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7241: History of The Intel Corporation
History of The Intel Corporation The Intel Corporation is the largest manufacturer of computer devices in the world. In this research paper I will discuss where, ehrn, and how Intel was founded, the immediate effects that Intel made on the market, their marketing strategies, their competition, and finally, what Intel plans to do ... going pretty well for about ten years when Bob and Gordon decided to resign because they were tired of not being able to do things the way they wanted to; they proceeded to establish a new integrated cicuits electronics company. Gordon suggested that semiconductor memory looked promising enough to risk starting a new company. Intel was born. Intel made quite an impact on the industry soon after it was founded. The sales revenues jumped enormously through Intel's International exspansion to many countries including Europe and the ...
7242: Civil War - North Vs. South
... of the colonies are some of the major reasons why the north and south grew to be so different in the late 1600’s. Different religions in specific colonies varied, but the people from the New England region were generally more devoted to their religious beliefs, whereas people from the south felt religion wasn’t as important. Children from the north are taught from The Bible as soon as possible and this instills high moral values into the people. In the south only the wealthiest families could afford education, causing the common population to be ignorant and un-educated. The people of New England were willing to work together and help each other for the sake of the community because they felt that they were working under God’s will. (Doc. A) The south on the other hand ... with each other. The people of Massachusetts agreed: "We whose names are underwritten, being by God’s providence engaged together to make a plantation…" (Doc. D) This shows that religion greatly influenced the people of New England and the decisions they made. The South was influenced by greed and factors other than religion causing the values in the south to deteriorate. Differences in the way the colony members felt about ...
7243: George Mason's Views
George Mason's Views George Mason in the Virginia declaration of rights stated, “All men are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherent rights.” In stating that every person born into this world is born with the same freedoms but based upon what culture he or she is born into certain rights may or may not be placed upon that person, Mason set the groundwork for our modern ... United States is the idea of freedom without oppression. Without our rights and our freedoms America would not be America and our society would most likely be as corrupt as many other societies in the world. Stated in the Declaration of Independence itself, we as Americans have certain “inalienable rights” unable to be infringed upon by neither our government, our peers, even our domestic families. In the event those rights are ... a positive concept it eliminates poverty and competition. Unfortunately the absence of competition in the market eliminates in turn the incentive for the community as a whole to improve itself and change and grow with new times and technology. Those born into communism are withheld those inherent rights we are granted, the freedom to choose is nonexistent. Once granted a glimpse of those rights withheld the individual begins to theorize ...
7244: Robert Kennedy
Robert Kennedy Robert Kennedy served as attorney general of the United States from 1961 to 1964 and as a U.S. senator from New York from 1965 to 1968. He was assasinated in Los Angeles in June 1668, whil campaigning for the Democratic nomination for President. In 1969, Sirhan Sirhan, a Jordanian-born Arab, was convicted of the assasination ... that investigated improper labor and management activities. Kennedy managed his brother's campaigns for the U.S. Senate in 1952 and for the presidency in 1960.Kennedy wrote The Enemy Within (1960), Just Friends and Brave Enemies (1962), To Seek a Never World (1967), and Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis (1969) Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts. He graduated from Harvard University and the University of Virginia Law School. His son Joesph Kennedy ...
7245: Hannibal
... eternal hatred for Rome; Hannibal became Commander in Chief of Carthage’s army when he was 26 after his father was assassinated. His conquest of the Roman town of Sagunto in Spain led to a new declaration of war by Rome; which started the second Punic War and Hannibal’s promise to visit Roman injustice back on Rome a hundred fold. For Carthage to take the town of Sagunto was completely ... Father had instilled a horrifically self-destructive desire within Hannibal to see the fall of Rome. This desire manifested itself during The Second Punic War, which was the ultimate fight for supremacy in the Ancient World. The victor would have control over the entire Mediterranean Sea and all of the trade routes bringing land, pride, wealth, and dominance over the victors enemies. Hannibal took a 1,000 mile trek from New Carthage, Spain, through the Alps, Northern Italy, and finally to Carthage. Hannibal won most of his battles with Rome, but never got the reinforcement he needed to over take Rome. The men that he ...
