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7511: Alternative Fuels (fuel Cells)
Introduction: Ballard Power System is the world leader in developing and commercializing proton exchange membrane fuel cell power systems. At the heart of this corporation is the Ballard Fuel Cell, a propriety zero-emission engine that converts natural gas, methanol, or hydrogen ... for transit bus engines in four phases. In the first phase, which was completed in 1993, Ballard developed and demonstrated a 125 HP fuel cell engine in a 32-foot transit bus. This was the world's first zero-emissions vehicle powered by fuel cells. Over the last six years, it has proven itself to be a reliable, smooth performing vehicle, that could easily be used on a large scale. Phase ... these vehicles. Ballard Corporations is completely positive that after these buses are used on a larger scale, the days of the internal combustion engine will be over. In May 1997, Daimler-Benz released the NEBUS (New Electric Bus), which used an advanced Ballard Fuel Cell as the power source. The NEBUS has a power efficiency of 55 percent, which is roughly 15 percent better than its predecessor, the internal combustion ...
7512: The Elusive Form: The Use of Female Characters in "Naked Nude"
... author, skirts between fantasy and reality in his almost allegorical short fiction, teaching the reader a lesson through coinciding elements of beauty and comedy. Venturing away from his usual, inner-city Jewish element, Malamud tackles new challenges of subject and setting in his novelistic collection of short stories, Pictures of Fidelman . Malamud develops his protagonist through a series of six, interrelated short works, each of which may function entirely independent from the others. In "The Naked Nude," for instance, Fidelman comes to a new, artistic maturity through his attempt to copy the famous painting "Venus of Urbino" by Titian Tiziano. Malamud's recurring theme of self-knowledge through suffering permeates this short work. Scarpio and Angelo, as primary antagonists ... lust for all the women he had ever desired, from Bessie to Annamaria Oliovino, and for their garters, underpants, slips, brassiers and stockings. (Malamud 329) This somewhat perverse, revived lust for his sister opens a new door for Fidelman. He is able to deal with his guilt. The nude form is realized rather than idealized. He uses the total sum of his past lust to create, abandoning his former idealistic, ...
7513: Gender
... the government, they would receive an extra ten rubles per month for the extra time worked. It is difficult to measure whether or not Mela received the same amount of pay as men in her new position, since all of the nurses were in fact women. The benefits of the nursing position increased slightly. In regards to maternity leave, women were allowed two months before the child was born and two ... s daughter became older, Alla no longer needed to be home by 3:15 to see her child come home from school. As the daughter became more independent, Alla was able to switch jobs, learn new skills, and become a manicurist. Alla took courses that lasted for six months and now works at Marshall Field's Beauty Salon. It is here that job segregation is completely obvious. A majority of the ... technology and the increase in capital stock, especially in the label factory. In Bergmann's article, the suitable-jobs theory also poses as an explanation for Alla to enter the labor force. Along with her new skills and education of a manicurist, this position can be seen as being suitable for Alla and must be filled by a woman, rather than a man. Alla's younger sister, Helen, had even ...
7514: Words on "To His Coy Mistress"
... though they are very far apart, time still flows by for them both. As the water flows, this concept begins to hint at the shortness of time, for them to have sex, the source of new life. He then proceeds to claim that he could love her ten years before the flood, something already ancient, and up to the end of the world, using the juxtapositioning of the two views of time enhance his argument and to convince to accept his offer by telling her of his long-term commitment for her in the short-term. This flood also symbolizes life in the fresh start of the new covenant. Because time keeps going, with or without them, they must be active participants and not just the static spectator. Otherwise, the fate Marvell relates would become their reality. Marvell's vegetable love is ...
7515: The Boston Massacre
... the beginning of the quest for independence, people in this land were, even sometimes unconsciously, beginning to gain a sense of self-motivation and loyalty to those around them that had accompanied them into this New World. The people had gained almost a new identity; one that strayed drastically from the places in which they had came from. This feeling is one that could be labeled as American Patriotism. This patriotism would make these people eventually stand up ...
