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Search results 7381 - 7390 of 22819 matching essays
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7381: The Internet Beneficial Or Fat
The Internet: Beneficial or Lethal Almost everybody today owns a computer, or someone close to them does. Everyone has access to a computer. Of all these personal computers in the world right now, the majority of them are connected to the Internet. There are many different types of sites on the Internet: stores, chat rooms, personal home pages, personal pet pages, news pages, entertainment pages, sports ... lost, or swamped with irrelevant information. Sometimes, one must concentrate and ask, "Was the Internet truly a move towards better life, or was it a turn for the worse?" The Internet has put a whole new twist on communication. One can send a letter to a friend and they will receive it within ten minutes. One can talk to people from all over the globe, without long distance charges, one can ... limited to basic features). Computers can be programmed to scan the net and automatically update software if newer versions become available. It would seem that the Internet is a marvelous resource, which has taken the world one step closer to the "Star Trek ideal". There is a second opinion. One that believes the Internet is one of the world's biggest errors. If one can buy things online, one can ...
7382: The Cold War
Harry Truman was the 33rd President of the United States from about the end of World War 2 and from the beginning of the Cold War in 1945 until he retired in January, 1952. Harry Truman was born in 1884, in Missouri. In April 1945 Truman assumed office as the President ... he had not consulted or warned Stalin, this angered him as he had wanted to gain some Japanese territory before the end of the war and the tension began to build. The rise of two new “superpowers”developed after the war, the USA and the USSR, both wanting to be the more powerful nation. There was a rising tension between Truman and Stalin, as Truman had a different attitude to the ... end, it recieved 26.9 million in Sept 1950, unfortunately for Truman this was hardly enough to assist many countries to recover a country after war, let alone a large proportion of the under developed world. A North Atlantic treaty was signed on 4th April 1949, in Washington by 12 signatories of major Eastern European and North American states stating that they would provide mutual assistance should any one member ...
7383: A Creative Essay On A Birthday....
... of Our Lady of Mercy, so I was very excited and arrived at work a full half-hour before my shift started. I sat there in the lounge reading my copy (1******) 4 of The New York Times. 'Hawaii, Gets a Mixed Filipino Reception,' and interesting article about the reception of the Filipino dictator Ferdinand Marcos in the state of Hawaii. (Bull) Suddenly, the loudspeaker called my name to report to ... as possible. Picking up the clipboard with the patient's information, I found out that (5*****) was in labor. After several hours of comforting her, the baby finally decided to make his debut in the world. At about 1:00 PM, I delivered a fine young boy into this world. It really was amazing holding the little kid and realizing that I helped a life into the world. Later that day, while reading a movie review about "Apocalypse Now," I realized how amazing it ...
7384: Psychiatric Evaluation Of Guy Montag
... dirty helmet with the numbers 451 etched in. B) Mental State Montag is somewhat happy with life, as well as his work -- looks forward to the end of a good day's work, skeptical about new things (technology for one), dedicated, courageous, intelligent, takes chances (gambling), and yet a bit terrified of the thought of Beatty finding the books he has hidden behind the grille in his home. C) Behaviour Pattern ... Hound growling at him. Begins to feel like an outsider in the firehall and at home. 5. Description Of Character At Third Meeting - Faber A) Physical Appearance -Still in fireman's outfit B) Mental State Brave for having stolen the book he was carrying, modest about that fact yet apprehensive. Is in need of someone to talk to, Faber looks at him as needing to be cared for, and not to ... life. He must begin to focus on the good things in life, and try not to worry about the condition of the society he lives in. Through the use of relaxation tapes and sessions, a new job, and a female companion, I think the patient will recuperate fine and attain a new standard of living 7) Termination CURED!!! Med. Report - Feb. 12/92
7385: Nightmare on Elm Street - The Dead of Night
... the way home the day before. She quickly got dressed, and walked out the front door. Julie was standing in front of her car, a gift for her last birthday. Robin hopped in Julie's new car. "I had the weirdest dream last night. There was this cat. It tried to kill me. It had this little razored glove on one paw. I started walking away, and it, like followed me ... they pulled up to the school driveway. "Well, here we are!" she exclaimed. "First day of school and I'm already sick of it." she sighed. "School is such a drag." "Well, it's a new school for you, so maybe you'll like it..I'll introduce you to a few of my friends from last year." Later, inside the school building, just before the bell rang, Julie met up ... hair. She timidly asked, "Is this room 104?" Mark turned around to look at her, "Yeah, sure is, have a seat, anywhere." To Kelly he whispered, "Hey, she's kind of cute. She must be new here. Introduce yourself," The new girl sat in a seat near Mark, but not too close. The day passed uneventfully until the seventh period, where a bored Julie fell asleep in class. She apparently ...
