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7071: Different Strokes For Different Folks
... my head away and wept. ‘All right’ I said, ‘I’ m glad it’s a girl. And I hope she’ ll be a fool- that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool’” (Fitzgerald 21). These statements explain her opinion on how females should be, and also shows the insincerity in her personality. Daisy is also very confused about what she wants. When she ... and Tom Buchanan, her husband, she is not sure whom to choose. It is a choice that is based upon remaining materialistic, “old money,” with Tom or being torn apart from her once true love, “new money,” Gatsby. When Gatsby asks her to deny her love for Tom Daisy states, “‘I did love him once - but I loved you too’” (Fitzgerald 140). This indicates that Daisy is uncertain of whom she loves or how to chose between them. She ultimately makes up her mind by selecting Tom, because of his known status in the world of old money. Myrtle Wilson, another female character in The Great Gatsby, expresses who she is through many contacts with the other characters. Myrtle seems to have two different demeanors when she is around ...
7072: An Economic Intrepration Of Th
... the crop condition one bit? Nobody has the answers to everything, but if tradition works, it keeps people from looking outside of their tradition for possible alternative solutions. The actions of many people in our world are due to a cult mentality, but they have excuses like economic success to defend their behaviors. People tend to believe many things without questioning the ramifications of their actions. The ability to disguise their ... thought, which inhibits the intellectual development of the community. By not allowing the people to think for themselves, he keeps them from disagreeing with the thoughts of the leader. This impedes economic growth by keeping new ideas from forming. The Anchorage Daily News ran a story about the Hudson Bay Company; at 220 years old, they are the oldest company in North America. 1999 will be the first year that they ... to update (qtd. in Nickerson A-12). If they were unable or unwilling to conform to the demand of the public, it would send their business into the ground. By not exposing the town to new ideas and allowing them to become part of the publics supply and demand, Summers prevents the people from withdrawing from the group. It also prohibits them from becoming the most efficient workers. Adolph Hitler ...
7073: One More River
... Banks, knows exactly how it feels. This Jewish Canadian girl has to emigrate to Israel with her family. Through the determination and courage of one person we see how challenges, complications, and differences of the world are overcome. In the story the most important character is Lesley. Lesley is a spoiled, pretty, Jewish, fourteen year old living in Canada. As the story progresses we see Lesley change to a caring and mature person by overcoming the differences in her new life. Two other important characters are Nat Shelby and Mustapha. Lesley’s father, Nat Shelby is the person who decided the family needed to live in Israel. Mr. Shelby decides he doesn’t want his ... him as a person not as an enemy. Mustapha made Lesley a more understanding person towards different kinds of people. The character I would most admire is Lesley for her ability to adapt to a new home, country and way of life. Throughout the book there were many turning points. The war made Lesley really feel a part of Israel and the people. Another turning point was when Lesley was ...
7074: Young Goodman Brown-the Awaren
... either bring us down or we can brush it off and go on with our lives. In Young Goodman Brown a young man is confronted with life altering events that change his perspective of the world and the people of Salem village. These events, and the knowledge gained from them, create a miserable life for Brown. Hawthorne uses supernatural events, the uncertainty created by the dark forest setting, and encounters with ... s evil, can succumb to it there is no telling how many of the townspeople are involved as well. All of these supernatural events cause Brown s life to become a gloomy one because of new knowledge he possesses. Furthermore, other than using supernatural events to cause Brown to live a gloomy life, Hawthorne uses the uncertainty created by the dark forest setting. For instance, as Brown enters the forest he ... most of his life. To learn that she is evil is devastating to him. His life becomes gloomy because if a woman who is his moral advisor is corrupted by evil then anyone in the world might also be evil. Brown becomes withdrawn from the townspeople after this experience because he doesn t know whom he can trust. The inability to trust leads to gloom because a person cannot get ...
7075: Ford Motor Company
... to heavy equipment to buildings. All of those assets, plus many more, are all taken into consideration when figuring asset turnover. For example, Ford would like to know that if it decides to purchase 20 new computer-aided engineering stations for a cost of about $2,400,000, they would like to see a higher asset turnover to give them the proof that the investment is being used at maximum efficiency ... is certainly lucrative enough to maintain a strong profitability measurement and project a positive image to the investors of Ford Motor Company. CONCLUSION Although Ford Motor Company is one of the largest companies in the world, we can still attribute accounting trends to some of the key events in Ford's history. In 1990, Ford acquired Jaguar Cars, Ltd. Jaguar was a company suffering terrible loses due to poor quality, and ... from 1991 to 1994, and then decreased in 1995. There are several possible causes for this change in the trend. In 1995, Ford acquired 20% equity in a major Chinese truck manufacturer, and launched several new vehicles; including the Ford Contour, Ford Mondeo, Mercury Mystique, Ford F-150, and Ford Taurus. These additional investments and expenses help explain the decrease in net income in 1995. Overall, the company has done ...