7516: Critque the efficiency of of FDR's administration at alleviating the suffering of the great Depression
Critque the efficiency of of FDR's administration at alleviating the suffering of the great Depression FDR truely tried to help the people and wanted to make a change. He was mostly successfull with his New Deal Program. Each Program helped a different part of the the country and its people. Focusing only on some programs which were in the long list of programs in the New Deal program, it shows that it helped. The FHA or better known as the Federal Housing Administration helped people at that time who were in a middle class position and wanted to build or buy a new home in a secure manner. The adminstration was formed to insure long-term home mortgages and offered benefits to both middle class home buyers and lending institutions from which the borrowed their money to ...
7517: Raving Is A Lifestyle
By: Dave E-mail: dave@hotmail.com Raving Is a Lifestyle. One of the most rapidly expanding scenes in the world is raving. The dictionary defines "Rave" as To utter in madness or frenzy; to say wildly; as, to rave nonsense, which makes you wonder why raves were ever called raves to begin with, unless of ... everything is fluid. My mind is rushing and I let this sense of pure energy, goodwill and friendliness wash over my body. I feel the need for something different and wander off to make some new friends. I sit to talk to a beautiful girl by a pillar. Normally, I would be very shy and never dream of talking to a goddess such as she. Before I know what is going ... hours and it is not hard to imagine how an entire culture could be based on these parties. When I finally came down from the ecstasy later the next day, everything I knew about the world seemed to have changed. From that day on, the grass has seemed greener, the breeze feels more soothing and I have noticed and appreciated more of the simple pleasures in life more than I ...
7518: 2001: A Metaphorical Odyssey
... message with an interesting medium with which to do so. Many cultures use myths to teach their young about the past. Through time, however, these myths become impractical due to discovery. This is when a new myth must be introduced to take the place of the obsolete one. Stanley Kubrick shaped 2001: A Space Odyssey as a new myth to crack the archaic view of space, by using a hero, a dilemma, and a new revelation to fuel his cause. Every myth has a character that breaks the mold of the ordinary. In Homer's The Odyssey, Odysseus is the character that broke the mold of the other mortals. ...
7519: Contributions Of Ancient Egypt
... its overall isolation by the expanse of the surrounding desert to the west and the red sea to the east, this thriving culture's achievements went beyond the imagination of even the most seemingly advanced world. This allowed the Egyptians to not only live peacefully and without an active army but also provided them with the security and time to concentrate on what is known today as the foundation of an ... know as "pi". This knowledge added to their architectural capabilities and aided them in the construction of such mysteries as the Pyramids. From the remarkable pyramids of the Egyptian civilization to the towering skyscrapers of New York, the Egyptian's applications of mathematics helped them in another of their great contributions, that of architectural accomplishments. They introduced the Corbel form of arching found in the construction of all the pyramids including ... ethics. It was these ethics that the Egyptians strived to live by in order to live among the elite in the afterlife. The reward of living according to law and basic human kindness within the world of the living and the right of passage as a reward into the world of the afterlife was clearly outlined within the text of the book of the dead. The book of the dead ...
7520: Contain Communism
... 1949-1950, when the Soviets exploded their first atomic bomb and the Communists in China conquered their vast homeland. The Chinese Communists signed an alliance with Stalin, but the United States refused to recognize the new regime. In Japan, then under U.S. control, economic development was accelerated to counter Asian communism. When Communist North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950, Truman sent the American military into action (see Korean War ... in 1961. Each superpower also attempted to gain influence over emerging nations in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. A serious crisis arose in 1962 when the USSR placed missiles in Cuba, their new ally. President John F. Kennedy threatened nuclear retaliation, and the Soviets withdrew the missiles in return for Kennedy's promise not to invade Cuba. Sobered by this crisis, the Soviets were also weakened when the ... by Japan and West Germany. By 1973 the two stumbling superpowers had agreed on a policy of dιtente; it was an attempt to cool the costly arms race and slow their competition in the Third World. Dιtente ended by 1980, however, as Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan to save a Marxist regime. Newly elected U.S. President Ronald Reagan began a massive arms buildup and new challenges to Soviet-supported groups ...

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