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Search results 7391 - 7400 of 22819 matching essays
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7391: Blackness
... captured along with 2200 Union troops. In an interview with General Beauregard after being captured, General Prentiss stated concerning the Union Army at Pittsburg "I am afraid that all of our men will be taken" (New Orleans, Times-Picayune, 1862). When a bystander asked him about General Buell he stated "Buell is not coming here, and if any forces are on the way they must be very small. I know nothing of them" (New Orleans, Times-Picayune, 1862). Both sides had suffered devastating losses and injuries. That evening soldiers from both armies wash their wounds in a small lake. The pond took on a red tint from the troops ... newspapers from Shiloh suggested the enormity and importance of the fight. "The great battle to which the whole nation has so long been looking forward, begun this morning and has resulted in a complete victory" (New Orleans, Times-Picayune, 1862). This report was accurate as far as the first day’s fight was concerned. General P.G.T. Beauregard wrote to C.F.S. (4) President Jefferson Davis in agreement ...
7392: Personal Writing: Volunteering at Summer Quest
... I had to plan months in advance, and fill in every second of the day with activities to keep the students busy. Now I know that in the future when I am in the real world, I can plan big events and pull them off successfully because of this experience. The second agency that I worked for was Parkway Preschool. This agency has two types of programs. They call the first ... around and want me to throw the ball to them, play chase, or push them on the swing. The first day it began to happen I thought they were only doing it because I was new, and that it would wear of in a couple of days, but to my surprise it did not. In fact, they began to become more zealous about my time at the preschool, and would ask ... very beginning doing it may seem useless or hard, but stick with it, in the end you may learn to love it. The second area involved deals with selfishness. At first, like most of the world, I was only concerned about myself. I wanted to do only what James wanted to do. Through volunteer work I began to see that the true joy in life was not pleasing me, but ...
... even moral. Also there has been much discussion as to whether or not the benefits of cloning outweigh the dangers. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS IN CLONING RESEARCH? There is no doubt that Dr. Wilmut's new discoveries have brought an uproar of excitement between not only the scientific community, but the general public as well. Groups such as farmers, surgeons and even environmentalists have shown various interests in cloning research. The ... weighing in the dangerous consequences before making any solid conclusions, because cloning may wind up costing us much more than we bargained for. NOTES 1. Gina Kolata, "Scientist Reports First Cloning Ever of Adult Mammal," New York Times Online, February 23, 1997, 1 (www.nytimes.com) 2. J. Madeline Nash, "The Age of Cloning," Time Magazine, March 10, 1997, Vol. 149, No.10, 1 (www.time.com) 3. Kolata, "Scientist Reports ... 3 4. Nash, "The Age of Cloning," Vol. 149, No.10, 3 5. Nash, "The Age of Cloning," Vol. 149, No.10, 3 6. Katharine Q. Seelye, "Congressman Offers Bill to Ban Cloning of Humans," New York Times Online, March 6, 1997, 1 7. Kolata, "With Cloning of a Sheep, Ethical Ground Shifts," New York Times Online, February 24, 1997, 3 Kass, Leon R. and James Q. Wilson. The Ethics ...
7394: The Paparazzi
... really is. Jane Kirtley of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press even went as far to say "that if we were to thwart this industry it could be a real threat to legitimate new gathering." Those that pay for their disgusting work are tabloid printing presses like National Enquirer. Their magazines are without content, containing only lies that correspond to pictures taken. By inserting words under a hazy picture ... keep the public interested and when all else fails, they may alter the picture to make up a story. Their heinous acts have reaped themselves millions of dollars but not without the support of the world. The paparazzi are not primarily to blame for these scandalous acts but in reality the culprit is the public. The common interest in gossip about a person is of alluring to anyone and if that ... is hard to resist to pick up the magazine and flip through pages of outrageous pictures and texts. Mankind is at fault and to fix the problem would be to change the thinking of the world. A nearly impossible task but still plausible. Obviously not within the next decade or so but it may be added into the standard morals as a no-no as did slavery, child labor, and ...
7395: Medieval Battle Tactics
... of a castle. A siege was very essential for medieval warfare. Siege was like the most important part of an attack; that is if you’re attacking a castle. As you know no one inhabited New England back then in the Medieval Ages, so many nations were competing for it. One of them was Rome. Rome inhabited New England first, and as being the first settlers they left some of their customs, which among them was the key to war. The Roman legion composed of a huge amount of infantry and some cavalry ... was being hauled by a windlass. Once that was done, it was released and it hit the rear of the javelin projecting it a large distance. It proved to be an effective weapon in conquering new territory, and capturing castles. The Mangonel was a machine that looked like a long wooden arm with a spoon-shaped end, once again like in all medieval machinery, it was mounted on a heavy ...
