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7341: Book Review: Nemesis
Book Review: Nemesis Name of Book: Nemesis was three years of age, his family immigrated to the United States and settled in Brooklyn, New York. Asimov turned to full time writing in 1958. This accomplished writer is best known for his novels dealing with science fiction. However, his works extend to other subjects. These include humour, mystery, history, and ... prevents her from giving in to the advice of others, and she ventures forth into the planet's natural environment. Meeting with a being of like intellect, her mind is able to further expand. Her new friend, indigenous to Erythro, assists Marlene in using her mind to communicate with it. Her outings become an almost daily event and, as a result of her confidences with this alien, she matures. She now ... throughout the course of events. Demonstrated in seeing Earth in the future, which is unable to contend with difficulties despite all its advancements, Asimov voices his opinion. Initially, the future is portrayed as a wonderful world because of its many technologies. Science has prolonged life, “Settlements” have left Earth to orbit in nearby space, and occurrences of space travel have increased. However, this picture of peacefulness soon begins to disintegrate. ...
7342: Internet Access: Flat Fee vs. Pay-Per-Use
... each paragraph of background on Bosnia, s/he is more likely to rely upon State Department summaries instead of paying to become more generally informed him/herself. And in the 1970s and 1980s the library world learned that the introduction of expensive pay-per-use databases discouraged individual exploration and introduced the need for intermediaries who specialized in searching techniques. Producers vs. Consumers On the Internet anyone can be an information ... will use it in their marketing campaigns. Some organizations are already using computers and telephone messaging systems to experiment with this kind of demographic targeting. For example, in mid-1994, Rolling Stone magazine announced a new telephone-based ordering system for music albums. After using previous calls to build "a profile of each caller's tastes ... custom messages will alert them to new releases by their favorite artists or recommend artists based on previous selections. " ("Phone Service Previews Albums" by Laura Evenson, San Francisco Chronicle, 6/30/94, p D1) Some of the early experiments promoted as ...
7343: Technology Spontaneously Approaching `Humanity' With the Passage of Time
... short after their creation followed by rapid increases. The T800 is extremely slow to understand John's justification for why “you just can't go around killing people,” because a purely logical brain cannot impose new boundaries on its decisions without parameters. In other words, logical reasoning requires that all its priorities have logical explanations. Accordingly, the T800 queries to obtain such a logical explanation, asking “Why not?” Because of the ... of her ‘birth.' When she learns of her replicant heritage, she is devastated, as any person would be, and ironically grieves in human ways. She numbs from the shock, in a haze from her personal world suddenly crumbling to dust. We would no doubt react in a similar way if we were suddenly told we were replicants. In other words, even in her defeat, she brilliantly fits Tyrell's “more human ... their transport shuttle. In a similar way in Terminator 2, Skynet, the national defense's intelligent super computer “ “decided our fate in a microsecond” when it initiated a nuclear strike to kill most of the world's population. How could a computer grow to make such a decision? Although John teaches the T800 why its wrong to kill, no one ever taught Skynet the value of human life, for it ...
7344: Talking About Love
... states, This is the ideal contemporary relationship between a man and a woman who are friends as well as lovers, and the operative word here is easy. We all seek easy relationships, but the real world keeps intruding. Carver seems to describe both couples as being together more because of convenience, rather than any strong need or desire to be with each other. Moramarco refers to this situation as Serial, transient ... empty substitute for it that neither nourishes nor nurtures but distorts and confuses. He goes on, All of the characters are hungry for love, but love as we too often experience it in the contemporary world is a shallow substitute for the real thing. Being hungry for love is one thing, but doing something about that hunger is another. Carver uses the imagery of waning light and growing intoxication as a ... alcohol), instead of waiting to find a truer form of love (food). Finally, Carver uses the gin bottle itself as a symbol that represents the way we pass around the term love in the modern world, without ever really stopping to examine what it means. The point where Mel stopped and looked at the label closely as if studying a long row of numbers (443), illustrates his effort to understand, ...
