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7271: Strange Explanations
Sleeping disorders occur to millions of people around the world. People say that they are medical problems, and some people would just say it was stress. Then there is the explanation that some people choose to follow that is the explanation that aliens had abducted these people. People around the world resort to many different forms of explanations for things that have happened. Some of these are pretty sensible, while others are completely off the wall. Strange explanations are used for many things, the Puritans chose ... Mr. Hale-and Martha Corey, there cannot be a woman more closer to God yet than Martha . Believe me, Mr. Nurse, if Rebecca Nurse be tainted, then nothing's left to stop the whole green world from burning (71). In the end, the only thing the Puritan's succeeded in explaining was how sensible people can be gullible enough to believe such radical ideas. While the Puritans chose to say ...
7272: "A Rose for Emily": A Review
... Emily": A Review In "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner, we see how past events effect the main character Miss Emily, especially her mental state. She seems to live in a sort of fantasy world where death has no real meaning. Miss Emily refuses to accept or even recognize, the death of her father or that of Colonel Satoris. She does not want to acknowledge the fact that the world around her was changing therefore Miss Emily surrounds herself with death. What Faulkner tries to state in this story is that you should not let death overpower your life. A person should try and let ... state is to always expect the unexpected, like when Miss Emily killed Homer. Faulkner chooses to use third person narration in this particular story for a couple of reasons. He tries to show Emily's world to us as seen through the eyes of a respectable resident, so we can understand the town life as if we lived there. This way we were able to understand how the people of ...
7273: A Doll's House: Changing View of the Role of Women
... society; but it is her actions that provide the insight to this position. It can be suggested that women have the power to choose which rules to follow at home, but not in the business world, thus again indicating her subordinateness. Nora does not at first realize that the rules outside the household apply to her. This is evident in Nora's meeting with Krogstad regarding her borrowed money. In her ... it by attempting to distract herself with her Christmas decorations (16). Thus her first encounter with rules outside of her "doll's house" results in the realization of her naivety and inexperience with the real world due to her subordinate role in society. The character of Nora is not only important in describing to role of women, but also in emphasizing the impact of this role on a woman. Nora's ... to her children than an empty figurehead. From this point, when Torvald is making a speech about the effects of a deceitful mother, until the final scene, Nora progressively confronts the realities of the real world and realizes her subordinate position. Although she is progressively understanding this position, she still clings to the hope that her husband will come to her protection and defend her from the outside world once ...
7274: Madame Bovary: The Theme of Fantasy
Madame Bovary: The Theme of Fantasy In Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, the theme of fantasy not always being reality is carried throughout the novel. Emma prefered the fantasy world to the real world. She spent most of her time yearning for a life with passion, exitement, and bliss. She was blind to the world around her, she longed for the romantic fantasy life she had dreamed about since she was a child. She found her life dull and unfullfilling and was constantly trying to change reality. Emma wanted ...
7275: The Ambivalent Relationship of Nick and Gatsby
... s ability to use the past helps him deal with his life in a way Gatsby cannot. Gatsby’s past is the same as his present (through his own eyes). Gatsby couldn’t make something new with past and wanted nothing but his past with Daisy. Nick separates reality from romance. He admires Gatsby’s “ extraordinary gift for hope,” and his “romantic readiness,” most. (6) Carraway is too emotionally cautious, and ... sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand mile away.” (6) Nick is saved by his realizations of his experience in New York, they lessen the ineffectuality of his time with Gatsby. Gatsby’s past mixes with Nick’s sense of his own past and Carraway realizes his similar idle struggle with time(Layng 2). While lying ... on Gatsby’s deserted beach, Nick realizes how lost Gatsby’s journey was, “...I became aware of the old island here that had flowered once for Dutch sailors’ eyes–a fresh, green breast of the new world. It’s vanished trees, the trees that had made way for Gatsby’s house, had once pondered in whispers to the last and greatest of all human dreams...compelled into an aesthetic contemplation ...