7396: Creative Writing: When I Was A Kid
Creative Writing: When I Was A Kid When I was a kid we left the dirty streets of Brooklyn, New York for the quieter suburban streets of Connecticut. We moved into a large house in Norwalk, Connecticut. Norwalk is the sort of town that dreams of being a big city but will always be just ... place to work, but when the day ended, these young men and woman got into their BMWs, Porsches, and other toys and drove to safe ground. Most found their way to surrounding towns: Westport, Wilton, New Canaan, and others. Other people, like my parents, crossed town through East Norwalk to our home in the northern end of town. Sometimes I would hear my father boast to far off relatives that we ... diseased, murderous creature was going to appear any minute. Any minute now. I watched and waited. I fell asleep with tears that night, and always thinking: any minute now… any minute now. To the outside world, we had an ideal life in an ideal town. Yet what went on after dark (in both) scared the heck out of me. Sometimes, as I drive through that horrid little town, past our ...
7397: Stonehenge
I. On Salisbury Plain in Southern England stands Stonehenge, the most famous of all megalithic sites. Stonehenge is unique among the monuments of the ancient world. Isolated on a windswept plain, built by a people with no written language, Stonehenge challenges our imagination. The impressive stone circle stands near the top of a gently sloping hill on Salisbury Plain about thirty ... in two concentric circles on the platform. How these stones were transported is one of the greatest mysteries of Stonehenge, even today. This second phase was never fully completed. Suddenly it was replaced by a new, more grandiose project, and the blue stones were taken away. No one knows where they were taken. The third phase began almost immediately after this occurrence. Stonehenge III (2000 B.C. to 1100 B.C.) For this phase, new stones were brought from a quarry in Marlborough Down, 27 miles from Stonehenge. Once carved, they were arranged to form a wide circle covered with a continuous lintel. The thirty vertical uprights and the ...
7398: Dionysus
... though he had never seen Semele he was concerned for her” (Bremmer 15). Eventually, he journeyed into the underworld to find her. He faced down Thanatos and brought her back to Mount Olympus. In Greeks world, Dionysus appeared almost everywhere. You could see him in the art, drama and comedy. Greeks even build a theater after him. “Honor was paid to Dionysus, the peasant god of Eleftheres, with a circular religious ... NJ: Harper, 1976. Bonnefoy, Yves. Greek and Egyptian Mythologies. Chicago: Univercity of Chicago, 1992. Bernard, Suzane. “Plato and His Dialogues.” http://eawc.evansville.edu/essays/suzanne.htm (2 Feb. 1996). Frazer, James. The Golden Bough. New York: Macmillan, 1950. Patai, Raphael. Myths and Modern Man. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prenice, 1972. Jung, Carl. Man and His Symbols. New York: Dell, 1968. Wendell, Bane, and William Doty. Myths, Rites, and Symbols. New York: Harper, 1976.
7399: The Rajahs Of The Western Worl
The Rajahs of the Western World My mother, who grew up in Sri Lanka, was shocked to hear the way I dealt with my boyfriend on the telephone. She proceeded to give me a talk on how a woman should achieve ... drive properly Linda quickly suggests maybe it was the steering again and after Willy deters and repeats that it was his fault she still thinks maybe it s your glasses. You never went for your new glasses . Thus Hialmar and Willy never have to face reality and are constantly supported physically and emotionally. It is not as though Gina and Linda are submissive, in fact they treat Hialmar and Willy like ... things for him and his father telling him that he could virtually get away with anything (like stealing a football from school) because of his charm and personality. Willy s living in this perfect dream world of someday... affected the way the whole family thinks. As Biff realises how much his mother has aged by her grey hair he asks her to dye it again, will ya? I don t ...
7400: Personal Writing: You Will Always Remember Your First Time!
... walking around and talking to various people while there mechanics worked hard in the hopes of bringing home a victory. I walked about, talking to few people as I tried to get use to this new environment. My stomach felt like a squeezed orange when I heard the announcer say “ Is everybody ready to see the bad boys of supercross! Well ladies and gentlemen get ready to hear the engines roar ... Phil Lawrence, Jimmy Button, Ezra Lusk, Buddy Antunez, Mike Craig, and from Charlotte North Carolina, Everyone give a big round of applause to your two home riders The Beast from the East Damon Bradshaw and new comer Shawn Miller.” The crowd came to there feet and roared like a pack of lions. I knew that they were mostly cheering for Damon but I enjoyed being right next to him. The thirty ... sat down to eat a banana. As I peeled back the outer shell of this yellow fruit of wonder, I realized how excited I was and could not bare to eat. I was having a new emotion every five seconds. It was like a dream that you never want to wake from. Here I was, a Professional rider at a professional event. This was the dream that my friends and ...

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