7345: Declaration of Independence: Abstractions in Power
... a centralized monarchy. The colonists believe power should flow up from the people to the rulers. The British believe power should flow down from the King to the subjects. The two different uses of the world power also change the tone of the document. The colonist's definition of power as coercive in the hands of the King and good in the hands of civil authorities identifies the King as the ... more than just grammatical significance to the document. It shapes the document's meaning making it philosophically harsh toward the institution of the King and tempered toward English society. -- Works Cited Wills, Garry. Inventing America. New York: Random House, 1978 Miller, James. The Passion of Michel Foucault. New York: Anchor Books, 1993 Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish. New York: Vintage Books, 1975 Oxford English Dictionary. London: Oxford University Press, 1994
7346: A Technical Analysis of Ergonomics and Human Factors in Modern Flight Deck Design
A Technical Analysis of Ergonomics and Human Factors in Modern Flight Deck Design I. Introduction Since the dawn of the aviation era, cockpit design has become increasingly complicated owing to the advent of new technologies enabling aircraft to fly farther and faster more efficiently than ever before. With greater workloads imposed on pilots as fleets modernize, the reality of he or she exceeding the workload limit has become manifest ... the displays should reflect the view as seen from inside the cockpit, having the horizon move behind a fixed miniature airplane, or as it would be seen from outside the aircraft. Until the end of World War I, aircraft were manufactured using both types of display. This caused confusion among pilots who were familiar with one type of display and were flying an aircraft with the other. Several safety violations were observed because of this, none of which were fatal (Fitts, 20-21). Shortly after World War II, aircraft cockpits were standardized to the ‘ six-pack' configuration. This was a collection of the six critical flight instruments arranged in two rows of three directly in front of the pilot. In ...
7347: Electronic Commerce
Electronic Commerce The last decade has seen the rise of many new technological developments, one of the most prominent of these developments has been the internet. The Internet has already managed to weave itself into our daily lives where we use it for the simple communication of ... the Internet you are everywhere. A customer in Japan can buy exactly what a customer in the UK buys from the same electronic store. The capability to purchase products at ease from all over the world would eventually result in the weakening of international boundaries and increased trade between countries. For example when the machinery for one of General Electric's light-bulb factories broke down, GE would invite bids from ... disadvantage of electronic commerce is the language barrier. Although most people who use the Internet speak English fluently there is still a sizable quantity of people who speak other languages. Furthermore, most people throughout the world don't own computers. Electronic commerce can also be also carries a very strong reputation as being unsafe in many ways. When you shop online your personal details and credit card number are stored ...
7348: Assistive Technology
... Whether in the classroom or workplace, technology can provide a vital difference. We need to give students the opportunity to learn how to use technological devices so that they are provided with the benefits of new technology. These benefits include a greater diversity in employment opportunities and an inclusion in the educational, social and recreational activities available on the "information highway". Researchers and educators today recognize four types of technology: the ... reinforcement; and careful monitoring of student performance. These technologies include direct instruction, applied behavior analysis, competency-based instruction, learning strategies, and response prompting. · Medical technology continues to amaze us, with almost miraculous surgical procedures and new devices that keep people alive. For example, new technologies provide respiratory assistance (oxygen supplementation, mechanical ventilation, positive airway pressure devices) and surveillance of vital signs (cardiorespiratory monitors, pulse oximeters). · Instructional technology includes various types of hardware and software, combined with innovative teaching ...
7349: Teenage Parenthood
... century, the development of synthetic drugs such as aspirin, chloral hydrate, and barbiturates, which are chemically more stable than cannabis indica and therefore more reliable, hastened the decline of cannabis as a medicine. But the new drugs had severe disadvantages. More than a thousand people died from aspirin-induced bleeding each year in the United States, and barbiturates are, of course, more dangerous. One may have expected physicians looking for a ... November 1996, the people of California approved proposition 215, an initiative that could, in effect, make marijuana legally available as a medicine in the United States for the first time in many years. Under this new law, patients or their primary caregivers that possess or cultivate marijuana for medical treatment recommended by a physician are exempted from criminal prosecution. The treatment may be for cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma ... which marijuana provides relief. Physicians may not be penalized in any way for recommendation, which may be either written or oral. The passage of this law is only the beginning of a trend that presents new challenges for physicians, who will be asked to assume responsibilities for which many have not prepared themselves. As more and more patients approach them with questions about marijuana, they will have to provide answers ...
7350: FDR And The Great Depression
Critque the efficiency of of FDR's administration at alleviating the suffering of the great Depression FDR truely tried to help the people and wanted to make a change. He was mostly successfull with his New Deal Program. Each Program helped a different part of the the country and its people. Focusing only on some programs which were in the long list of programs in the New Deal program, it shows that it helped. The FHA or better known as the Federal Housing Administration helped people at that time who were in a middle class position and wanted to build or buy a new home in a secure manner. The adminstration was formed to insure long-term home mortgages and offered benefits to both middle class home buyers and lending institutions from which the borrowed their money to ...

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