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7081: Medea
... help the reader produce a clear picture of the characters. Medea features strong dramatic situations and a stirring part for the heroine, whose attitude of feminine pride and tradition is still popular in today's world. Setting: The entire play takes place on the island of Corinth in present day Greece. Individual places such as Medea/Jason's home, and the palace of the king and princess are also spoken of ... her exile from Corinth. He extends his hospitality to her quite generously. By this time, Medea has become to formulate a plan to seek revenge on Jason. Medea's plan is to kill Jason's new bride and his two children she had bore for him and then flee for Athens. The chorus tries to console Medea and tell her not to do such horrid things to other people particularly her ... but she knows she must kill them to get back at her husband who had wronged her though she had done so much for him. She goes through with the act of killing Jason's new bride - Medea's children bring her a poisoned gown, which also ends up killing the King of Corinth. - And then faces the tough act of murdering her own children who she loves dearly. She ...
7082: Neil Simon
As one of North America’s leading playwrights, Neil Simon has definitely been instrumental to the world of theater. He has experienced a somewhat shaky personal life, but he has found that this only adds to the texture of his work. He began his career working on radio and television, and found ... of his work, it is apparent that audiences worldwide appreciate his writings, and he has been awarded numerous times to prove it. It is quite clear Neil Simon holds a place of importance in the world of dramatic arts. Born and raised in the Bronx NYC, Marvin Neil Simon was the second son of a traveling salesman. His mother Mamie, was largely responsible for the upbringing of the children due to ... Jerry Lewis. The television work began to receive wide acclaim, and it was then, with encouragement from his current wife, Joan, Neil broke off his partnership with his brother to begin writing plays for the New York theater scene. His first play, titled Come Blow Your Horn, took over 3 years and more than 20 complete rewrites to perfect. Looking back at it now Neil says "My first work, under ...
7083: Our Town
Our Town "Our Town", by Thornton Wilder, written in 1938, was first performed at the McCarter theatre, New Jersey, on the 22nd of January1938. It is an example of meta theatre, and chronicles the lives of ordinary, everyday people, during their ordinary, everyday lives. The story is based in Grover’s Corners, a small town in New Hampshire, set at the turn of the century. The play involves three main acts, each focussed upon a different aspect of life. Set in 1901, the first act simply discusses the passing of an uneventful ... the families would allow the audience to develop their own mental set. The stage being merely a blank set with a few tables respects Wilder’s third fundamental condition for theatre, that theatre is "a world of pretense". As the play is based on a "world of pretense", there is no need for concentration upon sets and costumes, the characters and narrative create the simple reality instead. The play is ...
7084: The Cause For The Great Migrations
The Cause For The Great Migrations The cause for the “Great Migrations” was to plunder new lands and settle. Germanic tribes had for centuries challenged the Roman frontiers because their primitive, unproductive economies forced them to search constantly for new lands to plunder or settle. The Germans were attracted by the wealth and splendor of the Roman world, and the Romans admitted them into the Empire, even while resisting their armies. The barbarians came initially as slaves or prisoners of war, then as free peasants to settle on deserted lands, and finally ...
7085: Korean War 2
... an accident, Lieutenant Ridgway took over. With his leadership, the Allied troops caused serious damage to the North Koreans and started to move north once again on January 16,1951. Ridgway came up with a new way to defeat the enemy which was going slower to kill a lot of the enemies. Once again, the troops captured Seoul on March 14. The war took a slight turn. Both sides were no ... Hills". On April 11, 1951, Truman suspended MacArthur from command. This was because MacArthur wanted to use bombs on Manchuria which would directly involve China. Truman's administrations disagreed because they were afraid of another World War. He was replaced with Ridgway. Even though peace talks began in July, the war went on for two more long years. On June 23, 1951, a Soviet delegate to the UN encouraged cease-fire ... be decided and dealt with. It's if North and South Korea will ever reach peace because even today American troops are stationed there, just in case. Bibliography Gardner, Lloyd C. " The Korean War. " The World Book Encyclopedia. London: Scott Fetzer, 1989, Vol 11. Middleton, Harry J. The Compact History of the Korean War. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1965.
