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7401: France
France is a nation focused on culture. It is in many ways the "cultural capital of the world" (Lect.Notes #7 Sp.99). France has always been an inspiration for many artists. Due to its strong culture and other moral factors, France is a country afraid of change and its education system is ... the Baccalaureat C usually attend the les Ecoles. They are the best-equipped schools available and graduates of les Ecoles usually go on to the high paying careers. There are no other countries in the world that place higher values on education than France. A degree in France is what carries people through to retirement (Lect. Notes #4 Sp.99). If you want to be successful in France the only way ... France places much more emphasis on the transfer of knowledge while the U.S. tries to teach children how to learn on ones own and the excitement of learning. As education has advanced throughout the world, France's fear of change has caused this nation to fall behind. With new improvements France's educational system will regain its power and integrity.
7402: Bar Kochba Revolt
... again independent. In Jerusalem an alter to the Jewish G-d was placed on the place where the magnificent asenv ,hc once stood. Also the building of a wall around Jerusalem had begun. Despite this new joy brought to the Jews, Bar Kochba knew that the Romans were planning a counter attack so he kept training his army. In fact Bar Kochba was right. Hadrian had brought a world renowned general all the way from Britain to lead his army against the Jews. The Roman army along with aiding pagan armies went to launch their counterattack against Bar Kochba. The Roman army, much like ... Raphael Posner, eds. Junior Judaica, Encyclopedia Judaica for Youth, (Jerusalem: Keter Publishing House Jerusalem LTD., 1982) s.v. Bar Kokhba pages. 106-107 3. Suri Cohen, Mashiach, Mashiach, Mashiach. 1996 (?), School Booklet. Shevach High School, New York. pages. 13-18 4. Naomi Ben-Asher and Hayim Leaf, The Junior Jewish Encyclopedia (New York City: Sheng Old Publishers Inc, 1967) s.v. Bar Kokhba, Simeon page. 53 5. Encyclopedia International (Canada: ...
7403: GIS and My Fields of Interest
GIS and My Fields of Interest I was introduced to GIS in the Fall of 1998. My Environmental Science Lab Instructor spent an afternoon giving us an overview of this "new" technology. Needless to say an afternoon was not enough to teach me everything I needed/wanted to know about GIS but it was enough of a teaser to get me interested in the program. Currently ... would be the Department of Defense, withholding war information and military technology. So far the primary legal uses of GIS are the access to information, product liabilities and breaching of contracts. But GIS is relatively new so there are definitely more uses of GIS in law in the near future. (Epstein, p.498) Now on to the political arena and the uses of GIS in this area. I will use the ... to herds of domesticated animals. Wolves are by far my favorite animals and anything to help them survive is a plus. So GIS is a useful tool in the conservation and the betterment of the world. I'll be honest with you, I enrolled in GIS to fulfill a requirement for my environmental science major but I am glad I did. I have had nothing but good things to say ...
7404: The Monkeys
... them to do. Other monkeys did what they were told, but even those monkeys were unhappy and they let Gus and Barbara know it in other ways. About three months later, the monkeys found a new note placed on their door. This one read: Dear Monkeys, We have a new head of the primate department named Chuck and he will not put up with your shenanigans any longer. We are going to take away your banana peel clean up duty, however, you must do a new job for us in place of it. From now on, you are going to have to start picking the fleas off of each other’s backs because we are just way to grossed out ...
7405: Personal Writing: Going To College And Studying Social Service
... found that I was lacking the patience and caring I once had for the patients. I believe this had a lot to do with all the changes that were happening with the insurance companies. The new HMO's were probably the biggest headache in this industry that ever could have happened mainly because it involved a lot of paper work which was very tedious for both the doctor's office and ... two months and basically prayed a lot to God for some guidance towards my decision. In late November, I woke up one morning and knew God had been listening to me because I had a new outlook on life that wasn't there before the depression. I knew that for me to make this change meant that I would have to go back to college. I felt that my next career ... had a love for children because they are not selfish and always keen on wanting to learn. I enjoy the face of a child the moment he or she realizes that they just learned something new. I think it's the most precious sight in the world. I want to be able to be the one that can make learning, no matter what it is they're learning, easier for ...