7276: Glass Menagerie: Relationships Are The Conveyance Of Love
... to Tom. However, Amanda tells Tom that he can leave once Laura is taken care of. Amanda needs to change her attitude and face reality with her children before they are gone. Living in a world of illusions is not always clever. Amanda Wingfield lives in her own world. She lives in a world of illusions and does not want to face reality. She is trying to relive the past, but unfortunately it cannot happen. Amanda hopes the best for her daughter Laura's future. She wants Laura ...
7277: O'Grady's Return With Honor: Summary
O'Grady's Return With Honor: Summary The book I read is an autobiography, Return With Honor, By Captain Scott O'Grady with Jeff Coplan. Jeff Coplan is a prominent writer for the New York Time Magazine. He is also the author of Gold Buckle. This young captains life began in Long Beach California in 1967.Scott O'Grady has two siblings a brother and a sister, Paul and ... into the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Program at Shepherd Air Force Base in Texas from which he graduated and was now a US Air Force pilot. After several years and much traveling around the world the Air Force stationed him in Aviano Italy in 1992. In 1995 he was briefed to enforce a no fly zone in Bosnia. At that point he was shot out of the sky. His plane ... the Air Force Academy in Colorado and was rejected he still persued a college education. I chose to read about Scott O'Grady because he impressed me with his determination to live and to gain world wide recognition for his heroic conflict. I think he is a very courageous person and represents his country well. Scott made a large contribution to the country when he choose to go to the ...
7278: Evidence Of Technological Change
... of unskilled workers fall. The average wage in the economy rises due to extensive skill-biased technological change, but it does not rise very much, for the increased efficiency associated with skilled workers performing their new jobs more efficiently than unskilled workers used to is at least partially offset by the decrease in employment in the initially skilled jobs and by the lower productivity of unskilled workers in the jobs that ... so that unskilled workers can become more efficient in jobs that were formerly done by today’s skilled workers. For example, insurance agents are reportedly concerned about the implications for their future earnings of the new ability of customers to purchase their policies through the Internet. This would represent the reverse of extensive skill-biased technological change; high school graduates could perform most of the necessary labor functions with computerized purchases ... movement of this sort reversing the trend toward greater inequality. After all, the demand function for high-skilled labor has been shifting to the right fairly consistently for a long time. Based on the post-World War II experience in the United States, it is highly unlikely that it will not continue to do so. The only realistic question is whether the pace of change will be as great as ...
7279: Wuthering Heights (comments)
... Wuthering Heights, we can also see the contrast of two different worlds; one represented by Wuthering Heights and the other by Thrushcross Grange. In terms of the gothic novel, Wuthering Heights would be the demonic world and Thrushcross Grange the idyllic world. The first one is a stormy world, uncivilised, isolated, wild... but also a functional place, while Thrushcross Grange is the world of calm, domestic, civilised... a place for leisure. TIME The story of Wuthering Heights is told through a series of ...
7280: Symbolism In Lord of the Flies
... and Glasses) Clear-sightedness, intelligence. Their state represents the status of social order. Ralph, The Conch Democracy, Order Simon Pure Goodness, "Christ Figure" Roger Evil, Satan Jack Savagery, Anarchy The Island A microcosm representing the world The "Scar" Man's destruction, destructive forces The Beast The evil residing within everyone, the dark side of human nature. Lord of the Flies The Devil, great danger or evil There are many other aspects ... the island or its inhabitants. Additionally, another reader pointed out that Jack could also represent Communism or Fascism. Golding was influenced by events during the time period that the book was written, which was around World War II. Themes William Golding presented numerous themes and basic ideas that give the reader something to think about. One of the most basic and obvious themes is that society holds everyone together, and without ... other after escaping from their shot-down plane. A large scar was made in the untouched jungle, symbolizing the first of man's destruction on the island. A war is going on in the outside world, and now for the rest of the book, everyone will be isolated from it and put into their own "world." Piggy spots a conch shell, and tells Ralph how to use it to make ...

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