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Search results 7481 - 7490 of 22819 matching essays
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7481: Discipline in the Classroom: Past and Present
... way by the student. It is recommended now that teachers always have a witness present while speaking privately, or a tape recorder to avoid such devastating mishaps. Every public and secondary school teacher in the world has their own discipline system. Some teachers are more lenient than others, but each teacher should ensure that the consequences for a misbehaving student is great enough to persuade students to think again before breaking ... Canter, Lee and Marlene Canter. Assertive Discipline. Santa Monica, CA: Lee Canter and Associates, 1992 Hyman, Irwin A. Reading Writing and the Hickory Stick. Toronto: Lexington Books, 1990. McManus, Mick. Troublesome Behaviour in the Classroom. New York: Nichols Publishing, 1989. "World Book Encyclopedia". Toronto: World Book Inc, 1991 edition. pp.88- -89
7482: Differences Between North And
... colonies. The Southern colonies consisted of Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. People that went to the Middle colonies were seeking economic well being and they did not bring their families to the New World. Without families, they could focus more on economic issues, making more money, and working hard within their goals. Church, religion, and God were important, but southerners tended not to be very religious due to the ... the most domineering product in the South. Almost everything depended on the sale and price of the tobacco market. The major tobacco period was the time from 1618 to 1629 while the crop was still new. With the huge demand, labor was always an issue. Due to this many servants were imported. The negative aspect of this being the huge amount of people. This gap expanded the classification between the ...
7483: Importance Of Fractal Geometry
Importance Of Fractal Geometry The world of mathematics usually tends to be thought of as abstract. Complex and imaginary numbers, real numbers, logarithms, functions, some tangible and others imperceivable. But these abstract numbers, simply symbols that conjure an image, a quantity, in our mind, and complex equations, take on a new meaning with fractals - a concrete one. Fractals go from being very simple equations on a piece of paper to colorful, extraordinary images, and most of all, offer an explanation to things. The importance of fractal geometry is that it provides an answer, a comprehension, to nature, the world, and the universe. Fractals occur in swirls of scum on the surface of moving water, the jagged edges of mountains, ferns, tree trunks, and canyons. They can be used to model the growth of ...
7484: Honesty
... whatever they did, whether it was right or wrong. In The Mercury newspaper, 23rd August 1994, it contained an article on burglaries in general. In the article, it said that Australia had one of the world’s highest burglary and domestic violence rates. It was said that this was because of Australians high beer intake in comparison to countries which drink more wine rather than beer (Italy or Greece or Spain ... facts that just over 80% of Australia’s population live in a detached, single story house, which is accessible to burglars from all sides. This can be compared to Paris, which has one of the world’s lowest crime/burglary rates. This is due to the fact that Paris’ population is fairly dense, which means that most people live in apartments, flats or units. If you were a burglar, and you ... may hear about an unsolved crime, therefore he thinks, ‘If I commit a crime, maybe no one will find out’. The reason kids are so confused is because they learn from their parents and the world around them what is acceptable and what is not. The problem with this is that what the parents, or other types of media like films, communicate to their children that many things are acceptable ...
7485: The Need For Peace In The Midd
... the most difficult issue as it is virtually impossible to please both sides. Presently, Israel has control over the city. Israel insists on retaining sovereignty over the “eternal” city and hopes a deal will win world recognition of that right. Palestinians, on the other hand, wish to reclaim east Jerusalem for the capital of a new Palestinian state and want to share sovereignty. This issue should be resolved by making Jerusalem ‘no man’s land’. Jerusalem should be governed by an independent, neutral third party. Palestinians and Israelis would share it ... the Jordan Valley. American and International aid needs to be distributed fairly between the Israelis and Palestinians. The Palestinians are in need of more financial assistance to compensate for refugees and to help form a new Palestinian state. Yassar Arafat has asked for $40 billion in International Aid to resettle and compensate for refugees. Israelis are seeking an upgraded security relationship with the United States and feel that they need ...