7076: Lane Frost A Fallen Champinion
... the "Rookie of The Year" runner-up. January 5, 1985, would change his life totally he got married to Kellie. In 1987, Lane became the youngest cowboy ever, at the age of 24, to win World Champion Bull Rider. In 1988, Lane took a challenge to be the first man of 309 to previously try to ride Red Rock for eight seconds (Mahrley 1-24). Red Rock's owner and Lane ... when he was two. His owner became a local legend for having a bull no one could ride for six years. In 1984, Red Rock was sold to a stock contractor in California. With his new owners, who put him on the Pro Rodeo Circuit, he continued to buck off riders309 attempts was made until 1987 (Pro Rodeo 1-7). Lane took the "Challenge of Champions", the match between the 1987 ... Tuff Hedemen. Tuff was more experienced than Lane and they had a friendly rivalry. In the beginning, Tuff beat Lane but later Lane got just as good as Tuff. Lane's accident lead to many new safety rules for all bull riders. Now bucking stock competitors have to wear protective vests made of leather and kevlar. Some competitors now wear a mask similar to a hockey player. The clowns are ...
7077: Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer
... and anthropology. While Darwin was influential in the fields of natural history and geology, his theory of evolution created great controversy. He changed the way people thought about the role of humans in the natural world. Although these two men made advancement in the theory of evolution they had contrasting views regarding anthropological study. Charles Darwin was an English naturalist who first solidly established the theory of organic evolution, in his ... create a heterogeneous society. Both men's writings and theories became greatly controversial, but greatly influenced future scientists. Works Cited 1. Hudson, William Henry. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Herbert Spencer. Haskell House Publishers: New York, 1974. 2. Huxley, Julian. Charles Darwin and His World. Viking Press: New York, 1965. 3. Skelton, Renee. Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection. Children's Press Choice: Chicago, 1987.
7078: Elizabeth Arden
... her name in 1909 with the introduction of her first shop selling facial creams. She began as a normal working girl, taking different odd jobs here and there. Then she was introduced into the cosmetic world by Eleanor Adair, who hired Arden on as a clerical consultant at her London firm in Saks Fifth Ave. There, Arden learned to give facial treatments and studied the basic formulas of make-up, which ... listened to. Elizabeth Arden was an astute businesswoman who not only focused on what the company already had but what it could have. Therefore, she spent much of her time perfecting current products and creating new and innovative products. Her downfalls though were her violent temper, she was a very demanding and difficult employer who easily blew up at hr employees and was often too proud and arrogant to apologize. In ... Later in 1909, she opened her own shop and facial cream line. In 1914, at a time when women scorned make-up and women who did wear it were gossiped about terribly, Arden opened a new cosmetic line. Where many others had failed in the past, her products and advertising changed the way women viewed makeup forever. In 1940, she began designing and selling clothing. In addition, by 1957 she ...
7079: Death Of A Salesman - American Dream
... is not. Success is afforded or denied to a person if they qualify. In Death of a Salesman, I believe Willy Loman was not successful in anything he did because he lived in his own world. A big indicator to one's success is their performance on the job. If a person is doing well, generally, they are successful. In the beginning of the play Willy Loman comments on how he was "vital to New England". This is a great example of how Willy's distortion compromised his obtainment of success. In all reality he was not "vital to New England", but a hindrance to his company. This is one reason why Willy Loman never obtained the American Dream. Another indicator to success is wealth. Although you cannot attribute happiness to wealth, you can ...
7080: Self-Reliance: Misunderstood G
... proven classics written by previous generations. The continuing timelessness of his quote is still in effect today as the scientific community has evolved to accept unaccustomed theories, yet encounters difficulty when relating to the public new and extreme ideas that rebut the system. In history, the results of individualism has been spread world wide. Important leaders, thinkers, and philosophers with radical ideas in virgin areas of research were making significant finds rapidly. Yet progress was slowed by short-sighted men who failed to see greatness. Aberham Lincoln was ... as upstart fools- dreamers believing the impossible. English royalists were aghast at the indignation of the colonies to separate from England and form their own country. In present day, the United States is the sole world power, a great country born out of dreams. "Self-Reliance" expressed the need for creative thinking. Society during Emerson's era resisted reform and scorned the reformer. Emerson saw individualism in direct conflict with ...

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