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Search results 7361 - 7370 of 22819 matching essays
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7361: The Evolution of the Saw
... strip had teeth lined up along one end that allowed the tool to cut a kerf in a small piece of wood. They later replaced the copper with bronze, and the bronze with iron. This new saw was effective, but was not very specialized. It would react differently under different conditions. Eventually more complex designs were discovered. These new designs allowed for the precision cutting of hardwood, softwood, with the grain, against the grain, and even raked out the unwanted sawdust. These saws differed in the layout of the teeth. Instead of the jawbone ... and later replaced by an electric saw, allowed the logs to be cut, floated down stream and then cut into boards at the mill, with little to no physical labor. Now that there was a new way of cutting the logs into boards with little time or effort being spent the loggers fell behind. Even with the tree saws they could not keep up with the sawmills. So years later ...
7362: Coral Reefs 3
... trade in aquarium fish and are a habitat for sport fish. Most present-day reefs have probably been growing for 5,000 to10, 000 years. But their continued survival is now threatened. Reefs around the world are now declining at an unprecedented rate--one that far outstrips our understanding of the problem. Few long-term studies of coral reefs have been conducted, and there is considerable debate about the overall health ... reef-building corals, and diseases have affected the entire basin while the far greater size of the Pacific has tended to keep outbreaks reef-specific or regional. The third largest barrier reef system in the world is located off the Florida Keys. Its recent decline has been attributed to multiple causes, almost all of which involve human activity. Most scientists agree that the greatest threat to Florida's reefs is degraded ... an unprecedented number of diseases: white pox, black band, yellow band, white band, white death, and white plague. Outbreaks are more frequent, more intense, and wider ranging than ever before. Many of these diseases are new to science and their causes are unknown. The diseases might result from a bacterial or fungal infection from the Pacific Ocean introduced to the Atlantic through bilge water of ships crossing the Panama Canal, ...
7363: Al-Razi
... that "Rhazes was the greatest physician of Islam and the Medieval Ages." And the Encyclopedia of Islam remarks that "Rhazes remained up to the 17th century the indisputable authority of medicine." The Bulletin of the World Health Organization (WHO), May 1970, pays tribute to him by stating: "His writings on smallpox and measles show originality and accuracy, and his essay on infectious diseases was the first scientific treatise on the subject ... can enable us to know Allah. He also denies the miraculousness of the Koran and preferred scientific books to all sacred books. Al-Razi is considered to have been the greatest physician of the Islamic world. With reference to his Greek predecessors, Al-Razi viewed himself as the Islamic version of Socrates in Philosophy, and Hippocrates in medicine. Al-Razi was a prolific author, who has left monumental treatises on numerous ... became the first to draw clear comparisons between smallpox and measles. With this European physicians could know easily determine measles from its deadlier counterpart smallpox allowing for easy inoculation Educational assemblies spread throughout the Islamic world through a methodological system. They were sometimes sponsored by the state but most often by the scientists. This has always been their system. We know that a scientist is known by his assembly, his ...
7364: Coral Reefs 2
... are in danger of extinction. Hopefully, man will realize what he has done to them and decide to take care of and protect them. I hope you enjoy my essay. Coral reefs are arguably the world’s most beautiful habitats. Coral reefs have been called the rainforests of the oceans, because of the rich diversity of life they support. Scientists have not yet finished counting the thousands of different species of ... Coral reefs are home to perhaps one-fourth of all marine species. This effects the entire ecosystem of the ocean. Pollution by humans has directly or indirectly caused the death of 5%-10% of the world’s living reefs, according to marine biologist Clive Wilkinson of the Australian Institute of Marine Science. This estimate didn’t take in global warming and ozone depletion as a factor. The pollution is caused by ... a little money in the billion-dollar business. Even the hotels and the motels pollute the reefs by their drainage of sewage pipes. This is causing a huge problem in coastal tourism, which is the world’s fastest growing industry, worth over $7 billion annually in the Caribbean. Marine Scientists are really worried of how much longer the reef can survive with all these visitors to the reefs. Global warming ...
7365: Censor the Internet?
... where the press generally has a large amount of freedom, the Internet has been in the spotlight. A banned book on the health History of former French president Francois Mitterrand was republished electronically on the World Wide Web (www). To enforce censorship of the Internet, free societies find that they are becoming more closed, and closed societies find new ways to crush political expression and opposition (Silencing the Net…). Vice President Al Gore, while at an international conference in Brussels about the Internet, said that "Cyberspace is about protecting and enlarging freedom of expression ... of the Internet. Other countries have attempted similar moves. The Internet cannot be regulated like other things can simply because it is not the same as anything else that we have. It is a totally new and unique form of communication and deserves to be given a chance to prove itself. Laws of one country cannot be enforced in another country and this is true with the Internet because the ...
