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7201: Lady Audleys Secret
... seen in the character of Lady Audley. Lady Audley is not much of a person, rather she is nothing more than a representation of the threatening woman figure trying to make changes in a patriarchal world. Lady Audley evokes a fear of women s independence and sexuality. As a popular Victorian genre that trades on the power of the secret and frequently sexualized sins of its heroines, sensation fiction provides a ... attempts to avoid any talk of her past, and of course, Robert s grave warning to Lady Audley that he was on to her scheme. In Lady Audley s Secret, Mary Braddon took to the new form like a duck to water. Using these two works as example, Braddon evolved the mystery and created what is her best selling work ever, Lady Audley s Secret. Mary Braddon first produced Lady Audley s Secret with the sole intention of helping John Maxwell launch a new magazine. Since this failed after only twelve issues, she sent it to another journal to be published a few months later (Peterson, 159). Noticing the recognition that Collins was getting for her work, Braddon ...
7202: Adolf Hitler
... that day. Many Historians like to speculate what would have happened IF.... perhaps the small town boy would have had a bit more talent....or IF the Dean had been a little less critical, the world might have been spared the nightmare into which this boy was eventually to plunge it. 2.World War 1 While living in Vienna Hitler he made his living by drawing small pictures of famous landmarks which he sold as post cards. But he was always poor. He was also a regular reader of a small paper which claimed that the Araban race was superior to all and was destined to rule the world. The paper blamed Communists and Jews for all their problems and hitler agreed to those views. Hitler agree with most of the points made in the publication. He continued to live a poor live ...
7203: Stephen Vicent Benet: An American Poet
... objective details of ordinary life). Benét was an author who had a profound love and vast knowledge of his homeland: Benét, Stephen Vincent, (b. July 22, 1898, Bethlehem, Pa., U.S. - d. March 13, 1943, New York, NY), American poet, novelist, and writer of short stories, best known for John Brown’s Body, a long narrative poem on the American Civil War (Fenton). Born into a military family, Stephen was raised ... William Rose, and a sister, Laura, all of whom became writers” (Fenton). Stephen was 17, a student at Yale University, when he published his first book, entitled Five Men and Pompey (Fenton). “Civilian service during World War I interrupted his education at Yale Univerisity. When the war was over he returned to Yale. In 1919, he received his master of arts degree, submitting his third volume of poems instead of a ... liberty” actually means individual rights (76). The strength of his poetry is in the warmth and vigor of human feeling. The romantic message in Benét’s poetry was highlighted when Henry Steele Commanger in the New York Herald Weekly, June 27, 1943, stated: Twenty years ago—it seems forever now—when it was the fashion to sneer at Main Street, to chronicle the American tragedy, to celebrate the Waste Land, ...
7204: W.B.Yeats And Leda And The Swan
... In the case of Leda, subject of W. B. Yeats' poem "Leda and the Swan," the banner headline may have run as follows: "WOMAN IMPREGNATED BY SWAN, FOUR CHILDREN HATCH FROM EGGS". Kind of brings new meaning to the phrase "love nest," doesn't it? All joking aside, the myth of Leda and the swan features Zeus (most powerful among the Greek gods) coming down to earth in the form of ... the first cone. The poem of "Leda and the Swan," then, fits into Yeats' antithetical gyre, with things wending their way towards cataclysm. Yeats himself describes his system: "When the old primary [gyre] becomes the new antithetical [gyre], the old realisation of an objective moral law is changed into a subconscious turbulent instinct.. The world of rigid custom and law is broken up by 'the uncontrollable mystery on the bestial floor'" (Macrae 157). Thus, his poems almost take on a dual mindset, and can be, at times categorized, much ...
7205: OpenVMS: Using a Virtual Operating System by the International Securities Exchange
... is still undecided with the Securities and Exchange Commission. So why use OpenVMS and not Windows NT? "The Platform was chosen because of its scalability and rock-solid reliability." Said Diana Wilson, CIO at the New York-based exchange. Let us examine the origins of OpenVMS, its scalability, and reliability. This way we can get a better understanding of why the International Securities Exchange wants to implement this virtual operating system. Where and what is OpenVMS? OpenVMS was originally called VMS (Virtual Memory System); it was first brought into existence in 1976 as a new operating system for Digital's new, 32-bit, virtual memory line of computers, named VAX (Virtual Address eXtension). The designers of OpenVMS were Dave Cutler and Dick Hustvedt, it was designed entirely within Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). OpenVMS is a ...