7486: Money 2
... all must ask ourselves is anything really free? Is there such a word and if so what is its true definition? Many would say "Yeah there are a lot of things out there in the world that are free." but are they really is the questions? Can you believe that Melville Dewey once said, "free as air, free as water, free as knowledge?" Free as knowledge? Let's get real, this is the modern world --- air and water no longer come cheap! Hey, you want breathable air, you better pay your air conditioner's power-bill. Free as water? If you've got sense you buy the bottled variety or ... and other insignificant gases and never in our minds does the question arise about the worth of this indispensable compound. If it wasn't for the four-eyed chemists in their white lab coats concocting new methods of cleaning the air in order to make it "breathable". Where would we be? Probably in the world filled with dust, radiation and skyrocketing amounts of carbon dioxide. All this valuable research and ...
7487: Colonies 2
... two colonial areas share very few similarities. Reasons for their migration and their final destinations greatly influenced the outcome of each society. First, the Southern Colonies were formed by aristocratic Europeans who came to the New World in search of land. These wealthy people brought Europeans and African servants. In their new home, the aristocrats produced a society in which only the wealthy had power. They tried and at some times forced their servants to convert to Christianity. They were constantly battling the Native Americans and ...
7488: Cuba And The Cuban Missile Cri
... he needed protection against the United States and because Cuban forces mainly used small arms and guerilla warfare, Russia sent in tanks, artillery and attack planes as well as instructors on how to use the new technologies. The former Russian ambassador in Cuba was then replaced after Khrushchev soon realized that he worsened relations with Cuba instead of bettering them. A journalist replaced him by the name of Alekseyev who was ... the Soviet Union were to prevent any type of invasion by the United States and to stabilize the “balance of power.” Something that both the US and the Soviet Union shared was their fright of world war and even nuclear war. This is arguably the only time in history where the threat of nuclear war is possible. Things began to become very tense for both sides. President Kennedy became aware that ... the late 1960’s, Castro focused on revamping the agricultural system in Cuba. His primary objective was to dominate the international sugar market with modern machinery and technology. Because of the blockade on Cuba, the world sugar prices suffered much inflation but returned to normal after other countries elevated their sugar production to meet the demand. Cuba established a goal to produce ten million tons of sugar crop by the ...
7489: Transcendentalism: Aphorism
... Don't trust with edge tools. Don't trust man, great God, with more power than he has, until he has learned to use that little better. What a hell should we make of the world if we could do what we would! Put a button on the foil till the young fencers have learned not to put each other's eyes out. - Emerson - Journals 1832 This aphorism has an extreme ... it can be used incorrectly. Too much power in the wrong hands can reflect evil, and one who find this power can show that. If we were able to do whatever we wanted to, the world would be abolished without question. Man should be trained to use his power wisely before unleashing it's full capabilities. Once we can use our powers the right ways we can respect the power and ... it for our own benefit at other's expense. I have personally known people to have some power in which they use incorrectly in everyday life. These people become weights to society. They affect the world everyday, many of the world's and the Unites States' problems have arised because of these people. Man will always have greed, it is in human nature...man will always be selfish. These traits ...
7490: Terrorism Esy
... Congress. This was an effort to give a voice to the many Palestinians that were located in refugee camps in Lebanon. The leader of the group is one of the most recognized terrorists in the world, Yasser Arafat. It did not take long for sub-divisions to break off of the PLO. Most of these groups felt they could better achieve Palestinian liberation. The most notable of these groups were the ... support for highjacking a major cruise ship. With help from the PLF they took the passengers hostage. In cowardly act members shot to death a wheelchair-bound Jewish man named Leon Klinghoffer. This formed a new meaning to the world terrorist. After many years of terrorism, Arafat ceased all terrorist acts by the PLO on September 9, 1993. This was the end of the PLO and all their sub-divisions. Another major terrorist organization ...

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