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7751: Type II Diabetes
Type II Diabetes Diabetes is a disease that effects many people all over the world. There are two types of diabetes, Type I and Type II. Both types of diabetes are caused by a break down in the normal process of insulin production and usage. Insulin is a hormone made ... in the pancreas, stimulate the forming of the receptor sites on the cells, correct some post receptor defects on the insides of the cells, and effect production of glucose by the liver (Guthrie, 38). One new drug just past by the FDA is Rezulin. This drug triggers cell receptors to take in more insulin. Rezulin can hide all symptoms of Type II diabetes (Kofulaki, 1). "Individuals who are diabetic or obese are prime targets for the use of this new drug." said Dr. David Ehrmann. Rezulin was made by Parke-Davis and was unanimously approved by the FDA December 11, 1996 (Kofulaki, 1). Another drug that can be used by diabetics is Metformin. Metformin ...
7752: Euthanasia
... members themselves. A doctor is to be known as a healer, not an agent of death. A family is supposed to love and support, not kill and inherit. Every person makes the light of the world brighter. The world needs everyone’s power and contribution. It’s the power and energy of the elderly, and the strength and will of the ill that give the world life. All of us no matter how good we take care of ourselves, exercise, or eat our vegetables, are going to die. We cannot escape this. As our population grows in this country the ...
7753: AIDS and Its History
... lead to AIDS, and that in rare cases AIDS could develop in people who were not infected with HIV. He revealed that several promising lines of research and treatment were being explored, based on a new concept of AIDS. This sees the disease as a process in which cells of the immune system that guard against infection become wrongly programmed and start killing themselves they are not killed by the virus ... as had been thought. But Duesberg, professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California at Berkeley and a member of the American National Academy of Sciences, goes further. HIV is not a new virus, he says. It is perhaps "as old as America". It is carried by a small, fairly constant proportion of the population and is harmless. It is present in many AIDS patients because most of ... continuum from initial infection to, in many cases, death, the term HIV/AIDS is frequently used. There are two versions of HIV, both of which can cause AIDS: HIV-1, which has spread throughout the world, and HIV-2, a far less common and somewhat less harmful version largely restricted to West Africa. In the absence of further clarification, the generic term "HIV" almost universally refers to HIV-1, including ...
7754: Symbolism In The Scarlet Lette
Symbol is a person, place, thing or event that has meaning in itself and that also stands for something more than itself. "Symbolists believed that direct statements of feeling were inadequate; instead they called for new and striking symbols to evoke complexities of mood and meaning", says a 11th grade literature book. In his novel The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne makes extensive uses of symbolism. The letter "A", the sunlight, the ... scaffold in the middle of the night because it is the closest he can to confess his sin. The readers see how pitiful he has became when he screams aloud because he fears the whole world is staring at the symbol on his breast. It also shows how guilty he feels when he perceive the letter A in the sky as adultery instead of angel like everyone else. Chillingworth unable to ... free to judge the characters, whether their action is right of wrong. Did Hester really sinned? Nathaniel Hawthorne sums up the book with this quote, "Be true! Be true! Be true! Show freely to the world, if not your worse, yet some trait whereby the worst may be inferred!" Our heart is our prison, even if we can fool the entire world, we will never get pass over our own ...
7755: Star Wars
The broken globe by Henry Kreisel tells the story of a father and a son torn apart by their differing views of the world. Another story which I feel parallels this story in certain aspects is the 1977 classic Star Wars by George Lucas. In Star Wars, Luke Skywalker, a young farmboy on a backwater world, receives a lightsabre from Obi Wan Kenobi, this inspires an urge to leave his world and learn to be a Jedi. One of the conflicts Luke must face is his Uncle Owen who wishes him to stay on his world and be a farmer. When Luke finally does leave ...