7086: Ode To The West Wind
... to have an effect on the reader. The various cycles of death and rebirth are examined with reference to the Maenads who were fabled to have destroyed Orpheus s body and spread it around the world. This is the underlying theme to the poem with Shelley alluding to the breaking of Christ s body on the cross and how that was essential for humanity to reach salvation. The onslaught of Autumn is the Destroyer in one sense but also the Preserver as it forms an intricate part of the cycle of life and death. Without the death of Jesus Christ the world would not have been saved and so for life to exist so too must death. Referred to as an unseen presence (l.2) the wind is naked to the human eye. However the physical manifestation ... Shelley s poetry and leads him to be one of the most despairing poets of his time. Bibliography Leighton, Angela Shelley and the Sublime, London, 1984 O Neill, Michael Shelley, London, 1993 Ridenour, George Shelley, New Jersey, 1965 Solve, Melvin Shelley: His theory of Poetry, New York, 1964 Strong, Archibald Three Studies in Shelley, London, 1921
7087: Government Spending
... for not cutting taxes enough and neglecting to downsize the government (Hagar 752). "There is little or no change at all in this budget," said Pete Domenici (Senate Budget Committee Chairman), talking of Clinton’s new budget. Among largest cuts within Clinton’s plan was the downsizing of 1/5 to 1/3 of all programs that he felt were not a priority to present day government. In addition, he wanted ... environmental programs, but Republicans have also tried using domination to force him to comply. GOP Presidential candidate Bob Dole said if Clinton was serious about the budget, "we probably could have had an agreement on New Years Day," 1996 (Hosansky 1449). "The President is sitting on his hands while the federal debt keeps going up and up and up into the stratosphere," said Congressman Jesse Helms, Rep -North Carolina. But one ... for every country to run either a surplus or a deficit. What matters is that a country can service its debts (Defense 68). During most of the 19th century, the United States borrowed from the world (a current-account deficit). By 1870, it was running a trade surplus, and by 1900 we had a current-account surplus. But in the early 2Oth century, the U.S. became the world’s ...
7088: The Jungle
... a handful of change. Jurgis becomes enraged, and pounces on the man. Jurgis gets arrested again for battery and lands in jail. With the assistance of Jack Duane he drifts into crime and the corrupt world of politics. Jurgis make himself available now as an assistant to a robber or to a political boss rigging elections. Ironically, under these evil conditions, he discovers a new confidence and a talent for management. With a bit of luck and some help from newly acquired acquaintances Jurgis gets a cushy job in the meat packing factory. To keep this job, all Jurgis had ... moved by an orator who describes the life of the working class and how workers can take active measures to improve society. It dawns on Jurgis that he is entitled to join this movement. "A new man had been born." He is no longer an isolated victim of circumstances; "he would have friends and allies." Finally Jurgis reunites with Marjia, a doped up prostitute supporting the remains of his family. ...
7089: Genetic Engineering Of Foods
... about vectors, strands of DNA like viruses, which can infect a cell and insert themselves into its DNA. With this knowledge, scientists started to build vectors which incorporated genes of their choosing and used the new vectors to insert these genes into the DNA of living organisms. Genetic engineers believe they can improve the foods we eat by doing this. For example, tomatoes are sensitive to frost. This shortens their growing ... of genetic engineering inspires visions of perfect health, long life, and miracle foods. The reality is that these claims are often completely unsubstantiated and sometimes simply wrong. Claim: Genetic engineering is necessary to feed the world. Fact: Hunger in the world is caused by war, drought, and poverty, not by lack of supply. Claim: Genetic engineering will help developing countries. Fact: Biotech companies plan to protect their seed patents through the terminator technology. A terminator ...
7090: Racism: Issue In Institutional Racism
... the Lord. The idea that one possesses a God-given right to mistreat others runs through much of Western culture and became especially acute in North America after the emergence of capitalism. For example, in New England many settlers rejoiced at the extraordinary death brought upon the Native American population by the introduction of epidemic diseases. It was viewed as a way of “thinning out” the population. In the world of the New Jerusalem, where a city was to be build upon a hill, such trite concerns were of little consequence for those with divine providence. Duality, and its means of placing the truth and its allied ...

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