7406: The Simpsons 3
... Springfield Elementary School, Bart's graffiti is roped off and tagged, "The Principal. By Bart Simpson. IQ 216." Bart's friends no longer like him, they refer to him as Poindexter. The kids at his new school trick him into giving up his lunch. In fact, Bart is miserable. Then, after turning himself green in an uneducated science experiment, Bart reveals to his new principal that he cheated on the test. That night as Homer is helping Bart cleans himself off, Bart tells Homer the same. Homer instantly transforms into a murderous rampage again. The episode ends with Bart ... inner child's trying to get out that behave just like Bart. We all do "pull a Homer" sometimes. It just happens. The show doesn't make us do it. It just happens. If this world did not have The Simpsons children would behave in the same manner, they just might laugh quite as much. WORKS CITED "22 Short Films About Springfield." The Simpsons. By: John Swartzwelder, Dir: Jim Reardon, ...
7407: Psychoanalysis Of Fairytales
... Fromm writes in his The Forgotten Language that, "If one fails to grasp the true meaning of the myth, one finds oneself confronted with this alternative: either the myth is...a naive picture of the world and of history and at best a product...of imagination or...the manifest story is true...a correct report of events which actually happen in 'reality'". Thus, his argument being: the tales are too naive ... represents the ideal and righteous road to follow, perhaps the 'path of virtue'. Her mother has warned her not to stray from this because she does not know what might befall her in the 'real world'. The basket is symbolic of her innocence, she is not to let her guard down to the risk of losing her virginity. This is the protective mother, trying to keep her child innocent and protected. The wood is a dark and mysterious place, there is no knowing what goes on within the confines of the dark and shadowy trees. It is the world that we all as individuals must face and stand up against. Temptation is a human flaw that we cannot escape. Mystery is temptation, therefore we are tempted to enter the unknown 'woods of the ...
7408: No Need for Drastic Change
No Need for Drastic Change Everyone has his or her own views on how the world should operate. People learn to adjust their emotions and feelings to adapt to the actual standards of today’s society in order to survive. Lao-Tzu, whose name can be translated as “old master,” is ... the sixth century. “The Tao-te Ching is a philosophical document as much about good government as it is about moral behavior” (Mitchell, 18). Lao-Tzu has written a manual for how he fells the world should work; some of his ideas and conditions are impossible to love by. Society today needs to have certain constraints in order to live. Without weapons, laws and travel the world would be a different place. People would not be the same and our society would change into a different type of culture, one that is very restricted in possibilities for the future. Society today ...
7409: Cloning Has Science Gone Too Far
... even moral. Also there has been much discussion as to whether or not the benefits of cloning outweigh the dangers. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS IN CLONING RESEARCH? There is no doubt that Dr. Wilmut's new discoveries have brought an uproar of excitement between not only the scientific community, but the general public as well. Groups such as farmers, surgeons and even environmentalists have shown various interests in cloning research. The ... weighing in the dangerous consequences before making any solid conclusions, because cloning may wind up costing us much more than we bargained for. NOTES 1. Gina Kolata, "Scientist Reports First Cloning Ever of Adult Mammal," New York Times Online, February 23, 1997, 1 (www.nytimes.com) 2. J. Madeline Nash, "The Age of Cloning," Time Magazine, March 10, 1997, Vol. 149, No.10, 1 (www.time.com) 3. Kolata, "Scientist Reports ... 3 4. Nash, "The Age of Cloning," Vol. 149, No.10, 3 5. Nash, "The Age of Cloning," Vol. 149, No.10, 3 6. Katharine Q. Seelye, "Congressman Offers Bill to Ban Cloning of Humans," New York Times Online, March 6, 1997, 1 7. Kolata, "With Cloning of a Sheep, Ethical Ground Shifts," New York Times Online, February 24, 1997, 3 Kass, Leon R. and James Q. Wilson. The Ethics ...
7410: Cloning 4
... half would interfere with God’s intent. And the many cloned zygotes that died after a few cell divisions would be lost human beings; their loss is considered as serious as the death of a new born baby. These same conservative Christians would also be distressed at the use of cloning to weed out genetically defective fertilized ovums. The procedure would result in the killing of one of the clones during ... to press for a comprehensive international treaty to ban it worldwide. Jeremy Rifkin, president of the Foundation on Economic Trends in Washington DC, leads a coalition of 300 religious and ethics organizations from around the world. He proposes a worldwide ban on cloning, saying it should carry a penalty on a par with rape, child abuse, and murder. Aside from the religious aspect, human cloning has brought up many moral and ... embryos could easily develop. Parents already spend a great deal of money on in vitro fertilization, who knows how much they would be willing to pay for cloning their children? Shannon Brownlee of US News & World Report claims, “ A bizarre possibility to consider is that a woman conceived from a split embryo could give birth to her own twin.” This possibility only begins the crazy affects that cloning can have ...

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