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771: Peter The Great 5
Your amazing deeds are your trophies. Entire Russia is your statue, reshaped by your expert skill, as pictured not in vain in your emblem; and the entire world is your poet, and the preacher of your glory. 1 Archbishop, Feofan Prokopovich is describing the past Tzar of Russia, Peter the Great and his influence on Russian society and the world. Peter's influence on the world and especially his country cannot easily be forgotten. He had great determination and goals for a modern and powerful Russia and was very efficient in their completion during his reign. After having seen the ...
772: The History of Greek Theater
... to others. As the Greeks grew toward city-states and colonization, it became the destiny and ambition of the hero to gain honor by serving his city. The second major characteristic of the early Greek world was the supernatural. The two worlds were not separate, as the gods lived in the same world as the men, and they interfered in the men's lives as they chose to. It was the gods who sent suffering and evil to men. In the plays of Sophocles, the gods brought about ... Athens, 535 BC, who created the first actor. The actor performed in intervals between the dancing of the chorus and conversing at times with the leader of the chorus. The tragedy was further developed when new myths became part of the performance, changing the nature of the chorus to a group appropriate to the individual story. A second actor was added by Aeschylus and a third actor was added by ...
773: 20s And 30s
... transpired. By changing the unfavorable events that led to despair and continuing the benefits to society, one can understand why they happen and better the future. In the United States in the early 1920s, a new stage appeared with different movements in the areas of politics, economics, society, culture, and foreign policy. By the events that led to the 1930s, new crazes had developed in many of these areas, while other areas remained in continuity. From the 1920s to the 1930, there were several factors that contributed to the changes in American society. The 1920s began shortly after in World War I when the United States and the Allies defeated the Germans in 1918. Many Americans were fed up with Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president from 1913 to 1921. The first election of the ...
774: America and the Computer Industry
America and the Computer Industry Only once in a lifetime will a new invention come about to touch every aspect of our lives. Such a device that changes the way we work, live, and play is a special one, indeed. A machine that has done all this and ... Soma, 46). After Babbage, people began to lose interest in computers. However, between 1850 and 1900 there were great advances in mathematics and physics that began to rekindle the interest (Osborne, 45). Many of these new advances involved complex calculations and formulas that were very time consuming for human calculation. The first major use for a computer in the U.S. was during the 1890 census. Two men, Herman Hollerith and James Powers, developed a new punched-card system that could automatically read information on cards without human intervention (Gulliver, 82). Since the population of the U.S. was increasing so fast, the computer was an essential tool in tabulating ...
775: The Catcher In The Rye
The theme that the world has an outward appearance that seems fair and perfect but really they're as Holden put it "phonies." This is shown countless amount of times in his journey through New York and even before he left. The setting is in the 1950's; so I'm pretty sure that he didn't encounter any transvestites, lesbians, or anything that extreme of phoniest. Or on the ... that what mad, Holden so made Stradlater was perpetrating in other word being "phony" every time he went out all GQ after using that filthy razor. Another instance is when he calls that girl in New York, Faith Cavendish, that Eddie Birdsell had brought to a dance at Princeton. Anyway he called her and she almost went off until Holden drooped Eddie's name. Then all of a sudden "she ...
776: Dandelion Wine: Douglas
... really be and it’s no longer sugarcoated for him. He makes Doug realize that all eternity is a cycle. Something great happens and then it may leave you or fail you but then something new and exciting comes along. This too may bore you or even fail you. All throughout that summer, Douglas sees each cycle for what it really is- real life, not magic. Doug has to go through many things to be officially initiated into maturity. He goes through the gradual process but finally reaches an all new understanding of life. Doug feels that everything can be controlled through his own magic. It’s because he’s still a little boy with a wild imagination, that he believes this. At the beginning of ... kid. Magical and powerful. “Summer 1928 has begun.” Douglas’s first step into maturity starts when he realizes that he is alive. This is something that he has never felt before but now has a new look at things. “Douglas felt, but did not feel, the deep loam, listening, watchful. We’re surrounded he thought. It’ll happen. What? Douglas stopped. Come out wherever you are, whatever you are! he ...
777: The History of Greek Theater
... to others. As the Greeks grew toward city-states and colonization, it became the destiny and ambition of the hero to gain honor by serving his city. The second major characteristic of the early Greek world was the supernatural. The two worlds were not separate, as the gods lived in the same world as the men, and they interfered in the men's lives as they chose to. It was the gods who sent suffering and evil to men. In the plays of Sophocles, the gods brought about ... Athens, 535 BC, who created the first actor. The actor performed in intervals between the dancing of the chorus and conversing at times with the leader of the chorus. The tragedy was further developed when new myths became part of the performance, changing the nature of the chorus to a group appropriate to the individual story. A second actor was added by Aeschylus and a third actor was added by ...
778: Describe The Challenges That Human Resource Managers Will Face in the Next Five Years
... transmission, and sophisticated telephone and locator systems comprise the infrastructure. According to Newt Gingrich we are talking about a transformation on such a scale that everything changes. Legend has it that at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904, scores of men and women were literally dropping to the ground, dizzy and overwhelmed by the new technological marvels on display. Life seems to be at warp speed whirring by in a blur of sound and l ight that left those unprepared grasping at the wind. Here we are in 1998 and we seem to be on the verge of a similar chaos. The caption reads, “Catch the Wave as HR goes Online.” Cyberspace offers new frontiers in recruiting, networking and information gathering. In fact, going online is changing the Human Resource function at companies all over the world. A research adviser sitting in front of a computer can browse ...
779: Western Expansion
... this profoundly affected American society. Motives After the revolution, the winning of independence opened up the Western country and was hence followed by a steady flow of settlers to the Mississippi valley. By 1840, 10 new western states had been added to the Federal union. The frontier line ran through Iowa, Missouri and Arkansas on the western side of the river. All parts of the valley except Wisconsin and Minnesota were well populated. Thus a whole new section had been colonized with lasting effects on the American institutions, ideals and ways of living. The far west was the land of high mountains, deserts, strange rock formations, brilliant colors and immense distance. Fur ... for people to get jobs now, in contrast with the cities where there was unemployment. The pioneer movement for 70 years after the revolution roughly represented the form of 3 parallel streams, flowing westwards from New England, Virginia and South Carolina. The first pioneer groups tended to move directly westward. Thus the new Englanders migrated into western New York and along the shores of the great lakes, Virginians into Kentucky ...
780: Human Cloning
... reality for the future. The initial public response to this news, here and abroad, was primarily one of concern. In some cases, these concerns were amplified by largely fictional and mistaken accounts of how this new technology might dramatically reshape the future of our society. The sources of these feelings were complex, but usually centered around the basic fact that this technique would permit human procreation in an asexual manner, would ... science known as eugenics, which basically is an attempt to improve the human race. Advances in eugenics have only helped mankind in pushing forward to a greater civilization, a more perfect evolution (Silberner, 5). When new innovations in science are not encouraged but prohibited, they inevitably change into an undercover procedure. Human cloning is already prohibited in Britain and likely soon here in Canada as a result of new legislation held before the commons. If this happens, then it will develop into a secretive, reckless operation where the possibilities are as endless as they are dreadful: human hybrids, clone armies, slave hatcheries, and ...

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