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7031: Christian Love And Community
... an appropriate norm for a large, secular, pluralistic, civil society? Can unconditional love for the other that regards the welfare of the neighbor equal with ones own be the ideal expected of the citizens of New York or the United States? Surely, to agree with Reinhold Niebuhr, that would be to hope for an "impossible possibility." Ethical love is a description of ideal life in the family, in the church, and ... ideals defined by justice and the requirements of a moral community. To say it otherwise, ethical love expressed as social policy for large, impersonal societies takes the form of justice. What that norm involves for New York or the United States as secular, pluralistic societies cannot be spelled out here. Within this framework a strong but debatable case can be made for capital punishment. Pragmatically and politically, of course, Christians have ... violent crime. THE CHURCH AND CHRISTIAN WITNESS What, then, is the role of the church? It is two-fold. (1) Ideally and ultimately, followers of Jesus are the salt of the earth, light of the world, leaven in the secular loaf. As such, Christians go into the world with the aim of moving, lifting, and luring society in the direction of ethical love. The vocation of Christians is to hold ...
7032: Acid Rain, Effects And Causes
... the Northeastern United State. This pattern of high acidity is caused by the large number of cities, the dense population, and the concentration of power and industrial plants in the Northeast. In some regions of New York State, rain with a pH of 2.6 has been measured. The average pH of rainfall in central Ontario is currently about 4.2. Around Washington, D.C., however, the average rain pH is ... fluorescent lights which use up to 75% less electricity than traditional incandescent bulbs to produce the same illumination and automobiles which get 30 km/liter compared to the eight km/liter average of today's new cars. Both renewable energy and energy efficiency have the added benefit that they also result in reduced emissions of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas most responsible for global warming. Conclusions In North America, and in ... lakes near Inco's nickel smelters in Sudbury have drastically improved as local levels of acid deposition have decreased over the last twenty years. In the future, it will be very important for the first world companies to lend the developing world its technology and experience, in order to make sure that the same acid rain problems do not occur as these countries consume more energy during the process of ...
7033: The Telephone System
The Telephone System The telephone is one of the most creative and prized inventions in the world. It has advanced from its humble beginnings to its wireless communication technology today and for the future. The inhabitants of the earth have long communicated over a distance, which has been done by shouting from ... satellites, which made it possible to link points halfway around the earth sounding as if from next door. Finally, by adding three digit area codes, all phone calls, either to next door or around the world, could be done by the caller. The first telephone company to establish a telephone industry was the Bell Telephone Company, in 1877, by Alexander Graham Bell. This did last for sometime, however, independent telephone companies were started in many cities and small towns. By 1908, many customers were being served by a new company called AT&T, which eventually bought out the Bell Company. Since it was costly to have the wires run to a household, many residential people often shared lines, which is called a party ...
7034: Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
... finally he performs an atrocious murder. His saner self determines to curtail those alternations of personality, but he discovers that he is losing control over his transformations, that he slips with increasing frequency into the world of evil. Finally, unable to procure one of the ingredients for the mixture of redemption, and on the verge of being discovered, he commits suicide. Mary Reilly by Valerie Martin, is a powerful and moving ... The character Hyde is represented more vividly in the book Mary Reilly, this is because you come face to face with Hyde's rage and evil. In Mary Reilly Hyde is at first the mysterious new assistant to Jekyll who is not describe in any length. However, as the book progresses more and more is observed about Hyde, ultimately Hyde is represented as a brutal young man of indecisive origins and ... finally he performs an atrocious murder. His saner self determines to curtail those alternations of personality, but he discovers that he is losing control over his transformations, that he slips with increasing frequency into the world of evil. Finally, unable to procure one of the ingredients for the mixture of redemption, and on the verge of being discovered, he commits suicide. Mary Reilly by Valerie Martin, is a powerful and ...
7035: Fahrenheit 451: Change
Fahrenheit 451: Change What is change? Webster's Second Collegiate Dictionary, defines change as to cause to become different; alter; transform; convert. Many things, people, and world events are able to change. Peace may be present for years and shattered by a disagreement over religion, or shift of political power. Technology changes the lives of people and how the interact and work in the world. People also change. Many do not see any wrongdoing internally, and remain the way they are. However, there might be outside factors that help them realize what is wrong with them or the lifestyle they ... he "talked the meaning of things." He wanted to know what was in the books. He wanted to see the meaning in the words and writing. Faber's comment on books gave way to a new stream of questions in Montag. Montag began wondering about books. He asked himself, "Are books really that bad? Why are books bad if Faber feels that books are what I missing from the society? ...
