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7051: Violent Crimes By Juveniles
... doing it. The violence on a simple show like Power Rangers can have a great effect on children. When you get into shows with guns and killing, that totally expands a child’s mind to new ways of getting rid of their problems. Television teaches children how to get rid of their problems, but not in the correct manner. Children should go back to communicating their problems to their parents and ... teased and did not know how to release their anger and created a great tragedy. Not only did they go into their school and start shooting at their classmates, they took a grudge against the world and planned to kill innocent people by crashing a plane into New York City. Doesn’t that sound like something straight out of a movie theatre. Since these children cannot control their anger, they are killing eachother, their parents, and sometimes anyone walking the street. These ...
7052: The Production, Characteristics And Use Of Aluminium And Its
... important is the economic disposal of used vehicles using materials recycling. Aluminium offers the best prospects from all of the materials currently used in vehicles, approximately 95% of the aluminium in old vehicles is regained. New technologies will continually increase this, the low energy requirement for processing scrap into new semi-finished products is an important contribution to solving ecological problems. All the above properties can be found in an impressive array of commercially available alloys. The composition and logic of those alloys are regulated ... THE SPECIALIST MANUFACTURERS, 1979, Hutchinson Benham 4. Stone R, Introduction to INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Second edition, 1992, Macmillan 5. European Aluminium Association ˇV www.eaa.net 6. The Aluminium Association ˇV www.aluminium.org 7. World Aluminium ˇV www.world-aluminium.org 8. Innovation, Mercedes-Benz ˇV www.mercedes-benz.com 9. Ostermann F, Aluminium materials technology for automobile construction, 1993, Mechanical Engineering Publications
7053: Dr. Faustus
... these things he would not have brought an end to himself. Dr. Faustus denies the existence of everything, from his eventual torture in hell if he does not repent, to men, society, and indeed the world. The only aspect of his life which he does not deny is his physical reality. When Faustus meets with Mephistopheles (a messenger of the devil) he is frightened and demands a new appearance for his devil servant. "I charge thee to return and change thy shape; Thou art to ugly to attend on me. Go, and return an old Franciscan friar; That holy shape becomes a devil ... with the devil. He was tempted with the ability to have whatever he desired. "I ll have them fly to India for gold, Ransack the ocean for orient pearl, And search all corners of the new-found world. For pleasure fruits and princely delicate......" (Marlowe p.6) Faustus had reached his height by selling himself to the devil. In receiving the powers of magic that he desired he would be ...
7054: Justify The Knowledge Or It Wi
... see once again the familiar and impenetrable formulas and diagrams and terms that have stumped them for years. There is no excitement here. No excitement. Regardless of what the teacher says, this is not a new challenge. There is, rather embarrassment and frustration and, not suprisingly, some anger in being reminded once again of long-standing inadequacies. No wonder so many students finally attribute their difficulties to something inborn, organic: "That ... and luxuries. So, while people are trained, in a sense, to see education and knowledge acquirement as monotonous and boring, they are being prevented from being able to do anything about the wrongs in our world. To aid in this suppression, "the powers that be" also use television to inform, and misinform, the masses of the problems and solutions. As a result, people are being spoon-fed what to think without ... 216) It is not an absurd notion to think that the US government and the economical superpowers of this country propagate materialism, simply because it fills their pockets continuously. The solution to many of our world's social and economic problems would surface rather quickly if we changed our curriculum to promote critical individual thought. Right now the current system may not be intended to fill the pockets of the ...
7055: Dave And Busters Inc.
... of $180,000,000 versus $128,504,000 in 1997 for a 40% increase. The company reported that these increased revenues were a function of positive comparable store revenues and higher than expected volumes at new complexes. This company focuses on quality and customer satisfaction. Their need to achieve goals beyond their measures is consistently shown in every aspect of the complex. They are also trying different ways to satisfy each ... over the country and they are starting to go global. Some experts say that they are expanding too quickly, with facilities operating in the U.K. and Europe. As of now people all over the world still line-up to get into these fun-filled facilities. The question is whether or not people will continue to come after the introduction phase has ended. After weighing the strengths and weaknesses it seems ... Busters produces it is vital that one visit the premises. At some point in your visit you will definitely understand why this company does so well. There is no other place like this in the world, as of now, and Dave and Busters have taken so many steps to insure this. As soon as you step out of your car you hear music, this is because there are outside speakers ...
