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7631: "Roseanne and The Kiss"
"Roseanne and The Kiss" This past winter break, myself and one of my best friends were driving down one of the main roads in our home town of Elmira, New York. I happened to look up at a billboard that was on the side of the road, and saw a sign that read something like: “Be safe, be smart, be protected.” I thought to myself ... of gays in the military. The plot of this episode is, that Roseanne goes into a gay bar with her bisexual friend Nancy, played by outspoken bisexual actress Sandra Bernhard. Roseanne dances with Nancy's new girlfriend Sharon (Hemmingway). The situation is uncomfortable to Roseanne's sister Jackie who also went with them, but Roseanne has a great time. After dancing with Sharon, the two sit down to chat, one thing ... many more gay characters on mainstream television. “Melrose Place” has two gay men, and one of the times that I watched the show, I saw them coming extremely close to kissing. Michael J. Fox's new show, “Spin City” has a gay black man as one of its main characters. This is extremely new since he represents two minorities in one. These shows have followed the trend that Roseanne helped ...
7632: Faces Of The Diamond - Essay O
... began as an attempt to feed that craving on imaginary foods.” Craving is a strong, urgent and persistent desire. According to Buddhist teachings, desire is the root to all the sufferings and injustices in the world. If it were the goal of mankind to abandon their desires for excessive needs, the world would be a peaceful and harmonious place. Throughout history, there had also been great prophets such as Isaiah and other outstanding preachers who made daring attempts to convert and lead mankind back to the Lord ... the richest man on Earth, as one who rises to ultimate power without having to work for it. Born a direct descendent of George Washington, Braddock only takes care to protect his prized possession, the world’s biggest diamond rivaling in size with the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. His task is easily accomplished by simply killing and imprisoning those who accidentally stumble upon his property and learn of his secret possession. ...
7633: Financing In The EU
... age 18 to 45. While we don’t expect too many difficulties in converting and repatriating our funds, the financial aspects of this operation will still have to face the upcoming European monetary integration. The new currency -- the euro - could significantly impact the way international business is conducted. In January 1996, Andersen Consulting surveyed 169 companies throughout the European Union, finding that "nearly three quarters felt that deeper integration in the ... the United Kingdom, a significant portion of the political establishment is hostile to the whole process, while in other countries, notably Germany, there is a reluctance to relinquish a strong national currency. Adjustments for the new currency must be made between the start of 1999 and the start of 2002. As a business, we must begin planning now to minimize the cost of changing our information systems and administrative operations and ... to be consistent with the changeover needs, so decisions made in the IT field will be of paramount importance. Risk management The migration to the euro will be of concern to risk managers in the world's major banks. Long term, there are many inherent advantages to EMU for controlling financial risk, although there is a chance of "backing the wrong horse" by adopting a technical solution that is rapidly ...
7634: Jack London
... to survive with dignity and integrity, and he wove the elemental ideas into stories of high adventure based on his own writing appealed not to the few, but to millions of people all around the world. Along with his books and stories, however, Jack London was widely known for his personal exploits. He was a celebrity, a colorful and controversial personality who was often in the news. Generally fun-loving and ... all information and events embody natural laws. A key component of naturalist writing. London, being a naturalist, used the wide variety of readings and experiences the fed his imagination to produced the two seemingly contradictory world views found in his work. Adventure tales, such as White Fang and The Sea Wolf, reflect the doctrines of rugged individualism and of amoral ubermensch (superman), which London had learned from reading Darwin. Darwin had ... would incorporate into many of his novels and short stories. For Jack London there were two types of "supermen." London wrote, "I have been more stimulated by Nietzsche than by any other writer in the world." London considered himself an admirer of Nietzsche, but also an "intellectual enemy." London regarded both Martin Eden and The Sea Wolf as indictments against the selfish individualism of the "superman" theory. This is not ...
7635: Ferrari
... the racing car category in to the luxury category to increase car sales. To fix this mess, Di montezemolo had to spent "$80 million modernizing its factories in Europe"(11). Now more computers test each new car’s many electronic systems. But still these beautiful machines are assembled by hand in the time-honored manner just like in the old days. The same does not happen with the other car manufactures ... Europe, they moved in to a automated approach forgetting all about the quality of their automobiles and concentrating a lot more in cutting costs to increase profits. Di Montezemolo Ferrari's CEO also introduced nine new models, up from just two. This created a bigger demand for his exotic cars. He also offered the cars in a range of 16 colors and gave each new owner racing lessons on the company’s private track. And with addition of the Maserati to Ferrari showrooms, consumers now stand a better chance of finding a car they might be able to afford ...
