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7101: Police Brutality
... end without any major injuries. Take Jonny Gammage for example, a cousin of Pittsburgh Steeler Defensive End Ray Seals. Gammage had just finished having lunch with his cousin Seals. Seals let Gammage borrow his brand new Jaguar to pick his mother up in Pittsburgh. While driving through downtown Pittsburgh Gammage got out of the car and began to argue with the officers. He allegedly was beaten to death by them. What ... of this research paper is took look at some police brutality cases and try to determine how big of a problem it is. This is just four cases of thousands of cases all over the world. So the answer is police brutality is a big problem and should be stopped by whatever means necessary. Work Cited Brancato, Gilda and Elliot E. Polebaum The Rights Of Police Officers New york, A.C.L.U. 1981 Streisand, Betsy “ L.A. Chooses Sides : Cops vs. Aliens “ U.S. News and World Report Aprill 1996 10 Bruning, Fred “ Rogue Cops and Civillan Beatings” Newsday April, 1996 : ...
7102: The Little Prince – A Closer L
... the year 1900. Being born into a poor aristocratic family, he became a pilot and worked as a mail carrier. Antoine had none to very little of a social life. He traveled to Canada and New York in 1942 with his wife Consuela. Antoine never considered himself a writer, he saw himself as a pilot. While working as a pilot Antoine crashed in the Sahara desert. Most often in coffee shops ... The main characters remain the same personality, setting is in the Sahara desert, and the storyline and other aspects remain consistent. The general plot with the little prince moving from one country to another meeting new people is the same in both. During the Princes journey he meets the following characters in both works: the pilot, the businessman, the geographer, the snake, and the fox. Another similarity between the two is ... the eye.” This shows how people take many things for granted and we do not appreciate what we have. We are selfish people that always want more and more. Sometimes we don’t see the world as it really is. Sometimes we need to actually experience it to see what is going on. We have to start to think about reality and all of the others out their in our ...
7103: One More River
... Banks, knows exactly how it feels. This Jewish Canadian girl has to emigrate to Israel with her family. Through the determination and courage of one person we see how challenges, complications, and differences of the world are overcome. In the story the most important character is Lesley. Lesley is a spoiled, pretty, Jewish, fourteen year old living in Canada. As the story progresses we see Lesley change to a caring and mature person by overcoming the differences in her new life. Two other important characters are Nat Shelby and Mustapha. Lesley s father, Nat Shelby is the person who decided the family needed to live in Israel. Mr. Shelby decides he doesn t want his ... him as a person not as an enemy. Mustapha made Lesley a more understanding person towards different kinds of people. The character I would most admire is Lesley for her ability to adapt to a new home, country and way of life. Throughout the book there were many turning points. The war made Lesley really feel a part of Israel and the people. Another turning point was when Lesley was ...
7104: The Death Penalty: The Deterrent
... of our nation. Work Cited Holy Bible, Nashville: Holman, 1977. Lee, Robert W. "Deserving To Die." Taking Sides. Ed. George McKenna and Stanley Feingold. Guilford: Brown & Benchmark, 1997. 156-163 Lowe, Wesley. "Pro Capital Punishment." World Wide Web News 19 Feb. 1998. (4 March 1998). Maiken, Peter. and Terry Sullivan. Killer Clown. New York: Windsor, 1983. Monk, Richard C. "Is Capital Punishment Bad Policy." Taking Sides. Ed. Richard C. Monk. Guilford: Brown & Benchmark, 1996. 228-229 Mortimer, Gerald. Death Row. 1996 ed., Carlsbad: Glen Hare, 1996. 67-73 Pedersen, Daniel. "Praying for Time." Newsweek 2 February 1998: 66-67. Verhovek, Sam Howe. "Divisive Case of a Killer of Two Ends Texas Executes tucker." New York Times 3 Feb. 1998:A1.late ed.: Cl+. "USA Executions." World Wide Web News 25 Feb. 1998. (8 March 1998).
7105: Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar was a strong leader for the Romans who changed the course of the history of the Greco - Roman world decisively and irreversibly. With his courage and strength he created a strong empire . What happened during his early political career? How did he become such a strong dictator of the Roman Empire? What events led ... his release. He then returned to Rome to engage in a normal political career, starting with the quaetorship which he served in 69-68 BC in the province of Further Spain. In the Roman political world of the sixties the dominance of the optimates was challenged by Pompey and Crassus. The optimates, led by Quintus Lutatius Catulus and Lucius Licinius Lucullus , were chiefly men whose careers had been made by Sulla ... Bibulus, was thrown from the platform and his consular insignia were broken. Bibulus tried to stop Caesar and his supporters from passing any further law but was only able to postpone the creation of the new laws by saying that the skies would not permit it because there was stormy weather and they were very superstitious. Caesar disregarded Bibulus' behavior and the remainder of the legislative program of the triumvirate ...
