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7471: Essat On Taiwan Now And Then
... to develop long range nuclear missiles"(Taipei, Dec 9 1999 AFP). A top Taiwanese official on Thursday defended his government's right to develop long-range missiles after US reports said China was building a new missile base targeting the island of Taiwan. During the period of the Opium War, a British fleet tried to occupy Keelung harbor in north Taiwan but eventually failed. This was the first aggressive move on ... Taiwan Democratic Republic had already collapsed, the resistance of the Taiwanese people kept on. By November however, the Japanese had control of the entire island. Skipping forward in time, in 1945 Japan is defeated in World War II In spite of the fact that there was no international agreement regarding change of status on Taiwan, Chiang Kai-shek had swiftly renamed Taiwan as "Taiwan Province" of China. On September 5, 1945 ... himself as the chief executive. Further on September 29, he set up an "advanced command post" combining the Governor's Office and the Garrison Command headquarters, and began preparing for the occupation of Taiwan. Following World War II, Taiwan experienced many financial problems caused by seizures of Japanese held assets and properties. Frustrated and in poor spirits, an uprising results on February 28, 1947 over the public beating of Lin ...
7472: Causes Of Civil War
... California Gold Rush, Manifest Destiny, and the Mistreatment of Native Americans. The Louisiana Purchase was done by President Jefferson because he wanted to doubled the size of the United States and to get control of New Orleans. Wilmont Proviso was to ban slaves from territories that might gbe aquired from Mexico. Kansas- Nebraska Act was the result of Douglas wanting to build railroads from Chicago to San Franciso. Douglas was a ... the North form the South because each side a different view on each issue. Westward Movement could of led to the Civil War, but did not because of Henry Clay. When the Westward Movemet occurred new states started to enter the union. This is where the promblems begins. Missouri was the first state, other than Louisiana, to enter the union from the Louisiana Purchase and will give impications on the status ... Women". The powerful speech rally women to fight for their rights. Dorthea Dix a woman her time to publicizing the inhumane treatment prevailing in prisons, almshouses, and unsane houses. As a result, 15 states opened new hospitals for the insane and others improved their supervision of penitentiaries, asylums, and poorhouses. Prohibiton deals with the banning of alcohol . Religious groups consider drinking alcohol is a sin and women being abuse rosed. ...
7473: Creation Vs. Evolution
Creationism vs. Evolution The majority of people in this world believe that a spiritual being created earth. In fact, "most religions and cultures believe the universe was created by a 'creative hand,' either a sky god or some other physical object" (Encarta 1). Think of ... this clear argument against it" (Behe 3). At first Darwinism was taught at schools, but there were so many flaws that these ideas were turned down, and a different form of evolution was taught. The new form was then taught along with a type of scientific creation (Encarta 2). This shows that schools feel that Darwin was wrong, and Darwin is evolution's top scholar. In order to disprove a way ... God, the Creator. Works Cited Befe, Dr. Michael. "The Evolution of a Skeptic." The Real Issue. --: Leadership U., 1197. Encarta. "Creation." Microsoft Corp., 1998. Encarta. "Evolution." Microsoft Corp., 1998. Holy Bible. King James Version. Camden, New Jersey: Thomas Nelson Inc., 1972. Infopedia. "Darwin, Charles Robert." Softkey Multimedia Inc., 1996. LaPointe, Doug. Top Evidences Against the Theory of Evolution. Lakewood, New Jersey: Calvary Academy, 1995.
7474: A Comparison Of Durkheim And Frued On Native American Cultur
... Native Americans. An important source in understanding Native American religion is Emile Durkheim. As shown in this religion, Durkheim analyzed initiation rites that consisted of long ceremonies that would take a person from the profane world into the world of the scared (Durkheim). Since the idea of entering the sacred world was such a special occasion, proper rituals were enacted. The Native Americans focused extensively on rituals in joining a specific culture or tribe, involving the whole community and bringing everyone together throughout the area. ...
