if its ruling elite allegedly violates certain moral norms. On the political level, sovereignty is ...
7764: Serial Killers and Society
... John Wayne Gacy, an amateur clown, was a pedophiliac homosexual. He tortured and killed thirty three little boys and stored their remains under his house. David Berkowitz, a.k.a. the Son of Sam, stalked New York City from nineteen-sixty-seven to nineteen-seventy-seven. He claimed to have been following a voice from his dog that told him when and where to kill. Ted Bundy, who is believed to ... Pieces sold for thousands of dollars regardless of their aesthetic appeal, because of the identity of the artists. Serial killers are becoming as popular as rock stars. Serial killers are a development of the industrial world; they really didn't "come about" until the late eighteen-hundreds when society was becoming modernized and the threat of the new age sort of displaced some individuals so much they felt they had to kill to get their point across to society. Jack the Ripper is probably the most notorious killer in history because he ...
7765: The Great Gatsby 7
... tremendously wealthy communities, East Egg and West Egg, F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays Jay Gatsby as a Romantic, larger-than-life, figure by setting him apart from the common person. Fitzgerald sets Gatsby in a fantasy world that, based on illusion, is of his own making. Gatsby s possessions start to this illusion. He lives in an extremely lavish mansion. It is a factual imitation of some Hotel de Ville in Normandy, with a tower on one side, spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy, and a marble swimming pool, and more than forty acres of lawn and garden. (5) It models an extravagant castle with a European style. Indoors it has Marie ... for himself. (66) During the war he was apparently a promoted major that every Allied government gave a decoration to. (66) However, the medal he received seemed to be either fake or borrowed. The fantasy world that Fitzgerald gives Jay Gatsby also concludes with parties that are practically like movie-like productions. These parties are so fantastic that they last from Friday nights to Monday mornings. His house and garden ...
7766: Samuel Clemens
... novelist, short story writer, essayist, journalist, and literary critic who ranks among the great figures of American Literature. Twain was born in Florida Missouri, in 1835, To John Marshall Clemens and Jane Lampton. As a new born Twain already had moved four times westward. In 1839 the family moved again, this time eastward to Hannibal, Missouri. Hannibal was a frontier town of less than 500 residents. As small as the town ... 1853 and 1857 Clemens worked a journeyman printer in seven different places. During this trip of making sketches and writing stories, he began eastward by boat. Twain started writing letters telling about his visits to New York and the Middle West in 1867. On his trip he seemed to have gotten him self in a lot a trouble such as disorderly conduct. After time passed Mark kept writing short stories here ... sketches also. However, in 1869 he became part owner of the Buffalo Express. In 1870 Mark met the girl of his dreams and Olivia Langdon and Samuel Clemens were married in late 1870 in Elmira, New York. In 1884 Mark Twain wrote one of his most popular stories Called The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn. Although Clemens had a remarkable financial success with all of the books he had wrote, he ...
7767: The Legalization of Marijuana for All Purposes
... then focus on cracking down on the harder drugs like crack and heroine. The government should also legalize marijuana because of its several medicinal and industrial purposes. Legalizing hemp based products could create a whole new industry. Fuels can be made by extracting oils from seeds and the hemp fiber could be used to make ropes, clothing, or paper of a higher quality because of the strength of the fibers.1 ... pairs for a line of shoes made partly from hemp last years.26 Stores specializing in hemp products are become more and more common in North America. The worldwide trade of hemp products around the world was estimated at $100 million dollars in 1996.27 Market analysts say that if the industry continues to grow at its current rate, the above figure could double or even triple within the next three ... 40,000 acres of the average forest.31 William Hearst's interest in preventing the industry from growing could be easily explained because he owned enormous timber acreage; land best suited for conventional pulp. The new competition created by hemp would have cost him millions and would lower the value of his land. It has even been suggested that Hearst popularized the term marijuana to create fear in the public. ...
7768: A Separate Peace: Gene Forrester
A Separate Peace: Gene Forrester Gene Forrester's difficult journey towards maturity and the adult world is a main focus of the novel, A Separate Peace, by John Knowles. Gene's journey begins the moment he pushes Phineas from the tree and The process continues until he visits the tree fifteen ... with the shock of his true self until he finally reacts by jouncing the limb. Up in the tree, before the two friends are about to make their "double-jump", Gene sees Finny in this new light. He realizes that Finny feels no jealousy or hatred towards him and that Finny is indeed perfect in every way. Gene becomes aware that only he is the jealous one. He learns of his ... Gene move on into another part of his life and realize that he can never return to the days of his innocent youth again. He can now become a man, enter the war and adult world and leave his youth behind. Forgiving himself is the step which allows Gene to lead a normal life and enter society. He must finally forgive himself completely for his blind act and allow himself ...
7769: International Law
... and by being capable of enforcement by the application of external sanctions. The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, which succeeded the Permanent Court of International Justice after World War II. Article 92 of the charter of the United Nations states: The International Court of justice shall be the principal judicial organ of the United nations. It shall function in accordance with the annexed ... international law, material interdpendence, especially among the states of equivalent power, may foster the growth of positive legal principles. In addition, as friendships and emnities change,, some bilateral law may cease to be observed among new emnities, but new law may arise among new friends who have newfound mutual interests. In the meantime, some multicultural law may have been developed. Finally, research suggests that the social effects of industrialization are universal and that ...
7770: Crime and the Death Penalty
Crime and the Death Penalty What is our world coming to? Four rapes, seven-teen robberies, forty-five aggravated assaults, 163 burglaries, 434 larceny-thefts, eighty-eight auto thefts, and four arsons all in one New Jersey day-- a period of twenty-four hours. The word crime is not an unfamiliar word to any of us. We read the shocking headlines in newspapers, hear the broadcast announcements on television, we ourselves ... and watch criminals be released and then kill again. No longer must we Americans or anyone live our lives in fear. We must come together and draw the line on crime. We must make the world safe so that we and our children may once again live in a world without the fear of being senselessly killed or losing our loved ones. For a cold blooded killer, capital punishment is ...

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