7366: The Canadian Personality
... of money, while we tell of our failing economy. There could be the odd time where we think of our good contributions to this planet. Then we realize that our importance is going down in world affairs and start to sulk once again. Another trait that sets Canada apart from the other nations of the world is our great ethnic diversity. No other country in the world has inhabitants from so many different backgrounds, still practicing their cultural traits. Canada seems to encourage being different, while other nations, such as America, try to form all of the citizens into a mold, ...
7367: Technology of the Twenty First Century
... in a society that changes drastically everyday. What kids learn in school one day is old news the next day. Technology is growing more and more everyday. Technology of the future will take people to new horizons and the only limit will be imagination. Computers themselves are changing. They are becoming faster and faster. They are being built to last longer. They are also becoming cheaper. Besides the fact that they ... being for business. Another may be just for enjoyment. The Internet allows people to communicate together at high speeds with their computers. People can go onto chat services and talk to other people around the world. They may also use the Internet to find out about a specific topic. People are linking up more than ever before. Soon all the phone lines are going to be done away with and you ... and safer. Computers are going to be a big part of your life in the future. People are scared that computers will take over jobs, but that is not true. Computers are going to offer new jobs. There will be a need for people to fix computers, programming, and working with the Internet to get it working properly again. Computer Technology is growing which also means that other technology is ...
7368: Operation Linebacker
... Air Operation as “...may have played a role not unlike two B-29s over Japan 27 years earlier”. (Knight: 77) I’ll start by explaining why President Richard Nixon gave the order to begin this new bombing campaign. 2. The primary goal of Linebacker II was to force North Vietnam to return to the Paris peace talks and sign a treaty agreement. Negotiations stalled in December 1972 after Hanoi’s chief ... Vietnam. Furthermore, he wouldn’t accept the installation of an international peacekeeping force. National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger, believed these demands were just a smokescreen intended to put off the talks long enough for the new United States Congress to come into session. He and Nixon feared, as written in Earl Tilford’s book Setup-What the Air Force did in Vietnam and Why, that the Democratic controlled congress would “legislate ... up the peace talks before that happened. How could the United States accomplish in two months what it hadn’t in almost 12 years? 3. The tactics and aircraft used for Linebacker II were not new, but they were used differently than they’d ever been before. President Nixon pulled out all the stops, effectively untying the military’s hands. He gave permission to bomb areas that had previously been ...
7369: The Year 2000 Problem
The Year 2000 Problem The Year 2000 Problem, also known as the Y2k Problem or Millennium Bug, refers to the inability of computers to accurately process dates in the year 2000 and beyond. On New Year's day, 2000, millions of computer calendars will read the date as 01/01/00. The obvious problem with this is that the year 2000 will be interpreted as 1900. Millions of software applications ... program failure. Typically, in scenarios of this nature, computers do one of two things: freeze up and/or shut down. Date computation functions are used on millions of software applications, thus affecting millions of computers world-wide. It not only affects calculations for interest rates, inventories, or insurance policies, but every major aspect of our modern economic infrastructure. Government agencies, businesses, and financial institutions use software applications that contain date computation ... are essential to the flow of information. According to Dr. Edward Yardeni, a chief economist for Deutsche Morgan Grenfell, "The problem will be a disruption of the information flow. Even if only 10% of the world's computers are not synchronized to register the year 2000, many computer systems will automatically shut down if they cannot communicate with other systems. That would result in a range of problems, from airlines ...
7370: Endangerd Species
Abstract: For Endangered Species I am doing my project on endangered species. In the world there are a lot of endangered species for example: birds, insects, tigers, whales and many more. I have learned many things from this project on how the animals get endangered and ways how to help ... and do not harm it, it might have baby’s and have more of its kind. A species is named endangered when of its kind occurs in a low number. About 1000 species in the world are named endangered, or are in threat to be extinct. I never knew that some kinds of birds were in danger. We can help these animals and plants by making laws that you are not ... is presumed to be the major habitat destruction that resulted from logging of large Southern forests. Ivory-bills required large tracts of land with old trees and were unable to cope with timbering activities. The world's last dusky seaside sparrow died in Florida in June 1987 because its habitat, Florida's coastal salt marsh, was severely depleted. In the early 1990s the spotted owl of the United States Pacific ...

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