7106: Karl Marx Biography And Synops
... study law and philosophy. The Hegelian doctrines exerted considerable pressure in the "revolutionary student culture" that Marx was immersed in, however, and Marx eventually joined a society called the Doctor Club, involved mainly in the "new literary and philosophical movement" who's chief figure was Bruno Bauer, a lecturer in theology who thought that the Gospels were not a record of History but that they came from "human fantasies arising from ... her coffin. Frederich Engels was the one who gave Marx and his family money to survive on during these years. His only other source of money was his job as the European correspondent for The New York Tribune, writing editorials and columns analyzing everything in the "political universe." Marx published his first book on economic theory in 1859, called A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. Marx's "political isolation ... not exactly determine the exact relationship between these two yet. Aside from the small inconsistencies in Marx's philosophy, he exhibits sound ideas that do seem to work on paper but fail in the real world where millions of uncertainties contribute to the error in every social experiment on Earth. Communism never gets farther than socialism in its practice in the real world and that is where the fault lies, ...
7107: Jane Addams
Jane Addams Jane Addams was a United States social worker, reformer, and peace advocate. During her active career of 46 years she made Hull House in Chicago world famous as a social settlement. An outspoken pacifist, Miss Addams shared the 1931 Nobel Peace Prize with President Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia University. Jane Addams was born in Cedarville, Illinois, and graduated from Rockford ... coffee shop, art gallery, theater, gymnasium, and co-op-erative boarding club for working girls. They helped the poor with problems and fought all forms of injustice and cruelty. Miss Addams solicited financial support, added new buildings to her social settlement, and recruited volunteer workers. Her book Twenty Years at Hull-House (1910) made her famous. The institution became the leading social settlement in the United States, and a training center ... vice and corruption. She campaigned for better working conditions, more protection for working women, for stricter child labor laws, for playgrounds, and for a juvenile court. She joined in the votes-for-women movement. After World War 1 broke out in1914 Miss Addams devoted much effort to obtaining peace. In 1915 she was elected chairman of the new Women's Peace party and was president of the International Congress of ...
7108: Machiavellianism
... Medici, could be the absolute ruler of all Italy, then order could be restored. In an effort to gain favor with the powerful Medice family, he wrote The Prince as an early blueprint of a New World Order justifying the use of any means, no matter how sinister, to gain and keep power. Machiavellianism envisages: the seizure, maintenance, and extension of absolute power by the nicely graduated use of fraud, force and ... mandatory school uniforms into effect. Censorship is simply a way for the government to keep people from standing up against them and getting in their way of gaining power when the time for the inevitable New World Order comes around. Television and books are censored so that people won’t get any revolutionary or rebellious ideas from them. In the words of Heinrich Heine, “Where they have burned books they ...
7109: Psychology-Dreams
... visual imagery. Congenitally blind people dream in auditory and sensory-motor modes. One difference between waking and dreaming consciousness is that the latter tends to be an internal hallucinatory-like experience disconnected from the external world.. The senses of touch, taste, smell, and pain are not commonly experienced. Emotions are felt, but usually a single, powerful emotion is felt such as fear, anger, or joy, for example. Most dream content consists ... are in the form of interrupted stories with frequent shifts of scene. One difference between waking and dreaming consciousness is that the latter tends to be an internal hallucinatory-like experience disconnected from the external world. Many dreams collected in laboratories are rather common, but some people tend to experience some bizarre dreams. Early in the 20th century, Sigmund Freud believed that dream content was composed of the mental processes different ... rate, respiration, blood pressure, muscle twitches, oxygen consumption, and gastric excretions. Usually, a fully grown person has about 4 to 5 cycles of REM sleep, consisting of about 25% of a night's sleep. A new born child's sleep can consist of as high as 50% REM type sleep. In adult humans, dreams begin about 90 minutes after the sleep process begin and recur about every 90 minutes, allowing ...
7110: Mark Twain and His Masterpiece: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
... Hannibal printers, and in 1851 began setting type and contributing articles to his brothers newspaper, The Hannibal Journal. After leaving his first job he took his printers and became a journeyman printer in Keokuk, Iowa, New York City, Philadelphia, and other cities, and then a steamboat pilot until the break out of the American Civil War which brought end to traveling on the river. After a failed attempt at silver mining ... national sensation. In later years Twain visited Europe and the Holy Lands which he wrote about in the book, "The Innocents Abroad," which was published in 1869. This book discussed those aspects of the Old World culture which impress American tourists. 1870 is the year in which he married his loving wife Olivia Langdon. After a short time in Buffalo the newlywed couple moved to Hartford, Connecticut. In the years between ... bankruptcy. Do to the fact of the money problems and the death of his family Twain moved to Europe. There he kept writing but, his writings weren't funny. He talked about the way the world stinks and how everybody is corrupt. No novels Twain wrote in this period even came close to Huck Finn but, some of the best works are Pudd'nhead Wilson. Another of his writings is ...

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