7636: The Crucible
... to die. Corey, who was over 80 years old, deserves a special mention. Corey chose to stand mute and not respond to the charges brought against him. Under both British law and the laws of New England, a man who refused to answer could not be tried. He could, however, be tortured until he answered or died. Corey was pressed, that is, placed upon the ground with gradually increased weight piled ... days to die. During the process of the pressing, his “tongue being prest out of his Mouth, the Sheriff with his Cane forced it in again, when he was dying. He was the first in New-England, that was ever prest to Death.” Although these events seem far removed from events from today, we can find some direct parallels to the events in Salem and modern events (Martine 55). The Crucible ... hearings. They are everyday events where peoples’ lives are destroyed by a frenzied community or society. The major theme of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible is guilt by association. Sources Cited Bigsby, Christopher. The Crucible. New York: The Penguin Group, 1995. Corrigan, Robert, ed. Arthur Miller: A Collection of Critical Essays. Twentieth Century Views. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1969. Martine, James. The Crucible: Politics, Property, and Pretense. ...
7637: King Lear: Searching for Vision
King Lear: Searching for Vision Through the course of the play, King Lear goes through a process of attaining self-knowledge, or true vision of one's self and the world. With this knowledge, he goes through a change of person, much like a caterpillar into a butterfly. In the beginning, King Lear's vanity, and the image and exercise of power dominate his person. But ... decisions), a "fool" of a conscious, a powerful storm, a "supposed" crazy man, and the death of the one who truly loved him, clear his vision and allow him to see the himself and the world as they truly are. The pain and suffering endured by Lear eventually tears down his strength and sanity. Lear is not as strong, arrogant, and filled with pride as he was in the beginning of ... This change which at it's heart is a change of vision (this is true for most of the characters in this play). What must change is how Lear sees himself, his children, and the world around. At the beginning of Lear's time in the storm, he is seeing the treachery of his daughters Regan and Goneril. This truly creates the anger within him. He expresses his anger at ...
7638: A Midsummer Night's Dream: Contrast In Human Mentality
... based on logic. Thus it does not give the power of raw emotion the true respect it requires, for man is both emotional and rational. Love never has, and never will, be predictable. The fairy world represents man's undisciplined emotional quality. Here the laws of man do not apply and things simply need not make sense. Attributes like adventure, romance, fear, foolishness, and mockery are all things suppressed by Athens ... untamed heart and they understand the power love holds. These creatures embrace the unruly craziness that passion brings, they live for the moment and are pure at heart. Along with love and passion the fairy world is also susceptible to other emotions running wild. Jealousy, anger, and humor at the expense of others are all abound here. Oberon, king of the fairies, is the quintessential symbol of human impulsiveness. He obviously ... two settings with opposite characteristics. Whether this was the entire purpose of the play is doubtful, but is remains an interesting and well paralleled feature. The people of Athens, struggling to understand the illogical fairy world, and at the same time exhibiting the same behavior. Perhaps Shakespeare seeing the era of logic and reason obtaining new highs, wished to remind us all of our other side. The emotional quality of ...
7639: Re-educating A King: King Lear's Self-Awareness
... of mortality. It is apparent that Lear is no longer king. He has abandoned logic, thus he can no longer consider himself God's anointed. He has finally given up on his hopes for a world in which he will still be respected after giving away his money and power; a world where everyone would continue to admire and obey him as Gloucester does, simply due to the authority that is prevalent in Lear himself, and not his crown. Cordelia serves as a reminder to Lear of ... role in educating this former king in the disciplines of loyalty and respect, for he is the only character to stay by Lear's side, even if it means by death. These lessons are not new to Lear; it is obvious that these qualities have escaped him only after many years of rule. Nonetheless, Lear finds himself reduced to a mere man and must now somehow get back in touch ...
7640: Men Are From Mars, Women Are F
... are playing by different rules. The second 2. approach is the dominance approach. There is a gender hierarchy in our society with male domination and female subordination, reflected in language structure and use. The male world view is encoded in the English language (King, 1991:2). The feminist perspective is that language is discriminatory towards women, as it has become one of the arenas in which social inequalities have been elucidated ... are also possible biological expalnations for the observed differences. There are marked variations in vocal tract resonances, or formants, which effect pitch. There are also differences in speech rates and voice quality (Mills, 1995:197). New biological evidence suggests that nature, not nurture, may cause these differences. Women may be biologically more suited for performing tasks that involve understanding and language formation (Pearson, et al, 1991:47). It has also been ... in Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 37(5/6): 295-317 King, Ruth 1991 Talking Gender: A Guide to Nonsexist Communication ( Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, Ltd. ) Mills, Sara 1995 Language and Gender: Interdisciplinary Perspectives ( New York: Longman Group, Ltd. ) Pearson, Judy Cornelia, and Turner, Lynn H., and Todd-Mancillas, William 1991 Gender and Communication ( Dubuque, Indiana: Wm C. Brown Publishers ) Schwartz, Pepper, and Rutter, Virginia 1998 The Gender of ...

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