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7501: Chinese Kinship Systems
... followed the rule of inheritance through the male line of descent (I should clarify myself when I say not interesting, I mean it only in the sense of comparing China to other parts of the world where patrilineal inheritance was exceedingly common, yet the same places usually followed the rules of primogeniture not homogeniture). Inheritance usually involved the equal division of the family estate among brothers, which ideally occurred at the ... her own “jia” and into the home of her arranged husband. This process of shipping out daughters is highly beneficial to the Chinese patriarchal system, in so much as the daughters must willingly take her new husband’s surname as her own. Thereby becoming a part of his family and losing all ties to her own. Once this surname change has been completed, the daughters had “no legal right to receive ... father (Baker, 1979). Sadly the majority of Chinese brides enter their husband’s families and communities as hardly anything more than strangers. Which means that they have no social ties, nor economic ones to the new household they are forced to join. Due to patrilocal tradition, the newly created daughter-in-law must fend for herself and “must establish herself in circumstances that may be far from welcoming” (Watson, 1991). ...
7502: Chicago
Chicago has been the fastest growing city of the world. “The city of the Century” is the name given to this historic city. It is a great city of the greatest people who devoted almost their whole life to this city. Jane Addams, Florence Kelley ... October 8, 1871, the fire viped out the city. 18,000 building were burnt. Economic potential of the city was still there. The citizens were determined to rebuild. Architects and Engineers came from around the world and started building just what it was like before. In 10 years after the fire, Architects had begun to make buildings that were unprecedented. The city was now buying, consuming, trading, manufacturing and selling more ... day were coming to Chicago to do business. The downtown was locked by the boundaries of water and a railroad. Chicago was the second largest city of the nation. People from all parts of the world were attracted to Chicago because that was the place where they saw lots of business opportunities. That was the place where they thought they could start their new career. Even today, 70% of the ...
7503: Chernobyl, What Happened
... not everyone agreed to the test ever being conducted. However not everyone was satisfied with the ignorant technicians theory and researchers proposed an additional theory. Unlike Chernobyl the power plants in the rest of the world have a contaminant structure which is a huge reinforced concrete domedesigned to prevent radioactive materials from escaping during anaccident. Like one West German nuclear scientist Rudolf Schulten said "The reactor itself is a very old-fashioned type, and the safety philosophy of this reactor would never be accepted today by any country in the Western World." A U.S official agrees and sais that "Has it been designed as reactors in the U.S and the rest of the world the reactor would not have been destroyed. 6 When the reactor exploded and the core began to burn Soviet officials tried as hard as they could to put out the fire. It took them ...
7504: The Picture
... you now, more than I ever have. I will have you. And it wouldn't be a bad idea to show slime what real LOVE is! I may not be the best lover in the world, but with you it sure seems like it. I want to get into you, to fill you with myself, to sow my very being in you, to make you climb the wall and beg for ... This orgasm will blow your mind . . . and mine. We shall see heaven in just a few moments now." After feasting his eyes a moment longer on you, the most beautiful and glorious creature in the world, the action was to gently kneel between your sensuously shapely, out-flung legs. Still holding his magnificent penis he lowered himself over you. Only then did he relinquish his hold on his staff to you ... its way through a chamber made only in heaven and only for this staff of life. Neither Robert nor I could see that although the pinnacle of your orgasm has not been passed a whole new mountain was appearing before you. Your eyes opened in amazement. A fleeting look of sheer terror passed your unseeing eyes as they looked toward me, yet beyond, as if I wasn't there. "Robert, ...
7505: Causes Of Civil War
... California Gold Rush, Manifest Destiny, and the Mistreatment of Native Americans. The Louisiana Purchase was done by President Jefferson because he wanted to doubled the size of the United States and to get control of  New Orleans. Wilmont Proviso was to ban slaves from territories that might gbe aquired from Mexico. Kansas- Nebraska Act was the result of Douglas wanting to build railroads from Chicago to San Franciso. Douglas was a ... the North form the South because each side a different view on each issue. Westward Movement could of led to the Civil War, but did not because of Henry Clay. When the Westward Movemet occurred new states started to enter the union. This is where the promblems begins. Missouri was the first state, other than Louisiana, to enter the union from the Louisiana Purchase and will give impications on the status ... Women". The powerful speech rally women to fight for their rights. Dorthea Dix a woman her time to publicizing the inhumane treatment prevailing in prisons, almshouses, and unsane houses. As a result, 15 states opened new hospitals for the insane and others improved their supervision of penitentiaries, asylums, and poorhouses. Prohibiton deals with the banning of alcohol . Religious groups consider drinking alcohol is a sin and women being abuse rosed. ...