7475: Violence
By: Kegman E-mail: Thekegman5@aol.com Violence The last five years have seen an increase in the stand on violence in movies. As action movies with their big stars are taken to new heights every year, more people seem to argue that the violence is influencing our country's youth. Yet, each year, the amount of viewers also increases. This summer's smash hit Independence Day grossed more ... adults who understood the violence and could separate screen violence from real violence. There is nothing wrong with having violence in film. If an adult wants to spend an evening watching Arnold Schwartzenager Save the world, then he should have that right. Film critic Hal Hinson enjoys watching movies. In fact, he fell in love with movies at the same time that he remembers being afraid for the first time. He ... lovers were incited by the same hooks as himself. Movies were thrilling, dangerous, and mesmerizing (Hinson 581-2). Hinson says that as a culture, we like violent art. Yet this is not something that is new to today's culture. The ancient Greeks perfected the genre of tragedy with a use of violence. According to Hinson, they believed that "while violence in life is destructive, violence in art need not ...
7476: Education Of The Middle Ages
... universities, scholars studied Latin classics and Roman law in depth. They also acquired knowledge from the works of the Greek philosopher Aristotle and from the Islamic scholarship in the sciences. This interest in the physical world eventually led a rise of western science (Schools 291-292). Many church leaders opposed the study of Aristotle’s works, fearing that his ideas feared the Christian teachings. In contrast some scholars thought that new knowledge could be used ideas. The applied Aristotle philosophy to theological questions and developed a system of thought called scholasticism. This new type of learning emphasized reason as well as the faith in the interpretations of Christian doctrine. Scholastic sought to bring back classical philosophy along side with the teachings of the Church. They believed that ...
7477: Should Homosexual Ideas Be Taught In School ?
... the importance of teaching students homosexual ideas. The first and primary purpose of the course is to educate those people who have no knowledge about homosexuality. Homosexuality is a very hot topic in the modern world, and people should not be unaware of it. They should not be ignorant to something that happen in their surroundings. Regardless of the subject, people should always learn more new things, as this is one of our goals of living. To learn about homosexuality, for example, is just as important as to learn history. It just enriches one's knowledge, and the one who benefits ... very important because in the modern society, equality is a major premise. Racism, sexism, and the discrimination of people should be totally abolished. Also, human rights are meant to be preserved; therefore, nobody in the world should be presecuted, including the homosexualists. Apparently, establishing a homosexual course is a useful way to spread this information out. The other purpose of the course is to give an opportunity for the people ...
7478: Desert Flower
... ensure a wedding for their daughters, because there is no place in society for an unmarried woman. The Somalian culture in which Waris was raised showed many aspects of a high-uncertainty avoidance culture. The world today contains incredible technology, yet her people still live in the same manner as their ancestors thousands of years ago. Their society has stayed virtually unchanged, and not because of chance, but choice. This avoidance ... individualism. First, by running away to avoid marriage. Though her family would benefit from her marriage, she knew it would not make her happy. She stood up for herself, and ran away to start a new life. After enduring years of urinating drop at a time and unbearable menstruation periods, Waris acted independently and went to the doctor. The translator’s comments, as I mentioned earlier, made her think twice. Despite ... the surgery; she writes, “there’s no way to explain what a freedom that was.” Later, Waris sought out her mother in Somalia after years of separation. Her mother wasn’t sure about Waris’s new way of life, but was most adamant about the fact that she was not married. Waris expressed her individualistic views by remarking, “ Mama, do I have to be married? Don’t you want to ...
7479: Aristotles The Poetics
... blood that has been shed (Iphigeneia) and the blood that will be shed (Agamemnon). At the very end of the play, the audience can see the hubris in Clytaemestra. The Chorus says: "Crow and strut, brave cockerel by your hen; you have no threats to fear" (60). The Chorus is warning Aegisthus that he should fear the gods. Page 5 The Chorus is saying, do you (Aegisthus) think that Clytaemestra can ... Lattimore. Greek Tragedies, Vol. 1. Ed. David Grene and Richmond Lattimore. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1969. 1-60. Aristotle. "From the Poetics." Trans. Ingram Bywater. Tragedy: Plays, Theory and Criticism. Ed. Richard Levin. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1960. 131-144.
7480: Uniforms In School
... surely adjust. Uniforms free students of the stress on what to wear in the morning. I usually have that problem, as well as my brother. Uniforms also relieve the tension, or "break the ice", when new students come in, since they will be wearing the same thing. This will benefit both the new student and the class as a whole. The uniforms will build a sense of unity within the school. Instead of everyone as a separate "team", everyone will be in the same "team". This will benefit ... uniforms will speed up the morning "getting-up" process, thus reducing tardiness in school that I know is a problem in my first period class. The enforcement of uniforms will relieve the tension between the new students and the students that are already there. The uniforms will expedite the process of making new friends for the new student since the uniforms will help the new student feel a sense of " ...

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