7036: Fidel Castro 2
In 1959, a rebel, Fidel Castro, overthrew the reign of Fulgencia Batista in Cuba; a small island 90 miles off the Florida coast. There have been many coups and changes of government in the world since then. Few if any have had the effect on Americans and American foreign policy as this one. In 1952, Sergeant Fulgencia Batista staged a successful bloodless coup in Cuba . Batista never really had any ... cases of Americans victimized by the continuing abuses of the INRA. The American posture of moderation was beginning to become, in the face of Castro's insulting and aggressive behavior, a political liability. (16) The new American policy, not announced as such, but implicit in the the actions of the United States government was one of overthrowing Castro by all means available to the U.S. short of open employment of ... the break in relations he ordered full scale mobilization of his armed forces to repel an invasion from the United States, which he correctly asserted was imminent. For at this time the Washington administration, under new President-elect Kennedy was gearing up for the Cuban exile invasion of Cuba. The fact that this secret was ill kept led to increased arms being shipped to Cuba by Russia in late 1960. ...
7037: Problems Caused By Air Pollution
... cancers" (D4). In 1948, in the industrial town of Donora, Pennsylvania, which sits in a valley, had twenty deaths, and nearly 6,000 residents, or 40% of the population, suffered respiratory problems (Edelson 25, 26). New York experienced several killer smogs, which in a later analysis attributed, from the usually severe pollution, 58 deaths (Edelson 26). Not only in the United States are health problems caused by air pollution showing up, but they are also showing up in other parts of the world, like Europe. In 1930, in Belgium's Meuse River valley, a major industrial region, where the primary fuel was coal reported sixty deaths, and about 6,000 residents of the valley became ill with breathing ... acid rain. In North American and European forests, and tropical rainforests in Mexico and Central America, vast numbers of red spruce, pine, fur, and other trees wither and die (Gay 26). Acid rain also destroys world-famous structures such as the Taj Mahal, the Statue of Liberty, the Parthenon, and ancient Mayan ruins (Gay 26). Fresh paint on buildings and new cars fades quickly due to acid rain (Gay 26). ...
7038: The JFK Assassination: Conspiracy or Single-Gunman?
The JFK Assassination: Conspiracy or Single-Gunman? Adolf Hitler, the Nazi dictator of Germany during World War II, once said, "The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it." Although this may sound ludicrous, we can see many example of this in the world's history. One example would have to be the John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination. For over thirty years the people of the United States were led to believe that a single gunman shot and killed Kennedy ... of President John F. Kennedy: A Reassessment of Original Testimony and Evidence." 2. Harris, Robert. "The Single Bullet Theory: A Question of Probability." 3. Newman, John. "Oswald and the CIA." Carroll and Graf Publishers, Inc. New York: 1995. 4. Summers, Anthony. "Conspiracy." McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York: 1981. 5. "JFK" Directed by Oliver Stone. Warner Bros., Inc. 1991.
7039: All About Ants (almost)
... of sights may be chosen. In the majority of cases a queen will tunnel a cell underground. She uses her jaws and forelegs to move the earth. Alone and unprotected she seals herself into her new home. Then, following a variable gestation period she lays her eggs. It may be nine months before the first workers hatch(A closer Look Π75). She must find food in this time when she is ... is divided into three segments which are the head, thorax, and abdomen. On the head are antennae, eyes, and mouth parts. The tiny feeler like antennae are perhaps the Swiss Army Knife of the insect world as they enable the ant to touch, taste, smell and sense vibrations. These antennae are also used to help the ants communicate with each other. All worker ants have two compound eyes, these sense organs ... an ant everything from what jobs need doing in the nest, to communicating excitement and danger. Special glands enable various ants to give off an alarm secretion, lay trails and attract sister workers to a new food source, this Olfactory communication is made possible through the release of chemicals called pheromones. So it is not special intelligence which enables ants to communicate as they do but the passing of and ...
7040: The Role of Citizen Political Participation in Hong Kong and Singapore
... city states. Hong Kong's history of colonial rule and the strength of the People's Action Party (PAP) in Singapore acted to keep broad citizen participation in government to a minimum. Hong Kong after World War Two remained a colony of England and it's government remained under colonial rule. Unlike in other Asian nations such as Singapore their existed no major anti-colonial movement and the Colonial government was ... English Foreign service officers that flocked to Hong Kong, the last vestige of English Empire. In Hong Kong it really was the English that ruled not the Chinese public. In Singapore following the end of World War Two a single political party came into power in Singapore, the People's Action Party which was a strongly anti-colonial left wing party was a made up of communists and more moderate socialists ... politics disappeared and was replaced by an administrative state run by meritocratic system of bureaucrats. Only recently has the public been granted more say in government affairs. Following the election of 1984 the PAP implemented new policies to broaden its base of support. First, the party steeped up its recruitment of young members. Second, the administration agreed to discuss the National Agenda and formulation of the PAP party manifesto with ...

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