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Search results 7491 - 7500 of 22819 matching essays
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7491: James Joyce's "Araby"
... the story this is easily shown, especially when it refers to "the hour when the Christian Brothers' school set the boys free."(Joyce 2112) Although they were freed, they were placed into an "equally grim world, where not even play brought pleasure."(Coulthard) Joyce demonstrates this culture by showing a boy's love for a girl throughout the story. This young boy, is completely mystified by this girl, but at the ... his destiny from the first for desiring joy in an environment that forbade it."(Coulthard) "Araby" seems to be reflection on Joyce's own life in a repressive Dublin culture. Works Cited Coulthard, A.R.. World Literature in Review. (Internet) http://www.elibrary.com/id/2525/getdoc.cg...2D000&form= RL&pubname=explicator&puburl=0 (No www.elibrary.com/id/2525/getdoc.cg...ame=twentieth_ century_literature&puburl=0 Joyce, James. Works of James Joyce. (Internet) http://www. Elibrary.com/id/2525/getdoc.cg...13&form=rl&pubname= monarch_notes&puburl=0 Joyce, James. "Araby." The Harper Collins World Reader. Ed. Mary Ann Caws and Christopher Prendergast. New York: Harper Collins, 1994. 2112-2116.
7492: Wolf's "The Child By Tiger" and Bowen's "Tears, Idle Tears": The Innocence Of The Child
... develops, the reader finds that the boy cries because his mother can't cry and, consequently, he experiences her grief for her. Some people in life seem to carry the burdens and grief of the world on their shoulders. By examining the two stories, it can be seen that both authors use the symbolism, setting, and character to prove these main ideas of the stories. The two stories both use symbolism ... a girl that he meets at the pond, he comes to the realisation that he's not alone, there is someone else out there that has a problem with crying. He seems to find a new sense of self-esteem because of this knowledge. In the story "The Child By Tiger", Wolfe often refers to Prosser as a cat or a tiger. These symbolic references help convey the author's message ... as through to greet her, a swan came swimming...Frederick gave a great skip, opened his mouth wide, shouted:' Oo, I say, mother, I nearly caught a duck'"(88). The swan that returns symbolises the new Frederick that his mother finds when she returns, bold and beautiful. It seems apparent that both authors use symbolism to help portray the personality of their main characters. Although the settings of both stories ...
7493: Civil War-54th Massachusettes
... put in charge of the regiment. He came from a strong abolitionist family in Boston before the war. Before gaining his position as the colonel of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts, Shaw served in the Seventh New York National guard and the Second Massachusetts infantry. In February 1863, Shaw was apointed by Massachusetts govoner John A. Andrew to lead the first all black Union regiment, the Fighting Fifty-Fourth, into the Civil ... Recruitment began in Boston on February 9. By February 21, barracks were readied at Camp Meigs in Readville, outside Boston. Massachusetts had only a small black community, so recruits were enlisted from other states including New York, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio, and even Canada. Among the enlisted men were Frederick Douglass' sons Charles and Lewis. Reaction from the South to black recruitment was swift. The Confederate Congress issued a proclamation that African ... in the North was stirred, and Shaw's parents later rejected an offer to have their son's body exhumed, writing that they could hope for "no holier place" for it than "...surrounded by his brave and devoted soldiers." Fort Wagner was abandoned on September 6, 1863. Union troops occupied the fort; Charleston had been exposed. The 54th went on to Florida, distinguishing itself in the battle of Olustee from ...
7494: The Writing of the Constitution
... bodies , determining how their members are selected , and prescribing the rules by which they make their decisions . The nation's founders , fifty-five men , met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 to write a new constitution and to form a new government. George Washington was elected chairman of the convention.The founders were all very well-educated. Over half the delegates had collage degrees, which was rare in the North American continent at that time. They ... that the purpose of government was the protection of individual life, liberty and property. Following the election of George Washington as president of the convention, Governor Edmund Randolph of Virginia presented a draft of a new constitution .The Virginia Plan proposed a two house legislature. A lower house directly elected by the people of the states based on the population , and an upper house elected by the lower house.The ...
7495: Causes Of The Great Depression
... of the decade. The unequal distribution of the wealth had several outlets. Money was distributed between industry and agriculture within the U.S.; in social classes, between the rich and middle class; and lastly in world markets, between America and Europe. Due to the imbalance of the wealth, the economy became very unstable. The stock market crashed because of the excessive speculation in the 1920’s, which made the stock market ... NBC and CBS. The advertising industry was also becoming reliant upon the radio as a method of advertising. There are several factors that lead to the prosperity in the automotive and radio industries. First, during World War I both the automobile and the radio were significantly improved upon. Due to the demands of the war, automobiles, radios, and the parts necessary to build these things were being produced in large quantities. The foundation existed for the auto and radio industries to take off. Second, due to the federal governments easing of credit, money was available to invest in these industries. The government favored the new industries better than the agriculture. During WWI, the government had subsidized farms, and paid high prices for wheat and other grains. They told farmers to produce more food for the war effort. However, as ...
