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7531: Characteristics of the Beowulf Poem
... about whether the Christian elements are intrinsic or are interpolations by a tenth century monastic scribe. In any case, the Christianity does not much resemble that of the High Middle Ages or of the modern world. Frequently the poem seems a reflection of the traditional pagan value system from the moral point of view of the new, incompletely assimilated Christianity."(Foster 502) In Britannica it says that critics have seen the poem as a Christian allegory, with Beowulf the champion of goodness and light against the forces of evil and darkness. His ... of English history, heroism, and fantasy. It will remain a monument of Old English forever. Works Cited "Beowulf." Encyclopζdia Britannica. 1990 ed. Beowulf. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M. H. Abrams et al. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1987. 19-72. Foster, Edward. "Beowulf." Masterplots. Revised ed. New Jersey: Salem Press, 1986. Raffel, Burton. Beowulf. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1971. .
7532: Bureacracy In Japan
... them to absorb opinions given by the LDP and convert them into instructions. Due to this "connection" between the LDP, the farmers and the bureaucracies, the following occurs: in order for the farmers to initiate new policies and get the attention of MITI, they go directly through the LDP. Pressure is put on the LDP, who later instructs MAFF bureaucrats. Then the MITI is influenced by MAFF and thus the development of the new policies. In such a policy-making process, there is an obvious social connection and certain interdependence between the farmers, the LDP and the bureaucracies. The greater part of the LDP's affairs are conducted by ... zoku. These factions play a crucial role in resolution of party personnel matters: the election of the president, the appointment of cabinet ministers, and naming of important party officials. Each time the LDP selects a new president, billions are spent to accumulate sufficient votes to win the office. Since these political activities cost a great deal of money, the factions have established a close relationship with corporate Japan, and "money ...
7533: Bulls On Parade
... like other cultures, Spain too has its own specific culture. Part of the Spanish culture revolves around the bull. Bullfighting and bull runs by many people are recognized as the only Spanish culture in the world, and because of its importance it always begins on time. Still many people view it as a crime. Me being a foreigner I have first hand experience with different cultures. A long time ago in ... years old, and Luis Miquel Dominguin the latest talent in bullfighting. The Spanish culture of bullfighting and bull runs has compelled many people to express their views through books or paintings and has created many new legends in Spain. Bullfighting and bull runs are part of the Spanish culture and are inseparable form Spain s future. The Fiesta de San Fermin, in honor of Saint Fermin, takes place in Pamplona, Spain every year from June 14-21. Six wild bulls led by eight to ten tamed bulls trudge through the street while brave runners risk their lives to lead them to the bullring. Once at the bullring the bulls will fight bullfighters. The bullfight divided into three parts becomes an intense show. The first part the bullfighter ...
7534: David Guterson and His Use of the Theme of Nature
... addresses some of the moral dilemmas that humans face throughout their lives. His first novel, Snow Falling on Cedars, narrates the trial of a Japanese man accused of murdering a white man in the post World War II era. Throughout his literary works, Guterson uses elements of nature: land, trees, water and especially snow, as literal and metaphorical tools to develop and resolve conflicts. David Guterson uses the same aspects and ... and void by the snow”(Snow Falling 320). The snow covered the fields; all of the fields seemed as one field. The nine inches of snow caused a visual unity of the strawberry fields. “..the world was one world”(Snow Falling 320). The element of water is used as a paradox in Guterson's novel Snow Falling on Cedars. Water is both the sustainer and taker of life. The damp and misty climate ...
7535: "Down and Out Paris and London"
... and just take one day at a time. Orwell says: "Within certain limits, it is actually true that the less money you have, the less you worry. When you have a hundred francs in the world you are libel to the most craven panics. When you have only three francs in the world you are quite indifferent; for three francs will feed you till tomorrow, and you cannot think further that that." (p. 16) He says that another feeling associated with poverty is a feeling of consolation. Somewhat ... Orwell In reality there is no such difference, that the rich and poor are different only by their incomes. He expresses this by saying: "The average millionaire is only the average dishwasher dressed in a new suit." (p. 121) Orwell discusses the powerful effect that one's clothes has on one's personality and how they affect how one is perceived. Once one puts on the clothes of a tramp, ...