7756: Apathy
... is it such a hated word, such an awful state to be living in? Quite simply, apathy is indifference. Apathy is indifference to the sufferings of others. Apathy is indifference to the happenings of the world around the individual. Apathy is indifference to anything that does not directly affect that specific human being, or his surroundings. Apathy is remaining neutral in the face of adversity if the problem does not directly concern that person. Apathy has always been the shame of humanity, and will continue to plague us until we realize that our minute lives are not all that matters in this world. Apathy, or indifference, is rampant in today's society. Millions of deaths can be attributed to the disinterest of others. For example, during World War II, millions of people were killed by the Nazis while the rest of the world looked on. People ignored the deeds of Hitler and the Third Reich because it did not directly affect ...
7757: The Awakening 2
... with their dinner and brandy after it, smoked cigarettes, played Chopin sonatas, and listened to the men tell risque stories. It was, in short, far more French than American, and Mrs.Chopin reproduced this little world with no specific intent to shock or make a point. . . . Rather, these were for Mrs.Chopin the conditions of civility. . . . People openly like[d] one another, enjoy[ed] life, and savor[ed] its sensual riches ... the 1890s woman began to become more recognized and started gathering power and strength in their society. They also were being allowed to expand possibilities which are strongly shown through the French-Creole culture. The New Orleans Daily Picayune was the first newspaper to be edited by a woman and to become a well-known American paper (Culley 121). During the 1890s this paper helped a number of women s causes ... When she get intermixed with Creoles it showed her what she was missing, but was not able to grasp so that she could fit in to society for once. Works Cited Chopin, Kate. The Awakening. New York: Avon, 1998. Culley, Margo. Editor s Note: Contexts of The Awakening. The Awakening : An Eaton Clement. The Civilization of the Old South. Ed. Albert D. Kirwan. Lexington: U of Kentucky P, 1968. 83. ...
7758: Pass The Weed
... conservatives across America has grown to a riotous roar. The problem is that the long-standing and unjust prohibition of the psychoactive drug marijuana has been lifted by voters in Arizona and California. Under the new law, doctors can prescribe marijuana to those patients who can possibly benefit from the drug's medicinal purposes. Used for alleviating pain and suffering, the drug can provide needed relief for many people. However, to the concerned, it appears that with the new propositions government has granted permission to posses and consume a drug that has been banned for decades. The “ smoke” has yet to settle in Washington, but a reaction to the new laws from the federal government seems unlikely. Optimistic supporters hope that similar policies and propositions will soon come to voters in other states. The debate over the legalization of Cannabis Sativa, more commonly known ...
7759: Aristotle And Virtue
... nervosa may deny himself or herself any food at all. The virtuous person chooses to eat food that is healthy and nourishing in moderation. In his Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle examines the virtue of courage. A brave man, by Aristotle's definition, is one who bravely faces what is difficult and challenging and shuns that which is foolish or evil. A man who jumps out of an airplane without a parachute just because he isn't afraid of death would probably be considered foolish while a man who takes responsibility for his actions and admits his shortcomings would be considered brave. A man who charges windmills like Don Quixote with little or no common sense would be considered rash or perhaps a little crazy while a man like Dr. Martin Luther King, who proposed peace without violence and was willing to say what most were unwilling to hear would be considered brave. According to Aristotle happiness is the result of being virtuous which is the result of fulfilling our purpose, reason, and making temperate choices. To quote Nicomachean Ethics; "Virtue, then, is a state of character ...
7760: Why Do Parents Abduct?
... wants to return to the abductor - being scared about the chance of being abducted again - + many others Issues for Abductor - anger against court - anger at the other parent - anger or confusion about the child's new outlook on them - sense of loss because they are not seeing the child - inability to move on with their life - concern about the child's welfare - guilt if they think the child has suffered - realizing ... both sexually and emotionally, Julian was rescued by his mother. Julian has receive endless hours of psychological help that will have to be continued throughout his life. He is finally adapting to school and his new life and is making friends. The subsequent example involves Jeff and Autumn Young. This story depicts how some children's appearance is changed and they are restricted in all ways from having contact with theoutside world. Jeff's ex-wife stole away with their daughter during his custody case in court. Jeff spent his savings on lawyers and detectives who could not find his daughter. Shortly after Jeff and his ...

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