7496: Bitter Sweet Aspartame A Diet Delusion
... doesn t realize how much of this chemical he or she is consuming on a daily basis, or the possible effects aspartame toxicity could have on the body. What is it? In 1879, while developing new food preservatives, a young Johns Hopkins chemistry research assistant accidentally discovered that one of the organic compounds he was testing was intensely sweet. Saccharin he called it, after sakcharon, the Greek word for sugar. He ... was bombastic. "My doctor gives it to me every day. Anybody who says saccharin is injurious to health is an idiot!" Still, saccharin was banned, only to be restored during the sugar-short years of World War I. Available as powders or pills, to say nothing of in a huge variety of processed foods, saccharin remained popular throughout World War II. Its only drawback was its bitter metallic aftertaste. Food processors licked that problem by combining saccharin with cyclamate, another artificial no caloric sweetener. Then in the 1960s came disturbing news. Two different ...
7497: Causes Of Civil War
... California Gold Rush, Manifest Destiny, and the Mistreatment of Native Americans. The Louisiana Purchase was done by President Jefferson because he wanted to doubled the size of the United States and to get control of New Orleans. Wilmont Proviso was to ban slaves from territories that might gbe aquired from Mexico. Kansas- Nebraska Act was the result of Douglas wanting to build railroads from Chicago to San Franciso. Douglas was a ... the North form the South because each side a different view on each issue. Westward Movement could of led to the Civil War, but did not because of Henry Clay. When the Westward Movemet occurred new states started to enter the union. This is where the promblems begins. Missouri was the first state, other than Louisiana, to enter the union from the Louisiana Purchase and will give impications on the status ... Women". The powerful speech rally women to fight for their rights. Dorthea Dix a woman her time to publicizing the inhumane treatment prevailing in prisons, almshouses, and unsane houses. As a result, 15 states opened new hospitals for the insane and others improved their supervision of penitentiaries, asylums, and poorhouses. Prohibiton deals with the banning of alcohol . Religious groups consider drinking alcohol is a sin and women being abuse rosed. ...
7498: The Odyssey: Differences From Today's Society
... Differences From Today's Society In the book the Odyssey by Homer violence, deceit, disorder, absence of law enforcement, and it's principal of self-sufficiency, obviously differs from our modern society today. In modern world today we have laws and law enforcers, which is to help keep away from as much violence as possible. We have legal systems and courts to decide whether people deserve punishments, and this shows in ... people and not just think of themselves. In the book the Odyssey, it seems as though sometimes Odysseus forgot what he was fighting for he just would go from adventure to adventure and fight a new monster and win another battle. " Cyclops, if anyone ever asks you how you come by your blindness, tell him your eye was put out by Odysseus, sacker of cities, the son of Laertes, who lives ... in Ithaca. (139)" Odysseus has a way of bragging about himself when he should have been watching out for himself and his crew. In modern society one person cannot take on the problems of the world by themselves. It is important that for everything a person does they understand that there are consequences so they need to be rational and think of the best way to solve a problem. Odysseus ...
7499: Death Penalty
... death penalty, they need to realize that capital punishment is for the general welfare of the people because the death penalty is the most logical way to punish criminals of vicious crimes. Everyone in the world needs to follows certain laws, and if they are broken, the accused has to pay to price for his or her crime. The sentences might be anywhere from ten to twenty years in prison, but ... The DNA test showed that there was no semen of Bloodworth’s on the little girl’s clothes and on stick found near her. In December of 1993 he was released from jail because of new evidence brought to the case. This is an example of when the death penalty is unjustified. In the past, there were many people wrongfully executed for crimes that they did not commit all in the ... Between the Bill of Rights and the Next Election in Capital Cases.” Boston University Law Review 75 (1995) 2.Connors, Edward, www.clarkprosecutor.org/html/death/row/dye.htm 3.Flanders, Stephen A. Capital Punishment. New York, NY: Facts on File, 1991. 4.Long, Robert Emmet. Criminal Sentencing. New York, NY: H.W. Company, 1995. 5.Nathanson S. 1987 An eye for an eye Totowa: Rowman and littlefield 6.Robinson, ...
7500: Causes Of The Pelopenesian War
... time the Spartans contented themselves with supporting the upper classes in every city, and slowly forging a united front against Athens.” This statement describes the Spartan reaction to the Athenian growth. Sparta clearly saw this new growing Athenian Empire as a threat despite some views that Sparta was overconfident of its skilled land forces and saw the expanding Athenian Empire as weak and thinly spread out. “They despised the Athenians, but ... of war; the sole aim of the state was to create a race of invincible warriors.” Contradicting this, Athens focused on a much different goal of outward show, expansion of trade and readiness to pursue new ideas. Compared to the enclosed, landlocked status of Sparta, Athens stood as a crossroads of the Greek world, bustling with trade and home to constant shipping activity. Athens worked on a much more democratic system than did Sparta. There was no specific slave class among the Athenians and each citizen was allowed ...

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