7536: Bubonic Plague
... are characteristics of the plague in the groin or neck or armpit. Bubonic plague can only be transmitted by the bite of any of numerous insects that are normally parasitic on rodents and that seek new hosts when the original host dies. If the plague is left untreated it is fatal in thirty to seventy five percent of all cases. Mortality in treated cases is only five to ten percent. The ... preventive measures can be used to reduce the spread of the plague (sanitation, killing of rats, prevention in transport of rats). Individuals who contract the disease are isolated, fed fluids and put to bed. During World War II, scientists using sulfa drugs were able to produce cures of plague. Since it is a bacteria, the bubonic plague can be treated with antibiotics. Tetracyline, Streptomycin, and Chloramphenicol are three of the antibiotics ... now we know that the bubonic plague is spread by fleas. The bacteria moves its way up to the upper digestive tract of the flea where it breeds and multiplies. The flea must find a new host and when it does the flea drinks its blood and regurgitates the bacteria into the host. This also infects the host. Therefore, the plague can be spread by any rodent or animal who ...
7537: British Society
... As everything in life, it brought good, but it also brought evil. The industrial revolution combined with the expansion of the British Empire made the United Kingdom, the richest and most powerful country in the world. Some of the islanders became unbelievably wealthy, but others, unfortunately, became unbelievably poor. Writers from this historical period cognizant of the human suffering, became social critics of what was taking place in England, of how ... his estate and support his political actions. Harold envisioned change, a change for the good of the workers. He disliked the Whigs and Tories because they represented everything old and unmodern. Being a radical meant new, improvement, change and modernization. He had modern opinions and ideas to change the outcome of society, however he still believed that women were silly creatures who did not have any ability nor right to discuss ... was a very descriptive one. It emphasized on the power and strength of males within society and how their "machismo" behavior effects the outcome of how society behaves. As an outsider looking into a complex world, I am able to see things clearly. It is males within the society who are dangerous because they are the ones who strive for power and success and they also conjure movements that may ...
7538: OJ Simpson
... blood to belong to anyone else on this planet; however, since the DNA testimony was complicated and somewhat tedious some of the jurors quickly lost interest. Works Cited Cochran, Johnnie L. Jr,. Journey to Justice. New York: One World, 1996. Darden, Christopher A. In Contempt. New York: HarperColiins, 1996. Freed, Donald, Raymond Briggs, Ph.D. Killing Time. New York: Boson, 1996. Volume 125. Newsweek. 23 Jan. 1995: 51.
7539: Black Death (the Plague)
During the late Middle Ages there were many progresses made such as many new inventions and art and literate was at a peak. With these very important improvements of the late middle ages there was a problem that nothing could be compared to, the black death. During this time period the Black Death was a major factor in Europe from when it swept threw from 1300 to 1450. Many people said it was the end of the world because of the plague s effects on the European people and Europe in general. The plague was brought to Europe by cargo from China. In this cargo there were rats that had flea s on them that carried this plague, and this little flea s caused one of the most devastating epidemics in the history of the world. The people of Europe were already in bad times before the plague due to economic depression and agricultural expansion had reached its limits. Then in 1347 the plague struck, once infected by the plague ...
7540: Black And Yellow Perils In Col
... social standing, and thus gain the same rights and privileges as the colonists. REACTION TO INCREASING FEMINISM WITHIN EUROPE: Middle class women seen as responsible for the 'ploiferation and strengthening of the breed' were pursuing new opportunities in education and employment, and thus were 'shirking their imperial motherly duties'. With this in mind, 'new' women were often compared unfavourably with black women, (who despite being oppressed by their societies, still fulfilled their maternal and wifely obligations) in an attempt to chastise feminist tendencies within Britain. The issue of motherhood ... of the rape of white servants or wives by black men were fabricated, the fears concerning such incidents were real enough. Examples of this fear include the White Women's Protection Ordinance of 1926 in New Guinea, which provided "the death penalty for any person convicted of the crime of rape or attempt of rape upon a European women or girl", and the formation of citizen militia's in Southern ...

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