7386: Job Stress
... Kelly, 1984, p. 130). Illnesses that derive from stress usually develop slowly, without the individual being clearly aware of what is happening. Guidelines were developed by Robert J. Ban Amberg, a practicing psychiatrist in Montclair, New Jersey to help individuals measure their own reactions to stress and to help managers know when they are under stress. These guidelines were developed into six stages with stress symptoms becoming worse at each stage ... the 1980s. Vacations and holidays were among the cost-cutting efforts. DuPont reduced its top vacation allotment time from seven to four weeks. They also eliminated three of their paid holidays a year. With the new trend of down-sizing, many employees are fearful of job loss and therefore, spend less time away from the workplace (Schor, 1991, p. 32). Individuals who experience high or frequent levels of stress need to ... hours lost to late arrivals and sick days What s causing stress in your life? Work, family problems, personality clashes, money problems. They all cause stress. Even positive events in your life such as marriage, new job, new home, even lotto winners report feeling stressed. Since there s no getting around lifes problems, the best way to manage stress is to learn better coping skills. First pinpoint the reasons for ...
7387: The Year 2050
... my name is LAME. I currently attend Clinton High School on the outskirts of San Jose. Since the year 1993, no action has been taken to resolve the environmental problems within the US, but third world nations are prospering because they started to preserve their rain- forests. Many US citizens are packing up and heading to Zaire, where large amounts of coal and oil reserves have been found. Although people feel ... he would clean up the environment and help the economy. His first action as president was to take care of the massive droughts in the Central United States. President Jagger had his scientists invent a new way of seeding clouds to force rain. So, this new process of seeding the clouds began. Before we knew it, we had a massive hole in the ozone layer right above the United States. This hole was the result of the large amounts of ...
7388: The Legalization Of Marijuana
... century, the development of synthetic drugs such as aspirin, chloral hydrate, and barbiturates, which are chemically more stable than cannabis indica and therefore more reliable, hastened the decline of cannabis as a medicine. But the new drugs had severe disadvantages. More than a thousand people died from aspirin-induced bleeding each year in the United States, and barbiturates are, of course, more dangerous. One may have expected physicians looking for a ... November 1996, the people of California approved proposition 215, an initiative that could, in effect, make marijuana legally available as a medicine in the United States for the first time in many years. Under this new law, patients or their primary caregivers that possess or cultivate marijuana for medical treatment recommended by a physician are exempted from criminal prosecution. The treatment may be for cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma ... which marijuana provides relief. Physicians may not be penalized in any way for recommendation, which may be either written or oral. The passage of this law is only the beginning of a trend that presents new challenges for physicians, who will be asked to assume responsibilities for which many have not prepared themselves. As more and more patients approach them with questions about marijuana, they will have to provide answers ...
7389: Cold War
... Britain, and the United States, established the German Federal Republic in West Germany, which they controlled. The Soviet Union however opposed any government run by any western powers and took many measures to prevent this new government from staying in power. On June 24, 1948 the soviets began a blockade of all land traffic to the western zone of Berlin, hoping to starve it of supplies and perhaps breaking down. But ... After about a year on May 12, 1949 the soviets realized their defeat and ended the blockade. The United States realized that the soviets expansionist aims threatened not only Europe but developing nations of the world as well. So in 1949 President Truman approved the Point Four Program which put aside nearly $400 million for technical development in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Truman had the idea that if these developing ... discouraged. In 1949 the United States joined with 11 other western nations in an alliance to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) which provided collective security in Europe and any other part of the world but the main goal was to contain communism. Shortly after the Soviet Union and seven other European nations joined to form an opposing alliance under the Warsaw Pact. Now practically the entire world was ...
7390: Creation VS. Evolution
... what evolutionists believe either. People will believe what they choose. Religious believers have a tendency to believe that only their theories can be correct. Scientists believe their own theories, but will abandon them if a new theory comes along with better evidence to support it. Creationists only have one source to prove their theory correct: the genesis story. They believe simply through faith in The Bible. Scientists, on the other hand ... processes of evolution. The only thing that is being questioned and has not been proven is the history of species. For example, human evolutionary theories have gone through a great history of change because of new evidence. At first it was thought that Neanderthals, a prehistoric human ancestor from Europe, were part of the lineage that led to modern humans. Now it is believed that they are strictly a side group that became extinct. Discovery of new fossils more similar to humans but from the time period of Neanderthals have made scientists question their original beliefs, but they don't question evolution itself. Theories surrounding the processes of evolution will undoubtedly ...

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