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7091: Capital Punishment
... an appropriate norm for a large, secular, pluralistic, civil society? Can unconditional love for the other that regards the welfare of the neighbor equal with ones own be the ideal expected of the citizens of New York or the United States? Surely, to agree with Reinhold Niebuhr, that would be to hope for an "impossible possibility." Ethical love is a description of ideal life in the family, in the church, and ... ideals defined by justice and the requirements of a moral community. To say it otherwise, ethical love expressed as social policy for large, impersonal societies takes the form of justice. What that norm involves for New York or the United States as secular, pluralistic societies cannot be spelled out here. Within this framework a strong but debatable case can be made for capital punishment. Pragmatically and politically, of course, Christians have ... violent crime. THE CHURCH AND CHRISTIAN WITNESS What, then, is the role of the church? It is two-fold. (1) Ideally and ultimately, followers of Jesus are the salt of the earth, light of the world, leaven in the secular loaf. As such, Christians go into the world with the aim of moving, lifting, and luring society in the direction of ethical love. The vocation of Christians is to hold ...
7092: Does College Help
... learning facilities lack the funds to provide positive learning environments for students. For these reasons and many more are keeping the students of today from benefiting fully from schools. Society today has to make some new choices for the students of tomorrow, choices that will carry them into the next millennium. Society can either lower standards so that everybody passes in a way that looses all meaning in the real world or raise standards and then meet them (Barber 479). I personally believe in raising our expectations and doing whatever is needed to meet them. Our countries standards are among the lowest in the world and at the same moment as we are transferring our responsibilities to the shoulders of the next generation, we are blaming them for our own generation s most conspicuous failures (Barber 472). Every election ...
7093: Albert Einstein
... was an epoch-making one in the history of physical science, because Einstein contributed three papers to Annalen der Physik (Annals of Physics), a German scientific periodical. Each of them became the basis of a new branch of physics. In one of the papers, Einstein suggested that light could be thought of as a stream of tiny particles. This idea forms an important part of the quantum theory. In 1900, the ... radiation of light occurred in packets of energy, called quanta. Einstein extended this idea by arguing that light itself consisted of quanta, which were later called photons. Einstein's relativity theory changed scientific thought with new idea of time, space, mass, motion, and gravitation. He treated matter and energy as exchangeable, not distinct. In doing, he laid the basis for controlling the release of energy from the atom. Einstein was one ... light squared), became a foundation in the development of nuclear energy. Einstein developed his theory through philosophical thought and through complicated mathematical reasoning. Albert Einstein was once said that only a dozen people in the world could understand his theory. His personal life. Although he lived a quiet personal life, Einstein maintained a vital interest in human affairs. He liked classical music, and played the violin. He had amired people ...
7094: Matrix Essay
... the movie The Dark City. A comparable factor of both these films are the constant religious themes used by the producers. Both films concentrate on The One (the Messiah) who has come to save the world by using their own unique powers or abilities. In most of these types of films the public or others are usually unaware of the dangers and disasters until late on in the films. The Matrix signifies modern society by using religious examples and notions, to show that there is only one god and he is the only savior in times of need. In modern society there are many new religions being created to suit the individual, this is because there is a need for something to control our lives, our actions, how we do certain things and generally just a set of rules to ... part of the “Matrix Religion”. Morpheus, Neo’s mentor and offerer of the pills, says to Neo “Remember that all I am offering is the truth. Nothing more”. This is very much like the real world where it is up to you to be part of a religion or not. Without a religion or set of rules people find they are lost and have no path to follow. It is ...
7095: Conversation of the Huron’s
Conversation of the Huron’s As more Europeans came to the New World they witnessed Indian life first- hand. Most of what they saw appalled them. They believed that the Huron Indians were no more than savages without Christ. The Jesuits saw the Indian civilization in severe trouble ... of its lack in Christian values. The Indians viewed the arrival of this news and practice of beliefs as intriguing but still were reluctant to give up their old ways of religion and pursue a new foreign one. Although both religions agreed on a supreme being to guide their immortal soul, the Hurons had so much more to their way of life that was not so easy to be left ...