7206: Agatha Christie
... 347). BIOGRAPHY Born in Torquay on September 15, 1990, Agatha Mary Clarrissa Miller was raised within a firm Victorian home (Gill, p. 1). From early childhood Christie sought hard to hide and protect her inner world from those around her. She was enormously shy and had great difficulty expressing her feelings. Christie considered herself the "slow one" of her family, the child who hated to talk about herself and refused to let anyone enter her beloved secret world (Gill, p.2). Frustrated by her extreme introverted ways, Christie attempted turning to music as a way of expressing herself. This strategy, however, proved to be an ineffective means as she would become stiff and feel inept while performing in front of even small audiences (Gill, p. 3). Christie, feeling like a failure with speech and music, turned to the world of writing. Christie would later say that: "Writing, unlike speaking and playing the piano, is an act of solitude and silence" (Gill, p. 2). Christie thus began to compose with pen. She began with ...
7207: George Washington
... Congress in 1775 because of his service in the House of Burgesses and his response to the British policies. After fighting between Massachusetts and the British broke out in 1775, Congress named Washington of the new Continental Army. He was first in charge of a small force in Boston and then moved his army to New York in March, 1776, when the British evacuated Boston. He was then defeated in New York by General William Howe and then left New York and retreated to northern New Jersey. Later he left New Jersey and went to Pennsylvania for safety. On the morning of December 26, 1776, ...
7208: Enviromental Science Profit Or
... of sunlight on previously emitted reactive materials. The petroleum industry is no different than any other business. It exists to make money and will pursue any means to profit. Americans and other people of the world don't realize how much of an impact the petroleum industry has on the world economy. Most of us don't think twice or even once at the gas pump about where our money is going. We just grumble occasionally about the price, then pay and drive off until the ... century the petroleum industry and the automobile industry have grown almost as one, industry dependent on each other in the pursuit of profits. Rumors over the years have reported that the petroleum industry has kept new innovative products off the market that could help reduce our problems considerably. They do this by buying the copyrights or paying people not to produce the products. This can be easily done by an ...
7209: Greatness Of LBJ
... something” (7). These tactics and others such as Sam’s honesty in regards to not taking bribes were characteristics which helped mold him. After finishing his schooling, LBJ took his first steps in the political world. At a state railroad commission meeting, a former governor, Pat Neff, never showed up to give his speech. This gave LBJ an opportunity of a lifetime. LBJ stood up with great confidence and made a ... all early signs of his leadership ability. Next Lyndon Johnson started on his journey through his presidency. Johnson’s first step after becoming president was to help the citizens of the U.S. and the world cope with the death of JFK. “American people actually were 190,000,000 dazed individuals; he had to give them that unity and confidence; he had to represent it to the world” (Wicker, 161). This was a great task for any man to take on and he did so with care. He showed compassion and provided comfort for the people, promising to continue the dreams Kennedy ...
7210: Juliette Low: Founder of the Girl Scouts
... and had special feasts. Daisy always got “Golden Reports” at Edge Hill School, which meant that she always got good grades on her report cards. The last school she went to was Charbonniers School in New York City where she had her “coming out ceremony” which meant that she was no longer called a girl, but a lady. Juliette Low founded an organization in 1912 and named it Girl Scouts. General ... six months to start a Girl Guides program in the United States. Daisy had a historical message. She said:“ I’ve got something for the girls of Savannah, and all of America, and all the world, and we’re going to start it tonight!” Daisy’s niece, who was also named Daisy Gordon, was the first Girl Scout in the United States. When Daisy started the first Girl Scout Troop in America they met regularly with a naturalist named Walter John Hoxie. Girl Scouts greatest contribution was its advice and encouragement on careers. Girl Scouts all over the world were friendly and helpful. When America entered World War I Juliette Low contacted President Wilson by telegram. As a result the Girl Scouts began assisting the Red Cross, acting as messengers, relieving overworked nurses, ...

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