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7431: Latin Literature In History
... and Historian Sallust made important contributions to the circle. Caesar with detailed accounts of the Gallic and civil wars, and Sallust writing history as well, noted for brilliant descriptions of people and their motives. A new kind of writing called lyric poetry also sprung to life in this period. The rule of the emperor Augustus marked the beginning of a new more comfortable, more peaceful era for the people known as the Pax Romana. This bright new lifestyle also brightened their way of viewing life, and is evident in much of the period’s flowering literature. Augustus also actively encouraged writers, and they loved him and the peace he had secured. ...
7432: Latin America And Slavery
... isolated civilization with a unique, independent culture to a Europeanized puppet continent with little cultural identity. Latin America began as a secluded land of aboriginal inhabitants that was cut off from the rest of the world. It was first discovered by Europeans while trying to find more efficient trade routes to India and China. These Europeans noticed the vast resources present in Latin America and smelled money. Europeans are very greedy ... of crossed marriages took genes out of the native pool and into the European pool. Extreme blood mixing was going on. Between the Europeans, the natives, and Africans brought in to replace the dead natives, new races were popping up in Latin America. Right then the population in Latin America was undergoing vast changes. Population growth is usually due to either high birth rates with low death rates or heavy immigration ... basically has one huge metropolitan area which holds the bulk of its industry and a large part of the population. In fact, Mexico City and Buenos Aires are two of the largest cities in the world. Latin America has one of the highest populations of the six populated continents. Its mode age is less than thirty years old, meaning that the birth rate is far exceeding the death rate. Hence, ...
7433: Langston Hughes And The Harlem
... It opens the reader’s eyes to the many disadvantages that many people have suffered through and are still trying to overcome. Hughes writes about how the African-American people have been all over the world. In “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” he talks about them bathing in the Euphrates, building huts by the Congo, and singing of the Mississippi. I think that this poem is showing how these people are ... great was the Harlem Renaissance. It was a time of change. A time of happiness for the most part. A time when many people realized that there were many talented African-Americans. A time for new things and a new way of doing things. Jazz and Blues became popular. White people came to Harlem to see how blacks danced, and what music they listened to. Harlem became a very “hip” place. The arts flourished ...
7434: Kuwait
... import alcohol from Canada, thus aiding the Mafia in their growth. The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre made the tension against Capone’s South side, to George "Bugs" Moran’s North side known to the world, ultimately decimating Moran’s men. As Capone made his presence known in Florida, seven of Moran’s men were slaughtered inside a warehouse. Frank Gusenburg, one of the seven victims, lived long enough to inform ... the movement are old offenders and from their former experiences have a wider knowledge of the law than many policemen." -Philadelphia Associated Press, 1923 Although Chicago was the only city the thrived in organized crime. New York, Kansas City, Philadelphia, and Detroit were among those who had individuals involved in the Mafia. Detroit, being close to the Canadian border, was a major area for bootlegging. The liquor imported to Detroit was ... exported to Capone in Chicago. Due to the heavy trafficking of illegal material, a gang, known as the Purple gang gathered. The Purple Gang was as vicious and blood thirsty as any other racketeer in New York or even Chicago. The Purple Gang controled the bootlegging and rum runing in the city, and even stood up to Capone. They also managed to stay together until the early 1930’s when ...
7435: Kurds - A People Without A Sta
Kurds - A People Without a State Introduction Of all the ethnic groups in the world, the Kurds are one of the largest that has no state to call their own. According to historian William Westermann, "The Kurds can present a better claim to race purity...than any people which now ... for conflict. Of the 25 million Kurds, approximately 10 million live in Turkey, four million in Iraq, five million in Iran, and a million in Syria, with the rest scattered throughout the rest of the world (Bonner, p. 46, 1992). The Kurds also have had a long history of conflict with these other ethnic groups in the Middle East, which we will now look at. The history of Kurds in the area actually began during ancient times. However, the desire for a Kurdish homeland did not begin until the early 1900's, around the time of World War I. In his Fourteen Points, President Woodrow Wilson promised the Kurds a sovereign state (Hitchens, p. 54, 1992). The formation of a Kurdish state was supposed to have been accomplished through the Treaty ...