7246: Thomas Jefferson Biography
... his superb literary talents, his high morals and, unfortunately, his hypocrisy. Though not flawless, Jefferson’s contributions helped define American society and the lives of the American people both of his time and the modern world. (1) Events and occurrences help present his most outstanding qualities. Born into a wealthy plantation family on April 13, 1743, Jefferson was the third child in a family of six sisters and one brother. From ... 7. Fawn M. Brodie, Thomas Jefferson: An Intimate History, pg. 417 8. Fleming, The Man from Monticello, pg. 247 9. Brodie, An Intimate History, pg. 498 Bibliography Brodie, Fawn M., Thomas Jefferson: An Intimate History, New York: WW Norton & Company Inc., c.1974 Fleming, Thomas, The Man from Monticello: An Intimate Life of Thomas Jefferson, New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., c. 1969 Meltzer, Milton, Thomas Jefferson: The Revolutionary Aristocrat, New York: Franklin Watts, c. 1991 Rayner, B.L., Life of Thomas Jefferson, http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/ ...
7247: The Inter(esting)net
... past few years. In 1994, more than twenty-five million people gained access to the Internet (Groiler..). The Internet users are mainly from the United States of America and Europe, but other countries around the world will be connected soon as improvements of communication lines are made. The Internet originated in the United States Defense Department's ARPAnet (Advanced Research Project Agency, produced by the Pentagon) Project in 1969 (Krol). Military ... eager to connect to the Internet. Through a modem or Ethernet adapter (computer hardware devices that allow a physical connection to Internet), home computers can now be made to be accessible to the Internet (Groiler..). New Internet servers have evolved since the National Sciences Foundation's basic idea back in the 1980's (Krol). The majority of the home users subscribe to services such as Netscape, Prodigy, America Online, and CompuServe. These services are connected to the Internet and provide user-friendly access to the Internet for a reasonable monthly fee. These services are connected to a main server called the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is a service that is defined as global international networking (Abbot). The Web makes all of the systems from other countries work together with compatibility. Thus, allowing the ...
7248: Nelson Mandela
... Council. He was suspended from college for joining in a protest boycott. He went to Johannesburg where he entered politics by joining the African National Congress in 1942 (Woods). At the height of the Second World War, members of the African National Congress set themselves the task of transforming ANC into a mass movement. In September of 1944 they came together to form the African National Congress Youth League. Mandela soon ... to have a leader of that character. Without Mandela, blacks would still be opposed and would not have equal opportunities. They would not have a proper education or have any basic human rights. Bibliography "Apartheid." World Book Encyclopedia. 1988 ed., vol. 1, pp. 563. Ngubane, Jordan. "Mandela." McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Biography. 1987 ed., vol. 7, pp. 132-133. Woods, Donald. Biko. New York: Paddington Press LTD, 1978.
7249: BoB Dylan
... his high school years Dylan would become involved in musical productions and attempt forming many bands with such names as the Golden Chords and Elston Gunn and His Rock Boppers. He began to idolize such new rock stars as Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis to the point that his high school yearbook listed his goal in life as “joining Little Richard”. An eighteen year old Dylan left his hometown of ... 1959 for college at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. This would be his first taste of the big city and the life that awaited him. The sight and sounds of the big city opened many new vistas for the young Dylan and he took advantage of his situation by studying the roots of contemporary rock. He began to listen to the works of folk pioneers like Hank Williams, Robert Johnson, and ... guitar skills and harmonica work and developing his famous nasal voice which would become his trademark. Halfway through his college career Dylan decided it was time for a move. He packed up and moved to New York City with two main motivations. His primary motivation was to become part of the Greenwich Village folk-music scene which was burgeoning in the city. His second reason for moving was to meet ...
7250: Thomas Jefferson
... his superb literary talents, his high morals and, unfortunately, his hypocrisy. Though not flawless, Jefferson’s contributions helped define American society and the lives of the American people both of his time and the modern world. (1) Events and occurrences help present his most outstanding qualities. Born into a wealthy plantation family on April 13, 1743, Jefferson was the third child in a family of six sisters and one brother. From ... 7. Fawn M. Brodie, Thomas Jefferson: An Intimate History, pg. 417 8. Fleming, The Man from Monticello, pg. 247 9. Brodie, An Intimate History, pg. 498 Bibliography Brodie, Fawn M., Thomas Jefferson: An Intimate History, New York: WW Norton & Company Inc., c.1974 Fleming, Thomas, The Man from Monticello: An Intimate Life of Thomas Jefferson, New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., c. 1969 Meltzer, Milton, Thomas Jefferson: The Revolutionary Aristocrat, New York: Franklin Watts, c. 1991 Rayner, B.L., Life of Thomas Jefferson, http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/ ...

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