7056: JFK Assination - Conspiracy
... in Dallas, Texas. People who had been involved in the original Warren Commission investigations were asked to make fresh statements. The FBI and the CIA were persuaded to release more of their documents on Oswald. New lines of inquiry were opened and individuals who had not previously given evidence were persuaded to come forward. Most important of all, pieces of evidence such as photos and sound recordings were subjected to scientific ... the officers proved to worthless and what little records were kept are said to be inadequate. However more seriously, the Dallas police were wildly believed to be at fault for Oswalds death and even the world wide doubt over his guilt. Even though previously an attempt had been made to kill Oswald, no further security precautions had been taken to prevent this from happening again. Considering that they were holding the ... also stopped listening to the CIA after the Bay of Pigs affair and it resented being cold-shouldered by the President. Another popular theory was that the Mafia, the most powerful criminal organisation in the world, was involved. An indication of this was the involvement of Jack Ruby who supposedly had Mafia links. One of the reasons they could have conspired to kill Kennedy was that the Presidents brother, Attorney ...
7057: Hot Springs National Park
... to the luxurious. The government even operated a U.S. Free Bathhouse and a Public Health facility. Gradually Hot Springs came to be called "The National Spa," and such slogans as "Uncle Sam Bathes the World"’ and "The Nation’s Health Sanitarium" were used to promote the city. By 1921, the Hot Springs Reservation was such a popular destination for vacationers and seekers of health remedies that the new National Park Service’s first director, Stephen Mather, convinced Congress to declare the reservation the 18th national park. Monumental bathhouses built along Bathhouse Row about that time catered to crowds of health seekers. These new establishments, full of the latest equipment, pampered the bather in artful surroundings. Marble and tile decorated walls, floors, and partitions. Some rooms sported polished brass, murals, fountains, statues, and even stained glass. Gymnasiums and ...
7058: Atomic Structure
... carry the electromagnetic force. Some scientists suggest that leptons and quarks may actually be the same object but in different states. Bosons, too, may be this same object but in still another state. The everyday world is made of molecules. Because molecules are so small, their existence was not easy to establish. Indirect evidence for molecules was strong during the second half of the 19th century, and the first explicit evidence ... of atoms of only one kind. In about 1869 he published his periodic table, which exhibited many regularities and sets of recurring properties among these elements. Even while the existence of atoms was being established, new experimental evidence showed that there would be another stage of matter because atoms were not pointlike objects. One clue was the discovery of the electron in 1897. Then in 1911 the British physicist Ernest Rutherford ... the atoms electrically neutral. It took some time to determine that the nucleus is made of protons and neutrons. The protons are electrically charged, and the neutrons are electrically neutral. It became clear that a new force, the nuclear force, was required to hold the nucleus together since the protons repelled one another electrically. The Japanese physicist Hideki Yukawa proposed that a particle named the pion transmitted a strong nuclear ...
7059: The Trip: Journey to The Center of Terence McKenna's Inner Self.
... complete shock that it caused the literal turning inside-out of his intellectual universe. He was knocked off his feet and set himself the goal of understanding this. His quest led him all over the world, exploring traditions of magic-religious drug usage. In the years since his fateful encounter with the self-transforming machine elves of hyperspace, McKenna has fashioned his mental Merzbau on the New Age lecture circuit, where he has earned the benediction of the psychedelic High Priest himself, who dubbed him “the Timothy Leary of the 90's”. McKenna has written several books as well as having rave bands set his ruminations to billowing techno-trance music. The main focus of this article is on McKenna's theory, which is concocted from psychedelic Darwinism, fringe linguistics, and New Age eschatology. This theory is based on the notion that “Hallucinogenic plants may have been the catalysts for everything about us that distinguishes us from other primates, except perhaps the loss of body hair”. ...
7060: Animal Testing
Animal Testing Animal testing is a very controversial topic in the world today. Some people say the testing hurts animals; although this is true, I believe it also has a positive effect. Animals may be harmed in the testing process, but many are helped. Although many people ... break throughs that save millions of lives. The testing of animals has produced not only medical cures, but it has also lead to ways of treating many diseases, developing protective vaccines and drugs, and many new surgical procedures. A few of these break throughs are: DNA, viruses and retroviruses, radiation therapy, cardiac pacemaker, artificial limbs and joints, x-rays, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), tooth and gum disease, anemia, cataracts, allergies ... epidemics that we have today. Without the use of animal testing, many humans and animals would die each year. This testing is vital to the fast advancing society in which we live in that has new diseases troubling us every day. If we would stop the testing of animals, we would prevent many scientific break throughs that happen. In the world today, people are always protesting that animal testing kills ...

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