7436: Advantages of Technology in International Trade
Advantages of Technology in International Trade Technology plays a major role in international trade. Databases, overnight delivery and faxes have opened the world market to not only larger companies but small ones too. To add to this globalization, companies and even competitors are combining and forming alliances to cut cost and increase the profit margin. Chrysler, General Motors ... and Ford have formed an alliance in research and development to avoid duplication. These alliances are not only with domestic companies but they also go over national lines. Companies are pushing for integration of the world economy in hope for increased profits and governments are beginning to listen. Since 1986 (GATT) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade have taken the incitive to move towards the liberalization of international trade. GATT members ... of cuts in tariff and non-tariff barriers to all countries willing to make comparable cuts. This is a major incentive for all countries because the Pacific Rim is the fastest growing market in the world and large profits are to be made there. To put these cut in trade barriers in perspective lets look at the company Chrysler. Chrysler is introducing a right handed drive version of the neon ...
7437: Kosovo Crisis 2
... history and culture. Both have different wants; the Serbs with to have “their” land while the Albanians, which make up ninety percent of the population, want an independent nation. Many of the troubles evolved from World War II when the country was torn on whether or not to support tHitler and his movement. Since then the Albanians have cried for a free republic. The Kosovo Liberal Army resulted from Albanian attacks ... of a cancer that a cure. Both side of the conflict turn their weapons of destruction not only on each other, but also onto NATO soldiers. Somewhat ironic, to prevent death we must send our brave men in to die. The conflict has been hard on the world, but more so on Kosovo itself. It is predicted that if the war doesn’t stop the two-sides will be fighting over nothing other than pride. The world’s involvement into the conflict ...
7438: Bombardier Report
... Bombardier Ltd., a manufacturer of snow tractors and snowmobiles. The company was renamed Bombardier Inc. in 1978. The company has been active ever since in the acquisitions of various aerospace and transportation companies around the world. Nature of the Business Bombardier conducts business in five main areas: transportation equipment, aerospace, defense, motorized consumer products, and in financial and real estate services. The total revenues increased by 20% from $5.9 billion ... each manufacturing group separately. Aerospace Aerospace is Bombardier's most important industry. It accounted for 47% of sales and 33% of profit in 1995 and makes Bombardier the fourth largest civilian airplane manufacturer in the world. Bombardier's customers are spread out over the globe. They range from government and private commercial airlines to wealthy individuals and corporations in need of private jets. The products that are driving the growth in ... a rate of 60 per year. Overall the Aerospace industry has strong growth potential, provided that Bombardier sticks to its successful niche marketing strategy. Bombardier is competing with some of the biggest companies in the world. Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon are all counted as the opposition. Transportation Equipment This industry is responsible for 22% of sales and 22% of profits for 1995. The nature of this group ...
7439: Uniform Commercial Code 2b The
A new law will probably be introduced into state legislatures which will govern all contracts for the development, sale, licensing, and support of computer software. This law, which has been in development for about ten years, will ... part of the package, without written consent. Publishers have the right to create trade secrets and to enter into nondisclosure contracts with people. The publisher is in essence, creating a nondisclosure agreement with the whole world, one consumer at a time. This is a law that lets publishers cut off their customers right to read detailed, critical reviews of a product they are considering buying. Competition in the marketplace is then ... Code Revision . 3. Kaner, Cem. Bad Software Who is Liable? . 4. Kaner, Cem. What Is a Serious Bug? Defining material Breach of a Software License Agreement . 5. Kaner, Cem. Uniform Commercial Code Article 2B: A New Law of Software Quality . 6. Leibowitz, Wendy R. In New UCC Software Contracts, Is the Customer Always Wrong? . 7. McWilliams, Brian. The End of Software Licenses? . 8. Nader, Ralph. Shrinkwrap Licenses and Uniform Commercial ...
7440: History of Advertising
... Hire's root beer, Regal shoes and Waterman's pens were nationally advertised. In the early 1900's America began to become aware of such brand names like Bon Ami, Wrigley and Coca-Cola. After World War 1 advertising developed into a business so big that it was almost a trademark of America itself through the eyes of the rest of the world. This was expanded by technical improvements which made transportation, communication and graphics work easier, cheaper and better. The invention of electricity led to the illuminated outdoor poster, photoengraving and other modern printing inventions helped both editorial and advertising departments of printed journals. In the 1920's the radio was invented and this developed a whole new technique of selling, by voice. During World War 2 the American advertising industry founded the war advertising council this used modern advertising to strengthen the American war effort. The organization still continued after the ...

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