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7181: Malcolm X
... store. While working, he also gave many speeches, and went "fishing"(fishing is when someone stands out on a sidewalk and hand out brochures and explained about their ideas of the Nation of Islam.) for new members for the Nation of Islam. He did this until he became an official spokesperson for them. After officially being excepted, Malcolm rapidly became an outstanding figure in the Nation of Islam. By the early ... few years, Malcolm X was a major and widely publicized figure. This had it's good and bad side. It was good because it spread the ideas of the Nation of Islam all across the WORLD, but also put Malcolm X in an awkward position since he received a lot of publicity. Because of all the attention he got, many of the nation of Islam's members became jealous. As a ... to the happenings behind his back due to a series of events. These events eventually led to his break away from the Nation of Islam. After breaking away, Malcolm announced that he was creating a new organization (Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU)) that didn't have the strict and harsh rules and religious sacrifices as the Nation of Islam, and which was also going to be more active. Soon ...
7182: Ben Franklin’s Involvement in the Age of Reason
... Involvement in the Age of Reason The well-known Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 and died in 1790. In between the two dates, he was busy working and inventing things that would improve the world around him. He contributed many things to the Age of Reason other than his world famous inventions. Ben Franklin is a representative of the Age of Reason. One way Franklin reflected the Age of Reason was with his optimism of human capability and his belief in progress. He wanted not only wanted to better himself, although later proved to be quite important to him, but he also wanted to better the world that surrounds him. He was a man that thought and reasoned. One day he came up with a plan for moral perfection, task that is impossible for humans to conquer, but that never discouraged ...
7183: Achilles Anophtheis (Achilles
... scientists of the day, impiously discounted Allah as an unnecessary complication. We found an infamous saying which pervaded much of the Pre-Apocalypse literature: 'Religion is the opiate of the people'. Well, psychology became the new 'opiate of the people.' The patient with whom the doctor is dealing with in the recording, has been identified as a prominent businessman of the day. He is what was called an arbitrageur. A man ... his secretary warning him that Mr. Reussi was on his way in. The doctor rewound the tape and offered up a quick prayer that it would work. The door swung open and one of the world's richest, most powerful men strode in. Mr. Oswald Achilles Reussi had made his fortune by taking over companies and turning them around. He was able to start at such a high level because of ... I read something about it in the paper. He's attempting to take over Trojan, but the head of the company, Hector Prince, won't let him." "That's right." replied Oswald. "Trojan is the world's largest manufacturer of condoms, and with the present scare over social diseases, it's business is booming. They also own several tire companies; basically, they own anything that involves the use of rubber." " ...
7184: Computer Literacy
Computer Literacy For over fifty years, beginning with the famous ENIAC, a revolution has been taking place in the United States and the world. The personal computer has changed the way many people think and live. With its amazing versatility, it has found its way into every area of life, and knowing how to operate it is a requirement for today's world. Those who have not taken the time to learn about computers often do not even know what to do once one has been turned on, and this problem should be corrected. That is why all ... computer literacy course a requirement for graduation. Although a computer course would take away two or three periods of a high school student's weekly schedule, it will be well worth it in the real world. With so many careers today involving a knowledge of a computer's basic functions, computer literacy plays a big part in job security. If a potential employee comes along demonstrating outstanding computer skills, he ...
7185: Sister Helen Prejean
Sister Helen Prejean Sister Helen Prejean has been forced to learn many lessons about the real world since her move from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She was raised in a family who attempted to be strong and affectionate. Sister Helen Prejean lived comfortably in a two-story home and attended Catholic schools and ... them (7-8). As she talks about this she seems surprised that things like this actually occur. She then meets Patrick Sonnier, a death row inmate. Through him she is once again thrown into a world that she is unfamiliar with but she quickly learns all about the legal system and all of its inequities. She would probably agree with the saying, “Capital punishment means them without the capital get the ... his or her life is frozen and put on public display. From that moment on that is what they are forever known for and sums up who they are or have ever been to the world, despite whatever good deeds they have done in the past. Also, many of the people who have committed criminal acts have not known the comfortable life that most others take for granted. Many have ...