7096: Interracial Children
... she would never had made it. It is important for biracial children to have pride in themselves. It makes it much easier to fight off the racism. Not only can racism happen in the outside world but also within the family. "Because of the history of racial discrimination in this country... These children are not viewed as a rich combination of their full heritage" (Wardle 2). This is one reason there ... make them happy also. They must find an identity, one they are willing to back up and be proud to have. Without one a biracial child will not be able to survive in today's world. It helps them to overcome the obstacle they may encounter along life's path. Then once they find that they can deal with anything society throws at them. They will be able to say "I ... Heritage often a Challenge." Richmond Times Oct. 29, 1989: A1. SIRS Combined Text and Index CD-ROM. Ed. Eleanor Goldstein. Boca Raton, FL: Social Issues Resources Ser., 1993. Gay , Kathlyn. The Rainbow Effect: Interracial Families. New York: Franklin Watts, 1987. Nash, Reanea D. Everything You Need to Know about Being a Biracial\Biethnic Teen. New York: Rosen, 1995. Robinson, Carol. "Couple Denied Adoption of Mixed-Race Boy." Birmingham News 4 ...
7097: The Storm Within
... the feeling one gets after a storm has passed. This is what both of these characters felt after their sexual encounter was complete. “The rain was over; and the sun was turning the glistening green world into a palace of gems.” “He turned and smiled at her with a beaming face.” Alcee’s face beamed like the sun after the completion of a storm. The storm inside of him was satisfied ... a loving letter, full of tender solicitude.” This storm rejuvenated their lives with their families as the other storm rejuvenated and replenished the earth outside. It made everything stronger and healthier. The storm beautifies the world with freshness and new life. The storm between Alcee and Calixta accomplished the same thing. “So the storm passed and everyone was happy.” The storm between them gave them new life and satisfaction. They felt fresh and renewed ...
7098: England's Territorial Expansion
England's Territorial Expansion 17th century England could have never known that its territorial expansion would be the downfall of its global dominance. Each land charter that was granted in the New World was, in a sense, a ticket for rebellion. The urge for separation began to grow among the settlers long before the War of Independence. And when England took notice of these feelings, it imposed restrictions ... until the battle of Lexington and Concord that the revolution truly began. Tracing back to the roots of the colonies, it is obvious that independence was inevitable. Many of the first settlers came to the New World to escape persecution, and how could they be expected to remain loyal to a country that wouldn’t except them? The colonists came to America to be free and start anew, and they ...
7099: Haliburton Created Sam Slick To Voice His Own Positions
... seed or heard tell of a country that had so many natural privileges as this. Why there are twice as many harbours and water powers here, as we have all the way from Eastport to New Orleens. They have all they can ax, and more than they desarve. They have iron, coal, slate, grindstone, lime, firestone, gypsum, freestone, and a list as long as an auctioneer’s catalogue. But they are ... heerd tell of a man who couldn’t see London for the houses, I tell you, if we had this country, you could’nt see the harbors for the shipping…A little nigger boy in New York found, found a diamond worth 2,000 dollars; well, he sold it to a watchmaker for 50 cents – the little creature didn’t know no better. Your people are just like the nigger boy ... the most distorted of ideas and causing us to gravitate towards the flattest of categories, that makes these connections and systems and relations dangerous. Our life as moral beings has its roots in this abstract world of unseen connections, categories and ideas greater than the individual. The same imagination that perceives the categories and generalizations which describe an individual, also fashions ideas of national and humanitarian obligation, and makes sympathy ...
7100: The Fall of South Vietnam Controversy
... often unpopular, and the association of the drive for peace with other causes and groups regarded as radical by most Americans further contributed to its political situation. Some of the leaders were old-time or New-leftists; others were admirers of the Viet Cong, whose struggle and tactics they romanticized. "To politically seasoned Americans it was obvious that many of these men and the organizations and committees they sprawned were not ... for human life would, of course, have been extremely difficult. Moreover, there can be little doubt that while the casualties inflicted on the civilian population of Vietnam were not out of line in comparison with World War II and Korea, they did have a highly detrimental effect in counterinsurgency setting like Vietnam. The realization on the part of many civilian policy-makers that this was so, combined with the unwillingness of ... motivate their forces. The U.S. never really learned to fight a counterinsurgency war and used force in largely traditional ways, and the South Vietnamese copied our mistakes. The military, like all bureaucracies encountering a new situation for which they are not prepared and in which they do not know what to do, did what they knew to do (Veninga and Wilmer 24). That happened to be the inappropriate thing. ...

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