7506: Nuked
... cost, and the space they take up. The main reason nuclear weapons should be banned is the simple fact that they kill or severely injure. The most remembered use of a nuclear weapon was during World War 2, when we, the U.S., used the bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima killing millions and destroying everything in those cities. Not everyone died at once, some people died instantly while others died a ... silos to store them, and there are around 20,000 in existence today. Then what about all those top secret projects that the common people don't know about yet. There could be hundreds of new types of weapons not even made, but designed on a piece of paper sitting on the desk of some scientist in Washington now. Besides the physical space weapons take, they also take up space that ... could use as a jail or correctional center, because the ones we do have are overcrowded as it is now. Most of all we as a nation should be worried about ourselves over some third world country, because if we don't we might become one of those third world countries. With crimes, murders, and terrorist attacks within our own country on the rise, what's going to stop some ...
7507: Colonists 2
Britain had a new policy when it came to it's colonies. All they had to do was inforce the laws they already had, not make new ones. George Greenville, Britains Prime Minister from 1763 to 1765, didn't realize this. To raise money for Britain after the expensive French and Indian war, they decided to tighten control on the colonies The Proclamation of 1763 was the first of five laws passed to accomplish this new goal. This "proclamation" reserved lands west of the Appalachian Mtns. for use of the Indians. The frontiersmen were the first to get angry at the new land law because they wanted to settle in ...
7508: Colombus Case Extrapolated To
... take risks. Columbus was confronted by complex situations and people challenged him to prove his theories. In 1492, C. started a journey that began as a crazy thought but became an historical change to the world. This journey and the antecedents can be extrapolated to organizations, showing leadership and a cognitive decision process. Columbus showed acts of immense courage that were done through risk taking, decision making, ambition and knowledge, which ... today’s organizations. Columbus had concoctive thinking and previous experiences that allowed him to reach his goal. Organizations are faced with taking risks in stages to succeed just as Columbus took the risk to explore new lands. However this risk was taken on the basis of his knowledge of astronomy, geometry and cosmography. These basis or conditions are quite similar to the ones an organization has, such as the knowledge of ... Columbus convinced the Spanish sovereigns through an elaborate plan to win much more than they could lose and also negotiated with them to get a tenth of the profits and be named Viceroy of the new lands. Organization leaders should take advantage of risk taking in fields, which are unexplored by competitors. The Negotiation factor also becomes an interesting matter for managers in risk taking, that has to be considered ...
7509: Web Site Promotion
Promoting a World Wide Web Site As we enter the new millenium, more and more businesses are deciding to go along with building what is called sites on the world wide web, better known as a web site. It seems as though these days to many people is that all you have to do is build a web site and you are set to ...
7510: Multiculturalism
Multiculturalism Is multiculturalism a disruptive or an integrative force in Canadian society? In terms of education, multiculturalism is becoming increasingly disruptive in Canadian society. It seems that there is a new issue in the media focus regarding education on a weekly basis. It's becoming increasingly apparent that most, if not all issues in recent years stem from the debate of whether to centralize or decentralize ... little heed to other cultures in the education system. All courses on history or culture at the high school level are aimed to familiarize students with the traditions, philosophy, literature and history of the western world. Proponents argue that this action is appropriate since our country is based on a democracy founded in European ideals of government. It is also claimed that there would not be enough time in the current ... down on costly administration and foster innovation through competition. (Lawton pg. 23). With competition, schools would have a greater incentive to improve itself in all aspects. Most advances would take place in the creation of new programs, providing access to higher levels of technology, and structuring curriculum with sensitivity to the ethnic make-up in its surrounding area. These schools would be developed and influenced by the parents of the ...

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