7186: Pythagoras
Pythagoras Pythagoras (fl. 530 BCE) must have been one of the world's greatest men, but he wrote nothing, and it is hard to say how much of the doctrine we know as Pythagorean is due to the founder of the society and how much is later ... such reverence for its founder's authority as the Pythagoreans. 'The Master said so' was their watchword. On the other hand, few schools have shown so much capacity for progress and for adapting themselves to new conditions. Pythagoras started from the cosmical system of Anaximenes. Aristotle tells us that the Pythagoreans represented the world as inhaling 'air' form the boundless mass outside it, and this 'air' is identified with 'the unlimited'. When, however, we come to the process by which things are developed out of the 'unlimited', we ...
7187: Comparison: Dover Beach And Do
... however, if he was being shallow, then there is little purpose to the shallowness of the parody. Although every line portrays deep thought, lines 32-36 read as especially introspective. So various, so beautiful, so new, Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; And we are here as on a darkling plain... The quote explains how important it is that he, Matthew, and the mysterious woman be true to one another. This is important, for the world is a cold place, vacant of all that is good. Even the parody's word choices display Hecht's thought that Matthew's words lack the merit to be reiterated. For instance, lines 4-6 ... the end, but when he did, he responded with overwhelming emotion. These lines 29-31 also correspond to those cited earlier from the parody. Ah, love, let us be true To one another! for the world, which seems To lie before us like a land of dreams,... "Ah love," that is a phrase that cannot be found anywhere throughout the text of the parody. The word love is so strongly ...
7188: Yuan Shih-k’ai’s Transformation of the Chinese Military
... waves of fear through the country. Since the 1860’s China had been attempting a self-strengthening processes to keep foreign countries out, but now that was all changing. The self-strengthening had consisted of new training for armies, new arsenals and factories built, and the creation of a navy. The Northern Fleet and Hwai Armies strength were the lifeline of the country. This was due to the acceptance of the Japanese to attack these ... the palace for a meeting with the emperor. This meeting took place on September 16, here Yuan was promoted from his position of provisional judge to vice-president of the Board of War. With this new position, Yuan was now in full control of all military training in China. This would allow him to begin training all military personal in China as he had done in Hsiaochan. Unfortunately for him ...
7189: Ralph Waldo Emerson: Good Influence or Bad Influence
... he also believed in the concept of the oversoul. He wanted to find a way to express a modern relationship between man and God. In my opinion, Emerson is a good influence on the modern world and a reading of Emerson would be good for society. Emerson's teachings were somewhat controversial in the 19th century. He supported the pantheist view that since Christ is divine then all men are divine ... criticized by the church and therefore by society. Society as it was then and as it is now is very different. Times have changed and different ideas and philosophies are being accepted. In our modern world a pantheist theory like this one would not be criticized as it was in the 19th century. Some people might say that it would go against the church but there would be many people that believe in it. Another of Emerson's ideas is that of the oversoul. The oversoul is Emerson's name for God. He sees God as an entity and inside it is the world, as we know it including humans, animals and everything that exists. This leads to further prove that we are divine, seeing as we are part of God and God is divine. Again this thought ...
7190: Alexander The Great And His Impact On Greek Civilization
... of the success. Phillip, before his death, had devised a plot that would help keep ruling so many cities less taxing, this would be to furnish all Greeks with one main enemy. Alexander as the new leader proceed to form the Greeks invasion of Persia (Roebuck 352). Alexanders series of battles began in 334 BC when he marched through the Hellespont to the river Graniceus with an army of thirty five ... a population of three hundred thousand people mainly Greeks, Egyptians and Jews. A large lighthouse was built by a pharaoh in Alexanderia, and later became known as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Alexandria vastly grew into a prosperous city, the library in Alexandria was huge and had near five hundred volumes which was the largest number of collect books of that time in the Ancient World. The people of Alexandria were very educated and took pride in there culture. Schools of all types were developed and the learning and appreciation for cultural gifts thrived. Museums were also developed in Alexandria ( ...

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